Chapter Four: Single Particle Dynamics Stokes’s Law and Corrections Aerodynamic Diameter Particle Relaxation Time and Stop Distance High Reynolds Number A. Stokes’s Law Def.: Drag coefficient Drag coefficient = (Drag Force/Projected Area)/(Dynamic Pressure) F /A CD D 2 V / 2 Based on experimental results as shown above: 24 24 for Re < 1, or the Stokes’s law and where Re is the CD Re d pV p Reynolds number, and are the density and viscosity of air, dp is the particle diameter, and Vp is the particle velocity relative to air. C D 0.44 for Re > 1000, or the Newton’s law; and in the transition region CD 24 ( 1 0.15Re0.687 ) Re For a spherical particle under Stokes’s law, which is generally valid for the aerosol in the ambient atmosphere, the drag force is: FD 3d pV p , for Re < 1 or the Stokes’s law Assumptions for the above relationships: 1. rigid spherical particle 2. Stokes’s law or inertial force is much smaller than viscous force 3. continuum fluid 4. free flow without wall effects 5. the density of air is constant or low Mach number flow 6. steady state flow Corrections for Stokes law: 1. Slip correction for non-continuum flow: FD 3d pV p Cc C c 1 2.52 CC 1 d and for dp 0.1 m d 2.34 1.05 exp 0.39 for all particle sizes d where Cc is the Cunningham slip correction factor. 2. near wall correction for non-symmetrical flow pattern: FD 3d pV p Cc k and k 1 9 dp /2 , where h is the distance 16 h between the center of particle and the surface 3. dynamic shape factor: correction for non-spherical particle FD 3d pV p Cc k where is the shape factor as shown below B. Aerodynamic Diameter At terminal settling velocity, the drag force is equal to the gravitational force 3d pV p Cc ( p )d p g 3 k 6 and V p Vs , thus ( p )d p g C c Vs , for Re < 1.0 18 k 2 pd p g C If ( p ) and c 1 , Vs 18 k 2 Effect of Pressure on Terminal Setting Velocity of Standard Density Spheres at 293K Particle VTS at the Indicated Pressure(m/s) Diameter P=0.1 atm P=1.0 atm P=10 atm (m) -8 -9 0.001 6.910 6.910 6.910-10 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 6.910-7 7.010-6 8.810-5 0.0035 0.29 7.010-8 8.810-7 3.510-5 0.0031 0.25 8.710-9 3.510-7 3.110-5 0.0029 0.17 Definition: Mobility B is the ratio of the terminal velocity of a particle to the steady V 1 state force producing that velocity, thus, B for large particles. FD 3d p C. Particle Relaxation Time and Stop Distance The particle velocity in a still air when released from rest can be derived as (based on Newton’s 2nd law): dV p mp m p g FD m p g 3d pV p with V p (t 0) 0 dt pd p2 g pd p2 t / (1 e ) where p Thus, V p = particle relaxation time 18 18 p Thus, particle relaxation time is the characteristic time for particle to transit from one state to another state. Relaxation Time for Standard Density Particles at Standard Conditions Particle Diameter (m) Relaxation Time (s) 0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 7.010-9 9.010-8 3.510-6 3.110-4 100 3.110-2 Because the particle relaxation time is generally very small, the particle dynamics are generally assumed to be in equilibrium. That is, the transition period is generally not taken into account for small particles. The horizontal distance particle traveled when injected horizontally into a still air is mp d 2xp dt 2 FD 3d pV p 3d p dx p dt with x p (t 0) 0 is the particle position, Thus pd p2 t / t / xp V po (1 e ) pV po(1 e ) 18 p where V po is the initial particle velocity. p Therefore, the maximum traveling distance or the stop distance S is S pV po Note that the above equation is only valid for Stokes flow. Mercer (1973) derived the following approximate equation within 3% difference for initial Reynolds number up to 1500 as p 1/ 3 Re1/0 3 S Re0 6 arctan g 6 d Stopping Distance, Initial Reynolds Number, and Time to Travel 95 Percent of the Stopping Distance for Standard Density Spheres with an Initial Velocity of 10 meters per Second Particle Diameter (m) 0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 100 Stopping Distance ,a V0=10 m/s Re0 0.0066 0.066 0.66 6.6 66 (mm) 7.010-5 9.010-4 0.035 2.3 b 127 b Time to Travel 95% of Stopping Distance a (s) 2.010-8 2.710-7 1.110-5 8.510-4b 0.065b D. High Reynolds Number The relationship between drag force and velocity is no longer linear at high Reynolds number. Therefore, the determination of the terminal settling velocity is more complicated than those in Stokes flow. There are two different methods to determine the terminal settling velocity: iteration and graphical method. 1. Iteration method C D f (Re) 4 p d p g V s 3C D 1/ 2 and CD is function of Reynolds number Therefore, the iteration method is to start with a guess for Vs, and then compute the CD as given at the beginning in this chapter. The computed CD is then used to calculate the Vs’ as the above equation. The iteration is repeated until the difference between Vs’ and Vs is within acceptable error. 2. Graphical method CD is function of Reynolds number as shown at the beginning in this chapter 4 p d p g 3 C D Re 2 3 2 K const Therefore, the interception of the two lines as shown below is the answer.