ASTEROID SPIN VECTOR DETERMINATIONS collected from the literature by Per Magnusson Astronomiska observatoriet Box 515 S-751 20 Uppsala Sweden Version of 1995 December 29 This is a comprehensive tabulation of asteroid spin vector determinations. Supplementary information on shape models and albedo variegation is also included, but only when part of a spin vector determination. If you find omissions and errors or have suggestions for future improvements please contact me on the above address. Availability -----------The table and related documentation is available by anonymous ftp from Internet address (in directory pub/Asteroids/SpinVectors). An ascii-version has been submitted to the Small Bodies Node of NASA's Planetary Data System. Comments on the nomenclature used --------------------------------The terms "North Pole" and "South Pole" are ambiguous and they are avoided in this table. Instead I use the direction of the spin angular velocity vector, as defined by the "right-hand-rule". Note that a full specification of the spin vector makes it superfluous to use the ambiguous terms "prograde rotation" and "retrograde rotation". These are ambiguous since the sense of rotation can be based on the ecliptic plane, the asteroid's orbital plane, or something else (the truth usually depends in a complicated way on the distribution of observing geometries). Synthesis of independent results -------------------------------For some asteroids a large number of independent solutions have been published. This may be confusing for readers who are not interested in the spin vector determination process as such. For the benefit of readers who just want reliable results for their own applications I include a "synthesis" of our knowledge for some asteroids. I estimate that these synthesis results have a high reliability and an accuracy in the spin vector direction of order 10 degrees or less. They were obtained by taking averages of the most recent independent results, with weights based on the method used and the amount and type of the input data. This procedure is necessarily somewhat subjective, and can't replace a careful evaluation of the original results. Explanation of table columns ----------------------------BASIC DATA The data from which the spin vectors and rejections of spurious solutions are based are designated by the letters: A = C = D = E = F = I = M = O = P = R = S = V = Z = former Amplitudes of lightcurves Close observations from spacecraft during fly-by or rendezvous Individual data-points of photometric lightcurves Epochs (e.g. times of lightcurve extrema) Fourier coefficients of photometric lightcurves Infrared pre- and post-opposition differences Magnitudes (usually at maximum light) Occultation observations Infrared polarimetry Radar observations Surface resolved (e.g. speckle data, adaptive optics) Visual position angles Zero and non-zero amplitude apparitions imply pole-on view in case SPIN VECTOR SOLUTIONS The direction of the spin vectors (defined by the "right-hand-rule") are given in degrees in the ecliptic system for equinox B1950.0. The corresponding ecliptic coordinates for equinox J2000.0 can be obtained by adding 0.7 degrees to all tabulated longitudes, but this adjustment is far below the level of accuracy for most spin vector determinations. The table contains column space for four spin vector directions per line. These reflect the symmetry properties of most spin vector determinations. Methods based on aspect dependences (e.g. amplitude and magnitude methods) tend to give two spin axis solutions for main-belt asteroid with moderate orbital inclination (due to the near symmetry of the observational geometries in the ecliptic plane). Corresponding to each spin axis solution we have two opposite spin vector directions, which are given explicitly in the table. Thus, whenever the method used does not contain information on the sense of rotation I interpret "poles" as spin axis solutions and calculate the implicit spin vector directions. The result is generally four different solutions. I try to put the two prograde ones in the two left columns the two retrograde ones in the columns to the right. If subsequent determinations agree reasonably then corresponding solutions appear in the same column, making comparison easy. The 4-fold symmetry is not applicable to certain objects. The distinction between the four groups may break down for objects in high inclination orbits (e.g. 2 Pallas), for objects with spin axes close to the ecliptic plane, and for objects whose lightcurves are difficult to interpret (e.g. 532 Herculina). For Earth-approaching objects it often reduces to a 2-fold clustering. A result which demonstrates (explicitly or implicitly) that one of the four solutions can be rejected is shown as a horizontal bar in the appropriate column. A letter in the middle of the bar, e.g. "----E----", indicates the type of data primarily responsible for the rejection (see table above). Rejection bars have not been used for asteroids where the solutions don't cluster in a clear way. SIDEREAL PERIOD Only periods accurate enough to bridge inter-apparitional gaps and produce absolute rotational phases for the whole data set are included. Less accurate synodic period determinations exist for many more objects. As evident from the table, the agreement between sidereal period determinations tend to be either very good or very bad. This is due to the nonuniform time-distribution of the observations, which tend to give many welldefined local chi-square minima. ELLIPSOIDAL MODEL Many pole determination methods are based on a tri-axial ellipsoid model with semi-axes a>=b>=c rotating about the c-axis. Corrections for nongeometric scattering and albedo variegation have often not been made. A warning must therefore be made against direct identification of the model axis-ratios with the asteroid shape. When a non-ellipsoidal model is used it is described in a footnote (TeX/PostScript version only). Note that the table is not a comprehensive list of asteroid shapes, but includes models obtained as by-products of spin vector determinations only. ALBEDO VARIEGATION Albedo models are also often by-products of spin-vector determinations, and therefore noted in the table. However, the table is not a complete collection of such models. The footnotes give some additional information (TeX/PostScript version only). REFERENCE CODE The reference codes are formed by 2-3 letters of the first author name, followed by '+' if there are more authors, and the last two digits of the publication year. Full expansions of the codes are given in the reference list.