VV 33) Calculating myon magnetic momentum Filename: CMMM By

33) Calculating myon magnetic momentum
Filename: CMMM
By convention magnetic momentum of a current loop is calculated by:
1) M=i.A
Where M is the calculated magnetic momentum of the loop, i is equal to the current in
the loop and A is the area enclosed of the loop.
An elementary particle like for instance the myon particle, may be regarded as a
closed current loop. Because the particle has an electric unit charge, we can write
this current to:
2) i=e/t
where e is equal to the electric unit charge and t is equal to the spin envelope time of
the particle.
The enclosed area of this lope is written by:
3) a= .R2x
The envelope spin velocity is calculated by the formula:
The spin envelope time there will be:
T=2 .Rs/(c.(re/Rs)2)
Using these results, the magnetic momentum may be written:
6) M=(e.c.re/2).(Rx/Rs)2.(1/Rs)
Now we assume that the spin forces around the two axes are balanced by external
forces towards the particle surface. For the electric field spin direction we can write:
7) Pressure=( m.v2/Rs ).(1/(2.Rs.ds)
For the magnetic field spin direction we have:
8) p=( m.v2/Rx).(1/(2.Rx. s)
The pressure p is the same in both cases. Then you get:
9) 2 .Rs2=2.Rx2
Then you get:
10) (Rx/Rs)2=
Now we can write the particles magnetic momentum:
11) M=(e.c.re/2). .(1/Rs)
The particles radius in the electric field spin direction may be calculated by:
12) Rs=re.(m /me)1/3
Where m is equal to the myon particle mass and me is equal to the electron mass.
Inserting all known values we get the magnetic momentum of the myon to the
13)Ms =4E-26
which is a value in good agreement with measurements