The Journal of Chemical Physics Supplementary Information for Manuscript A13.11.0288 TETRAZOLE ACETIC ACID: TAUTOMERS, CONFORMERS AND ISOMERIZATION C. Araujo-Andrade,a,b I. Revab,* and R. Faustob a Unidad Académica de Física de la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico b Department of Chemistry, University of Coimbra, 3004-535 Coimbra, Portugal Contents Figure S1 Region of the NH stretching vibrations of the experimental spectra of 5-methyl-tetrazole monomers isolated in an N2 and in an Ar matrix. Figure S2 MP2/6-311++G(d,p) optimized geometries and selected dihedral angles for the conformers of the two tautomeric forms (1H- and 2H-) of TAA Selected regions of the experimental IR spectra of TAA isolated in an N 2 matrix, recorded at 13 K before and after of annealing up to 24 K Figure S3 2 3 5 Table S1 Internal coordinates used in the normal mode analysis of 1ccc and 1cct conformers of 1H-TAA 6 Table S2 Internal coordinates used in the normal mode analysis of 2pcc and 2pct conformers of 2H-TAA 7 Table S3 B3LYP/6–311++G(d,p) calculated wavenumbers, absolute intensities and potential energy distributions for conformer 1ccc of 1H-TAA 8 Table S4 B3LYP/6–311++G(d,p) calculated wavenumbers, absolute intensities and potential energy distributions for conformer 1cct of 1H-TAA 9 Table S5 B3LYP/6–311++G(d,p) calculated wavenumbers, absolute intensities and potential energy distributions for conformer 2pcc of 2H-TAA 10 Table S6 B3LYP/6–311++G(d,p) calculated wavenumbers, absolute intensities and potential energy distributions for conformer 2pct of 2H-TAA 11 Table S7 Cartesian coordinates of the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) optimized geometries of conformers of 1H- and 2H- tautomers of TAA 12 Table S8 Cartesian coordinates of the MP2/6-311++G(d,p) optimized geometries of conformers of 1H- and 2H- tautomers of TAA 14 Table S9 Cartesian coordinates of the QCISD/6-311++G(d,p) optimized geometries of conformers of 1H- and 2H- tautomers of TAA 16 Absorbance 5-MeT : N2 matrix @15K 0.9 3455 0.6 2H 0.3 1H 0.0 3500 3480 3460 3440 3420 5-MeT : Ar matrix @15K 3471 Absorbance 0.9 2H 0.6 0.3 1H 0.0 3500 3480 3460 3440 3420 Wavenumber / cm 1 Figure S1. Region of the NH stretching vibrations of the experimental spectra of 5-methyl-tetrazole (5-MeT) monomers isolated in an N2 matrix (top) and in an Ar matrix (bottom) at 15 K. 1H and 2H indicate the bands associated with absorptions of two 5-MeT tautomers, differing by the position of the annular proton. The peak positions (in cm−1) of the dominating 2H tautomer are indicated in the figure. 2 Figure S2. MP2/6-311++G(d,p) optimized geometries and selected dihedral angles for the conformers of the two tautomeric forms (1H- and 2H-) of TAA. The optimized Cartesian coordinates of these forms, calculated at the B3LYP, MP2, and QCISD levels of theory with the 6-311++G(d,p) basis set are listed in Tables S7, S8, S9 of the Supplementary material. 1ccc 1cct N1C5CC: 31.0° C5CC=O: −27.0° O=COH: −1.3 N1C5CC: 33.6° C5CC=O: −30.5° O=COH: 176.6° 1ctc 1ttt N1C5CC: 49.4° C5CC=O: 128.1° O=COH: −0.1° N1C5CC: 131.5° C5CC=O: −146.0° O=COH: 174.1° 3 Figure S2. (Continued) 2pcc N1C5CC: C5CC=O: O=COH: 2pct 85.4° −3.4° 0.0° N1C5CC: 85.1° C5CC=O: −5.4° O=COH: 178.4° 2ptt 2pt'c N1C5CC: 127.6° C5CC=O: −142.7° O=COH: 174.9° N1C5CC: 106.0° C5CC=O: 145.4° O=COH: −0.8° 2ptc 2pt't N1C5CC: 67.7° C5CC=O: −145.3° O=COH: −0.1° N1C5CC: 57.9° C5CC=O: 140.9° O=COH: −176.0° 4 0.30 13 K (Dep.) 13 K (Ann.) 0.25 13 K (Dep.) 13 K (Ann.) 0.25 0.20 0.15 Absorbance Absorbance 0.20 * 0.10 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.00 3460 3450 3440 0.00 1800 3430 Wavenumber / cm 0.7 0.15 1 1785 1770 Wavenumber / cm 0.12 13 K (Dep.) 13 K (Ann.) 1 1755 13 K (Dep.) 13 K (Ann.) 0.6 0.10 Absorbance Absorbance 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.08 0.06 0.2 * 0.04 0.1 0.0 1160 0.02 1150 1140 Wavenumber / cm 1 1055 1130 1050 1045 Wavenumber / cm 1040 1 Figure S3. Selected regions of the experimental IR spectra of TAA isolated in an N2 matrix, recorded at 13 K before and after of the annealing procedure up to 24 K. The blue line represents the TAA spectrum of the deposited (Dep.) matrix shortly after deposition, before annealing; the red line that obtained after annealing (Ann.) and cooling back to 13 K. Asterisks indicate the bands associated with absorptions of the 5-methyl-tetrazole decomposition product. 5 TABLE S1. Internal coordinates used in the normal mode analysis of 1ccc and 1cct conformers of 1H-TAA. a H 11 O H 10 O 7 9 8 6 H 12 H 13 N 5 1 N 4 Definition S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23 S24 S25 S26 S27 S28 S29 S30 S31 S32 S33 N2 N 3 Symbol r1,2 r3,4 r2,3 r4,5 + r5,1 r4,5 r5,1 r1,10 r5,6 r6,7 r6,12 + r6,13 r6,12 r6,13 r7,8 r7,9 r9,11 12,13,6 – 12,7,6 – 12,5,6 – 13,7,6 – 13,5,6 – 5,7,6 5,7,6 – 12,7,6 – 13,7,6 – 12,5,6 – 13,5,6 12,7,6 + 13,7,6 – 12,5,6 – 13,5,6 12,7,6 – 13,7,6 – 12,5,6 + 13,5,6 12,7,6 – 13,7,6 + 12,5,6 – 13,5,6 7,11,9 9,6,7 – 9,8,7 – 6,8,7 9,8,7 – 6,8,7 1,3,2 + a (5,2,1 + 4,2,3) + b (1,4,5 + 3,5,4) (ab) (4,2,3 – 5,2,1) + a3,5,4 –1,4,5) 10,2,1 – 10,5,1 6,4,5 – 6,1,5 6,7,9,11 5,6,7,8 + 5,6,7,9 4,5,6,7 + 1,5,6,7 2,3,4,5 + a (1,2,3,4 + 3,4,5,1) + b (4,5,1,2 + 5,1,2,3) (ab) (3,4,5,1 1,2,3,4) + (1a) (4,5,1,2 – 5,1,2,3) 6,1,5,4 10,2,1,5 8,6,7,9 N1N2 N3N4 N2N3 s CN as CN NH C5C6 C6C7 s CH2 as CH2 C=O C−O OH CH2 CCC wagCH2 twCH2 rockCH2 OH CCO C=O ring 1 ring 2 NH C5C6 OH C6C7 C5C6 ring 1 ring 2 C5C6 NH C=O Abbreviations: stretching, δ in-plane bending, rock rocking, wag wagging, tw twisting, outof-plane bending, torsion; s, symmetric; as, antisymmetric. Constant values: a=cos 144°; b=cos 72°. ri,j is the distance between atoms Ai and Aj; βi,j,k is the angle between vectors AkAi and AkAj; τi,j,k,l is the dihedral angle between the plane defined by Ai, Aj, Ak and the plane defined by Aj, Ak, Al atoms; γi,j,k,l is the angle between the vector AkAi and the plane defined by atoms Aj, Ak, Al. a 6 TABLE S2. Internal coordinates used in the normal mode analysis of 2pcc and 2pct conformers of 2H-TAA. a H 11 O 7 9 O 8 6 H 12 N 5 4 N H 1 13 N 3 N 2 Definition S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23 S24 S25 S26 S27 S28 S29 S30 S31 S32 S33 H 10 Symbol r1,2 + r3,4 r1,2 r3,4 r2,3 r4,5 r5,1 r2,10 r5,6 r6,7 r6,12 + r6,13 r6,12 r6,13 r7,8 r7,9 r9,11 12,13,6 – 12,7,6 – 12,5,6 – 13,7,6 – 13,5,6 – 5,7,6 5,7,6 – 12,7,6 – 13,7,6 – 12,5,6 – 13,5,6 12,7,6 + 13,7,6 – 12,5,6 – 13,5,6 12,7,6 – 13,7,6 – 12,5,6 + 13,5,6 12,7,6 – 13,7,6 + 12,5,6 – 13,5,6 7,11,9 9,6,7 – 9,8,7 – 6,8,7 9,8,7 – 6,8,7 1,3,2 + a (5,2,1 + 4,2,3) + b (1,4,5 + 3,5,4) (ab) (4,2,3 – 5,2,1) + a3,5,4 –1,4,5) 10,1,2 – 10,3,2 6,4,5 – 6,1,5 6,7,9,11 5,6,7,8 + 5,6,7,9 4,5,6,7 + 1,5,6,7 2,3,4,5 + a (1,2,3,4 + 3,4,5,1) + b (4,5,1,2 + 5,1,2,3) (ab) (3,4,5,1 1,2,3,4) + (1a) (4,5,1,2 – 5,1,2,3) 6,1,5,4 10,1,2,3 8,6,7,9 s NN as NN N2N3 C−N C=N NH C5C6 C6C7 s CH2 as CH2 C=O C−O OH CH2 CCC wagCH2 twCH2 rockCH2 OH CCO C=O ring 1 ring 2 NH C5C6 OH C6C7 C5C6 ring 1 ring 2 C5C6 NH C=O Abbreviations: stretching, δ in-plane bending, rock rocking, wag wagging, tw twisting, outof-plane bending, torsion; s, symmetric; as, antisymmetric. Constant values: a=cos 144°; b=cos 72°. ri,j is the distance between atoms Ai and Aj; βi,j,k is the angle between vectors AkAi and AkAj; τi,j,k,l is the dihedral angle between the plane defined by Ai, Aj, Ak and the plane defined by Aj, Ak, Al atoms; γi,j,k,l is the angle between the vector AkAi and the plane defined by atoms Aj, Ak, Al. a 7 TABLE S3. B3LYP/6–311++G(d,p) calculated wavenumbers (ν̃ / cm−1), absolute intensities (Ath / km mol−1) and potential energy distributions (PED, %) for conformer 1ccc of 1H-TAA. Approximate description a ν̃ b Ath PED c OH NH as CH2 s CH2 C=O s CN, C5C6, NH as CN (+), CH2 (−), wagCH2 CH2 (+), as CN (+), wagCH2 wagCH2, as CN, C−O, C=O, C6C7 NH (+), N2N3 (−) OH, wagCH2 N2N3 (+), NH (+) twCH2 C−O, OH ring 2, N3N4, s CN ring 1, N1N2 N1N2, NH N3N4, ring 2, ring 1, as CN rockCH2, C=O C6C7, C−O C5C6, ring 2, CCC, CCO NH, ring 2, ring 1 ring 1 OH (+), C=O, NH (+) ring 2, OH (+), NH (−), C=O C=O, OH C=O, OH, rockCH2 CCO, C5C6, C6C7 C5C6, CCO, C=O, CCC C5C6, ring 2 CCC, C5C6 C6C7, C5C6 C5C6, C6C7 3549 3419 2926 2880 1761 1544 1428 1403 1370 1325 1261 1228 1199 1133 1077 1061 1027 984 942 878 762 742 708 648 626 623 495 369 324 246 170 66 29 98.1 155.2 0.7 3.3 280.7 68.0 3.7 47.4 46.3 19.1 0.9 29.5 2.9 342.1 0.5 20.0 65.5 4.5 9.4 3.2 3.9 60.5 17.3 17.5 94.2 74.1 18.0 2.5 5.1 0.2 8.5 5.6 9.5 S13 (100) S6 (99) S10 (78) + S9 (22) S9 (78) + S10 (22) S11(84) S4 (47) + S7 (24) + S24 (16) S5 (32) + S14 (39) + S16 (13) S14 (56) + S5 (15) + S16 (12) S16 (11) + S5 (23) + S12 (13) + S21 (11) + S8 (10) S24 (21) + S3 (37) S19 (38) + S16 (35) S3 (44) + S24 (28) S17 (88) S12 (48) + S19 (26) S23 (27) + S2 (27) + S4 (20) S22 (66) + S1 (11) S1 (68) + S24 (21) S2 (53) + S23 (22) + S22 (12) + S5 (11) S18 (64) + S33 (26) S8 (55) + S12 (12) S7 (18) + S23 (19) + S15 (17) + S20 (14) S32 (48) + S30 (37) + S29 (14) S29 (78) S26 (31) + S33 (23) + S32 (23) S30 (26) + S26 (23) + S32 (20) + S21 (10) S21 (47) + S26 (13) S33 (39) + S26 (33) + S18 (19) S20 (36) + S7 (23) + S8 (14) S25 (39) + S20 (25) + S21 (15) + S15 (10) S31 (73) + S30 (12) S15 (48) + S25 (34) S27 (49) + S28 (48) S28 (59) + S27 (46) , bond stretching; , bending; tw, twisting; wag, wagging; , out-of-plane; rock, rocking; , torsion; s, symmetric; as, antisymmetric. The combinations [(+), (+)] and [(+), (−)] denote in-phase and in-opposite-phase couplings between coordinates of different types. b Calculated wavenumbers were scaled by 0.978 (below 2500 cm−1) and by 0.946 (above 2500 cm−1). c See Table S1 for definition of coordinates; PED values lower than 10% are not included. a 8 TABLE S4. B3LYP/6–311++G(d,p) calculated wavenumbers (ν̃ / cm−1), absolute intensities (Ath / km mol−1) and potential energy distributions (PED, %) for conformer 1cct of 1H-TAA. Approximate description a ν̃ b Ath PED c OH NH as CH2 s CH2 C=O s CN, C5C6, NH as CN (+), CH2 (−), wagCH2 CH2 (+), as CN (+) wagCH2, N2N3, NH, C5C6 NH (+), N2N3 (−),wagCH2 OH, wagCH2 N2N3 (+), NH (+), twCH2 twCH2 C−O, OH ring 2, N3N4, s CN ring 1, N1N2 N1N2, NH N3N4, ring 2, ring 1, as CN rockCH2, C=O C6C7, C−O C5C6, ring 2, CCC, CCO NH (+), ring 2, ring 1 (−) ring 1 (+), NH (+) 3600 3414 2912 2860 1792 1541 1433 1404 1349 1312 1246 1230 1202 1119 1077 1061 1028 983 939 872 770 742 708 648 641 551 444 366 326 254 168 70 39 70.5 156.5 1.7 5.7 234.4 57.9 1.2 35.8 51.1 93.4 309.6 101.8 2.7 35.3 0.7 19.0 50.3 6.8 6.4 12.0 0.9 56.4 10.4 10.6 30.9 8.1 103.3 3.6 1.4 1.5 21.9 17.9 10.6 S13 (100) S6 (99) S10 (79) + S9 (21) S9 (79) + S10 (21) S11(86) S4 (47) + S7 (23) + S24 (17) S5 (31) + S14 (43) + S16 (11) S14 (55) + S5 (28) S16 (20) + S3 (19) + S24 (11) + S7 (11) S24 (14) + S3 (27) + S16 (18) S19 (53) + S16 (19) S3 (41) + S24 (24) + S17 (10) S17 (77) S12 (43) + S19 (28) S23 (28) + S2 (25) + S4 (21) S22 (67) + S1 (10) S1 (68) + S24 (21) S2 (54) + S23 (21) + S22 (12) + S5 (11) S18 (64) + S33 (26) S8 (54) + S12 (14) S7 (18) + S23 (20) + S15 (16) + S20 (13) S32 (47) + S30 (36) + S29 (17) S29 (76) + S32 (12) S21 (50) S30 (32) + S32 (39) + S31 (10) S33 (47) + S18 (19) + S26 (17) S26 (84) S20 (40) + S7 (22) + S8 (14) S25 (40) + S20 (20) + S21 (15) + S15 (12) S31 (67) + S30 (12) S15 (47) + S25 (31) S28 (68) + S27 (32) S27(63) + S28 (38) C=O ring 2, NH, C5C6 C=O, rockCH2, OH OH CCO, C5C6, C6C7 C5C6, CCO, C=O, CCC C5C6, ring 2 CCC, C5C6 C5C6, C6C7 C6C7, C5C6 , bond stretching; , bending; tw, twisting; wag, wagging; , out-of-plane; rock, rocking; , torsion; s, symmetric; as, antisymmetric. The combinations [(+), (+)] and [(+), (−)] denote in-phase and in-opposite-phase couplings between coordinates of different types. b Calculated wavenumbers were scaled by 0.978 (below 2500 cm−1) and by 0.946 (above 2500 cm−1). c See Table S1 for definition of coordinates; PED values lower than 10% are not included. a 9 TABLE S5. B3LYP/6–311++G(d,p) calculated wavenumbers (ν̃ / cm−1), absolute intensities (Ath / km mol−1) and potential energy distributions (PED, %) for conformer 2pcc of 2H-TAA. Approximate description a ν̃ b Ath PED c OH NH as CH2 s CH2 C=O C=N, C5C6, NH NH (+), C5C6, as NN, C−N (−) CH2 wagCH2 (+), C6C7, OH (−) C−N (+), twCH2, NH (+) OH (+), wagCH2 (+) s NN twCH2 (+), as NN (−) as NN (+), ring 1, twCH2 (+), C=N C−O, OH, wagCH2 N2N3, ring 1 ring 2, C=N ring 1, C−N, as NN rockCH2, C=O C6C7 C5C6, ring 2, CCC, C−O, ring 2 ring 1 ring 2, C5C6 OH, ring 2 C=O NH C=O, OH, rockCH2 CCO, C5C6, C6C7 C5C6, rockCH2 C5C6, CCO, C=O, CCC, ring 2 CCC, C5C6 C5C6, C6C7 C6C7, C5C6 3556 3437 2942 2902 1787 1517 1457 1410 1353 1334 1266 1243 1177 1167 1117 1091 1045 1016 917 862 824 723 709 635 607 588 502 368 317 311 102 50 39 80.4 125.3 0.0 3.5 296.6 27.4 7.9 22.9 65.8 17.2 1.7 5.5 25.1 8.9 331.5 11.8 11.7 16.8 1.4 6.2 27.5 24.1 26.4 106.6 57.5 44.9 21.9 5.4 8.2 1.0 2.8 2.8 0.8 S13 (100) S6 (99) S10 (99) S9 (99) S11(86) S5 (47) + S7 (21) + S24 (11) S24 (39) + S7 (15) + S2 (12) + S4 (10) S14 (89) S16 (34) + S8 (10) + S19 (10) S4 (26) + S17 (15) + S24 (15) S19 (43) + S16 (31) S1 (83) S17 (50) + S2 (24) S2 (34) + S22 (26) + S17 (15) + S5 (13) S12 (52) + S19 (24) + S16 (10) S3 (72) + S22 (22) S23 (47) + S5 (18) S22 (36) + S4 (27) + S2 (12) S18 (54) + S33 (24) S8 (54) S7 (14) + S23 (16) + S15 (15) + S12 (10) + S30 (10) S29 (76) S30 (61) + S7 (10) S26 (56) + S33 (32) S21 (59) S32 (85) S33 (37) + S26 (44) + S18 (13) S20 (42) + S7 (20) + S8 (12) S25 (78) + S18 (15) S31 (31) + S20 (24) + S21 (13) + S15 (13) + S30 (10) S15 (46) + S31 (44) S28 (87) + S27 (13) S27 (85) + S28 (14) , bond stretching; , bending; tw, twisting; wag, wagging; , out-of-plane; rock, rocking; , torsion; s, symmetric; as, antisymmetric. The combinations [(+), (+)] and [(+), (−)] denote in-phase and in-opposite-phase couplings between coordinates of different types. b Calculated wavenumbers were scaled by 0.978 (below 2500 cm−1) and by 0.946 (above 2500 cm−1). c See Table S2 for definition of coordinates; PED values lower than 10% are not included. a 10 TABLE S6. B3LYP/6–311++G(d,p) calculated wavenumbers (ν̃ / cm−1), absolute intensities (Ath / km mol−1) and potential energy distributions (PED, %) for conformer 2pct of 2H-TAA. Approximate description a ν̃ b Ath PED c OH NH as CH2 s CH2 C=O C=N, C5C6 (−), NH (+) NH (−), C5C6 (+), as NN, C−N CH2 3601 3436 2923 2881 1820 1517 1458 1413 1346 1318 1246 1244 1180 1169 1100 1091 1045 1016 920 854 821 726 713 624 591 559 422 366 319 313 102 53 41 53.3 128.9 0.4 9.1 250.6 24.1 5.3 15.9 33.5 76.1 222.7 182.7 20.8 9.6 50.9 12.7 13.1 16.5 0.5 7.6 25.0 13.7 24.5 20.6 46.8 1.2 114.6 3.2 5.2 6.8 7.2 7.2 1.6 S13 (100) S6 (99) S10 (100) S9 (100) S11(88) S5 (48) + S7 (20) + S24 (12) S24 (36) + S7 (15) + S2 (11) + S4 (10) S14 (84) S4 (17) + S24 (23) + S17 (18) S16 (57) + S4 (11) S1 (49) + S19 (30) S19 (36) + S1 (38) S17 (54) + S2 (2) S2 (40) + S22 (27) + S5 (13) S12 (50) + S19 (22) S3 (71) + S22 (21) S23 (47) + S5 (18) S22 (37) + S4 (27) + S2 (18) S18 (56) + S33 (26) S8 (50) + S15 (12) S7 (16) + S23 (17) + S12 (14) + S15 (12) S29 (72) S30 (63) S21 (60) S32 (85) S33 (66) + S18 (18) S26 (94) S20 (42) + S7 (20) + S8 (12) S25 (77) + S18 (16) S31 (32) + S20 (22) + S21 (13) + S30 (10) S15 (46) + S31 (44) S28 (100) S27 (97) C−N, NH, twCH2 wagCH2, C−N s NN (+), OH (−) OH (+), s NN (+) twCH2, as NN as NN, ring 1, C=N C−O, OH N2N3, ring 1 ring 2, C=N ring 1, C−N, as NN rockCH2, C=O C6C7, CCC C5C6, ring 2, C−O,CCC ring 1 ring 2 C=O NH C=O, rockCH2 OH CCO, C5C6, C6C7 C5C6, rockCH2 C5C6, CCO, C=O, ring 2 CCC, C5C6 C5C6 C6C7 , bond stretching; , bending; tw, twisting; wag, wagging; , out-of-plane; rock, rocking; , torsion; s, symmetric; as, antisymmetric. The combinations [(+), (+)] and [(+), (−)] denote in-phase and in-opposite-phase couplings between coordinates of different types. b Calculated wavenumbers were scaled by 0.978 (below 2500 cm−1) and by 0.946 (above 2500 cm−1). c See Table S2 for definition of coordinates; PED values lower than 10% are not included. a 11 TABLE S7. Cartesian coordinates for the geometries of conformers of 1H- and 2H- tautomers of TAA optimized at the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level. 1ccc N N N N C C C O O H H H H 1.02407700 2.36891300 2.76456400 1.71037400 0.63239100 -0.76401500 -1.85308300 -1.69594500 -3.06228500 0.44731800 -3.72739200 -0.91174800 -0.90959900 0.87083100 0.91611700 -0.30781700 -1.16684000 -0.41648600 -0.93885900 0.10148500 1.29968300 -0.47898400 1.70125500 0.22446300 -1.71484500 -1.43933500 1cct 0.07323400 -0.01779200 -0.09062900 -0.05636000 0.04342100 0.13303800 -0.00279200 -0.01179300 -0.09249600 0.11013200 -0.15257900 -0.62170300 1.09729000 N N N N C C C O O H H H H -1.04027500 -2.37906200 -2.74318800 -1.67226500 -0.61950400 0.78173600 1.86202400 1.66944000 3.10882900 -0.48181600 3.11852200 0.92207600 0.91305300 1ctc N N N N C C C O O H H H H -1.02884200 -2.34066200 -2.68532400 -1.62930800 -0.60203800 0.76716400 1.93183100 2.91999200 1.75700400 -0.50318600 2.54527000 0.88829800 0.86085400 0.88698300 0.90089700 -0.33090700 -1.16407900 -0.39101500 -0.87995200 -0.09120600 -0.56803900 1.25277700 1.74009700 1.69201900 -0.87568000 -1.91156200 0.87018500 0.88635900 -0.34453700 -1.18059300 -0.40712700 -0.89904600 0.14652000 1.33264500 -0.33788900 1.71226400 -1.30322700 -1.26213400 -1.76693100 0.11425500 -0.04547600 -0.15601000 -0.08228900 0.08234300 0.24409700 -0.00780300 -0.01074100 -0.18472600 0.17286500 -0.19693000 1.27055000 -0.40791900 1ttt 0.16069700 -0.15734900 -0.30303200 -0.09721500 0.18815100 0.53512200 -0.03390400 -0.51609300 0.11262800 0.28478500 -0.24296100 1.62602900 0.20195100 N N N N C C C O O H H H H 12 -1.70304500 -2.73245900 -2.23017100 -0.89003300 -0.56862500 0.79896200 1.98761300 3.06405400 1.77972900 -1.86618400 0.83059200 0.93722100 0.93035500 -1.04681500 -0.16931600 0.99585600 0.90977400 -0.36633600 -0.92821400 -0.00746200 -0.49357800 1.30961800 -2.03645400 1.53120200 -1.18710600 -1.85038000 -0.11661500 -0.21042800 -0.02686300 0.19290500 0.13330800 0.32499200 -0.03861400 -0.25360600 -0.04507500 -0.23386000 0.09299700 1.38141300 -0.24221500 TABLE S7. (Continued) 2pct 2pcc N N N N C C C O O H H H H 1.29650000 2.43839200 2.46872800 1.29727100 0.59144300 -0.81135000 -1.84173900 -1.61704800 -3.09174500 3.22731100 -3.71343700 -0.99015100 -0.98973300 0.34287900 0.47809000 -0.12142600 -0.67899400 -0.38650700 -0.82739400 0.17533200 1.25961300 -0.32023300 0.99309500 0.35026000 -1.77806700 -0.99275700 N N N N C C C O O H H H H 1.05400900 0.39472400 -0.78644000 -0.92562100 0.19797200 0.42807400 -0.06583200 -0.53097500 0.09739200 0.76049100 -0.22410500 -0.07920500 1.49350700 1.28819500 2.43246700 2.46181700 1.28679800 0.58112000 -0.82819100 -1.84676800 -1.57546500 -3.14200600 3.22300600 -3.20587400 -0.99812500 -1.00113600 -1.39659100 -2.46022800 -2.32495900 -1.12161400 -0.56407200 0.81809700 1.94179200 3.05352300 1.57017400 -3.31077800 2.34319700 0.99238300 0.93447300 -0.00816500 0.31990400 0.12308700 -0.35441700 -0.42677900 -0.92255100 0.02224200 -0.33898300 1.31960000 0.68365100 1.84973000 -1.86120100 -1.11745200 N N N N C C C O O H H H H -1.10181400 -0.38049600 0.92294100 1.08202900 -0.15605700 -0.41224600 -0.01102100 0.27225600 -0.05038700 -0.78742900 0.19701300 0.11480200 -1.48200500 -1.59854600 -2.56496400 -2.19561500 -0.92596400 -0.56860100 0.81334400 1.97348700 3.03078700 1.77517700 -3.51305500 0.84972700 0.95727800 0.94459000 -1.39659300 -2.46022700 -2.32495600 -1.12161200 -0.56407200 0.81809800 1.94179200 3.05351900 1.57017400 -3.31077700 2.34319100 0.99237800 0.93447800 -0.00802100 0.31995500 0.12296900 -0.35455900 -0.42676100 -0.92250400 0.02224600 -0.33901400 1.31960400 0.68375800 1.84971100 -1.86121400 -1.11727600 -1.16177600 -0.25538200 0.98448700 0.90482000 -0.40328300 -0.89596800 -0.01778300 -0.50629600 1.30884900 -0.49059400 1.54379100 -0.98551100 -1.89095000 -0.17105600 -0.27067700 -0.01284300 0.28333600 0.18306400 0.45353100 -0.05206800 -0.34147100 -0.09194000 -0.53290600 0.12218300 1.53723900 0.03228900 2pt't 2pt'c N N N N C C C O O H H H H 1.03315600 0.37065800 -0.77360500 -0.88402000 0.21787000 0.46249800 -0.09004300 -0.56662900 0.01550600 0.70675600 0.40058300 -0.00159300 1.53796300 2ptt 2ptc N N N N C C C O O H H H H 0.39433500 0.48269600 -0.18461100 -0.74109600 -0.37758400 -0.78786000 0.21636000 1.27721900 -0.18423500 1.01540100 -1.06683600 -1.76395400 -0.89324500 N N N N C C C O O H H H H -1.10181400 -0.38045300 0.92295900 1.08198300 -0.15611400 -0.41236000 -0.01101800 0.27222800 -0.05024100 -0.78733500 0.19722400 0.11458300 -1.48214200 13 -0.94429800 -2.23020100 -2.64853600 -1.60637500 -0.56972500 0.81459500 1.98451600 3.04622500 1.79209700 -2.84055600 0.87020800 0.96067200 0.93265700 0.88388300 0.81411600 -0.40571800 -1.18263500 -0.38670700 -0.87900600 -0.01028700 -0.49908100 1.32070700 1.61997500 1.55878600 -0.99525800 -1.86804200 0.29332000 -0.02967700 -0.31576500 -0.18880800 0.18333200 0.44488700 -0.04746000 -0.31471100 -0.10661500 -0.05574200 0.09736600 1.52569700 0.00524400 TABLE S8. Cartesian coordinates for the geometries of conformers of 1H- and 2H- tautomers of TAA optimized at the MP2/6-311++G(d,p) level. 1ccc N N N N C C C O O H H H H 1.03913700 2.35626900 2.72720100 1.66765300 0.61369400 -0.77198400 -1.83839700 -1.68842700 -3.00554000 0.48279100 -3.65104500 -0.92370500 -0.90800600 0.86847000 0.91381600 -0.33856800 -1.17770300 -0.41094500 -0.89860000 0.10372800 1.30821200 -0.50612400 1.70907900 0.19526700 -1.83869600 -1.10954600 1cct 0.18317200 -0.06641800 -0.24857600 -0.13415300 0.12677100 0.38050200 0.00004200 -0.01861600 -0.27111200 0.28765900 -0.44816500 -0.15297200 1.44923800 N N N N C C C O O H H H H -1.05140700 -2.36476500 -2.70769300 -1.63387400 -0.60128100 0.78876200 1.84765400 1.66284000 3.05564800 -0.51124400 3.01296500 0.92668300 0.91704200 1ctc N N N N C C C O O H H H H -1.02495800 -2.31224200 -2.65045100 -1.60000100 -0.58302800 0.77615400 1.90534500 2.83364500 1.75906700 -0.50611500 2.52037600 0.90023700 0.86654000 0.89224800 0.90849700 -0.35572400 -1.17354300 -0.38275300 -0.83996700 -0.09809500 -0.59852100 1.25089300 1.75059400 1.66305000 -0.70760500 -1.90046700 0.87093200 0.88643300 -0.37455400 -1.19121600 -0.39967300 -0.85954600 0.14569900 1.33916900 -0.36591100 1.72281900 -1.32899200 -1.00559600 -1.83434400 0.18422600 -0.08888600 -0.26551800 -0.12450300 0.14737400 0.42692900 -0.00926300 -0.01815000 -0.32551700 0.28667300 -0.31889500 1.50653900 -0.05245500 1ttt 0.18254300 -0.19595900 -0.35544800 -0.09587600 0.23317600 0.64760100 -0.03594800 -0.61781800 0.12244500 0.31869800 -0.31371400 1.72942700 0.41278000 N N N N C C C O O H H H H 14 -1.60984500 -2.66212700 -2.24196700 -0.94532800 -0.55150600 0.81489600 1.94928900 2.97316200 1.76158100 -1.69786100 0.84174200 0.96438500 0.95259900 -1.05722500 -0.24114200 0.96447100 0.92288600 -0.34372000 -0.83667500 -0.01112200 -0.53922900 1.31399300 -2.04822800 1.53785500 -0.78908900 -1.87247100 -0.18374900 -0.37302500 -0.06010500 0.33463500 0.25145100 0.57620500 -0.05951700 -0.41641800 -0.12208500 -0.37115300 0.12302400 1.66149300 0.26152900 TABLE S8. (Continued) 2pct 2pcc N N N N C C C O O H H H H 1.25722600 2.39025600 2.45951100 1.28601300 0.57618500 -0.82515900 -1.81114100 -1.52855000 -3.08061600 3.16504700 -3.65800300 -1.01211000 -1.01195100 0.41816900 0.53043800 -0.16251600 -0.77454400 -0.41448500 -0.83857300 0.17206800 1.22307000 -0.26742600 1.09642200 0.41692100 -1.80633300 -0.94704900 N N N N C C C O O H H H H 1.03688000 0.36613900 -0.77384200 -0.86706700 0.22630800 0.47632800 -0.07989700 -0.60287500 0.09747400 0.69208300 -0.27191200 0.00292800 1.54891500 1.25236200 2.38717300 2.45125600 1.27232400 0.56560600 -0.84194800 -1.81512500 -1.48761900 -3.12666200 3.16531800 -3.19908500 -1.02129800 -1.02369700 1.04534400 2.24455100 2.52386000 1.42804800 0.54959500 -0.82706000 -1.91247700 -2.98922800 -1.54062100 2.91836100 -2.29409900 -0.92526500 -1.01317000 -0.58724700 -0.71152300 0.13866400 0.87618600 0.42775100 0.96773900 -0.00872100 -0.10836200 -0.73416500 -1.39940200 -1.30423200 1.85846500 1.25221900 N N N N C C C O O H H H H -0.95099800 -0.41045000 0.58136200 0.71072900 -0.21513000 -0.39211900 0.01869100 -0.52088400 1.09874800 -0.72668100 1.31309800 0.23683300 -1.42932200 -1.53146900 -2.50967700 -2.21870400 -0.95581500 -0.55143500 0.82456500 1.94676400 2.96191200 1.76670700 -3.42806300 0.86249200 0.97061400 0.95629200 1.39296000 2.42705300 2.28448700 1.06959700 0.54658300 -0.82936000 -1.90911700 -2.99157200 -1.52406300 3.27900500 -2.26926800 -1.01802800 -0.93394800 0.60184600 0.47593900 -0.41778000 -0.92005000 -0.29662600 -0.54903700 0.02910900 -0.47401900 1.21080900 1.01336300 1.51803900 -1.61973800 -0.08634700 -1.17637300 -0.29994400 0.96342600 0.91420100 -0.37350100 -0.82079100 -0.02134200 -0.54973900 1.31060600 -0.56184200 1.54379000 -0.71367500 -1.87058000 -0.1999060 -0.3545860 -0.04137100 0.36188000 0.25759800 0.61331100 -0.06281400 -0.44239400 -0.14441200 -0.6959210 0.13354100 1.69505000 0.35108500 2pt't 2pt'c N N N N C C C O O H H H H 1.02936200 0.35780700 -0.76683100 -0.84873200 0.23483400 0.48588800 -0.09993900 -0.60236500 0.00299900 0.67017500 0.40716000 0.02820500 1.56344800 2ptt 2ptc N N N N C C C O O H H H H 0.43202700 0.51856600 -0.19926600 -0.80235700 -0.41031200 -0.81057500 0.21489100 1.25566200 -0.13187600 1.08785900 -1.00392800 -1.78943000 -0.89161100 N N N N C C C O O H H H H 0.92244100 0.10847500 -0.87448300 -0.69883300 0.38243200 0.89221400 -0.00360900 -0.18952300 -0.53997100 0.21887200 -1.07752200 0.98619800 1.87897700 15 -1.00507300 -2.23238200 -2.56861900 -1.48664700 -0.55104300 0.83117400 1.94582300 2.95675700 1.76325400 -2.88362100 0.87262900 0.97901600 0.96520500 0.89438700 0.77009400 -0.46074200 -1.19765600 -0.37037900 -0.77654300 -0.00923600 -0.54418200 1.32389200 1.54553500 1.56526500 -0.61713200 -1.83699200 0.40949500 -0.06255300 -0.45489200 -0.24030600 0.27891900 0.66053400 -0.05981100 -0.43681700 -0.19001100 -0.11691900 0.10867800 1.73546000 0.44735500 TABLE S9. Cartesian coordinates for the geometries of conformers of 1H- and 2H- tautomers of TAA optimized at the QCISD/6-311++G(d,p). 1ccc N N N N C C C O O H H H H 1.04248500 2.37500700 2.73612700 1.66375600 0.62057300 -0.77037300 -1.84428300 -1.69643500 -3.02245100 0.49374300 -3.67857000 -0.91872200 -0.90248600 0.87113300 0.89932000 -0.33022700 -1.17805200 -0.40757000 -0.90165700 0.10252700 1.31284500 -0.50397900 1.71228200 0.19100400 -1.82523900 -1.14399100 1cct 0.17740500 -0.05972400 -0.23334500 -0.13070500 0.11671600 0.35577600 -0.00137000 -0.02307000 -0.24787900 0.26957000 -0.41774100 -0.20166300 1.41527000 N N N N C C C O O H H H H -1.05540100 -2.38374500 -2.71735900 -1.62980900 -0.60814900 0.78722000 1.85320400 1.66882700 3.07330000 -0.52257200 3.06240700 0.91922300 0.91447900 1ctc N N N N C C C O O H H H H -1.02017000 -2.32609400 -2.66656500 -1.60743000 -0.59213400 0.77192000 1.91016000 2.85146900 1.77495900 -0.50115300 2.53959700 0.88933600 0.86292300 0.89381300 0.90117700 -0.33783000 -1.17190200 -0.38447200 -0.85430000 -0.09734000 -0.59460000 1.25165500 1.74865500 1.67467200 -0.75503500 -1.90486100 0.87302400 0.87132700 -0.36652200 -1.19137300 -0.39673300 -0.86318900 0.14462700 1.34370000 -0.36199300 1.72507900 -1.32807000 -1.04267100 -1.82141200 0.17937300 -0.08105900 -0.25084600 -0.12280500 0.13610100 0.40213100 -0.00945800 -0.02196400 -0.30183400 0.26915900 -0.29494000 1.47455700 -0.10367000 1ttt 0.16384700 -0.19556400 -0.33494500 -0.08399800 0.21859100 0.62008500 -0.03369400 -0.60989900 0.14245100 0.28411300 -0.27990100 1.70369100 0.35640900 N N N N C C C O O H H H H 16 -1.63508700 -2.69246800 -2.25931600 -0.93464900 -0.56148600 0.80741700 1.96191800 2.99842200 1.79912800 -1.73754100 0.88179000 0.94161500 0.93728600 -1.05821900 -0.21943700 0.96420700 0.92577100 -0.33828700 -0.85438500 -0.01499500 -0.54666600 1.31871300 -2.04620700 1.57715000 -0.87891900 -1.86866100 -0.16343800 -0.32784700 -0.05808800 0.29062600 0.21448900 0.52056200 -0.05192800 -0.38580100 -0.09287200 -0.33301300 0.12147400 1.60621600 0.14719600 TABLE S9. (Continued) 2pct 2pcc N N N N C C C O O H H H H 1.29325200 2.42958700 2.44817500 1.27248900 0.58378600 -0.81981700 -1.82553400 -1.56791100 -3.09029700 3.21917700 -3.69003700 -1.00075600 -0.99784200 0.16666500 0.41362600 0.00805200 -0.53480100 -0.42694500 -0.89643700 0.18114800 1.32450900 -0.30555300 0.87008400 0.42031500 -1.76486700 -1.19856400 N N N N C C C O O H H H H 1.10622100 0.45480200 -0.80723300 -1.02072400 0.15057100 0.32045900 -0.03901100 -0.35319700 0.04573200 0.88374200 -0.18691200 -0.31479700 1.35412100 1.28090200 2.42260200 2.44549800 1.26688400 0.57332500 -0.83676600 -1.83010800 -1.52647500 -3.13878600 3.21195200 -3.21994300 -1.00859800 -1.01123800 -1.13314000 -2.31559700 -2.48425100 -1.36507000 -0.55508100 0.83136300 1.92886500 3.06740400 1.51398000 -3.03476400 2.28230500 0.94728900 1.00962500 -0.44192800 0.09822000 0.40968700 0.07065600 -0.44259800 -0.93347500 0.02688900 -0.31430200 1.31626400 0.25129500 1.85474000 -1.10667500 -1.87640700 N N N N C C C O O H H H H -1.03714700 -0.74342000 0.53390800 1.13065000 0.16168100 0.41719500 -0.00563600 -0.25732600 -0.03114900 -1.43292800 -0.27791000 1.48927000 -0.09802300 -1.53133000 -2.52574000 -2.22331400 -0.96870400 -0.55982300 0.82088300 1.95099100 2.97192900 1.79119700 -3.44205000 0.89779900 0.95729700 0.95325500 1.41177800 2.45692700 2.28462700 1.07230800 0.55598500 -0.82402100 -1.91906100 -3.02351600 -1.54369500 3.31570700 -2.30096400 -1.00119300 -0.93275400 0.05177900 0.33843200 0.06796500 -0.42358600 -0.42447300 -0.89629200 0.02419400 -0.34935000 1.32679500 0.72694700 1.84298100 -1.88026000 -0.97192800 -1.17214500 -0.29325900 0.95526800 0.91914000 -0.37742600 -0.82326500 -0.02386500 -0.55889300 1.31557300 -0.55507200 1.58719300 -0.73411700 -1.86713900 -0.19771700 -0.34563800 -0.03646400 0.34997500 0.24252500 0.60164500 -0.05791200 -0.43068200 -0.14148400 -0.67621100 0.13258900 1.68399200 0.32832100 2pt't 2pt'c N N N N C C C O O H H H H 1.07872400 0.41042700 -0.79479400 -0.95068900 0.19434800 0.40425000 -0.07242100 -0.47218700 -0.00163700 0.78621700 0.31788100 -0.14265000 1.46641400 2ptt 2ptc N N N N C C C O O H H H H 0.28729900 0.44696100 -0.10492300 -0.66079900 -0.40877000 -0.83907500 0.22047700 1.31822700 -0.15586700 0.94868900 -1.06400300 -1.76961900 -1.02949000 N N N N C C C O O H H H H 1.10296600 0.32561600 -0.96096100 -1.05922400 0.20317700 0.52137100 0.01336000 -0.32664800 0.02972700 0.68237700 -0.28818400 0.08958900 1.60536800 17 -0.99332000 -2.24804800 -2.59190600 -1.52553300 -0.55963900 0.82385100 1.95769200 2.98054400 1.80021000 -2.88966500 0.91132800 0.96706000 0.94548000 0.89445700 0.77811200 -0.44856800 -1.19227800 -0.35949600 -0.79826400 -0.01411000 -0.55182500 1.32741400 1.55471900 1.60253200 -0.70844100 -1.84436800 0.37521800 -0.06033500 -0.41671500 -0.22638000 0.25418400 0.61406300 -0.05456600 -0.41458600 -0.16362200 -0.10950400 0.11155800 1.69529400 0.34371400