At Stoke Park Junior School the children receive a daily maths lesson. As a basis for planning, the staff use the National Curriculum for mathematics. This outlines what is expected of each child for each year group. This leaflet outlines the expectations of the National Curriculum and the methods used by the staff to aid the teaching and learning of written calculations. The aim is that children use mental methods when appropriate, but for calculations that they cannot do in their heads they use an efficient written method accurately and with confidence. It is important to remember that sometimes a mental strategy will solve a problem quicker than writing down a standard method. The children will use the methods taught, and apply them to a wide variety of problem solving situations. The aim is that the children find an efficient written method to solve calculations with all numbers and not race through to a formal written calculation method. 1 To add successfully, children need to be able to: • recall all addition pairs to 9 + 9 and complements in 10; • add mentally a series of one-digit numbers, such as 5 + 8 + 4; • add multiples of 10 (such as 60 + 70) or of 100 (such as 600 + 700) using the related addition fact, 6 + 7, and their knowledge of place value; • partition two-digit and three-digit numbers into multiples of 100, 10 and 1 in different ways. 2 My Targets for Addition Can I add Ones + Ones using objects? Can I add Ones + Ones using objects on a number line? Can I add Ones + Ones on a number line starting on the biggest number and counting on? 5+ 3= 8 3+2=5 I have 3 apples and 2 apples, I have 5 apples altogether. 3+2=5 If I have 3 apples and 2 apples, I have 5 apples altogether. Prove it: Prove it: Prove it: Can I add TO + Ones on a structured number line? Can I add TO + Ones on an unstructured number line? This means there are no numbers on the line and you have to write them on. 13+8=21 14+5=19 Can I add a multiple of 10 to a number on an unstructured number line? 20+10=30 13+10=23 13+20=33 Prove it: Prove it: Can I use an unstructured number line to add TO + TO by counting on in Tens and Ones, not crossing the 10’s boundary? Can I use an unstructured number line to add TO + TO by counting on in Tens and Ones, crossing the 10’s boundary? 24+23=47 36+28=64 I have 36p and my mum gives me 28p pocket money. How much money do I have altogether? Prove it: Prove it: Prove it: Can I add TO+TO using partitioning? 67+24=91 60+20=80 7+4=11 80+11=91 Prove it: 3 Can I add TO+TO on an unstructured number line crossing a 100’s boundary? Can I add TO+TO using partitioning crossing the 100’s boundary? 76 +57 =133 58+67=125 50+60= 110 8+7=15 110+15=125 Prove it: Can I add HTO + TO using the expanded method of addition, adding the ones first crossing boundaries of 10s and then 100s? 625 + 48 13 60 600 673 Prove it: 783 + 42 5 120 700 825 367 + 85 12 140 300 452 45+24=69 45 +24 9 (5+4) 60 (40+20) 69 45+28=73 45 +28 13 (5+8) 60 (40+20) 73 Prove it: Prove it: Can I HTO + HTO using the expanded method of addition, adding the ones first crossing boundaries of 10s, 100s and 1000s? Can I add HTO +TO using carrying? a) Carrying ones b) Carrying tens c) Carrying ones and tens 625 783 367 + 48 + 42 + 85 673 825 452 1 1 11 205 +176 11(5+6) 70 (70+0) 300 (200+100) 381 587 +475 12 (7+5) 150 (80+70) 900 (500+400) 1062 Prove it: Can I add HTO + HTO using carrying? Can I add TO +TO using the expanded column method of addition, adding the ones first, firstly crossing no boundaries then crossing the boundary of 10s? Prove it: Can I add several numbers with different numbers of digits in columns? 257 39 +386 682 587 +475 1062 11 Can I add numbers in the 1000s using carrying? 3587 + 675 4262 111 7648 +1486 9134 111 6584 + 5848 12432 111 12 Prove it: Prove it: Can I add numbers involving decimals using columns? Can I add several decimals numbers using the standard column method? £5.75 + £3.18 £8.93 1 Prove it: Prove it: 78.3 6.85 +326.04 411.19 121 Prove it: 4 To subtract successfully, children need to be able to: • recall all addition and subtraction facts to 20; • subtract multiples of 10 (such as 160 – 70) using the related subtraction fact, 16 – 7, and their knowledge of place value; • partition two-digit and three-digit numbers into multiples of one hundred, ten and one in different ways (e.g. partition 74 into 70 + 4 or 60 + 14). 5 My Targets for Subtraction Can I subtract Ones-Ones using objects? Can I subtract using objects on a number line? (Ones-Ones) If I have 6 apples and I eat 2, I have 4 apples left. 5-3= 2 Can I subtract in ones on a number line using some objects? (Ones-Ones) 6-2=4 6-2=4 Prove it: Prove it: Can I subtract TO-O counting back in ones using a number line? If a farmer has 18 apples on a tree and he picks 3. How many apples will be left? Prove it: Can I count back in tens on a number line using a structured number line and then an unstructured number line? (TO-T) Can I subtract tens and ones on an unstructured number line, counting back in 10s then ones? (TO-TO) Start with subtracting teen numbers then other 2-digit numbers (as below) I have 36p, I spend 28p. How much do I have left? 34-30=4 Counting back 36-28=8 18-3=15 Counting on Prove it: Prove it: Prove it: Can I use an unstructured number line to subtract TOTO, counting back in bigger multiple of 10? There were 72 books in the library. Children borrowed 24 of them. How many books were left in the library? Can I subtract HTO – TO on an unstructured number line? There were 132 marbles in a jar. Sarah took 48 out of the jar. How many marble were left? Can I subtract HTO-HTO on an unstructured number line? 172-124=48 Counting back Counting back 72-24=48 132-48=84 Counting on Counting on Prove it: Prove it: Prove it: 6 3 1 Can I subtract using two digits in a column? (TO-TO) Can I subtract HTO-TO numbers using columns? Carrying a hundred 72-24=48 72 -24 70 + 2 20 + 4 132-41=91 132-48=84 explained by explained by 132 - 41 60 +12 20 + 4 40 + 8 = 48 100+30+2 40+1 132 - 48 0 12 12 132 - 48 84 132 - 41 91 72 -24 48 100+30+2 100 +20+12 0+ 120 +12 40+8 40+ 8 40+ 8 0+ 80+ 4 = 84 leading to 0 13 6 12 Prove it: Can I subtract HTO – TO numbers using columns? Dealing with zeros when adjusting Prove it: 102-48=54 102 100+ 0+2 - 48 40+8 563-271=292 Can I subtract HTO-HTO by making adjustment from hundreds to tens? 0 +100+ 2 40+ 4008 0+ 90+12 40 + 8 160 4 16 500500 600+ 3 400 150 50+ 4= 54 60 3 5 13 63 400 160 3 70 8 200 70 8 200leading to70 1 200 200 70 1 2 71 200 80 5 200 10 290 2 200 90 2 2 92 03 70 8 0 +130+ 2 40 +1 90 + 1 Leading to leading to Can I subtract HTO –TO numbers using columns? Carrying a ten and hundred (HTO-TO) 9 0 10 12 Prove it: Can I subtract HTO-HTO by making adjustment from hundreds to tens and tens to ones? 563-278=285 400 500 150 50 13 13 500 60 3 200 70 8 200 80 5 4 15 13 5 6 3 278 285 - 48 54 Prove it: Prove it: Can I subtract numbers in the 1000s using carrying? 6467-2684= 3783 5 13 16 6467 400 90 13 200 70 8 -2684 200 20 5 3783 Prove it: Prove it: Can I subtract HTO-HTO dealing with zeros when adjusting? 503-278=225 400 400 90 100 13 3 500 0 3 200 70 8 200 20 5 4 Can I subtract decimals? 562.3- 174.6=387.7 9 10 9 13 5 0 3 278 2 25 Prove it: Then subtracting different decimals: 14.24-8.7=5.54 347.9-7.25=340.65 Prove it: 7 To multiply successfully, children need to be able to: • recall all multiplication facts to 12 × 12; • partition numbers into multiples of 100, 10 and 1; • work out products such as 70 × 5, 70 × 50, 700 × 5 or 700 × 50 using the related fact 7 × 5 and their knowledge of place value; • add two or more single-digit numbers mentally; • add multiples of 10 (such as 60 + 70) or of 100 (such as 600 + 700) using the related addition fact, 6 + 7, and their knowledge of place value; • add combinations of whole numbers using the column method. 8 Times-table Mountain Challenge Structure- from September 2014 Foothills1 2x table in order Foothills 2 2x table random order Foothills 3 5 x table in order Foothills 4 5 x table random order Foothills 5 10 x table in order Pupils are given 2 ½ minutes every week to take the challenge. They can not take the actual test away with them but any additional work at home with their focus tables will certainly help them pass the challenge. Foothills 6 10 x table random order Stage 1 2, 5 & 10 times-tables Stage 2 Division facts corresponding to the 2, 5 & 10 times tables Stage 3 2,3,4,5 & 10 times tables Stage 4 Division facts corresponding to the 2,3,4,5 & 10 times tables Stage 5 Multiplication and division of numbers by 10 or 100 Stage 6 6, 7, 8 & 10 times tables Stage 7 Division facts corresponding to the 6, 7, 8 times tables Stage 8 times tables up to 10 x12 Stage 9 times table and division facts for 11 and 12s Stage 10a Multiplying 2-digit multiples of 10 or multiples of 100 Stage 10b Multiplying decimals by a single digit number Stage 10c Multiplying and dividing decimals by 10 or 100 Member of the x club! Deadly 60 challenges 9 My Targets for Multiplication Can I describe an array including the language ‘rows and columns’? Can I recognise an array as repeated addition sentences? Can I describe an array using multiplication calculations? 5 x 4= 20 4 x 5= 20 Can I solve simple Ones x Ones number problems on a structured number line, using pictures? Can I solve simple Ones x Ones number problems on an unstructured number line? There are 5 cakes in one box. How many cakes in 4 boxes? 4x5=20 5x 4= 20 Prove it: Prove it: Can I multiply TO x Ones using the grid method? 5+5+5+5 or 4+4+4+4+4 Prove it: Prove it: Can I use a number line and partitioning to calculate Teens x Ones ? Can I work out a Teens x Ones calculation through partitioning? 3 friends each baked 14 cakes. How many cakes were there altogether? 14x3=42 14 x 3 = (10 x 3) + (4 x 3) 30 + 12 = 42 Can I multiply a number by 10 and 100? Can I use my times table knowledge to calculate related facts? 3 x 10= 30 30 x 10= 300 3 x 100= 300 30 x 100= 3000 6x4=24 60x4=240 40X6=240 60x40=2400 Prove it: Prove it: Prove it: 23x8=184 Prove it: 10 Can I multiply HTO X Ones using the grid method? 346x9=3114 Can I multiply TO x TO using the grid method? 72 x 38=2736 2160 + 576 =2736 Prove it: Prove it: Can I multiply HTO X Ones using partitioning in columns, leading to without partitioning? short multiplication 346x9=3114 346 Leading to x 9 346 54 (6 x9) X 9 360 (40 x 9) 3114 45 2700 (300 x9) 3114 Can I multiply ThHTO X O using partitioning in columns, leading to without partitioning? short multiplication 4346x8=34768 4346 Leading to x 8 4346 48 (6 x 8) X 8 320 (40 x 8) 34768 2400 (300 x 8) 234 32000 (4000 x 8) 34768 Prove it: Prove it: CONTINUE WITH THIS METHOD FOR BIGGER NUMBERS IF YOU ARE CONFIDENT. Can I multiply decimals X O using knowledge of place value? short multiplication 4.92x3=14.76 Can I use long multiplication for TO x TO? 72x38=2736 1 Leading to 4.92 X 3___ 14.76 2 72 x 38 576 2160 2736 Can I use long multiplication for HTO x TO? Can I use long multiplication for bigger numbers? 352x27=9504 3 1 352 x 27 2464 7040 9504 Progressing to using their place value knowledge when multiplying decimals (4.92x 100= 492, 492 x 3= 1476, 1476 ÷100=14.76) Explained by 8x2= 16, record 6 and carry the 1 (10) 8x70=560 +10= 570 570+6= 576 30X2=60 30X70=2100 2100+60=2160 then 2160+576=2736 1 Explained by 7x2= 14, record the 4 and carry the 1(10) 7X50=350+10=360, record the 6 for 60 and carry 3 (300) 7x300=2100+300=2400 2400+60+4= 2464 20X2=40 20X50=1000 20x300=6000 6000+1000+40=7040 then 2464+7040=9504 Prove it: Prove it: Prove it: 1 Can I use long multiplication, making use of place value knowledge, to multiply decimals? 3.77x2.8= 6 5 3 .7 7 (2 decimal places) 1 1 x 2 . 8 (1 decimal place) 3 0 1 6 7 5 4 0 1 0. 5 5 6 (3 decimal places) Multiply the numbers just as if they were whole numbers. Place the decimal point in the answer by starting at the right and moving a number of places equal to the sum of the decimal places in both numbers multiplied. Prove it: 11 To carry out written methods of division successfully, children need to be able to: • understand division as repeated subtraction; • estimate how many times one number divides into another – for example, how many sixes there are in 47, or how many 23s there are in 92; • multiply a two-digit number by a single-digit number mentally; • subtract numbers using the column method. 12 My Targets for Division Can I share objects between people and things? ( one for me, one for you) Can I group objects between people and things? (a group of) Can I record a TO ÷O calculation using a structured number line? Can I record a TO ÷O calculation using an unstructured number line? 20÷5=4 Sharing 6 objects equally between 3 people means there are 2 objects each. 8 apples into groups of 2 Prove it: Can I use objects to work out the remainders when one number is divided by another? I have 20 cakes; I can fit 5 cakes in a box. How many boxes will I need? 4 boxes Prove it: Prove it: Can I use a number line to work out the remainders when one number is divided by another? Can I work out whether I need to round up or round down when finding a remainder? 20÷3=6r2 7÷2=3r1 There are 7 bones to share with 2 pups. But 7 cannot be divided exactly into 2 groups, so each pup gets 3 bones, but there will be 1 left over. Prove it: Prove it: 48÷6=8 I have 48 cakes; I can fit 6 cakes in a box. How many boxes will I need? 8 boxes Prove it: Can I divide TO÷O using known multiples (2, 5 or 10) to chunk on an empty number line? 68÷4=17 I have 20 Smarties to put on my cakes. Each cake needs 3 Smarties. How many cakes can I make? 6 cakes as you haven’t got enough Smarties for another cake. I have 20 cakes. I can fit 3 cakes in a box. How many boxes will I need? 7 boxes as you need to have another box for the other 2 cakes. Prove it: Prove it: 13 Can I divide TO÷O through chunking using known multiples (2, 5 or 10)? 70÷5= 14 70 - 50 20 - 10 10 -10 0 = 14 256÷7= 36r4 10 x 5 10x5=50 5x5=25 2x5=10 1x5=5 2x5 Can I use short division to divide decimals? Prove it: 256 - 70 10 x 7 186 -140 20 x7 46 - 42 6 x 7 4 2x5 Prove it: 132.3÷3= 44.1 Can I divide HTO÷O using known multiples when chunking in a column? Can I divide HTO÷O using short division? 128÷5=25r3 10x7=70 5x7=35 2x7=14 1x7=7 Can I present the quotient as a fraction or decimal? short division (HTO÷O) 134÷4=33.5 0 2 5 r3 5 1 1228 Decimal (as shown above)=33.5 Fraction=33 2/4 =36 r 4 Prove it: Can I divide HTO÷TO using long division? Prove it: Prove it: Can I present the quotient as a fraction or decimal? long division 432÷15=28 r 12 432÷15 Prove it: Prove it: 14 Glossary of terms Terminology Definition O= one T= ten H= hundred Th=thousand TTh= ten thousand HTh= hundred thousand M= Million th= tenths hth=hundredth thth=thousandth Array An arrangement of objects, usually in rows and columns to aid in quickly multiplying. Bridge Bridging to the nearest 5 or 10 (when using a number line or mentally, knowing how much more or less is needed to get to the next multiple of 5 or 10 e.g. if you are on 34 you need a jump of 6 to get to 40.) Cardinal number Cardinal numbers (or cardinals) are numbers that say how many of something there are, such as one, two, three, four, five. Answers the question "How Many?" Carry Describe the action involved in a written calculation when digits are added up and give rise to a number that is more than the given digits, thus requiring the larger part to be ‘moved’ over to the next place value. E.g. 5 + 7 = 12, so the 2 of the twelve remains in the ones and the ten part of the number has to ‘move’ over to the Tens. Chunking Term used to describe a written method for division Chunking refers to the ability to ‘group’ together larger amounts when dividing. Consecutive Following in order. Consecutive numbers are adjacent in a count For example: 5, 6, 7 are consecutive numbers. 25, 30, 35 are consecutive multiples of 5. Commutativity For addition and multiplication, the numbers in calculation can be in any order and will result in the same answer. E.g. 3 x 4 = 12 and 4 x 3 = 12 or 3 + 4 = 7 and 4 + 3 = 7. Addition and multiplication are commutative. Subtraction and Division are not commutative. However children must understand that the numbers in a calculation can also be any order but will result in a different answer. E.g. 7 – 5 = 2 and 5 – 7 = -2. Decimal Numbers Numbers with a value less than 1 – tenths (ten of these make one whole number), hundredths (one hundred of these make one whole number, ten make a tenth). Decimal Point Refers to the ‘dot’ put between digits in a number to distinguish between the ones and the decimal part of a number. Diennes Useful apparatus which is used to support the understanding of Apparatus Place Value. Digit One of the symbols of a number system, most commonly the symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. For example, the number 29 is two-digit number; 5 is a one-digit number Dividend The quantity which is to be divided. E.g. in the calculation, 12 ÷3, the dividend is 12. Divisor The quantity by which another quantity is to be divided. E.g. for the calculation 12 / 3, the divisor is 3. Estimate Verb: To arrive at a rough or approximate answer Noun: A rough or approximate answer 15 Exchange Factor Fewer Grid Method Grouping/Group Inverse Inverse of multiplication (as a method of division) Less Long Multiplication Jottings Least Significant Digit Multiple Number bonds Number Line Refers to moving digits from different place values e.g. moving 10 to the units to be able to subtract (used to be referred to as ‘borrowing’, but we don’t use this term now as it never gets given back!) Factors are numbers you can multiply together to get another number: Example: 2 and 3 are factors of 6, because 2 × 3 = 6. A number can have MANY factors! Used to compare two or more sets of countable (discrete) objects. For example, ‘There are fewer biscuits on this plate than on that plate’, or ‘There are two fewer apples in this bag’. A written method for solving multiplications, see calculations page. This term is used in division and relates to times table facts. For instance for 15÷3 the 15 is divided into groups of 3 (so the 3 times table is used to solve the problem and you can get 5 groups of 3 from 15). This refers to the opposite calculation relationship, such as multiplication being the inverse of division and addition being the inverse of subtraction. For instance the inverse of 1+2=3 is 3-2=1. Counting up from 0 in multiples to reach a number in order to solve division calculation. Inverse of multiplication is used to see how many amounts make a given number. E.g. starting at 0 and counting up in steps of 3 until 12 is reached. Some children find counting on in the multiples from 0 easier than repeated subtraction and this is fine so long as they understand they are using the inverse of multiplication rather than repeated subtraction. Used to compare ‘uncountable’ (continuous) quantities including measures. For example, ‘This bottle has less water in than that one’. A formal calculation strategy that builds on the understanding of the grid method into a compact column method. The multiplier is larger than 12 and therefore is partitioned during the process to aid calculation. Long Multiplication is a multi-stage calculation which requires final stage addition calculation in order to reach the final outcomes. Jottings are essentially notes/pictures/number sentences or number lines. Any form of written workings made to help solve a mathematical problem. Describes the smallest part of a given number (most commonly refers to the units, although if working with decimals will refer to the smallest decimal part). A multiple is a number that is part of a particular times table e.g. multiples of 10 are any number ending in a zero: 10, 20, 30, 40 etc. The numbers that when added make multiples of ten, one hundred, one thousand etc. For instance 7+3=10, therefore 17+3=20, so 27+3=30 etc and 70+30=100. A line on which numbers are represented by points. Division marks are numbered, rather than spaces. They can begin at any number and extend into negative numbers. They can show any number sequence. 012345678910 16 Number Sentence Numeral Ordinal numbers Partition Pattern Place Holder Place Value Product Quotient Ratio Recombine Remainder Sequence Short Multiplication Zero Using mathematical symbols to explain a calculation e.g. 3 + 2 = 5. A symbol used to denote a number. For example, 5, 23 and the Roman V are all numbers written in numerals. A term that describes a position within an ordered set. For example, first, second, third, fourth … twentieth. 1.To separate a set into subsets 2.To split a number into component parts. For example, the twodigit number 38 can be partitioned into 30 + 8 or 19 + 19. A systematic arrangement of numbers, shapes or other elements according to a rule. Term used to describe a zero in a number, for instance in 302 the zero holds the place of the Tens and shows the number has no Tens. Without it the number written would read as thirty-two Understanding for instance; Hundreds, Tens and Ones – Knowing ten ones makes one ten, knowing ten tens is one hundred. Knowing you can’t have 11 ones. In mathematics, a product is the result of multiplying, or an expression that identifies factors to be multiplied. Thus, for instance, 6 is the product of 2 and 3 (the result of multiplication). The result of a division calculation. E.g. In the calculation of 12 ÷ 3, the quotient is 4. The comparison of two properties 2:3 All ratio relationships are proportional. Term often used alongside partitioning. It refers to the ‘putting back together’ of numbers that have been partitioned. E.g. 20 + 4 recombined is 24. Term used to describe the amount left over from dividing (sharing or grouping). An ordered set of numbers or shapes arranged according to a rule. A formal calculation strategy that builds on the understanding of the grid method into a compact column method. The multiplier is 12 or less and therefore not partitioned during the process as the calculations should rely on knowledge of key multiplication facts up to 12 x 12. An expanded short multiplication method details each stage in brackets and shows clear connections to the grid method. This will be used as a vital stage in bridging understanding from the grid method to short multiplication. 1. Nought or nothing 2. In a place-value system, a place-holder. For example, 105 3. The cardinal number of an empty set. Useful Maths Vocabulary Addition – add, plus, total, and, altogether Subtraction – find the difference, take away, minus, less than, Division – grouping, sharing, quotient, divide, halve Multiplication – repeated addition, grouping, product, times, lots of, double 17 Useful Websites - aimed at supporting 10-11 year olds as they prepare for their Key Stage 2 National Curriculum Tests - a BBC site with a range of activities, facts sheets and games covering all areas of maths - a range of interactive games – a range of interactive games and activities covering all areas of maths – a range of interactive games covering all areas of maths – practise multiplication tables through fun games 18 Stoke Park Junior School Underwood Road, Bishopstoke, Eastleigh SO50 6GR Tel: 023 80612789 Fax: 023 80653212 19