FIELD EDUCATION Request for MSW FOUNDATION Field Placement School of Social Work - University of Pittsburgh Instructions Complete this form to request a foundation field placement. Attach one copy of a resume. An electronic copy will be requested by the field advisor. Complete Student Agreement/Release of Information Form (completed upon admission to the Program) Submit these materials via mail or in person to room 2129 Cathedral of Learning, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 (or via email at Review the MSW Field Education Student Handbook available at: Requirements First year part-time student internships will begin in June. First year full-time student internships will begin in October. Students on provisional or probation status must be approved for field placement. Students requesting to complete an employment-based field placement should complete that specific form (see Field Education Website). Students must be registered for field placement credits for each term they are in a field placement. Students must pay the malpractice premium before starting field placement. Students requesting accommodations must present a letter from DRS specific to field placement. Students should not request a field placement in an agency where they or a family member has/is receiving services. Deadlines DEADLINE FOR SPRING TERM PLACEMENT REQUESTS—OCTOBER 15 DEADLINE FOR SUMMER TERM PLACEMENT REQUESTS-MARCH 13 DEADLINE FOR CONTINUING STUDENTS FALL TERM PLACEMENT REQUESTS APRIL 25 DEADLINE FOR INCOMING STUDENTS FALL TERM PLACEMENT REQUESTS – JULY 15 Revised 2/6/2016 FIELD EDUCATION Request for MSW FOUNDATION Field Placement School of Social Work - University of Pittsburgh MSW STUDENT INFORMATION (Please print or type. Complete all that apply) REQUEST FOR PLACEMENT TERM: Fall Spring Summer Name Mailing address City/State/Zip Code Telephone Home: Work: Cell: E-Mail Address Please note: important correspondence will be sent to your University of Pittsburgh email address. We advise that you check your University email account throughout your placement for important information and reminders. It is your responsibility to forward your University email to any personal/secondary email account. STATUS: Full-Time Part-Time Advanced Standing CONCENTRATION: Direct Practice COSA CERTIFICATE PROGRAM (Check below): CYF Certificate Gerontology Home and School Visitor Human Services Management Mental Health Certificate Please read and complete the following section. Have you applied to the HPPAE or CWEL Program? If yes, which one: Yes No Are you pursuing a joint degree? If so, please note the progra m. Yes No Do you have previous work experience (social work related)? Yes No Previous field placement assignment as an undergraduate (Please describe): Yes No Do you have use of an automobile for field placement? Yes No Will you be employed while in field placement? If yes, average # hour(s) per week Yes No Will you be able to obtain Act 33/34 clearances (and/or FBI fingerprinting) that are free of misdemeanors and felonies? Yes No Are you requesting accommodations for your field placement? Yes No What are your preferences for field placement (population, social issues, field of practice, type of setting)? (Complete atta ched pages) What additional considerations are important to you in the selection of a field placement assignment such as location, etc.? Is there any information pertinent to your being assigned to a field placement that has not been identified in this form? If yes, please discuss the information during your interview with your field advisor, or attach a written discussion to this form. Yes No Do you agree to abide by the NASW Code of Ethics in your field placement? Yes No Are you aware that violations to the Code of Ethics in field placement can lead to academic integrity charges? Yes No I agree to follow the School of Social Work’s policies and procedures regarding field placement. Yes No I understand that all computer hardware, software, network access, information and data provided to me as a social work stude nt intern is the property of the agency in which I am placed and should be used for official agency purposes only. I will not use the agency computer systems for personal or non-agency business related purposes. STUDENT SIGNATURE: DATE: TERM(S) OF FIELD PLACEMENT Fall - AY Revised 2/6/2016 Spring - AY BELOW FOR FIELD EDUCATION OFFICE ONLY: Summer - AY YOUR SELECTED INTERESTS WILL ASSIST IN THE MATCHING PROCESS AGENCY/SITE SETTING - CHOOSE YOUR TOP THREE (3) Administrative Unit Advocacy Educational Unit Elder Care Inpatient Unit Interdisciplinary Rural School-Based Mental Health After-School Program School Social Work Substance Abuse Business Community-based Health Care Community-based Social Service Emergency / Crisis Center Employee / Student Assistance Faith-based Organization Community-based Mental Health Family Service Community-based Organization Government Multicultural Organization Nursing Home Outpatient Mental Health - Adult Outpatient Mental Health - Child Psychiatric Hospital Community Center Correctional Court / Justice System Day Treatment Program Domestic Violence Health Care Homeless Hospice Hospital Inpatient Mental Health Rehabilitation Program Residential Correctional Residential Treatment – Adult Residential Treatment – Child Respite Care Urban Volunteer-Based Program Other: AGENCY/SITE CHARACTERISTICS - CHOOSE YOUR TOP THREE (3) Abuse & Neglect Adoption Adventure Education Advocacy AIDS & HIV Alzheimer’s / Dementia Child Welfare Community Development Crisis Intervention Death & Dying Developmental Disabilities Domestic Violence DSM IV Disorders Eating Disorders Elderly Emotionally Disturbed Family Systems Treatment Foster Care Gay / Lesbian / LGBT Issues Health Care Homelessness / Housing Infant Mental Health Immigration/Refugee Issues Job Preparation & Development Juvenile Delinquency Legal Issues / Systems Legislative Issues Maternal & Child Health Mental Health / Illness Oppression & Injustice Parenting Parole / Probation Pervasive Development Disorders Physical Disabilities Poverty Pregnant Teens/Parenting Protective Services Public Welfare Race & Social Problems Reproductive Issues School Social Work Sexual Abuse & Assault Special Education Social Justice Substance Abuse Suicide Prevention TITLE IV E PRACTICE SKILL AREA - CHOOSE YOUR TOP THREE (3) Advocacy Assessment & Evaluation Behavior Modification Board Development/ Governance Budgeting Case Management Committees / Task Force Community Development Community Outreach Couples Treatment Crisis Intervention Data Collection Discharge Planning DSM IV (Diagnostic work) EAP counseling Individual Treatment Legislative Advocacy Mediation Needs Assessment Foundation Work Fundraising Grant Writing Grassroots organizing Group / Family Treatment Information and Referral In-home Intervention Planning/Program Evaluation Policy Analysis & Development Prevention Program Administration Program Development Public relations/marketing Report Writing/Recording Research and Analysis Service Provision Team Building/Coalition Volunteer / HR recruitment Other: POPULATION PREFERENCE - CHOOSE YOUR TOP TWO (2) Children Adolescents Adults Young Adults Revised 2/6/2016 Mid-Life Adults Elderly Men Women Families Couples Groups Individuals No Preference Other (specify) FIELD PLACEMENT & AGENCY PREFERENCE All placements must be arranged by the Office of Field Education. Students must not initiate contact with any agency to seek a placement within that agency without prior approval of the Office of Field Education. Any placement initiated without the knowledge of the field education staff will not be approved. HOW TO SELECT APPROVED AGENCIES Go to Click on the Agency Placement Listings, and follow the search criteria directions to generate a list of agencies you are interested in being considered for field placement. These choices should match the information contained in this request form. Please be as specific as you can. In addition to the agency list, you may also add comments that describe the types of agencies or experiences that interest you. Although we cannot guarantee that you will be placed in one of your preferred programs/agencies, this information will be used to determine an appropriate field placement. AGENCY NAME/LOCATION: (List Top 3 Choices) Comments: 1. 2. 3. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS- This form was created in consultation with the North Central Field Education Consortium. Revised 2/6/2016