SOSC 602M Structural Equation Models Spring 2005 PREREQUISITES Sound background in graduate level of statistics INSTRUCTOR Raymond S. Wong Office: Room 3383 (23587828) Office Hours: 2:30-4:30 pm Tuesday and by appointment only Email: TIME/PLACE 6:30-9:20 pm Tuesday, Room 1402 SUBJECT MATTER This course focuses on sociological (and other social-scientific) applications of path analysis and structural equation models. Following a review of basic ideas about the structure, interpretation, estimation, and inference in recursive causal models, the seminar will work through problems of specification and identification in latent-variable models and non-recursive models, using published examples where possible. The LISREL model will be introduced, and its use in the specification of a variety of models will be reviewed, they include: factor models, MIMIC models, recursive and non-recursive models with and without latent variables, multiple group models (with or without latent mean structures), models of repeated measurement, models with missing data, and, finally, the specification of latent structural models for ordinal data. However, owing to time constraint, the course will not cover the following topics: nonlinear and interactive models, latent growth curve modeling, and multilevel SEM models. COURSE REQUIREMENT (1) About 6-8 weekly exercises will be assigned (50%). Grades will be based on the completion of the exercises. Answer to all assignments should be lucid, orderly, self-contained, and brief. Printed output from the analysis should also be turned in, but just handing the output is not good enough. All work must be complete and turned in on time. (2) A self-contained research paper that utilizes the types of models introduced in the seminar (50%), that is, it should contain literature review, data, findings, and discussion sections. The paper is due at the end of the semester and the normal length is about 12-15 pages (content only, not counting cover page, tables, figures, bibliography, appendices). REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS Byrne, Barbara M. 1998. Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL, PRELIS, and SIMPLIS: Basic Concepts, Applications, and Programming. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (hereafter SEM) Loehlin, John. 2004. Latent Variable Models: An Introduction to Factor, Path, and Structural Analysis. Fourth Edition. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (LVM). Joreskog, Karl and Dag Sorbom. 1996. LISREL8: User's Reference Guide. Chicago, IL: Scientific Software International. (LISREL 8) Note that the first two required textbooks have been reserved at the library. The LISREL 8 manual, together with the PRELIS, and SIMPLIS manuals, are all located at the SRC lab. OTHER USEFUL TEXTBOOKS Bollen, Kenneth A. 1989. Structural Equations with Latent Variables. N.Y.: John Wiley. Duncan, Otis Dudley. 1975. Introduction to Structural Equation Models. New York: Academic Press. Kelloway. E. Kevin. 1998. Using LISREL for Structural Equation Modeling: A Researcher's Guide. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Kaplan, David. 2000. Structural Equation Modeling: Foundations and Extensions. Thousand Oaks, CA: SOSC 602M 2 Sage Publications. Long, J. Scott. 1983. Confirmatory Factor Analysis: A Preface to LISREL. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. Long, J. Scott 1983. Covariance Structure Models: An Introduction to LISREL. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. Marcoulides, George A. and Randall E. Schumacker (eds.). 1996. Advanced Structural Equation Modeling: Issues and Techniques. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Schumacker, Randall E. and George A. Marcoulides (eds.). 1998. Interaction and Nonlinear Effects in Structural Equation Modeling. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. COMPUTATION The latest windows version of LISREL (8.71) will be used. Copies of the software have already been installed in the Survey Research Center. Please check with the Center staff about running the program there. There is also a student version of LISREL and a bunch of utility programs that can be downloaded from the Scientific Softwares Incorporated (website address: The student version has restrictions on the total number of observed variables (15) but it should be sufficient for all class assignments and perhaps even the research paper. Finally, it is possible to use vast amounts of computer time with very little progress unless great care is exercised in the preparation for maximum-likelihood estimation using LISREL. Therefore you should take extreme care in planning and preparing the specifications of the LISREL command structures before submitting the job. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE AND READINGS Starred (*) items are required readings. Unless indicated otherwise, they are available from the course web site (, Week 1 (1 Feb) Review: Matrix Algebra and Multiple Regression * 1. Loehlin, LVM, Appendix A and B. * 2. Namboodiri, Krishnan. 1984. Matrix Algebra: An Introduction. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications. (RESERVED at HKUST Library) * 3. Mels, Gerhard. 2004. The Student Edition of LISREL 8.7 for Windows: Getting Started Guide. Lincolnwood, IL: Scientific Software International, Inc. (Included in LISREL Student Version) Week 2 (8 Feb) No Class (Chinese New Year Eve) Week 3 (15 Feb) Introduction to Structural Equation Models * 1. Loehlin, LVM, Ch. 1 & 2 (pp. 1-67). * 2. Byrne. SEM, Ch. 1-2. * 3. Hoyle, Rick H. and Abigail T. Panter. 1995. "Writing About Structural Equation Models." Pp. 158-176 in Structural Equation Modeling: Concepts, Issues, and Applications, edited by Rick H. Hoyle. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. * 4. Mulaik, Stanley A. and Lawrence R. James. 1995. "Objectivity and Reasoning in Science and Structural Equation Modeling." Pp. 118-137 in Structural Equation Modeling: Concepts, Issues, and Applications, edited by Rick H. Hoyle. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 5. Bentler, Peter M. 1986. "Structural Modeling and Psychometrika: An Historical Perspective on Growth and Achievement." Psychometrika 51:35-51. 6. Bielby, William T. and Robert M. Hauser. 1977. "Structural Equation Models." Annual Review of Sociology 3:137-161. SOSC 602M Week 4 (22 Feb) 3 Recursive Models * 1. Loehlin, LVM, Ch. 3. * 2. Alwin, Duane F. and Hauser, Robert M. 1975. "The Decomposition of Effects in Path Analysis." American Sociological Review 40:37-47. * 3. Sobel, Michael. 1986. "Some New Results on Indirect Effects and Their Standard Errors in Covariance Structure Models." Pp. 290-312 in Sociological Methodology 1986, edited by Nancy B. Tuma. Washington D.C.: American Sociological Association. * 4. Joreskog and Sorbom, LISREL 8, Ch. 2 and 4. 5. Duncan, Otis D. 1966. "Path Analysis: Sociological Examples." American Journal of Sociology 72:1-16. Week 5 (1 Mar) Confirmatory Factor Analysis: Identification and Estimation * 1. Byrne. SEM, Ch. 3-6. * 2. Joreskog and Sorbom, LISREL 8, Ch. 3 and 6. 3. Long, J. Scott. 1983. Confirmatory Factor Analysis: A Preface to LISREL. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications. Week 6 (8 Mar) Models with Unobservable Variables and MIMIC Models * 1. Loehlin. LVM, Ch. 4. * 2. Byrne, SEM, Ch. 7. * 3. Joreskog, Karl G. and Arthur S. Goldberger. 1975. "Estimation of a Model with Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes of a Single Latent Variable." Journal of the American Statistical Association 70:631-39. * 4. Joreskog and Sorbom, LISREL 8, Ch. 5. 5. Alwin, Duane F. and David J. Jackson. 1979. "Measurement Models for Response Errors in Surveys: Issues and Applications." Pp. 68-119 in Karl F. Schuessler (ed.), Sociological Methodology 1980. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 6. Bielby, William T., Robert M. Hauser, and David L. Featherman. 1977. "Response Errors of Blacks and Nonblack Males in Models of the Intergenerational Transmission of Socioeconomic Status." American Journal of Sociology 82:1242-1288. 7. Hauser, Robert M., Shu-Ling Tsai, and William H. Sewell. 1983. "A Model of the Stratification Process with Response Error in Social and Psychological Variables." Sociology of Education 556:47-62. Week 7 (15 Mar) Modeling and Testing Strategies * 1. Loehlin, LVM, Ch. 2:68-85. * 2. Tanaka, J. S. 1993. "Multifaceted Conceptions of Fit in Structural Equation Models." Pp. 10-39 in Testing Structural Equation Models, edited by Kenneth A. Bollen and J. Scott Long. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. * 3. Hu, Li-Tze and Peter M. Bentler. 1995. "Evaluating Model Fit. " Pp. 76-99 in Structural Equation Modeling: Concepts, Issues, and Applications, edited by Rick H. Hoyle. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. * 4. Byrne, SEM, Ch. 11. SOSC 602M 4 * 5. Browne, Michael W. and Robert Cudeck. 1993. "Alternative Ways of Assessing Model Fit." Pp. 136-162 in Testing Structural Equation Models, edited by Kenneth A. Bollen and J. Scott Long. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. * 6. Joreskog and Sorbom, LISREL 8, Ch. 8. 7. MacCallum, Robert C., Mary Roznowski, Corinne M. Mar, and Janet V. Reith. 1994. "Alternative Strategies for Cross-Validation of Covariance Structure Models." Multivariate Behavioral Research 29:1-32. 8. Joreskog, Karl G. 1993. "Testing Structural Equation Models." Pp. 294-316 Testing Structural Equation Models, edited by Kenneth A. Bollen and J. Scott Long. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. 9. MacCallum, Robert C., Michael W. Browne, and Hazuki M. Sugawara. 1996. "Power Analysis and Determination of Sample Size for Covariance Structural Modeling." Psychological Methods 1:130-149. 10. Satorra, Albert and Peter M. Bentler. 1994. "Corrections to Test Statistics and Standard Errors in Covariance Structure Analysis." Pp. 399-419 in Latent Variables Analysis: Applications for Development Research, edited by Alexander von Eye and Clifford C. Clogg. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Week 8 (22 Mar) Non-Recursive Models * 1. Hauser, Robert M. and Raymond Sin-Kwok Wong. 1989. "Sibling Resemblance and Inter-Sibling Effects in Educational Attainment." Sociology of Education 62:149-171. * 2. Kohn, Melvin L. and Carmi Schooler. 1981. "Job Conditions and Intellectual Flexibility: A Longitudinal Assessment of Their Reciprocal Effects." Pp. 281-313 in David J. Jackson and Edgar F, Borgatta (eds.), Factor Analysis and Measurement in Sociological Research: A Multi-Dimensional Perspective. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Week 9 (29 Mar) Multiple-Group LISREL Models * 1. Byrne, LVM, Ch. 8-10. * 2. Sorbom, Dag and Karl G. Joreskog. 1981. "The Use of LISREL in Sociological Model Building." Pp. 179-199 in David J. Jackson and Edgar F. Borgotta (eds.), Factor Analysis and Measurement in Sociological Research: A Multidimensional Perspective. Beverly Hills: Sage. * 3. Joreskog and Sorbom, LIRESL 8, Ch. 9. 4. Wolfe, Lee M. 1987. "High School Seniors' Reports of Parental Socioeconomic Status: Black-White Differences." Pp. 51-64 in Peter Cuttance and Russell Ecob (eds.), Structural Modeling by Example. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 5. Kluegel, James R., Royce Singleton, Jr. and Charles E. Starnes. 1977. "Subjective Class Identification: A Multiple Indicator Approach." American Sociological Review 42:599-611. Week 10 (5 Apr) No Class (Ching Ming Festival) Week 11 (12 Apr) Multiple-Group LISREL Models (Means Structured) SOSC 602M Week 12 (19 Apr) 5 Models with Missing Data * 1. Rovine, Michael J.1994. "Latent Variables and Missing Data Analysis." Pp.181-225 in Latent Variables Analysis: Applications for Development Research, edited by Alexander von Eye and Clifford C. Clogg. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. * 2. Allison, Paul. 1987. "Estimation of Linear Models with Incomplete Data." Pp. 71-103 in Sociological Methodology 1987,edited by Clifford C. Clogg. Washington, D.C.: American Sociological Association. * 3. Allison, Paul D. and Robert M. Hauser. 1991. "Reducing Bias in Estimates of Linear Model by Remeasurement of a Random Subsample." Sociological Methods & Research 19:466-492. * 4. Joreskog and Sorbom, LISREL 8, Ch. 10:310-312. 5. Bielby, William T. and Robert M. Hauser. 1977. "Response Error in Earnings Functions of Nonblack Males." Sociological Methods and Research 6:241-280. 6. Lee, Sik-Yum. 1986. "Estimation for Structural Equation Models with Missing Data." Psychometrika 51:93-99. Week 13 (26 Apr) Models for Ordinal Data * 1. Joreskog and Sorbom, LISREL 8, Ch. 7. * 2. Mislevy, Robert J. 1986. "Recent Developments in the Factor Analysis of Categorical Variables." Journal of Educational Statistics 11 :3-31. 3. Muthen, Bengt O. 1984. "A General Structural Equation Model with Dichotomous, Ordered Categorical and Continuous Latent Variable Indicators." Psychometrika 49:115-132. 4. Muthen, Bengt O. 1989. "Dichotomous Factor Analysis of Symptom Data." Sociological Methods and Research 18:19-65. Week 14 (3 May) Paper Presentation Week 15 (10 May) Paper Presentation