Chapter 5 5.7 Microscopic Momentum Balance We now consider the general open system or control volume fixed in space and located in a fluid flow field, as shown in Figure 5.7-1. The streamline of a fluid stream is the curve where the velocity at any point is tangent to it. For a differential element of area dA on the control surface, the rate of momentum efflux from this element = (v)(vdAcos), where (dAcos) is the area dA projected in a direction normal to the velocity vector v, is the angle between the velocity vector v and the outward-directed unit normal vector n to dA, and is the density. Control volume dA Streamlines of fluid stream v n Normal to surface dA Control surface Figure 5.7-1 Flow through a differential area dA on a control surface. (v)(vdAcos) is the scalar or dot product of v(vn)dA. Since the normal vector n is pointing outward, the momentum (efflux) leaving the control volume is positive ( < 90o) and the momentum (influx) entering the control volume is negative ( > 90o). If we now integrate this quantity over the entire control surface A, we have the net outflow of mometum ~ across the control surface or the net momentum efflux from the entire control volume V . net momentum efflux rate of = control volume from from rate of from momentum output control volume momentum input control volume net momentum efflux = control volume from vv cos dA = v(vn)dA A A Since the rate of momentum accumulation within the control volume is dM = vdV, dt t V the momentum balance is written as vdV = t V v(vn)dA + F A on C.V. 5-41 (5.7-1) The above equation can also be written as lim xyz 0 vdV t = xyz v( v n)dA lim xyz 0 xyz + F lim on C.V. xyz 0 x y z (5.7-2) Each of the above terms will be evaluated separately and substituted into equation (5.7-2). The rate of momentum accumulation within the control volume. The rate of momentum accumulation within the control volume is given by lim xyz 0 vdV v ( / t ) vxyz t v = = = +v t t t xyz xyz (5.7-3) Net rate of momentum transported through the control volume. The net rate of momentum flux into the control volume illustrated in Figure 5.7-2 is lim xyz 0 v( v n)dA = xyz + ( vv y |y y vv y |y ) xz ( vvx |x x vvx |x )yz + xyz xyz ( vvz |z z vvz |z )xy xyz y vvy|y+y y vvx|x x vvx|x+x z x vv | y y z Figure 5.7-2 Momentum flux through a differential control volume lim xyz 0 v( v n)dA = xyz ( v v y ) ( v v x ) ( v v z ) + + x z y (5.7-4) Applying the product rule to the terms on the right-hand side of the equation yields 5-42 lim xyz 0 v( v n)dA = v ( v ) ( v ) ( v ) xyz x v v v + v x vy vz z y z x y x z y The above equation can be simplified by the add of the continuity equation (5.2-2) ( v x ) ( v y ) ( v z ) = t x z y (5.2-2) ( v x ) ( v y ) ( vz ) x y z = t Therefore lim xyz 0 v( v n)dA = v + v t xyz x v v v vy vz x y z (5.7-5) Sum of external forces acting on control volume. y yy|y+y yx|y+y xy|x+x xx|x x xx|x+x xy|x z yx|y x z y yy|y Figure 5.7-3 Forces acting on a differential control volume. The forces acting on the control volume are those due to surfaces forces such as frictional forces and pressure force, and body forces such as gravitational force. Summing the forces in the x direction we obtain F x = (xx|x+x xx|x)yz + (yx|y+y yx|y)xz + (zx|z+z zx|z)xy on C.V. + gxxyz In this equation gx is the component of the gravitational acceleration in the x direction. In the limit as xyz 0, we obtain 5-43 F x lim xyz 0 on C.V. x y z = yx xx zx + + + gx x z y Similarly, we will obtain the following expressions for the summation of the forces in the y and z directions F y lim xyz 0 on C.V. x y z F z lim xyz 0 = on C.V. x y z = xy x + yy + y zy + gy z yz zz xz + + + gz x z y Therefore F lim on C.V. xyz 0 x y z lim xyz 0 = F x lim on C.V. xyz 0 x y z ex + lim xyz 0 F y on C.V. x y z ey + F z lim xyz 0 on C.V. x y z ez F zy yx yy xy zx = xx + + e + + ey x+ z xyz x z y y x on C.V. yz zz + xz + + ez + (gxex + gyey + gz ez) z y x F lim on C.V. xyz 0 x y z = + g = (P + ) + g (5.7-6) The total stress at any point within a fluid is composed of both the isotropic pressure and the anisotropic stress components. By convention, pressure is considered a negative stress because it is compressive. The differential momentum equation becomes lim xyz 0 vdV x y z = lim xyz 0 v( v n)dA xyz + F lim on C.V. xyz 0 x y z v v v v vy v z + + g +v =v v x t t t y z x v + vv = P + + g t 5-44 (5.7-7) The three components of the momentum equation in rectangular coordinates system are xx yx v v v v x zx P + + + + gx (5.7-8a) v x x v y x v z x = x x z x y z y t xy yy zy v v v v P y v x y v y y v z y = + + + + gy (5.7-8b) z x y x y z y t xz yz zz v z P v v v + + + + gz (5.7-8c) v x z v y z v z z = z x z x y z y t In the momentum equation, the terms on the left-hand side represent the time-rate of change of momentum, and the terms on the right-hand side represent the forces. v x represents the time rate of change of vx at a fixed location, and is called the t v v v local acceleration. The terms v x x v y x v z x are called the convective y z x acceleration that represents the change in velocity from location to location. The sum of local and convective acceleration is the total acceleration. The four terms vy v z is the derivative following the motion of the fluid. This v x x y z t D derivative is called the substantial or material derivative and is denoted by . Dt The term D = vx vy vz Dt t x y z When the substantial derivative notation is used, equations (5.7-8) become Dv x xx yx zx P = + + + + gx Dt x x z y (5.7-9a) Dv y xy yy zy P + + + + gy z y x y (5.7-9b) xz yz Dv z zz P = + + + + gz z x z Dt y Dt = (5.7-9c) Equations (5.7-9) are valid for any type of fluid since we have not assumed any relationship between shear stress and the shear rate. For laminar flow and Newtonian fluid we have the following relations between shear stress components and the strain rates in rectangular coordinate form 5-45 v v xy = yx = x y x y (5.7-10a) v v yz = zy = y z y z (5.7-10b) v z v x z x (5.7-10c) zx = xz = xx = 2 v x 2 - v P x 3 (5.7-10d) v 2 yy = 2 y - v P y 3 (5.7-10e) v z 2 - v P z 3 (5.7-10f) zz = 2 These relations are called the constitutive equations that relate the local stress components to the flow or deformation of the fluid in laminar flow. If equations (5.7-10) are substituted into equations (5.7-9) and simplified, we will obtain the following relations for incompressible flow where v = 0 2v Dv x 2vx 2vx P = + 2x 2 + gx Dt x y 2 z x Dv y Dt = 2v y 2v y 2v y P + 2 2 x y z 2 y + gy 2vz 2vz 2vz Dv z P = + 2 2 2 + gz z Dt y z x (5.7-11a) (5.7-11b) (5.7-11c) Hence, the momentum equation for incompressible, laminar flow of a Newtonian fluid in vector notation is given by Dv = P + 2v + g Dt 5-46