LASER CLEANING OF NANO- TO MICROCONTAMINANTS FROM CRITICAL SILICON SURFACES S.I. Kudryashov,a) S. Shukla,b) S.D. Allena,b) Department of Chemistry and Physics, Arkansas State University, State University, AR 72467-0419, USA b) Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152-3180, USA a) Sub-micrometer (0.1-1 m) polystyrene and alumina particles were removed by single-shot pulsed laser radiation from Si wafer surfaces with or without pre-deposited thin liquid layers. Nearly complete (>90%) single-shot laser cleaning has been achieved in combinations of polystyrene and alumina particles with 2-propanol and water, respectively, while for other combinations cleaning was absent or incomplete. Optical microscopy has revealed important transient microscopic interactions between particles and Si substrates in the pre-deposited micron-thick liquid layers, resulting in some cases in strongly reduced particle-substrate coupling. Visualization results give insight into particle removal mechanisms relevant to our laser cleaning experimental conditions. INTRODUCTION The removal of sub-m particles adhered to surfaces poses a challenge to IC fabrication, space optics, high resolution and high power optics, large area displays, magnetic storage devices and other critical surfaces (1-3). According to the IC fabrication industry’s current trends, the chip feature size is shrinking rapidly. In particular, for Moore’s law (4) projecting doubling the number of transistors on an IC chip will be every two years, the problem will only become more significant. As chip feature size decreases, smaller particles can mask a larger portion of the pattern element. This will mean that part of the chip will not be produced to specification and will lead to the rejection of the whole chip. As a result, in the modern very large scale integration (VLSI) fabrication industry 75% of yield loss is due to particle contamination (3). Various cleaning techniques (wet chemical cleaning, scrubbing, pressurized jets and ultrasonic processes) (5) currently used to clean critical surfaces, are limited to the removal of m-sized particles and some of them can even damage the wafer. Thus, new cleaning approaches are needed to safely remove sub-m or even smaller particles from critical surfaces. The laser-assisted particle removal (LAPR) method was developed to clean critical surfaces in a non-contact fashion without damage (1-2). In the 90s LAPR was predominantly used in its dry variant (dry laser cleaning, DLC) (6), which allows efficient removal of particles by “trampoline” and “hopping” accelerations occurring during transient thermal expansion of the laser-heated Si wafer (2) or the particles themselves (7), respectively. However, eventually DLC was recognized to have very limited opportunities for cleaning of sub-m and, especially, sub-100nm particle contaminants for the two reasons: i) such small particles require higher particle accelerations for removal, provided during DLC only at higher laser fluences at the expense of laser damage (e.g., melting) of the substrate; ii) stronger re-deposition of smaller particles back on the substrate takes place because of their reduced inertia and the effects of viscous drag and Brownian motion in ambient air (8). In order to extend DLC capabilities to removal of sub-100nm particles, different DLC modifications like ablative removal (9) and laser-induced plasma (LIP) cleaning (10-11) were proposed to increase contaminant particle acceleration without related substrate damage. Also, to reduce particle re-deposition, DLC employs some auxiliary tools based on thermophoresis or suction phenomena (12,13). In contrast, steam laser particle cleaning technique (SLC) (1-2,6,8,14-18) has none of the abovementioned crucial DLC limitations, exhibiting low size-independent (“universal”) particle cleaning threshold fluences and little or no indications of particle redeposition. In this cleaning process, chemically pure condensed vapor acts as an energy transfer medium (ETM) between the laser energy and the Si substrate and/or particles, forming either droplets or a uniform thin layer on the Si substrate depending on wetting properties of the particular ETM. Then, the substrate of interest is irradiated by the pulsed laser at a specified time after the ETM dosing pulse, causing the Si surface to undergo a rapid temperature increase. When during the heating laser pulse the surface temperature comes close to 0.9Tcr (where Tcr is the critical temperature of the low-boiling ETM) at the threshold laser fluence FB, the nanometer-thick superheated and pressurized interfacial ETM sublayer in the vicinity of the Si substrate undergoes sub-ns explosive boiling under near-critical conditions, pushing the entire ETM layer to lift off from the substrate (19). The transient multi-MPa pressure of the superheated ETM may be applied underneath the contaminant particles as a “vapor piston” force (16), while the lifting-off ETM also exerts a viscous “drag” force on the particles (8,14). Lifting off distances for sub-m ETM layers may approach sub-mm magnitudes (20), enabling the removal of contaminant particles from the surface sufficiently far away to prevent re-deposition irrespective of their sizes. Importantly, FB, being a function of the ETM, is usually much lower than DLC thresholds for sub-100nm model particle contaminants (fig.1) (21). 3 10 FDLC (mJ/cm2) 2 FCL(L,R) (J/cm ) Fmelt(Si, 248 nm)=0.55 J/cm2 FSLC(IPA, 248 nm)=0.22 J/cm 2 2 10 Rmin>0.03 m 1 10 -2 10 -1 10 R (m) 0 10 0.25 IPA FSLC 0.20 K(0.1m)= 1.1±0.2 K(0.25m)= 0.15±0.03 0.15 0.10 PS 0.1 m PS 0.25 m PS 0.55 m 0.05 0.00 K(0.55m)= 0.04±0.01 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 L (m) Fig.1 (left). Experimental FDLC(R) curve for PS particles after this work (stars) and work (21) (circles, triangles). The Si melting threshold, Fmelt=0.55 J/cm2 (22), is shown by the upper horizontal line, while the vertical line shows the minimum radius of particles, Rmin, which can be cleaned by DLC without melting of the Si substrate. The SLC threshold with IPA ETM, FSLC=0.22 J/cm2, is given by the lower horizontal line for comparison. Fig.2 (right). Cleaning thresholds for 0.1, 0.25 and 0.55-m PS particles as a function of IPA ETM layer thickness L. Despite of a number of successful SLC applications for removal of sub-100nm particles, its microscopic mechanisms have not yet been clarified depending on various aspects of the particle-ETM-substrate interaction. Deposition of a thin ETM layer plays an important role during SLC as particle removal mechanisms may switch between DLC, SLC or combined ones depending on wetting of particle contaminants by particular ETMs (23) and their absolute thickness (8), while cleaning efficiencies may also change due to reduction or enhancement of particle-substrate adhesion strength at presence of specific ETMs (11). Therefore, comprehensive enlightening microscopic studies of the ETM effects on particle-substrate coupling and removal are very promising for development of the SLC technique and its applications. In this work we report preliminary results on visualization of microscopic interactions between sub-m inorganic and organic particles deposited on Si wafers and dosed with polar or non-polar ETMs of variable thickness or total ETM amount. Comparison of the visualization data with laser cleaning results is used to discuss the underlying particle removal mechanisms. EXPERIMENTAL Monodisperse polystyrene (PS) particles of radii, R, of 0.1, 0.25 and 0.55 μm (SurfCalTM grade, density PS1.05 g/cm3, rsd(R)1%, Duke Scientific Co.) were deposited on commercial 0.25-mm thick Si(100) wafer samples with a nanometer-thick native oxide layer from a suspension of PS particles in a water/ethanol mixture maintained at 55oC using an airbrush (9,19). Typical particle densities and average aggregation numbers for PS particles were about 104-105 cm-2 and 3-4 particles/cluster, respectively. Similarly, small clusters of alumina particles of radii R=0.3-1 m (Buehler micro-polish) were deposited in the same way on similar Si wafers. An ETM dosing system described elsewhere (19,20) was used to deposit ETM layers on the Si substrates mounted on a three dimensional stage. ETM dosing was achieved by using pressurized N2 gas with a triggered valve connected to a bubbler immersed in a flask with pre-heated ETM. The vapor from the flask was directed on the Si surface using a heated nozzle attached to the flask. The optimum distance between the doser nozzle and Si substrate for uniform deposition of a thin 2-propanol (iso-propyl alcohol, IPA) layer or layer of m-sized water droplets was 5 cm. The dosing conditions for these experiments were N2 pressure of 0.7 bar and ETM temperatures of 40oC and 44oC for IPA and water, respectively. The thickness of IPA layers was measured using optical interference of a HeNe laser in the layers at an angle of 30o from the normal to the Si surface. The reflected beam was captured by a photodiode and its temporal interference fringes were used to calculate the IPA layer thickness. The linear relationship between layer thickness, L, and ETM (IPA, water) dosing time, tdose, has been established (19,20). In the case of water, the deposited liquid layer consists of separate droplets as the native silicon oxide surface film on the Si wafer has dewetting properties relative to water with an expected contact angle of 20-45o (24). Deposition, laser removal and natural drying of a water layer were monitored in real time by observing the optical reflectance/scattering of a HeNe probe laser focused on the center of the irradiated area. Nearly Gaussian transversal distributions of water on the Si wafer were obtained at different tdose from the HeNe-laser scattering measurements of drying times across the dosing area. Absolute measurements of deposited water mass performed with CaSO4 absorbent (drierite) exhibit its linear increase with increasing tdose, within the range of 0.1-1.0 s at the overall deposition rate of 0.007 g/s. Microscopic visualization of transient ETM layers on the particle contaminated Si wafer surfaces were performed at magnification of 400 using Mitutoyo WH microscope equipped with a digital camera (Olympus 3030). Subsequent frames of dosed Si surfaces with and without particles were taken at a rate 30 frames/s and then these movies were analyzed using Windows Movie Maker graphics software to track spatiotemporal evolution of separate water droplets, particles or IPA layer frame by frame. A 248-nm, 20-ns KrF excimer laser (Lambda Physik LPX 210) beam was focused by a cylindrical lens onto the Si wafer with pre-deposited particles and ETM (8,9), providing horizontal rectangular and vertical Gaussian laser fluence distributions on the wafer surface. The fluence magnitude was varied using color filters and measured by splitting off a part of the beam to a pyroelectric detector. The excimer laser was fired 0.06 s after the end of each liquid deposition step, allowing for the dosing jet to propagate between the nozzle and the Si substrate surface for the 0.04 s delay, and was triggered, as well as the gas valve, manually in a single-shot mode using a pulse generator. LAPR experiments were performed at various tdose under ambient conditions. Cleaning thresholds, FCL, were measured by examining the laser-irradiated spots on contaminated Si samples illuminated by a while-light optical fiber light source using dark-field optical microscopy. The white-light optical scattering from contaminant particles was used to distinguish visibly sharp boundaries of each laser-cleaned spot from the surrounding un-irradiated, uncleaned area on these wafers. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION PS particles with IPA ETM Optical microscopy visualization shows that IPA completely wets oxidized Si wafer surfaces and stationary PS particles of different radii R, forming a homogeneous liquid layer (with small elevations at particle positions at LR). As a result, in laser cleaning experiments with IPA ETM for very small IPA layer thickness, 0LR, the cleaning threshold FCL(R,L) is essentially the same as the DLC threshold FDLC(R), i.e., FCL(R,L) at L=0, and equals 0.10 J/cm2 and 0.05 J/cm2 for 0.25- and 0.55-m PS particles (fig.2), respectively. At LR FCL(R,L) increases linearly vs. L above the DLC threshold with a slope K(R)R-2 (see below). This tendency in FCL(R,L) may be related to quasi-dry laser cleaning (QDLC), when the major removal forces are the DLC “trampoline” and “hopping” ones (2,7,9), while the ETM wetting these particles serves to retard their removal by a viscous drag (Stokes) force. For 0.1-m particles the initial gradual increase in the cleaning threshold with the increasing L from the DLC threshold of 0.14 J/cm2 was not observed experimentally, as FCL(R,L) increases rapidly to a constant value of 0.220.04 J/cm2. This value corresponds to the “universal” SLC threshold, FSLC, in Fig.2 for the 248-nm laser wavelength and IPA ETM and is pretty consistent with the IPA explosive boiling and lift-off threshold, FB(IPA)=0.170.02 J/cm2, measured in photoacoustic and plume transmission studies (19,20). For quantitative description of the thin IPA layer effect on QDLC thresholds, FQDLC<FSLC, damping of initial “trampoline/hopping” lift-off velocities, V(FQDLC(R,L)), of the PS particles at the Si/IPA interface due to the Stokes force in IPA, fS(R)= 6IPAR(dZ/dt), has been considered. The simple expression of the second Newton’s law, d2Z/dt2=fS(R)/(4PSR3/3), for 1D PS particle motion in the viscous IPA environment along a normal, Z, to the Si substrate surface has been solved for the clean area boundary, corresponding to the laser fluence of FQDLC(R,L), and the initial conditions Z(t=0)=0, dZ/dt(t=0)=V(FQDLC(R,L)). It was also assumed that the particle lift-off velocities at the Si/air (in the DLC case) or IPA/air (in the QDLC case) interface should be equal to nonzero value V(FDLC(R)) to prevent recontamination of the Si substrate due to Brownian motion of the removed PS particles in air (8). Then, the initial lift-off velocity, V(FQDLC(R,L)), relaxes due to the Stokes force in the IPA layer of the thickness L as t ( L) V ( FQDLC ( R, L)) τ IPA ( R) ( L R) , [1] V ( FDLC ( R)) V ( FQDLC ( R, L)) exp τ IPA ( R) τ IPA ( R) where the (L-R) term corresponds to the “effective” IPA layer thickness accounting for the PS particle center-of-mass position above the substrate surface, IPA(R)=2PSR2/9IPA is the characteristic lift-off velocity relaxation time and IPA(293 K)2.410-3 Pas is the IPA viscosity (25). According to Eq.(1), the initial lift-off velocity V(FQDLC(R,L)) at the Si/IPA interface must be higher than the intermediate lift-off velocity V(FDLC(R)) at the IPA/air interface by (L-R)/IPA(R) term to account for the Stokes deceleration in IPA. The expression for V(FQDLC(R,L))=V(FDLC(R))+(9IPA/2PSR2)(L-R), obtained by substituting IPA(R) in the equation above, and the corresponding experimental linear fits in fig.2, FQDLC(R,L)=FDLC(R)+K(R)(L-R), have the same functional form for LR. This fact is consistent with theoretical predictions that lift-off particle velocity should be linearly proportional to laser fluence for the “trampoline” and “hopping” DLC mechanisms (2,7,9). The slopes of the FCL(R,L) curves in fig.2, K(0.55 m)=0.040.01 and K(0.25 m)=0.150.03, at L>R exhibit R-2 dependence predicted for V(FQDLC(R,L)). For 0.1m particles a slope K(0.1 m)=1.10.2 was predicted for 0.1 mL0.2 m and FFSLC, calculated as an average of K(0.25m)[(0.25m)/(0.1m)]2=0.90.2 and K(0.55m)][(0.55m)/(0.1m)]2=1.20.3, in reasonable agreement with the experimental data presented for these particles in fig.2. Importantly, the K(R) dependence shows that at F<FSLC viscous drag deceleration of lifting-off particles by the stationary ETM increases stronger for smaller particles. Conversely, at FFSLC the lifting off ETM layer will produce higher viscous “drag” accelerations for smaller stationary particles adhered to the substrate. This means that the SLC “drag” mechanism may be even more effective for smaller particles and this suggestion is supported by experimental and theoretical results of previous studies (15,18). The SLC “drag” effect on particle contaminants can be described as follows. First, one can consider lift-off of the entire IPA liquid layer taking place after explosive boiling in its interfacial sublayer of thickness, Ldep(IPAmin)1/2, of several nanometers (for IPA being the IPA thermal diffusivity), heated during a cleaning laser pulse by thermal conduction from the hot Si substrate until F-dependent onset of IPA explosive boiling at min (19,20). The corresponding lift-off velocity, Ulift, reads (19,20) U lift Cl V ( F ) V0 Ldep ( F ) , V0 L [2] where Cl and V0 are the IPA sound velocity and molar volume under ambient conditions, V(F) is the fluence dependent molar volume of the explosively boiling IPA vapor/droplet mixture, steeply increasing at FFB (19,20). The lifting off liquid ETM layer produces a steady-state flow around a stationary spherical particle which can be characterized by the Reynolds number, Re=IPAlUlift/IPA, where IPA is the IPA mass density and l is a typical length in the flow problem under the study (in the case lR). Substituting Ulift from Eq.(2) to the expression for the Reynolds number, one can evaluate ReR/L for characteristic parameters of low-boiling liquids predominantly used in SLC [103 kg/m3, 10-3 Pas and Cl103 m/s, Ldep10-9 m, and (V(F)-V0)/V01-2 in the temperature range of 0.92TcritTTcrit (26)]. At low Reynolds numbers, say Re1 or less (R/L1), one can ignore the inertial momentum transfer from a IPA flow moving at the velocity Ulift to the particle in comparison to the surface shear (fluid “friction”) and the cleaning force is the Stokes (“drag”) one, fS(R)=6IPARUlift. This force acts on the spherical particle adhered to a flat solid substrate by an attractive van der Waals force, fadh(R)=ARx, where the constant “A” accounts for the strength of this interaction (Hamaker constant) and the characteristic particle-substrate distance, z0, while the parameter “x“ changes from 2/3 to 1 at transition from elastic to plastic or none particle deformation (16). Therefore, the requirement for SLC particle removal, fadh(R)fS(R), at R/L1 reads AR x 6IPACl V ( F ) V0 Ldep ( F ) R. V0 L [3] It shows that for non-deformable or plastically-deformed particles (x=1) SLC cleaning threshold FSLC is R-independent, i.e. “universal” (15), but may be increased by increasing L up to 4 m or using the increasing and decreasing fluence dependences of V and Ldep, respectively, in the Eq.(3). In contrast, for elastically-deformed particles with x=2/3 SLC threshold FSLC is size-dependent, but may be kept constant over a broad R range adjusting R/L ratio. PS particles with water ETM Our visualization studies show that water, as a polar ETM, when deposited onto Si surfaces contaminated with PS particles, forms separate droplets instead of a uniform layer, while PS particles inside each water droplet are completely detached from the Si surface floating toward droplet boundaries during the initial period about 0.03 s after the dosing pulse or forming particle clusters at much longer times. This behavior of water exhibits its strong dewetting properties relative to both oxidized Si substrates and PS particles. As a result, FCL(R)FDLC(R) over the entire tdose range (fig.3), indicating that the cleaning mechanism involved is presumably DLC on dry spots between water droplets or in shallow water near droplets boundaries. Alumina particles with water and IPA ETMs According to microscopic visualization data, both water and IPA ETM are wetting ionic alumina particles which do not move after ETM deposition, while act as nucleation FDLC 0.2 m 0.1 0.5 m 1.1 m 0.0 0.0 0.3 tdose 0.6 (s) 0.3 FDLC FCL (J/cm2) FB 0.2 2 FCL (J/cm ) centers for water droplets. In a particular case of, nearly complete cleaning of alumina particles from the water-dosed Si wafer has been observed with the “universal” cleaning threshold, FCL(R1 μm)=0.190.01 J/cm2, coinciding with the explosive boiling and liftoff threshold of water, FB(water)=0.200.04 J/cm2 (20), at all tdose used (fig.4). This may mean that good wetting of ionic alumina particles by water provides effective coupling of SLC “vapor piston” and/or Stokes forces to these particles. Surprisingly, when IPA ETM was applied to the alumina particles, no significant cleaning was observed at laser fluences up to 0.25 J/cm2, i.e., well above FB(IPA)=0.170.02 J/cm2, and this issue is requiring further detailed investigation. FB 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 tdose (s) Fig.3 (left). Cleaning thresholds for 0.1, 0.25 and 0.55-m PS particles as a function of water ETM dosing time tdose. Fig.4 (right). Cleaning thresholds for alumina particles (R=0.3-1 m) vs. water ETM dosing time tdose. Explosive boiling threshold of water on Si surfaces, FB, is given for comparison with the SLC thresholds. CONCLUSIONS Our experimental results have shown 90% efficiencies for steam laser cleaning of 0.11 m model contaminant polystyrene and alumina particles from surfaces of commercial Si wafers, when appropriate non-polar (2-propanol) and polar (water) ETMs capable of wetting the corresponding particles have been applied. The viscous “drag” force from wetting ETM liquids was shown to be significant during SLC, especially for smaller particles, providing size-dependent deceleration/acceleration of the particles at laser fluences below/above the explosive boiling thresholds of the corresponding ETMs. In case of nonwetting ETMs only DLC “trampoline” and/or “hopping” mechanisms were effective for quasi-dry removal of particles. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported by NSF CTS Grant # 0218024 under technical direction of Dr. Triantafillos J. Mountziaris. REFERENCES 1. K. Imen, S.J. Lee and S.D. Allen, Appl. Phys. Lett., 58, 203 (1991); S.J. Lee, K. Imen and S.D. Allen, Microelectron. 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