ng-show Directives Value Description DOM manipulation directives if this scope item contains true the element will $scope item that contains boolean ng-hide $scope item that contains boolean ng-class $scope item that contains class name ng-class-odd $scope item that contains class name ng-class-even $scope item that contains class name will assign the string from a scope item to every even element in an ng-repeat. ng-style $scope item that contains css text. will assign the string from a scope item that contains css text. ng-bind $scope item ng-model $scope item ng-bind-template ng-bind-html Attribute show, false will hide. if this scope item contains true the element will hide, false will show. binds a scope item containing a class name to the class attribute. will assign the string from a scope item to every odd element in an ng-repeat. Notes to be used within ng-repeat iterations. to be used within ng-repeat iteration. Binding Directives will assign the value of the $scope item into the elements innerHTML. changes on the item will notify the element. binds the element to a scope item, every change on the element value will notify the item updating it accordingly. same as using {{}} only as an attribute. space separated expressions containing scope items. allows binding several scope items to the view in a desired order, trough an html attribute rather than expressions. $scope item that contains html string. will populate the element with the html string in the scope item, will not print that as a string but as an html element. value syntax: ng-bindtemplate ="{{scopeItem1} } {{scopeItem2}}" innerHTML will be " scopeItem1 scopeItem2" only if you are appending html strings. can only be used with input,select & textarea elements. Mouse Events ng-click $scope function gets a function activation expression that will be called when element is click, can get as params items on scope or on the ng-repeat sequence. ng-mouseover $scope function ng-mousein $scope function ng-mouseout $scope function gets a function activation expression that will be called when element is click, can get as params items on scope or on the ng-repeat sequence. gets a function activation expression that will be called when element is click, can get as params items on scope or on the ng-repeat sequence. gets a function activation expression that will be called when element is click, can get as params items on scope or on the ng-repeat sequence. ng-disabled $scope item with Boolean value syntax: ngclick="handleEv ent(repeatItem) " Input Boolean Attributes diables input according to a Boolean value only on input elements ng-selected $scope item with Boolean ng-checked $scope item with Boolean ng-readonly $scope item with Boolean ng-submit $scope function ng-form no value needed sets the selected property of a radio btn according to a Boolean value sets the checked property of a checkbox according to a Boolean value set the readonly attribute of an input text element or a textarea according to a Boolean. radio element checkbox element input[text] & texterea elements Form Directives an event handler defined on the scope to handle the submit event of a form. enables form nesting (form within form) by including this attribute in the nested forms wraping element no value needed URL Directives ng-src scope item containing URL ng-href scope item containing URL delays the http request of the src attribute for when angulars has fully loaded and can parse the expersion within the curly braces delays the http request of the href attribute for when angulars has fully loaded and can parse the expersion within the curly braces ngsrc="{{urlItem}}" ng-href ="{{urlItem}}" Unique Directives ng-cloak no value will display none the element until angular is loaded and parsed the ng-non-bindable no value will tell angular not to parse the contents of this tag. Will print angular syntax. ng-app no value Or module name tells angular ether that this tag contains the angular app, Or if a module name is passed that this tag is managed by a certain angular module. for use when slower client show unrender expressions, best to include on body. Create you own Directives The javascript: var app = angular.module('myModule'); app.directive('DirectiveName',function(){ return { restrict:"E", template:"<div>This my template for this directive</div>" }; }); The HTML <div ng-app="app"> <DirectiveName></DirectiveName> </div> * Restrict:"E" = Means – restrict the directive format to Element format, using ng-DirectiveName or class="ng-Directive name wont work". * restrict:"A" is more commonly used. It will restrict the directive format to an Attribute. When using restrict:"A" you'll need to provide a link:function(scope,element){} property, which will contain the behavior of the directive. * the two parameters passed to the link: function are used as the current scope & the element which the directive is activated upon, the scope being the first param & the element being the second param. * and the last restrict option is "C" for class, which will restrict the directive to the HTML class attribute, this works the same as "A" providing the object with a link property to hold the directives functionality. * template:'<div>text</div>' = an html template that will automatically be inserted into the <DirectiveName> tag. *Isolate scope – when you create a directive and use it several times on your page, the controllers $scope object (passed in to the "link" function as first argument) will be shared among all the directives of the same name on the page. This situation can lead to a problem where each directive overwrites the other directives on the page. To solve this problem we need to pass in a literal object ({}) to the app.directive function (in the return object, where we specified restrict & link ) as a property named "scope" etc: {restrict:"E",scope:{}}. This will use the passed in object as the unique scope for that directive instance, and will solve the problem of shared scope between directives. * Directive attributes – you can get the directives special attributes to the isolate scope by declaring them on the scope ocject literal as properties: <directive mytattribute="somthing"></directive> , scope:{myattribute:"@"}. When doing so you must specify in the declaration what syntax is the property expacting, this is done by using "@","=" or "&" ass values when declaring the properties on isolate scope. ** "@" – the property will expect the string syntax value passed in from the property. Etc: myattribute={{property || 'string'}}. ** "=" – will expect an identifier syntax, and will create a two way binding to that object on the parent scope. Etc : myattribute="myproperty", myproperty is on the controller $scope and any change to it will also change the myattribute on the isolate scope. This is a way to override the isolated scope, defining properties on it from the controllers $scope. This is an undoing of the isolation which we want to avoid most time, to create reusable directives which can implamented multiple times on a page, without overriding the different directive instances data. ** "&" – will expect an identifier on the parent scope. This symbol will the directive to evaluate the value passed in from the attribute on the parent $scope object of the controller. This provides a way to communicate between the directive and the controller. Etc: <directive dial="doSomething(msg)"></directive> , {scope:{dial:'&'},template:"<input ngbind='value'></input><button ng-click="dial({msg:value})"></button>", value:''}. In this example, we pass the doSomething() function from the parent scope to the directive. Than in the template provided to the directive we first bind to the value property on the isolate scope, the we add a click event to the button which will trigger the dial property on the isolate scope. The dial property is actually the controllers doSomthing function, and it will be triggerd passing in an object, using the param name as key and the isolate scope property as value. * transclusion – Most of the time when writing directives the Element format will be used, and when providing a template attribute to the directive constructor, the template will replace the directive tags content in the html page. If you want the directives template to be added and not replace the content you need to define transclude property on the isolate scope passing it a property of true. Etc scope:{transclude:true} . Injection name Description Services Methods XHR services Notes $http Provides an api to make XHR requests asynchly. $http.get('URL') $'URL',{data:'someData'}) $http.get().error(function(data,status,headers,config){}) $http.get().success(function(data,status,headers,config) {}) the error() and success() methods are used the same way for post() as for get(). $httpProvider the $httpProvider.defaults.headers object contains all the default headers for HTTP requests. To change the default headers you need to access this objects properties and change them accordingly. $httpProvider.defaults.headers.common.accept = "text/plain " $ = this are just some of the options you can set, for a full documentation refer to the angular site. the $q service provides a way creating syncronus XHR request. This is done using a design pattern called Promise, which returns a promise object imidiatly as the XHR is created. That object then behaves like a proxy, waiting for updates from the XHR. $q.deffer() $q "application/json" $httpProvider.defaults.headers.common.put.contenttyp e = "application/json" $q.deffer().resolve(data) $q.deffer().notify(data) $q.deffer().reject(data) $q.deffer().then(successCallback, errorCallback, notifyCallback) resolve,notify & reject are publishers of the data sent back from the server on HTTP status changes. Then() is used to trigger event handlers for thos http status changes (the callbacks). Routing services $routeProvide r provides the methods to set up a routing system. This module uses the location change event and the hash param to load controllers and templates. The module also uses a chaching mechanism to create history management. $routeProvider.when('hashParam/:cbParam', { controller:'MyController', template:'templateURI/templateHTML.html' }); $routeProvider.otherWise('/'); $route $routeParams contains the params of the current template and location. You can change these params to make changes to the template reflowing the controller with updated params. Params include current.params,current.templateUrl,current.scope. name provides the params passed in trough the hash using the colons (:). It returns a value key object. $route.current.params $route.current.templateUrl $ $routeParams == {if:'a_1',name:'some name'} $routeProvider.otherWise() will redirect the user to the defined hash. You can pass the when() method params using colons (:), than in your controller you can access thos params using the $routeParams service. You can use these to change data for the template after it has loaded. unlike $route.current.params changing these values will not cause a reflow of the template. Inner angular services – used by angular and provided for deverlopers $compile $parse this service is used internally by angular to parse loaded html identifying angular directives and bindings. This service can also be used by the developer inside custom directives or controllers to parse angular html. $parse is used by angular to parse expressions provided in the html as strings. The expression is passed to $parse() as first param and the return value is a function containing the expression. So in order to evaluate that expression we need to executed the return value. You can than pass a context object to the returned function to evaluate the expression in a certain context. $compile(markup) var obj1 = {scopeModel:{item:'0+1'}}; var obj2 = {scopeModel:{item:'1+1'}}; var getter = $parse('scopeModel.item'); // (getter( obj1) === 1) === true // (getter( obj2) === 2) === true Localization Date & Compatibility returns the parsed html you can also pass in another context as 2nd param, to be used as a local context. This means that the expression resultion will search first the second param, and only it wont find a matching value it will search the first param. // (getter( obj2,obj1) === 1) === true $locale contains local formats of date currency etc… $locale.DATETIME_FORMATS.fullDate $locale.DATETIME_FORMATS.shortDate $timeout similar to the windows setTimeout function in syntax. The difference is that the windows setTimeout function is not operating within the angular namespace, thus making it unaware of angular variables or changes. exceptionHandler unlike other services is a service ment to be overridden by a custom function.This is made by creating a factory function that has the same name, or by injecting the original into a controller and redefining it within the controller. var promise = $timeout(function(){},3000); var cancel = function(){ promise.cancel()} $exceptionHa ndler myModule.factory('$exceptionHandler ',function(exception){ console.log( exception.messege); }); to switch to your own locale language settings you need to download a locale file for your language from: n/ you then need to add that script to your page. angularJs does'nt support, as of now, a dynamic locale service. we need to overwrite the default service with our own. Important services $apply $watch Writing your own service myApp.factory('serviceName',[ 'dependency1', 'dependency2', function( dependency1, dependency2){ var privateMethod = function(string){}; var privateProperty = "string"; //return an api to use for the service return { parseString: function(){ privateMethod ( privateProperty)}, string: privateProperty } } ]); Filters Expression Description Notes {{stringItem | uppercase}} {{stringItem | lowercase}} will format strings in uppercase {{numItem | number:2}} will transform any number to a decimal number with the number of decimel places after the colon {{timestamp | date:"medium"}} {{numberItem | currency}} will transform a javascript timestamp into a regular date using the format name after the colon. {{jsonObject | json}} will format a Jason object to a json string and print it. String Formating will format strings in lower case Number Formating will attach a currency sign to the number Object Formating example: {{3 | number:2}} = 3.00 {{3.143256 | number:2}} = 3.14 the are a few date format names for further info on them check angular documentation. for more info on how the currency symbol is set check angular documentation. Sorting Filters (used with ng-repeat) will sort items in an angular repeat according to the item property after the colon. item in items | orderBy:sortItem since there is a binding between the model and the view, sorting will take place even on changes to the model after rendering. Writing your own filters moduleName.filter('filterName', function(inputVal/*, other params after the colon*/){ //filter logic return modifiedValue; } ); //to inject your filter into your controller use one of the following syntax 1) someModule.controller('MyController', [ '$scope', 'myFILTER', function($scope, myFILTER){}//controller ]); 2) MyController.$inject = ['$scope', ' myFILTER ']; 3) someModule.controller('MyController', function($scope, myFILTER) { // ... }); Examples & Remarks Description Remarks Subject The dot operator in bindings You should always build your model on a designated property on the $scope object, i.e $scope.model $scope.model.yourData . This is because the $scope is not ment to be a model, it’s a scope object provided to your controller, which contains the view scope you assigned the controller to. Defining model attributes directly on $scope can lead to some unintended behavior, such as overwriting when using ng-model. So always designate a $scope property to hold your model properties, i.e $scope.model.modelData1,$scope.model.modelData2 . Examples Creating a query filter using ng-model & ng-repeat. The following example creates a query filter, it will display data according to the text you input, minimizing results as you continue writing by filtering the ng-repeat results. The json: $scope.model. apocalypseNow = [ { name:'Charlie Shien', role:'Main character' }, { name:'John Doe', role:'Side Kick' } ] The html: <div ng-controller="myController"> <input type="text" ng-model="model.inputName"> <ul> <li ng-repeat="actor in model.apocalypseNow | filter : model.inputName"> {{ }} </li> </ul> </div> Modules Description Remarks Subject Simple application module creation. var app = angular.module('myApp',['dependencies']); Scalable application / In bigger applications its better to devide app into multiple modules, each contained in its own name space on the main module. The main module "app", is dependent now on the sub modules, and dependency injection is needed when bigger applications. registering the main "app" module: var myDirectives = angular.module('app.myDirectives'); var myApp = angular.module('app',['app.myDirectives']); *notice how the 'app.myDirectives' module is declared first, that is because 'app' will need it as dependency. Examples