The derivation of transport coefficients of the Fluid Particle Model for non-linear Casson fluid. Maciej Paszyński Robert Schaefer Institute of Computer Science, Jagiellonian University Nawojki 11, 30-072 Kraków, POLAND e-mail:, The problem of three dimensional modeling of pulsatille blood flow in cardiovascular system in man is of the great importance and motivates itself [13]. Fluid Particle Model (FPM) invited by Espaňol [3] constitutes advantageous alternative method of flow modeling in comparison to the classical viariational methods such as Finite Elements, especially in the case of complicated flows in the moving boundary domains and by the presence of composed, non-stationary boundary conditions [2], [8], [10]. The three dimensional blood flow in some part of the artery belongs to the class of problems mentioned above [13], [7], [6]. Fluid Particle Model was originally formulated to solve Newtonian flow (see [3]). This method postulates to spread the entire fluid area into N separated bodies called particles. The fluid flow simulation consists in updating the state of each particle in consecutive time steps, by means of its interactions with neighboring particles distanced up to RCUT threshold distance. Inter-particle forces are parameterized by some scalar functions A, B that depend on the relative distance between interacting particles rij 3 rij A rij ; 3 rij B rij (1) The derivation presented by Espaňol leads to obtaining the approximation of the stress tensor in fluid. It can be expressed by some FPM parameters and the macroscopic values of the Green strain velocity tensor. This expression has the similar form as the Newton constitutive equation, so that the so called transport coefficients (see [3], [1]) may be identified with the Newtonian viscosity parameters , . Comparing constitutive equations of Newtonian fluid 1 pij( a ) divu ij ; 3 pij( d ) 2eij( d ) (2) with the formulae obtained by Espaňol, the following relationships may be derived A2 D 2 KB T B2 2D 2D D A0 B0 mn 2 (3) 1 2 KB T A2 B2 2 A0 B0 mn 2 In the formula above: A0 RCUT 0 1 A RdR , B0 D RCUT 1 0 B RdR , A2 D RCUT 0 1 A R R dR , B2 D D 2 2 RCUT B RR dR , 2 0 and D=3 is the spatial dimension of the flow problem. Moreover , m , n , T are some model constants and K B is the Boltzmann constant. For the classical FPM for Newtonian fluid inter-particles force parameters (1) are established at the beginning of the simulation by using the formulas (3) in such a way, that Newtonian viscosity coefficients , are correct. The formulas of interactions remain unchanged during the entire simulation. It follows from the medical investigations, that rheological properties of blood can be described by the non-linear Casson constitutive equations [5]. The paper presents the modification of the classical FPM, that allows to simulate the flow of the fluid in this nonlinear case. The derivation is dedicated to the Casson fluid, but it may be easily generalized to the wide class of rheo-stable fluids [4]. Fig. 1 Successive linear approximating of the Casson constitutive equation. We started from the modified, three dimensional Casson constitutive equation [13], where the viscosity depends on the norm of the shearing part of Green tensor e ( d ) . For each pair of interacting particles, inter-particle force parameters (1) are estimated at the beginning of current time step, and remains valid only during the one time step. We intent to obtain the local, linear approximation of the Casson formula, in particular the local values of the viscosity N , N . d 1 1 p d 2 e N 0 . 5 Y d 2 e 1 2 ; 2 3 N N (4) The viscosity coefficients may be locally adjusted by the modification of the interparticle parameters (1) by using the formulas (3). The new relationships for A and B should be invented in such way, that the dependency on the local value of the norm of Green tensor are involved. 3 rij , e d A rij , e d ; 3 rij , e d B rij , e d (5) The main result of this paper consists in derivation of transport coefficients from the modified inter-particle forces, taking into account the non-linear Casson stress. We show that in this case in which scalar functions (1) depend also on e d (see (5)) it is possible to perform similar derivation of transport coefficient that has been originally given by Espaňol for the linear case. We obtained the following interdependence between viscosity coefficients and the model parameters e d D 2 B e D A 2D A ed 2 2 mn 2D ed d 2 e B e d 2 d d 0 B e A ed 1 2 2 mn 2 2 KB T 0 , (6) KB T A e B e d d 0 0 that lead us to non-linear constitutive equations 13 divu pij( a ) e d ij ; p ij( d ) 2 e d eij( d ) (7) Viscosity coefficients are now functions of the norm of the Green tensor. Moreover, it is possible to define inter-particle force parameters (5) in such way, that the non-linear Casson viscosity (8) can be expressed. e d Y 2 e d 1 1 2 ; 2 3 ed ed (8) The quality of presented modification has been confirmed by the comparison of results of the modified FPM simulations (for blood understood as a Casson fluid) both to result of the classical FPM (for blood understood as a Newtonian fluid), and to the medical measurements, performed on the carotid artery in man (see [12]). The Fig.3 presents comparison of simulations results obtained by using classical and modified FPM. On the Fig.3 only particles with non-zero velocity vectors are indicated by drawing they velocity vectors that were scaled proportionally to they lengths. As opposite to classical FPM algorithm, the modified FPM algorithm, models in the right way the phenomenon of the peristaltic wave propagation in artery, comparable with medical measurements data. Fig.2 Pulse wave propagation along the artery - results after 10 time steps of the classical (left picture) and modified (right picture) FPM simulations. The blood flow simulation by Fluid Particle Model seems to be more effective that by the classical Finite Element Methods [9]. FPM requires only updating of the state of each particle, taking into account the states of neighboring particles up to some threshold distance. The complexity of the algorithm is linear with respect to the increasing number of particles, and depends only on the density of particles within the sphere of the threshold radius. Keywords: Fluid Particle Model, successive linear approximation, non-linear blood flow simulation. References 1. Chapman S., Cowling T.G.. (1970), The mathematical theory of non-uniform gases. Cambridge Mathematical Library. 2. Dzwinel W., Alda W., Kitowski J., Yuen D.A.. (1999), “Using discrete particles as a natural solver in simulating multiple-scale phenomena”, UMSI 99/131. 3. 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