to syllabus of Angular js And NodeJs

Training Offer for JS Frameworks
Angular JS
1. Introduction to Angular
 Basic Introduction
 Module Introduction
 Introduction to Angular
 Angular Architecture
 JavaScript Design Pattern
 Angular Pros and Cons
 Angular Restrictions
2. Controllers and Markup
 Introduction
 Controllers and Scope
 Demo: Controllers
 Demo: Displaying Repeating Information
 Demo Handling Events
 Built-in Directives
 Event Directives
 Expressions
 Repeater
 Filters
 Built-in Filters
 Writing Custom Filters
 Two Way Binding
 Demo: Two Way Binding
 Validation
3. Creating and Using Services
 Introduction to Services
 Creating Your First Custom Service
 Another Custom Service Example
 Introduction to Built-In AngularJS Services
 Using the $http and $q Services Together
 Using the $resource Service
 Using the $anchorScroll Service
 Using the $cacheFactory Service
 Using the $compile Service
 Using the $parse Service
 Using the $locale Service
 Using the $timeout Service
 Using the $exceptionHandler Service
 Using the $filter Service
 Using the $cookieStore Service
 Overview of Less Common Services
 Create Custom Service, Factory and Provider
 Dependency Injection in AngularJs
4. Routing
 Introduction to Routing
 Websites of Yore
 Single Page Applications
 Adding Your First Route
 More Routing and Browser History
 Creating a Default Route
 Accessing Parameters from the Route
 Using the $route Service
 Enabling HTML5 Routing
 Template and Resolve Properties
 Using the $location Service
 Summary
 Suggested Exercises
5. Creating Custom Directives
 Introduction to Directives
 Creating Your First Directive
 Domain Specific Language via Custom Elements
 Isolating Directive Scope
 Exploring Isolate Scope Bindings
 Handling Events with Directives
 Observing and Responding to Changes
 Using Controllers within Directives
 Sharing Directive Controllers via Require
 Directive Priority and using Terminal
 Using Require with Nested Directives
 Understanding Transclusion
 Using Compile to Transform the DOM
 Making jQuery More Explicit with Directives
 Summary
1. Introduction to Node.js
 Installing Node.js
 Node’s Event Loop
 Alternatives to Node.js
 Writing asynchronous code
 RAM vs. I/O latency
 Blocking vs. Non-Blocking
 Event-driven Programming
 JavaScript Closures
 Event Loop
 Blocking The Event Loop
 Node.js Philosophy (userland vs. core)
2. Modularizing code
 Understanding built-in modules
 Techniques for modularizing JavaScirpt code
 Using require() to modularize application code
 Using npm for third-party modules
 Handling Exceptions
3. Events and Streams
 Understanding Events
 EventEmitter class
 Understanding Streams
 Reading and writing streams
 Using pipe()
4. Accessing Local Resources
 Process Object
 Manipulating File System
 Understanding Buffers
5. Node.js and the web
 Handling web requests
 Building a web server
 Understanding the need for web sockets
 Realtime interaction using
6. Building web applications using Express.js
 Installing Express.js
 Routing
 Parameters and queries in routing
 Building views using Jade view engine
 Using blocks for layout
 Displaying data
 Working with forms
 Serving files
 Working with cookies and sessions
 Authentication and authorization
 Error Handling
7. Scaling Node applications
 The Child process model
 exec, spawn, and fork functions
 Using the Cluster module
8. Node.js Eco System
 Node Packages
 Packages of interest
 Deciding Factors
9. Monitoring
 Monitoring Node.js processes
 Detecting Memory Leaks
10. Advanced
 Configuration Node processes
1. Live Debugging
 Debugging Knockout Code
 Using Conditional Breakpoints
 Evaluating Expressions
 Checking Scope
 Changing Code on the Fly in the Browser
 Locating and Timing XHR Calls
2. Inspecting Bindings
 Inspecting Declarative Bindings
 Inspecting Bindings With a Computed
 Moving Debug Logic to from HTML to JavaScript
 Cycles in Object Graphs
 Custom toJson Function
 Enabling the Binding Handler
 Testing the Dump Binding
 KnockoutJS Chrome PlugIn
 Examining Context Changes
3. Custom Binding Handlers
 Extending Your Bindings
 Creating a Binding Handler
 UI and Animation
 3rd Party Control Scenario
 Using the Bootstrap Typeahead
 Data Binding the Typeahead
 Designing a Binding Handler
 Writing the Typeahead Handler
4. Computed Observables
 Triggering Disposal of a Computed
 Deferring Evaluation
 The Case for a Writeable Computed
 Using Computeds Wisely
5. Event Delegation and Performance
 Managing Events and Performance
 Advantages of Event Delegation
 Bindings on Each Row
 Adding jQuery Event Delegation
 How to Use the Delegated Binding Handler
 Refactoring for the Binding Handler
6. Performance
 Efficient Knockout
 Bindings All At Once
 Understanding Array Updates
 Creating the Array Performance Demo
 Testing Observable Array Performance
 Using the Underlying Array
 Testing Large Array Performance
 Improving Large Array Performance
 Tracking Re-Evaluations
 Time to Throttle
 Throttling Local Data
 Throttling Ajax
All above are Real time scenario based