Inferring Neural Connectivity from Multiple Spike Trains Seung Kee Han, Dong-Uk Hwang and Seon Young Ryu Department of Physics, Chungbuk National University; Abstract: Recently the temporal coding based on the spike timing is one of the hot issues of the neuroscience. In the neural network, the spike timing depends on the external stimulus and also on the internal network structure. In this paper, we propose a method of inferring network connectivity from the multiple spike trains. It is based on the phase model description of the spike trains. A continuous phase variable is introduced for each of the spike trains by assigning 2 phase for each of the spike intervals and by the linear interpolation. The relative strength of the mutual dependence allows us to estimate the relative strength of the coupling as well as the type of the coupling. We report the result of our test on the coupled neural network model and also on the electronic circuit experiment. When compared with the conventional method based on the crosscorrelogram, the proposed method is much more effective in estimating the network connectivity. At the same time, the measurement of the effective coupling allows to estimate the type of coupling Introduction: Using the multi-channeling recording, it becomes possible to record simultaneously the spike trains of hundreds or thousands of neurons. The conventional correlation-based analysis, like the cross-correlogram in time domain or the mutual coherence in frequency domain have the most widespread use in identifying functional relationship between two group of neurons. However, it has difficulties in distinguishing correlated activities due to direct connectivity and that of indirect connectivity. On the other, it was shown recently that the phase model description of nonlinear oscillators is very effective in unveiling mutual coupling underlying chaotic physiological data.[1] The phase model description is also useful for the analysis of coupled stochastic oscillators.[2] Motivated by these developments, we propose a dynamic phase model analysis for a discrete spike trains. When the variability of the spike timing is not so strong, the multiple spike trains are converted into continuous phase variables. Reduction of the complexity of the dynamic variables will make the analysis of the mutual dynamic dependences between phase variables much simpler. As a consequence, it will be possible to infer the type of neural connectivity and also the network connectivity. This method will be applied to spike trains obtained from the neural network model and the electronic circuit experiment. Phase Analysis: A continuous phase variable is generated for each of the spike trains of neurons. As shown in Fig.1, a phase shift of 2 is assigned for each of the spike train, irrespective of the interval length. In between the spike event, the phase is interpolated. In terms of phase variables 1 and 2 for the neuron N1, and N2 respectively, a simple model replaces the interaction between two oscillatory neuron as: d(1)/dt= F1(1,2)= f1(1) + G1(1, 2) + 1 d(2)/dt= F2(2,1)= f2(2) + G2(2, 1) + 2 (1) Here F1(1,2) and F2(2,1) denote the phase velocity for the neuron N1 and N2 respectively. The phase velocity F1(1,2) of the neuron N1 is decomposed into three contributions: f1(1), the phase velocity for the uncoupled neuron N1, G1(1,2), the contribution due to synaptic coupling of the neuron N2, and finally the the noise terms 1. Similarly, the phase velocity F2(2,1) for the neuron N2 is decomposed into three terms. 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Fig.1 The spike trains for neuron N1 and N2. For each spike train, a phase shift of 2 is assigned irrespective of the inter-spike interval. 2 1(1,2) 2 2(2) 1 2 0 0 Fig.2 The phase portrait of the 1 and 2. The evolution for a time interval gives the phase shifts 1(1,2) and 2(2,1), when divided by the time interval gives the phase velocity F1(1,2) and F2(2,1). This figure illustrates the dependence of F1(1,2) on 2, while no dependence of F2(2,1) on 1. For estimation of the phase velocity F1 and F2, evolve the phase 1 and 2 for a time interval as shown in Fig.2 and then divide the phase shifts by . Approximation by a few harmonics of lower order gives the phase velocity F1(1,2) and F2(2,1) as shown in Fig3. As the dependence of F1(1,2) on the phase 2, we take the partial derivative F1/2, and similarly for the dependence of F2(2,1) on the phase 1, take the F2/1. For a simple phase model in Eq.1, the dependence of phase velocity F1(1,2) on phase 2 gives an estimation of the coupling term G1(1,2). Likewise the dependence of F2(2,1) on the phase 1 represents the estimation of the coupling term G2(2,1). Therefore the comparison of the amplitude of the F1/2 and F2/1 will allow us to estimate the strength of G1(1,2) and G2(2,1), the strength of the coupling W21 and W12. Refer to the ref.[3]. Fig. 3 The plot of phase velocity F1(1,2) and the plot of F1/2, the dependence of the phase velocity F1(1,2) on the phase 2. Similar plots for the neuron N2 give the dependence of phase velocity F2(2,1) on the phase 1. Results: As a test of the proposed method, we analyze the spike trains obtained from an electronic circuit that emulates the coupled coherent resonance oscillators, shown in Fig.4. Each of the coherent resonance oscillator units is driven by the independent noise to generate quasi-periodic spiking pattern.[2] The coupling between two units is mediated by the two uni-directional resistances. In fig.4, the coupling strength g12 is fixed at 0.01 with g21 changing. For various values of the coupling strength g21, the amplitude of F1/2 is denoted as a circle. It grows with the coupling strength g21, while the amplitude of the F1/2, denoted as a dagger, remains nearly constant like the coupling strength g12. This result implies that the measurement of the phase dependence between two phase variables is a good measure for the estimation of the relative strength of the coupling. Fig.5 The plot of phase dependence F1/2 (denoted by a dot) and the F2/1 (denoted by a dagger). When the coupling term G1(1,2) is re-expressed as G1(1,2-1), the dependence on the 1 is weak when the coupling is weak. Neglecting the weak dependence on the 1, the dependence of coupling term G1(1,2-1) on the phase difference 2-1 will be denoted as G1(-), an effective coupling. Likewise, the effective coupling for N2 is represented as G2(). The plot of the effective coupling as a function of the phase difference is very informative in the analysis of the phase dynamics between two coupled oscillators.[4] For two identical oscillators with symmetric coupling, the evolution of the phase difference is governed by the G()=G2()-G1(), as d/dt = G(). V o 2 Fig.4 An electronic circuit that emulates a coupled coherent resonance oscillators. In Fig.5, we plot the effective coupling -G() for the synaptic coupling for various values of the synaptic reversal potential V_syn. The slope at the fixed point determines the stability of the phase locked solution. For the excitatory coupling, the stability of the in-phase solution revealed as positive slope at =0. While for inhibitory coupling, a stable anti-phase solution is observed We test this for a network consisted of 12 neurons (with 9 excitatory neurons and 3 inhibitory neurons) fully connected with each other. Using spike trains of 12 neurons, we calculate the effective coupling for each pair of the neurons. From the strength of the effective coupling, we estimate the network connectivity. In Fig.7, the estimated coupling strength is plotted versus the pre-assigned coupling strength in the neural network. A strong positive correlation between these two quantities is observed. While in Fig.7(b), no correlation between the crosscorrelogram and the coupling strength is observed. Fig.5 The plot of effective coupling for various values of the synaptic reversal potential V_syn. When V_syn is bigger than the resting potential V_rest, the coupling is of excitatory type and the in-phase solution is stable with the slope at =0 positive. While for inhibitory coupling with V_syn smaller than V_rest, the anti-phase solution is stable. For a non-symmetric coupling, the plot of the odd part of the effective coupling G1(-) and G2() also allows us to understand the role of the coupling on the phase dynamics. In Fig.6, we plot the odd part of the effective coupling G1(-) for various values of the coupling strength g21 with g12 fixed. From the shape of the effective coupling G1(-), the role of excitatory coupling even for an asymmetric coupling is very evident. At the same time, the increase of the effective coupling with the coupling strength g21 indicates that the strength of the effective coupling G1(-) together with the phase sensitivity F1/2 becomes a measure good for the estimation of the coupling strength. Fig.7 The plot of the strength of the effective coupling (a) and the cross-correlogram (b) versus the coupling strength. Conclusions: A phase model description of the multiple spike trains is proposed. It is shown that the calculation of the mutual phase dependence is a good measure that allows us to infer the network connectivity and the effective coupling is very informative in understanding the phase dynamics. We have shown that this analysis works very well for spike trains obtained from an electronic circuit experiment and neural network model. We expect that this method will be also very useful for the analysis of multiple spike trains. [1] M.G. Rosenblum and A. Pikovsky, J. Kurths, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 1804 (1996). [2] S.K. Han, et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 1771 (1999). [3] M.G. Rosenblum and A. Pikovsky, Phys. Rev. E 64, 0455202 (2001). [4] S.K. Han, C. Kurrer, and Y. Kuramoto, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 3190 (1995). Fig.6 The plot of the effective coupling for various values of the coupling strength.