Coastal Geol Week 3 Processes that Shape the Coast Chaps 1 & 2 had us thinking about long-term processes, global scale changes in terms of continental evolution and sea level change. Now we turn to more short-term, localized processes usually equate with specifics that give each coastal segment its own character (e.g., the Hook in Sandy Hook…) Break these into 3 main types of processes: 1. physical 2. chemical 3. biological Davis considers the physical processes to be most important: physical processes = waves + tides + currents these physical factors cause many changes on the coast: erosion transport deposition mold features change river courses in this chapter we focus upon processes, later chapters we turn to the effects - that is, the features created I. Waves (wave energy) at the Coast Water wave defined: "disturbance of a fluid medium through which energy is moved." Note that it is energy (and not particles) that are moved forward Analogous to E-M waves that travel through space, but no particles involved. 3 main causes of water waves : Wind Earthquake Gravity (moon, sun) But it is wind that generates most of the waves we see on an ongoing basis Wk 3 p.2 Review wave geometry Crest Trough Wavelength L ( horizontal length of one cycle) Height H ( vertical dist between crest & trough) Steepness (= H/L) Period - length of time it takes for one wavelength to pass a fixed point Frequency - no. of cycles passing a fixed point per second (cycles /sec) Steepness can be no greater than 1/7; at this point, wave topples and breaks Wave initiation - why do waves begin? A "disturbing force" is required - examples: wind blowing across surface of water, earthquake produces a tsunami gravitational pull causes tides atmospheric pressure diffs can produce a seiche Mechanics a bit complex there is also a restoring force at work, mainly gravity….as wind pushes water up into a "bunch” or hill of water, gravity tries to pull the mass of water back down to flat position…but momentum carries the water past the flat point, and it sinks to a trough. The basic up-and-down motion has thus been started, and in a frictionless environment like the ocean, it keeps on going easily. Wind blows Water bunched up Gravity pulls the crest down Davis uses bungy jumper analogy; up, down, up, down til energy drained out of cord Wk 3 p.3 Wave size - controlled by 3 factors Wind speed Wind duration Fetch distance Once ripples have formed, more and more wind energy can be transferred effectively Waves get longer and bigger until a "fully developed sea" is reached. More terminology: Significant wave height = avg ht of highest 1/3 of waves studied in a certain time period II. Actual motion of water particle in a wave A. Particle motion is circular - net effect of 4 motions, think of a box: Fig p. 71 show the components to the circular motion Wave travel T1 T5 This is the sequence - 5 time slices particle starts in a trough at t1, moves up the front side of the wave at t2, hits the crest at t3, starts coming down the backside at t4, returns to the trough at t5, now slightly ahead of its orig position at t1. Compare this to Fig on p.71 - get this travel path down mentally…. Wk 3 p.4 B. A second big mental component is that orbitals decrease with depth, and wave base is reached at depth = 1/2 L (L = wavelength) Fig p. 71 shows this well III. Wind waves and swell A. wind waves While a gravity wave is under the influence of wind, it is known as a "wind wave". Form of wind wave is peaked crest, broad trough: wind whitecap Over time with constant wind force, periods get longer and waves get higher, become "storm waves" Typical wind wavelength = 50 - 100 m, storm waves twice that or more Occasional rogue wave (120 ft high) very dangerous to ships, seems to form quickly and then dissipate B. Swell Defined as waves that have traveled outside of the influence of the wind in a local generation area, or waves that continue to travel after wind stops. Long swell waves have low trough, low height, are not particularly steep. Their profiles much more like a symmetrical sine wave, and long wavelength (say 500 m): L = 500 meters Wk 3. P.5 Swell waves exhibit an amazing lack of friction - they can travel across an entire ocean (!) Power not lost because they do not "peak" in deep water - (that is, water deeper than wave base, so no energy loss due to friction of wave dragging along or "feeling" the bottom) IV. Waves approaching the shore A. breaking and shape change Things begin to change as the wave starts to "feel the bottom" at depths of less than 1/2 L Example problem - wave with L = 500 m approaches shore - at what depth does it begin to "feel the bottom"? Note Fig p. 73 - shows change in wave shape and in elongation of orbitals into ellipses Waves start to back up and get "squeezed" together like an accordian as they slow down due to friction from the bottom Note the sequence in the figure - as waves get squeezed, their wavelength shortens and their height increases - recall formula for steepness (S = H/L) So H gets bigger, L gets smaller - what happens to S? Davis makes point that period (time that it takes for wave to travel a wavelength) stays the same - even though wavelength and height are changing. Another good point - note in Fig p.73 how the elliptical orbitals become very flat at the shore - ultimately become a back-forth motion that you see in the swash zone. The breaking sequence is a function of bottom of wave slowing down more at base than at top, so not only does it steepen, it begins to topple… Still fast Slowing down Wk 3 p.6 Note that the wave typically re-forms as a smaller wave which may break again before reaching the beach and losing all energy There are several different types of waves, corresponding to diff combinations of bottom slope and wavelength/steepness Fig p. 75 : Shallow slope beach: Swell waves of long L produce a plunging breaker (large curl, rapid loss) Windwaves of shorter L produce a spilling breaker (longer loss) Steep slope beach: Swell waves on steep beach produce collapsing breaker (looks like spilling) Wind waves on steep beach produce surging breaker Beach slope and other factors also influence other changes produced in waves: Reflection (bounce back the energy) Diffraction (spread the energy) Refraction (bend the energy) B. Reflection If surface is hard, energy retained in bounce-back is close to 100% (Fig p. 76) Steeper the beach, bluff, or structure, the higher the proportion of reflected energy from that feature. Typical beach reflects about 20 %. Angle of incidence = angle of reflection (just basic physics) i r Wk 3 p.7 C. Diffraction "spreading of energy" along the wavefront (Fig p. 77) mechanism is "lower waves propagated sideways" D. Refraction A bending of the wavefront if it approaches at an angle (which it almost always does)…this causes the orthogonals (lines of force to the wavecrest) to either bunch together or diverge (fig p.79) Notice the longterm consequences here - lots of energy focused on headlands, trying to wear them down, while energy is spread out in bays, encouraging deposition - headlands wear down, bays fill up Tendency is for coast to try and straighten itself out over the long term, come into equilibrium with the erosive and depositional properties at work Other waves at work include: V. Tsunami (seismic sea wave, aka "tidal wave") fig p.81 "most destructive of all waves" triggered by major underwater events: - earthquake - volcanic eruption - major landsliding tsunami is Japanese for "harbor wave", because it is this setting where tsunami is most dangerous - energy that sets them in motion is very large, - they travel incredibly fast (800 kph = 480 mph) - wavelength can be huge, on order of 150 km in deep water, wave height may be slight, only 1/2 meter, so not noticed in the open ocean… on continental shelf, wave will start to feel bottom, slow and steepen, perhaps as far out as 50 km… Wk 3 p. 8 when wave finally hits a coast, it can be 40 m (120 feet) high (as high as a rogue wave at sea), with HUGE amt of energy - tsunami in Awa, Japan killed 100,000 - many in Lisbon, Portugal eqk of 1755 recurring phenomenon is that sometimes trough arrives first, which pulls much of the ocean out of the coastal zone, looking like a super-low tide…people may have tendency to go out into the bay to see the strange phenomenon, then are in really bad spot when the crest of the tsunami hits other bad tsunamis include: - 1883 Krakatoa eruption in Indonesia set off several tsunami, 40 m high, swept over islands, including moving a ship 3 km inland - 1946 Aleutian Islands eqk triggered tsunamis throughout the Pacific; 30 m waves in Alaska, a 15 m wave in Hawaii only 5 hours after the quake - 1964 Alaskan eqk, huge tsunami in Alaska tsunami warning system now in place throughout Pacific - provides a few hours of warning for potential victims VI. Standing waves and Seiches Standing wave doesn't move forward, but rather "sloshes" back and forth Fig p. 82 good picture - central node acts as pivot, ends are the ones that go up and down These waves have low height, long wavelength Atmospheric pressure diffs are often the catalyst, sometimes a tsunami will set up the sloshing Example: Lake Erie can have 6-foot differential from W end to E end High baro pressure Low baro pressure node Wk 3 p.9 Some interesting seiche accounts by Davis… Great Lakes and some Swiss lakes are famous for seiches - Reversal of currents - People swept off docks - Sunbathers "swept off beaches of Lake Michigan" VII. Longshore and rip currents A. longshore currents - shore-parallel, set up by waves approaching at relatively low angle to the coast: breakers wave crests shoreperpendicular total force force shore - parallel force beach Ls current typically sets up between shoreline and the breaker zone, acts like a "shallow river channel" - Typical speeds are 10-20 cm/sec, but can be as fast as 1m/sec (over 2 mph) B. Ls currents work with wave energy to carry large amt of sand (aka "littoral drift" because this is the littoral zone) How does the process work? Sand is brought into suspension by wave energy, longsh current drives the sediment-laden water Longsh current can come from opposite directions, depending upon wind direction at given instant in time… But if a generally prevailing wind direction exists, net direction of transport will be downwind Example - Sandy Hook prevailing longsh drift direction is from ____ to ____. What general direction do waves come from to set up this drift direction?? Wk 3 p.10 Trapping of sand carried by longsh current is commonly done on purpose (by groins) or inadvertently by large jetties installed by US gov't to preserve shipping channels) jetties longsh current waves still eroding waves Orig shoreline New shoreline "Massive sandbars, spits, and other accumulations attest to the carrying power of longshore currents." C.Rip currents - movement of water offshore, in a direction to land Cause: wave energy piles up water along shore, actually elevates the local sea level nearshore to higher than that offshore. This sets up hydraulic gradient (water flows from high head to low head), and water tries to escape back to offshore area. Easiest way for this to occur is through channels in nearshore sand bars (fig p.85) Swimmers beware - swim parallel to shore to get out of current, but Don’t try to Fight It - don't swim into it, swim across it to get out. Note how rip current is a key element to a nearshore circulation cell that consists of incoming wave energy, lonsh current, and rip current. Wk 3 p.11 VIII. Tides A. Complicated to visualize Flood tide - rising water culminates in high tide Ebb tide - falling water cuminates in low tide Why do tides happen? Gravitational attraction of sun, moon, and Earth to each other. Gravity distorts the "liquid envelope" of the Earth (the ocean) quite easily…visualize the Earth as spinning on it's axis inside what is essentially an elliptical water jacket. Example: look down on Earth from N pole, imagine a palm tree at Equator spinning around once in a 24-hr period. N moon Notice how twice the palm tree is drowned (high tide), twice it's fine (low tide) Good Fig p.88 B. Tidal cycles Tidal cycle is based upon lunar day, which is almost 25 hrs/day, not 24. This is why high & low tide times shift every day, don't stay the same. Also note Fig p.89 - spring and neap tides - these controlled by whether or not moon and sun are lined up with Earth (spring), or if they are 90o to Earth (neap) Wk 3 p.12 C. Travelling tides Complications occur to the simple picture due to Coriolis effect, continental blockage of tide energy, etc. Irregularities combine to cause unique tidal character for for "each location on Earth" D. Tidal Range "avg tidal range over open ocean is 1/2 m" (about 1.5 ft) tidal crests move pretty quickly, 10-20 kph (6-12 mph) funnel-shaped inlets cause tide to steepen and increase in height Davis notes that theoretical prediction is pretty difficult, most common method is to rely upon tidal gauge data collectied historically: first gauge developed by Lord Kelvin in 1882. Pen attached to float draws line on slowly rotating drum to Produce records like Fig p.93 As you'd expect from Fig p. 89 and fig p.94, biggest range form high to low tides are the spring tides, smallest range are the neap tides IX. Storm Surge Very dangerous, large, temporary elevations of sea level due to low pressure storm systems Low pressure sort of "Sucks up" the sea surface like a huge vacuum cleaner… Low Ocean surface As low moves inland, so does the bulged-upward sea surface, which floods lowlying coastal areas with tragic results Wk 3 p.13 Some examples of devastating surges Hugo, South Carolina, 1989 - 11 m (33 feet!) storm surge on top of a 3 m (9 ft) spring tide Devastating combo of high storm surge and high wind-driven waves by hurricane-force winds - Galveston, TX, 1900 - 5m (15 ft) storm surge with 7 m (21 ft) waves created a "tsunami-sized wave" that overran Galveston barrier island and killed 5,000 Americans. X. Tidal Currents Currents are assoc with each cycle of flood and ebb - water moving onshore, water moving offshore (Fig p. 99) Current speed dictated by "tidal prism" - product of vertical tidal range and area discharging Rule of thumb - large range produces high currents (need to move water quickly), But large bays produce them too, even with lower tidal range. Final point - asymmetry to tidal current time-velocity curve - ebb tide takes longer to empty a bay than the flood tide does to fill it…Davis suggests that this is due to the fact that there is more volume to empty at ebb due to addition of fresh water from river mouth coming offshore.