EFA, CFA, and SEM (You should have read the EFA chapter in T&F, the Structural Equation Modeling chapter, and be reading the Byrne text.) Observed Variable A variable whose values are observable. Examples: IQ Test scores (Scores are directly observable), GREV, GREQ, GREA, UGPA, Minnesota Job Satisfaction Scale, Affective Commitment Scale, Gender, Questionnaire items. Latent Variable A variable, i.e., characteristic, presumed to exist, but whose values are NOT observable. A Factor in Factor Analysis literature. A characteristic of people that is not directly observable. Intelligence, Depression, Job Satisfaction, Affective Commitment, Tendency to display affective state No direct observation of values of latent variables is possible. Brain states? Brain chemistry? Indicator An observed variable whose values are assumed to be related to the values of a latent variable. Reflective Indicator An observed variable whose values are partially determined by, i.e., are influenced by or reflect, the values of a latent variable. For example, responses to Conscientiousness items are assumed to reflect a person’s Conscientiousness. Formative Indicator An observed variable whose values partially determine, i.e., cause or form, the values of a latent variable. Exogenous Variable (Ex = Out) A variable whose values originate from / are caused by factors outside the model, i.e., are not explained within the theory with which we’re working. That is, a variable whose variation we don’t attempt to explain or predict by whatever theory we’re working with. Causes of exogenous variable originate outside the model. Exogenous variables can be observed or latent. Endogenous variable (En ~~ In) A variable whose values are explained within the theory with which we’re working. We account for all variation in the values of endogenous variables using the constructs of whatever theory we’re working with. Causes of endogenous variables originate within the model. Intro to SEM - 1 Printed on 2/6/2016 Basic SEM Path Analytic Notation Observed variables are symbolized by squares or rectangles. 103 84 121 76 ... 97 81 Observed Variable Latent Variables are symbolized by Circles or ellipses. 106 78 115 80 ... 93 83 Latent Variable Values of individuals on latent variables are not observable, hence the dimmed text. Correlations or covariances between variables are represented by double-headed arrows. "Cor / Cov" Arrow "Cor / Cov" Arrow Observed Variable B Observed Variable A 101 90 128 72 ... 93 80 103 84 121 76 ... 97 81 Latent Variable B Latent Variable A 106 78 115 80 ... 93 83 104 79 114 79 ... 92 81 "Causal" or "Predictive" or “Regression” relationships between variables are represented by single-headed arrows Latent Variable Latent Variable "Causal" Arrow Observed Variable Observed Variable "Causal" Arrow Latent Variable Intro to SEM - 2 Observed Variable "Causal" Arrow "Causal" Arrow Latent Variable Observed Variable Printed on 2/6/2016 Exogenous Observed Variables "Correlation" Arrow "Causal" Arrow Observed Variable Observed Variable Exogenous variable connect to other variables in the model through either a “causal” arrow or a correlation Exogenous Latent Variables Latent Variable "Correlation" Arrow "Causal" Arrow Latent Variable Exogenous latent variables also connect to other variables in the model through either a “causal” arrow or a correlation Endogenous Observed Variables "Causal" Arrow Observed Variable Endogenous Latent Variable Random error Random error "Causal" Arrow Latent Variable Endogenous variables connect to other variables in the model by being on the “receiving” end of one or more “causal” arrows. Specifically, endogenous variables are typically represented as being “caused” by 1) other variables in the theory and 2) random error. Thus, 100% of the variation in every endogenous variable is accounted for by either other variables in the model or random error. This means that random error is an exogenous latent variable in SEM diagrams. Random error is a catch-all concept representing all “other” things that are affecting the endogenous variable. Summary statistics associated with symbols Mean, Variance Mean, Variance Observed Variable Latent Variable Our SEM program, Amos, prints means and variances above and to the right. Typically the mean and variance of latent variables are fixed at 0 and 1 respectively, although there are exceptions to this in advanced applications. "Correlation" Arrow "Causal" Arrow r or Covariance B or Intro to SEM - 3 Printed on 2/6/2016 Path Diagrams of Analyses We’ve Done Previously Following is how some of the analyses we’ve performed previously would be represented using path diagrams. 1. Simple correlation between two observed variables. rVQ GRE-Q GRE-V 2. Simple correlations between three observed variables. rVA rVQ GRE-V rQA GRE-Q GRE-A 3. Simple regression of an observed dependent variable onto one observed independent variable. GRE-Q B or P511G Note that the endogenous variable is caused in part by catch-all influences. e 4. Multiple Regression of an observed dependent variable onto three observed independent variables. GRE-V GRE-Q UPGA BV or V BQ or Q P511G e Note that the endogenous variable is caused in part by catch-all influences. BU or U Intro to SEM - 4 Printed on 2/6/2016 ANOVA in SEM Models Since ANOVA is simply regression analysis, the representation of ANOVA in SEM is merely as a regression analysis. The key is to represent the differences between groups with group coding variables, just as we did in 513 and in the beginning of 595 . . . 1) Independent Groups t-test The two groups are represented by a single, dichotomous observed group-coding variable. It is the independent variable in the regression analysis. Dichotomous variable representing the two groups Dependent Variable e 2) One Way ANOVA The K groups are represented by K-1 group-coding variables created using one of the coding schemes (although I recommend contrast coding). They are the independent variables in the regression analysis. If contrast codes are used, the correlations between all the group coding variables are 0, so no arrows between them need be shown. 1st Group-coding contrast code variable 2nd Group-coding contrast code variable. Note: Contrast codes were used so Groupcoding variables are uncorrelated. Dependent Variable e . . . . . (K-1)th Groupcoding contrast code variable. 3) Factorial ANOVA. Each factor is represented by G-1 group-coding variables created using one of the coding schemes. The interaction(s) is/are represented by products of the group-coding variables representing the factors. Again, no correlations between coding variables need be shown if contrast codes are used. Note: Contrast codes should be used to make sure the group-coding variables uncorrelated. 1st Factor 1st Factor 2st Factor 2st Factor Dependent Variable e Interaction Interaction Interaction Interaction Intro to SEM - 5 Printed on 2/6/2016 Path Diagrams representing Exploratory Factor Analysis 1) Exploratory Factor Analysis solution with one factor. The factor is represented by a latent variable with three or more observed indicators. (Three is the generally recommended minimum no. of indicators for a factor.) Obs 1 e1 Obs 2 e2 Obs 3 e3 F Note that factors are exogenous. Indicators are endogenous. Since the indicators are endogenous, all of their variance must be accounted for by the model. Thus, each indicator must have an error latent variable to account for the variance in it not accounted for by the factor. 2) Exploratory Factor Analysis solution with two orthogonal factors. Each factor is represented by a latent variable with three or more indicators. The orthogonality of the factors is represented by the fact that there is no arrow connecting the factor symbols. Let’s assume that Obs1, 2, and 3 are thought to be primary indicators of F1 and 4,5,6 of F2. For exploratory factor analysis, each variable is allowed to load on all factors. Of course, the hope is that the loadings will be substantial on only some of the factors and will be close to 0 on the others, but the loadings on all factors are retained, even if they’re close to 0. The loadings that might be close to 0 in the model are shown in red and orange. Obs 1 e1 Obs 2 e2 Obs 3 e3 F1 Obs 4 e4 Obs 5 e5 Obs 6 e6 F2 Orthogonal factors represent uncorrelated aspects of behavior. Note what is assumed here: There are two independent characteristics of behavior – F1 and F2. Each one influences responses to all six items, although it is hoped that F1 influences primarily the first 3 items and that F2 influences primarily the last 3 items. If Obs 1 thru Obs 3 are one class of behavior and Obs 4 thru Obs 6 are a second class, then if the loadings “fit” the expected pattern, this would be evidence for the existence of two independent dispositions – that represented by F1 and that represented by F2. Intro to SEM - 6 Printed on 2/6/2016 3) Exploratory Factor Analysis solution with two oblique factors. Each factor is represented by a latent variable with three or more indicators. The obliqueness of the factors is represented by the fact that there IS an arrow connecting the factors. Obs 1 e4 Obs 2 e5 Obs 3 e6 F1 Obs 4 e7 Obs 5 e8 Obs 6 e9 F2 Again, in exploratory factor analysis, all indicators load on all factors, even if the loadings are close to zero. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) programs, such as that in SPSS, always report estimates of all loadings. This solution is potentially as important as the orthogonal solution, although in general, I think that researchers are more interested in independent dispositions than they are in correlated dispositions. But discovering why two dispositions are separate but still correlated is an important and potentially rewarding task. Intro to SEM - 7 Printed on 2/6/2016 Confirmatory vs Exploratory Factor Analysis In Exploratory Factor Analysis, the loading of every item on every factor is estimated. The analyst hopes that some of those loadings will be large and some will be small. An EFA two-orthogonalfactor model is represented by the following diagram. e4 Obs 1 Obs 2 e5 Obs 3 e6 F1 e7 Obs 4 Obs 5 e8 Obs 6 e9 F2 Note that there are arrows (loadings) connecting each variable to each factor. We have no hypotheses about the loading values – we’re exploring – so we estimate all loadings and let them lead us. No EFA programs (except that in Mplus) allow you to specify or fix loadings to predetermined values. In contrast to the exploration implicit in EFA, a factor analysis in which some loadings are fixed at specific values is called a Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The analysis is confirming one or more hypotheses about loadings, hypotheses representing by our fixing them at specific (usually 0) values. Unfortunately, EFA and CFA cannot be done using the same computer program except MPlus. The problem is that all EFA programs except that in Mplus won’t allow some loadings to be fixed at predetermined values. And CFA programs, except Mplus canNOT estimate the above model. Amos and all CFA programs other than MPlus require that some of the loadings be fixed. So, in many instances, you will have to employ both SPSS (for EFA) and AMOS (for CFA) in exploring the interrelations between variables and factors. Often, analysts will use an EFA program to estimate ALL loadings to all factors, then use an SEM program to perform a confirmatory factor analysis, fixing those loadings that were close to 0 in the EFA to 0 in the CFA. Obs 1 F1 Obs 2 E2 Obs 3 E3 Obs 4 F2 E1 E4 Obs 5 E5 Obs 6 E6 Note that in the above confirmatory model, loadings of indicators 4-6 on F1 are fixed at 0, as are loadings of indicators 1-3 on F2. (The arrows are missing, therefore assumed to be zero.) Intro to SEM - 8 Printed on 2/6/2016 The Identification Problem Mean, Variance Consider the simple regression model . . . E Mean, Variance Cov(E,Y) X Y Y = a + b*X Quantities which can be computed from the data . . Mean of the X variable Variance of the X variable Mean of the Y variable. Variance of the Y variable. Intercept of X on Y Slope of X->Y regression Quantities in the diagram . Remember that in SEM path diagrams, all the variance in every endogenous variable must be accounted for. For that reason, the path diagram includes a latent “Other factors” variable, labeled “E”. Mean of X Mean of E Variance of X Variance of E Intercept of X-> regression Slope of X->Y regression Covariance of E with Y Note: Mean and variance of Y are not separately identified in the model because they are assumed to be completely determined by Y’s relationship to X and to E. Whoops! There are 6 quantities in the data but 7 in the model. There are too few quantities in the data. The model is underidentified. – not identified enough - there aren't enough quantities from the data to identify each model value. Intro to SEM - 9 Printed on 2/6/2016 Dealing with underidentification . . . The mean of E is always assumed to be 0. 1) Fix the variance of E to be 1. So in this regression model, the path diagram will be 0, 1 E Mean, Variance Cov(E,Y) X Y Y = a + b*X In this case, the model is said to be “just identified” or “completely identified”. This means that every estimable quantity in the model corresponds to one quantity obtained from the data. Or, 2) Fix covariance of E with Y at 1. Mean, Variance E 1 Mean, Variance X Y Y=a+B*X Underidentified: Bad. Just identified: OK Overidentified: Great, you have degrees of freedom. Intro to SEM - 10 Printed on 2/6/2016 Identification in CFA models Here’s a typical CFA two-factor model. Making the residuals part of the CFA identified . . . 1. Fix all residual variances to 1. 0,1 E1 Obs 1 0,1 F1 Obs 2 E2 Obs 3 E3 Obs 4 E4 Obs 5 E5 Obs 6 E6 0,1 0,1 0,1 F2 0,1 or 2. Fix all E-O covariances to 1. 1 Obs 1 F1 Obs 2 1 E2 Obs 3 1 E3 1 E4 1 E5 1 E6 Obs 4 F2 E1 Obs 5 Obs 6 Making the Factors part of the CFA identified 1. Fix one of the loadings for each factor at 1 Or 2. Fix the variance of each factor at 1. Intro to SEM - 11 Printed on 2/6/2016 Examples 1. Fixing all variances. 1 E1 Obs 1 1 F1 1 E2 Obs 2 1 E3 Obs 3 E4 Obs 4 1 1 E5 Obs 5 F2 1 1 E6 Obs 6 2. Fixing residual loadings but Factor variances 1 Obs 1 1 1 Obs 2 F1 E1 E2 1 E3 Obs 3 1 E4 Obs 4 1 1 E5 Obs 5 F2 1 E6 Obs 6 3. Fixing residual loadings and factor loadings. 1 1 Obs 1 Obs 2 F1 1 E1 E2 1 E3 Obs 3 1 E4 Obs 4 1 1 F2 E5 Obs 5 1 Obs 6 E6 Intro to SEM - 12 Printed on 2/6/2016 Programming with path diagrams: Introduction to Amos Amos is an add-on program to SPSS that performs confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. It is designed to emphasize a visual interface and has been written so that virtually all analyses can be performed by drawing path diagrams. It also contains a text-based programming language for those who wish to write programs in the command language. The Amos drawing toolkit with functions of the most frequently used tools. Observed variable tool Tool to draw latent variables Tool to draw regression arrows Tool to draw correlation arrows Tool to put text on the diagram Tool to select all objects in diagram Tool to select a single object Tool to deselect all objects in diagram Tool to copy an object Tool to erase an object Tool to move an object Tool to tell Amos to run the diagram. Intro to SEM - 13 Printed on 2/6/2016 Creating an Amos analysis 1. Open Amos Graphics. 2. File -> Data Files . . . (Because you have to connect the path diagram to a data file.) 3. Specify the name of the file that contains the raw or summary data. a. Click on the [File Name] button. b. Navigate to the file and double-click on it. c. Click on the [OK] button. In this example, I opened a file called IncentiveData080707.sav 4. Draw the desired path diagram using the appropriate drawing tools. The example below is a simple correlation analysis. 5. Name the variables by right-clicking on each object. And choosing “Object Properties . . .” Intro to SEM - 14 Printed on 2/6/2016 Amos Details For most of the analyses you’ll perform using Amos, you should get in the habit of doing the following . . . View -> Analysis Properties -> Estimation Check “Estimate means and intercepts” View -> Analysis Properties -> Output Check “Standardized estimates” Check “Squared multiple correlations” Remember that you must fix some parameter values to make the models identified. Intro to SEM - 15 Printed on 2/6/2016 Doing old things in a new way: Analyses we’ve done before, now performed using Amos The data used for this example are the VALDAT data. We’ll simply look at the output here. Later, we’ll focus on the menu sequences needed to get this output. a. SPSS analysis of the correlation of FORMULA with P511G Correlations Correlations Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N P511G FORMULA P511G FORMULA P511G FORMULA P511G FORMULA 1.000 .502** .502** 1.000 . .000 .000 . 83 79 79 81 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). b. Amos Input Path Diagram - Input Parameter Values (Note, I told Amos to estimate means for this analysis.) All variables are exogenous. c. Amos Output Path Diagram - Unstandardized (Raw) coefficients The mean and variance of Formula. The mean and variance of p511g. The covariance of p511g and Formula. c. Amos Path Diagram - Standardized coefficients The correlation of p511g and Formula. Means and variances of standardized variables are not displayed, since they are 0 and 1 respectively. Intro to SEM - 16 Printed on 2/6/2016 Simple Regression Analysis: SPSS and Amos The data used here are the VALDAT data. a. SPSS Version 10 output GET FILE='E:\MdbT\P595\Amos\valdatnm.sav'. . REGRESSION /MISSING LISTWISE /STATISTICS COEFF OUTS R ANOVA /CRITERIA=PIN(.05) POUT(.10) /NOORIGIN /DEPENDENT p511g /METHOD=ENTER formula . Regression Variables Entered/Removedb Model 1 Variables Entered FORMULAa Variables Removed Method Enter . a. All requested variables entered. b. Dependent Variable: P511G Model Summary Model 1 R .480a R Square .230 Adjusted R Square .220 Std. Error of the Estimate 4.725E-02 a. Predictors: (Constant), FORMULA ANOVAb Model 1 Regres sion Residual Total Sum of Squares 5.005E-02 .167 .217 df 1 75 76 Mean Square 5.005E-02 2.233E-03 F 22.420 Sig. .000a t 6.361 4.735 Sig. .000 .000 a. Predic tors: (Constant), FORMULA b. Dependent Variable: P511G Coefficientsa Model 1 (Constant) FORMULA Unstandardized Coefficients B Std. Error .496 .078 3.004E-04 .000 Standardi zed Coefficien ts Beta .480 a. Dependent Variable: P511G Intro to SEM - 17 Printed on 2/6/2016 b. Amos Input Path Diagram - Input parameter values 1 The model is underidentified unless you fix the value of one parameter. Fix either the variance of the latent error variable to 1 or the regression weight to 1. Here, the variance has been fixed. error p511g formula c. Amos Output Path Diagram - Unstandardized (Raw) coefficients Variance Mean of X of Formula. The estimated Variance of X unstandardized (raw score) relationship of p511g .to Formula the slope, to 2 decimal places. 1.00 error .05 7203.60 formula .00 p511g Note that the fixed parameter values were not changed. For what it's worth, the estimated unstandardized (raw score) relationship of p511g to the “other factors” latent variable. d. Amos Output Path Diagram - Standardized coefficients (View/Set -> Analysis Properties -> Output to get Amos to print Standardized estimates what a pain!!) Correlation of p511g with latent “other factors”..= sqrt(1Correlation of p511g error r2)=sqrt(1-.482) = sqrt(1-.23) = with Formula. sqrt(.77)=.88 .88 .23 formula .48 r2 for the model. You may have to pull down [View/Set] > Analysis Properties -> Output to ask for this to be printed. p511g Note that .482 + .882 = 1. All of variance of p511g has been accounted for. We say that formula and error partition the total variance of p511g. Intro to SEM - 18 Printed on 2/6/2016 Two IV Regression Example - SPSS and Amos The data here are the VALDATnm data. UGPA and GREQ are predictors of P511G. a. SPSS output. GET FILE='G:\MdbT\P595\P595AL09-Amos\valdatnm.sav'. DATASET NAME DataSet1 WINDOW=FRONT. REGRESSION /DESCRIPTIVES MEAN STDDEV CORR SIG N /MISSING LISTWISE /STATISTICS COEFF OUTS R ANOVA /CRITERIA=PIN(.05) POUT(.10) /NOORIGIN /DEPENDENT p511g /METHOD=ENTER ugpa greq . Regression [DataSet1] G:\MdbT\P595\P595AL09-Amos\valdatnm.sav Correla tions Pe arson Co rrelat ion p5 11g 1.0 00 ug pa .22 5 ug pa .22 5 1.0 00 -.2 62 gre q .32 2 -.2 62 1.0 00 p5 11g Sig . (1-t ailed ) p5 11g N gre q .32 2 . .02 5 .00 2 ug pa .02 5 . .01 1 gre q .00 2 .01 1 . p5 11g 77 77 77 ug pa 77 77 77 gre q 77 77 77 Va riabl es Entere d/Rem ov e db Mo del 1 Va riable s Re move d Va riable s En tered gre q, ug pa a . Me thod En ter a. All requ ested vari ables ente red. b. De pend ent V ariab le: p 511g Model S umm ary Mo del 1 R .45 5 a R S quare .20 7 Std . Erro r of the Estim ate .04 828 Ad justed R S quare .18 5 a. Pre dicto rs: (Consta nt), g req, ugpa Coeffici ents a Un stand ardized Co efficients Mo del 1 B Std . Erro r (Co nstan t) .57 1 .06 9 ug pa .04 8 .01 6 gre q .00 0 .00 0 Sta ndardized Co effici ents Be ta t Sig . 8.2 28 .00 0 .33 2 3.0 98 .00 3 .41 0 3.8 17 .00 0 a. De pend ent V ariab le: p5 11g Intro to SEM - 19 Printed on 2/6/2016 b. Amos Input Path Diagram - Input parameters. 1 The variance of the (unobserved) error latent variable must be specified at 1. error ugpa Note that if the IVs are correlated, you must specify that they are correlated. Otherwise, Amos will perform the analysis assuming they're uncorrelated. p511g greq c. Amos Output Path Diagram - Unstandardized (Raw) coefficients I forgot to check “Estimate means and intercepts, so no means are printed.) Variance of ugpa Raw partial regression coefficient relating p511g to ugpa Covariance of ugpa and greq. 1.00 error .13 ugpa .05 Raw Regression coefficient relating p511g to residual effects. .05 -8.54 p511g 7897.62 .00 greq Raw partial regression coefficient relating p511g to GREQ to 2 decimal places. Intro to SEM - 20 Printed on 2/6/2016 d. Amos Output Path Diagram - Standardized coefficients. Standardized partial regression coefficients. Correlation of ugpa and greq. error ugpa SQRT(1-R2)=sqrt(1-.21) = sqrt(.79)=.89 .89 .33 -.26 .21 p511g .41 greq Multiple R2. Note that .332 + .412 + .892 = 1.07 > 1.0. This is because r2s partition variance only when variables are uncorrelated. e. Amos Text Output - Details of input and minimization Chi-square = 0.000 Degrees of freedom = 0 Probability level cannot be computed Maximum Likelihood Estimates ---------------------------Regression Weights: ------------------p511g <----- ugpa p511g <---- error p511g <----- greq Standardized Regression Weights: -------------------------------- Estimate -------0.048 0.047 0.000 S.E. ------0.015 0.004 0.000 C.R. ------- Label ------- 3.140 12.329 3.869 Estimate -------- p511g <----- ugpa p511g <---- error p511g <----- greq Covariances: -----------ugpa <-----> greq Correlations: ------------- 0.332 0.891 0.410 Estimate -------- S.E. ------- C.R. ------- -8.537 3.861 -2.211 S.E. ------- C.R. ------- Label ------- Estimate -------ugpa <-----> greq Variances: ---------- -0.262 Estimate -------- error ugpa greq Squared Multiple Correlations: ------------------------------ 1.000 0.134 7897.622 Estimate -------- p511g 0.207 Intro to SEM - 21 0.022 1281.163 Label ------- 6.164 6.164 Note – No overall test of significance of R2. This test is available in the ANOVA box in SPSS. Printed on 2/6/2016 Oneway Analysis of Variance Example - SPSS and Amos The data for this example follow. They're used to introduce the 595 students to contrast coding. The dependent variable is Job Satisfaction (JS). The research factor is Job, with three levels. It is contrast coded by CC1 and CC2. The data for this example are in ‘MdbT\P595\Amos\ OnewayegData.sav’ ID JS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 JOB 6 7 8 11 9 7 7 5 7 8 9 10 8 9 4 3 6 5 7 8 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 CC1 CC2 .667 .667 .667 .667 .667 .667 .667 -.333 -.333 -.333 -.333 -.333 -.333 -.333 -.333 -.333 -.333 -.333 -.333 -.333 -.333 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 -.500 -.500 -.500 -.500 -.500 -.500 -.500 The rule for forming a contrast variable between two sets of groups is 1st Value = No. of groups in 2nd set / Total no. of groups. 2nd Value= - No. of groups in 1st set / Total no. of groups. 3rd Value = 0 for all groups to be excluded. 1st Value of CC1 = 2 / 3 = .667. So, 2nd Value of CC1 = - 1 / 3 1st Value of CC2 = 1 / 2 = .5 2nd Value of CC2 = -1 / 2 = -..5 3rd Value of CC2 = 0 to exclude Job 1. a. SPSS Oneway output. Oneway ANOVA JS Su m of Sq uares Be tween Gro ups Wit hin G roup s To tal df Me an S quare 40. 095 2 20. 048 60. 857 18 3.3 81 100 .952 20 Intro to SEM - 22 F 5.9 30 Sig . .01 1 Printed on 2/6/2016 b. SPSS Regression Output. regression variables = js cc1 cc2 /dependent = js /enter. Regression Va riable s Entered/Rem ov e db Mo del 1 Va riable s En tered CC2, CC1 a Va riable s Re move d . Me thod En ter a. All requ ested varia bles ente red. b. De pend ent V ariab le: JS Model S umm ary Mo del 1 R .63 0 a R S quare .39 7 Ad justed R Sq uare .33 0 Std . Erro r of the Estim ate 1.8 387 a. Pre dicto rs: (Consta nt), CC2, CC1 ANOVAb Mo del 1 Su m of Sq uares Re gressi o n Re sidua l To tal df Me an S quare F Sig . a 40. 095 2 20. 048 60. 857 18 3.3 81 100 .952 20 5.9 30 .01 1 a. Pre dicto rs: (Consta nt), CC2, CC1 b. De pend ent V ariab le: JS Coeffici ents a Un stand ardized Co efficients Mo del 1 B Std . Erro r (Co nstan t) 6.9 52 .40 1 CC1 1.3 57 .85 1 CC2 3.0 00 .98 3 Sta ndardized Co effici ents Be ta t Sig . 17 .326 .00 0 .29 2 1.5 94 .12 8 .55 9 3.0 52 .00 7 a. De pend ent V ariab le: JS Intro to SEM - 23 Printed on 2/6/2016 c. Amos Input Path Diagram. This was prepared using Amos 3.6. I chose the "Estimate means" option. This was not required, but it caused means to be displayed. d. Amos Output Path Diagram - Unstandardized (Raw) Coefficients Intercept Mean and variance. e. Amos Output Path Diagram - Standardized Coefficients Note that the correlation between group coding variables must be estimated. It's zero here because they're contrast codes. Multiple R2 Note that .292 + .562 + .782 = 1.01 ~~ 1. r2s partition variance since the variables are all independent. Intro to SEM - 24 Printed on 2/6/2016 f. Amos Text Output - Results Result (Default model) Minimum was achieved Chi-square = .00000 Degrees of freedom = 0 Probability level cannot be computed Maximum Likelihood Estimates Regression Weights: (Group number 1 - Default model) Estimate S.E. P Label C.R. Coefficients Box – B coefficients only JS <--- CC1 1.35714 .80749 1.68069 .09282 JS <--- CC2 3.00000 .93241 3.21747 .00129 Standardized Regression Weights: (Group number 1 - Default model) Estimate JS <--- CC1 .29179 JS <--- CC2 .55859 Coefficients Box – Standardized coefficients Means: (Group number 1 - Default model) Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label CC1 .00033 .10541 .00316 .99748 CC2 .00000 .09129 .00000 1.00000 Descriptive statistics Intercepts: (Group number 1 - Default model) Estimate JS S.E. C.R. Coefficients box - Constant P Label 6.95193 .38065 18.26308 *** Covariances: (Group number 1 - Default model) Estimate CC1 <--> CC2 S.E. C.R. Not in SPSS P Label .00000 .04303 .00000 1.00000 Correlations: (Group number 1 - Default model) Model summary Estimate CC1 <--> CC2 .00000 Variances: (Group number 1 - Default model) Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label CC1 .22222 .07027 3.16228 .00157 CC2 .16667 .05270 3.16228 .00157 resid 2.89796 .91642 3.16228 .00157 Descriptive statistics Squared Multiple Correlations: (Group number 1 - Default model) Estimate JS .39717 Note that AMOS does not provide a test of the null hypothesis that in the population, the multiple R = 0. This test is provided in the ANOVA box in SPSS. Intro to SEM - 25 Printed on 2/6/2016