The tag shall recall a mathematical theorem to analyze a geometric

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Hartwig Meissner
Westf. Wilhelms-Univ. Muenster, Germany
It is a pleasure and an honor to the author of this paper to contribute some ideas to the extended work of Eddie Gray and David Tall. Both have stimulated my research, through
many discussions at conferences as well as in private atmospheres. I remember several visits in Muenster, singing communities of math educators in London and at other places, and
fruitful and vivid exchanges of strong arguments in pubs at many places in many countries,
especially also here in Prague. So I appreciate very much to be here now again, to celebrate together with all of you the work of David and Eddie.
1. Darstellungen and Vorstellungen
Much research has been done by Eddie and David in the domain Psychology of Mathematics Education, especially in the field of advanced mathematical thinking. They
have studied intensively the interaction of teaching and learning and how students
develop a mathematical understanding. Thus please allow me to start this paper with
our view on the main aspects of learning and understanding mathematics (Meissner
2002b). I will concentrate on the interaction of Darstellungen and Vorstellungen.
The following picture gives a summary.
more "concrete":
(internal images)
a 2 b2
„a fraction is ...“
The problem of teaching and learning mathematics is that we cannot see or feel or
touch mathematics. Mathematical concepts and theories and theorems are abstract
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ideas. Mathematics seems to be "something" which exists independent from human
beings. We only can get representations of mathematical ideas, which in German we
call Darstellungen. These Darstellungen can be objects, manipulatives, activities,
pictures, graphs, figures, symbols, tags, words, written or spoken language, gestures,
... Only Darstellungen of mathematics we can read, or see, or hear, or feel, or manipulate, ... In a Darstellung the mathematical idea or example or concept or structure
is hidden or encoded. And there is no one-to-one-correspondence between a mathematical idea, concept, etc. and a Darstellung.
Human beings are able to "associate" with these objects, activities, pictures, graphs,
or symbols a meaning. That means each Darstellung evokes or recalls a personal internal image, a concept image (cf. Tall & Vinner 1981), which in German we call a
Vorstellung. A Vorstellung is a personal internal representation. It also includes reflections on actions and perceptions and it constantly can get modified by the individual. A Vorstellung in this sense is similar to a cognitive net, a frame, a script or a
micro world. That means the same Darstellung may be associated with many individual different internal representations or images. Each learner has his/her own Vorstellung. And again here, there is no one-to-one-correspondence between a Darstellung
and a Vorstellung1.
This makes the process of teaching and learning mathematics very difficult: Do the
Darstellungen we see from the learner really reflect the Vorstellungen we expect the
learner should have developed? We only can judge a Vorstellung by a corresponding
Darstellung. That means communication is necessary. To prove understanding the
learner must transform the individual Vorstellung into a Darstellung. And when the
learner's Darstellung corresponds with one of the expected Darstellungen we may
assume that the learner did understand. The problem is obvious. We do not judge a
Vorstellung but we interpret a performance.
To distinguish the Vorstellung from the performance we will speak of a conceptual
understanding when the learner has an adequate Vorstellung, i. e. his or her internal
representations seem to correspond appropriately to the given situation. A conceptual
understanding also may be intuitive or unconscious. And of course, a conceptual understanding only can be demonstrated indirectly up to a certain degree, consciously or
The process of building up a Vorstellung also depends very much on the basic mentality of the
learner, i.e. on his or her Einstellung, which includes affective components like attitudes, beliefs,
emotions, values, etc. Einstellungen work like a filter or a catalytic converter in the transformation
processes Darstellungen  Vorstellungen.
Already Skemp (1978) had pointed out that there are performances which can be interpreted quite
differently. He distinguished between instrumental understanding and relational understanding. In
addition to Skemp we try to differentiate if we concentrate on Darstellungen or on Vorstellungen.
Thus we distinguish:
 conceptual understanding (obviously adequate Vorstellungen seem to exist),
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To study the student’s conceptual understanding we still need Darstellungen from the
student. But we must allow flexibility to interpret his/her Darstellungen. Not the
Darstellung itself is important but the Vorstellung behind that Darstellung. When
there seems to be a misunderstanding concerning a specific Darstellung just change
the Darstellung to clarify if the misunderstanding originates from the Vorstellung or
from the Darstellung. Of course also non-standard Darstellungen should be accepted.
Clinical interviews with experienced interviewers and experienced class room teachers try to identify the student's conceptual understanding. Written tests like TIMSS or
PISA usually cannot help to prove conceptual understanding3.
2. Proceptual Vorstellungen
Which are the cognitive processes when children develop their individual mathematical Vorstellungen? Analyzing many mathematical concepts we discover a "conflict
between the structure of mathematics, as conceived by professional mathematicians,
and the cognitive processes of concept acquisition" (Vinner in Tall 1991, p. 65ff).
Mathematical definitions mainly describe objects or a static view while the process of
acquiring new insight often runs in parallel with activities or procedures or mental
processes in time. Already Piaget and Davis have discussed this phenomenon (e. g.
Davis 1984 or Piaget 1985).
But how can these inconsistent views, an object on the one hand and procedures on
the other hand, grow together to form appropriate mathematical Vorstellungen? Here
we can learn from Eddie and David and from some other authors 4. Gray & Tall
(1991, p. 72ff) identify a "duality between process and concept in mathematics, in
particular using the same symbolism to present both a process (such as the addition of
two numbers 3+2) and the product of that process (the sum 3+2). The ambiguity of
notation allows the successful thinker the flexibility in thought to move between the
process to carry out a mathematical task and the concept to be mentally manipulated
as part of a wider mental schema." They hypothesized that the successful mathemati
communicable understanding (similar to Skemp's relational understanding: "knowing both,
what to do and why", i. e. communicable understanding combines both, the conceptual understanding with the ability to communicate in a wanted or given format flexibly using different
types of Darstellungen),
instrumental understanding (similar to Skemp 's "rules without reasons", correct Darstellungen
are performed, but obviously without an appropriate conceptual understanding).
Hospesova & Ticha (2002) found through interviews examples for both, good conceptual understanding, but no expected TIMSS-Darstellung and correct TIMSS-Darstellung, but no adequate
conceptual understanding.
Sfard (1987, 1992) identified a constant three-step pattern in the successive transitions from operational to structural conceptions (interiorization, condensation, reification). Dubinsky and his colleagues (in Tall 1991, Cottrill et al 1996) also studied the encapsulation phenomenon and developed
the APOS theory.
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cal thinker uses a mental structure "which is an amalgam of process and concept".
Tall (1991, p. 251ff), reflecting the dual roles of several symbols and notations: "Given the importance of a concept which is both process and product, I find it somewhat
amazing that it has no name. So I coined the portmanteau term "procept". And in
Gray & Tall (1994) Eddie and David proposed the following definitions:
"An elementary procept is the amalgam of three components: a process which produces a mathematical object, and a symbol which is used to represent either process
or object. A procept consists of a collection of elementary procepts which have the
same object."
 f ( x) dx
 x 2  4
 x2 
 1 / n2
n 1
( x1 , x 2 ,  , x n )
  Sn
subtract 3 (3 steps left)
negative 3
tending to limit
value of limit
Vector shift
permuting {1, 2, ..., n)
point in n-space
element of S n
Table 1: Symbols as process and concept
In Tall et al (2001) we find the above table of examples for symbols which can provoke both a process as well as a concept. That means those Darstellungen stimulate
or recall proceptual Vorstellungen, i. e. Vorstellungen where (dependent on the momentarily situation) either procedural or conceptual aspects will become dominant.
Also Dubinsky (2000, p. 43) lists mathematical concepts, that have been treated on
the use of APOS theory: Functions, binary operations, groups, subgroups, cosets,
normality, quotient groups, induction, permutations, symmetries, existential and universal quantifiers, limits, chain rule, derivatives, infinite sequences, mean, standard
deviation, central limit theorem, place value, base conversion and fractions5. To
summarize, a constant interaction between Darstellungen and Vorstellungen is necessary to develop, unconsciously and/or consciously, a proceptual thinking.
For details see
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3. Procepts in Geometry
It is interesting to read the above list from Dubinsky or to study the examples from
Tall in table 1. We miss geometry. Are there special reasons for that? Are there no
procepts in geometry in general? As already mentioned, the problem of teaching and
learning mathematics is that we cannot see or feel or touch mathematics. This is a bit
different when we regard the teaching and learning of geometry. Another reason
might be that in many school books there still is a method of teaching and learning
geometry which is similar to an axiomatic approach: Those books start with "definitions" and properties (line, point, circle, square, ...), discover relations and prove
statements. Of course, it will be difficult then to discover (like in arithmetic) "processes which may produce a mental mathematical object". Then there also is no necessity in geometry for getting symbols which are used to represent either a process
or an object.
Tall et al (2001) formulate the hypothesis that there are three types of mathematics
(space & shape, symbolic mathematics, axiomatic mathematics) and that each of
them is accompanied by a different type of cognitive development. They consider before focusing on the growth of symbolic thinking - "briefly ... the very different
cognitive development in geometry". There are perceptions of real objects initially
recognized as whole gestalts and classifications of prototypes. Reconstructions are
necessary to give hierarchies of shapes and to see a shape not as a physical object, but
as a mental object.
Struve (1987) also analyses how Vorstellungen in geometry develop. He summarizes,
that children in primary and lower secondary classes learn geometry like a natural
science, they describe and explain and generalize phenomena. Thus for them geometry is like an empirical theory. Points, lines, triangles, squares, etc. become perceived
objects. In this stage children believe but cannot prove that the properties discovered
will be true also tomorrow. There are big similarities between physics and empirical
geometry: Given certain assumptions mathematics becomes a tool to predict future
What does that mean for geometrical procepts? When we analyze in "3+2" possible
step-by-step procedures of the children we also observe "empirical mathematics" with
real objects. And like in geometry the children generalize and learn to predict future
events. They trust but cannot prove, that "3+2" always "will be the same". For them
in this stage also “five” is a “perceived” object, like “triangle”. Only we as mathematics educators or researchers, we regard a different “five”, a conceived object based on
"counting principles" (similar to the axioms in geometry). In this view an elementary
procept in the meaning of Tall et al (2000) just can be seen as the shift from the empirical stage to the theoretical stage. Following these ideas we argue that there are no
fundamental obstacles also to find procepts in geometry. Before we will start doing
this we first will summarize what we are looking for.
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We need activities or procedures. Then we have to identify some kind of mental development like:
 carry out accurately the/a given procedure/technique,
 several procedures/techniques are possible, select one (procedures become a
 several procedures/techniques are possible, make an efficient choice and
 explain,
 carry out the process flexibly and efficiently, i.e. determine and select an appropriate procedure/technique and discuss possible alternatives,
 use abbreviations (symbols, tags, key words) for discussing and arguing (process becomes an object).
We think communication and especially the process of tagging or naming is a necessary part to develop proceptual thinking, see the above aspects printed in bold. Via
these steps we reflect on the actions and related perceptions, we move from unconsciously performed activities to conscious activities, and we shift from physical processes to conceptual Vorstellungen. Important, there is only one symbol or key word
to summarize that dual meaning. And we like to add, it is not important what type of
symbol or key word it is. We also may use words, figures or even gestures 6. “Tags”
just are abbreviations to name or to recall these ambiguous proceptual Vorstellungen.
4. Examples
In Meissner (2001, 2002a) we already described our observations of third graders
who were working with developments of geometrical solids. A basic activity was to
construct and to discuss nets of pyramids, of rectangular solids, of houses, a church,
a garage, … We found that some students during these activities and discussions had
developed a proceptual thinking on “nets”.
Here we will concentrate on three other examples. Let us begin with the example triangle. Triangles we can see, touch or feel in our environment. These Darstellungen
provoke Vorstellungen, perceptions as well as conceptions. When we work with triangles empirically (gluing together to nets, tessellations, folding, …) we probably
will remain in the field of empirical mathematics. But the Vorstellung triangle gets
changed when we start discussing properties of triangles, when we have to construct
a triangle by three given properties, when we discuss congruence or when we must
decide which types of triangles are necessary to design the roof of a certain building
or to measure distances between two geographic points on the earth. Especially when
using Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS) we will need an explicit proceptual thinking when working with “triangles”.
In one of our classes the students used in discussions their hands to show “rectangular” instead of
using the word “rectangular” or the symbol .
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Another example of a procept is the Pythagoras' Theorem. There are several types of
a² + b² = c²
The tag shall recall a mathematical theorem to analyze a geometric
situation, to discover geometrical structures, to identify geometrical
properties, or it recalls a tool to perform specific constructions or calculations. But
often our students do not achieve a proceptual "pythagorean" thinking. They ignore
or they do not see the property "perpendicular" or they have fixed mental images of
how to name the sides of a triangle.
Our third example is one of the main theorems in school geometry, the Strahlensätze:
A figure of four lines, where two intersecting lines cross two parallel lines, leads to
three or four basic statements about the ratio of according lengths:
When I was a teacher I used the first diagram as a tag. By the use of this tag (or the
verbal tag “Strahlensätze”) every student got the key word to remember processes
how to construct specific figures, especially how to construct specific triangles with
given properties. Or they switched to Strahlensätze as a tool which can be used also
to analyze a geometric situation, to discover geometrical structures or to identify geometrical properties. But this proceptual thinking of "Strahlensätze" only is possible
when we are able to regard the above figures as an entity. In this “entity” the angle
between the two intersecting lines or the width of the two parallels can vary or the
point of intersection of the two lines may be between or outside the two parallels.
Thus the procept "Strahlensätze" is encapsulated in each of the above figures.
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Address of the author
Prof. Dr. Hartwig Meissner
Westf. Wilhelms-Univ. Muenster
Einsteinstr. 62
D-48149 Muenster