Fundamentals of Dissipative Particle Dynamics © 2008 Adam MacDonald, Dr. David Pink, St. Francis Xavier University, OneZero Software Introduction The intention of this paper is to facilitate a thorough understanding of Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) and efficient simulation techniques, as implemented in the Fluidix simulation software ( Aspects of DPD will be analyzed from a practical point of view. DPD is a simulation technique which improves upon classical molecular dynamics (MD) to allow for modeling of coarse-grained soft-matter particle systems. Particles change position with time according to Newton’s equations of motion. Interactions between these particles are designed so that stable and realistic physical behavior occurs at variable scales. DPD observes the Navier-Stokes equations which correctly model hydrodynamic flow. Most applications of DPD involve systems of either large inter-connected particle structures immersed within fluid, or fluid flow through complex surfaces. This paper will explain the basic particle interactions, as well as other complex interactions that can be used to develop various models. A computationally efficient implementation of Newton’s equations will also be presented. A method for simulating flowing liquids will be discussed, as well as a mean field theory which (for most static-fluid applications) removes the need for water particles altogether. Particle Interactions and Temperature Every particle in a three-dimensional DPD system is associated a constant mass and radius of interaction. The simulation is performed by iterating through a series of time-steps, where each timestep is considered a small but finite period of time. At each time-step, every particle has a distinct position, velocity, and acceleration, expressed in terms of a vector in 3D space, which is considered constant for the duration of the time-step. Forces are applied to particles at each time-step depending on their position and velocity at that instant. The change in acceleration for each particle, due to its forces during that time-step, is calculated at the end of the time-step as the sum of all forces acting on that particle divided by the mass. Then, that acceleration vector is used to update the velocity and position of that particle using an integration scheme representing Newton’s equations of motion. A particle with a radius of interaction in a 3D system can be represented by a soft sphere. When any two spheres overlap, the distance between the particles is less than the sum of their radii of interaction. Three basic forces (conservative, dissipative, and random) are applied to each pair of overlapped particles. These forces are always equal and opposite so that momentum is conserved both locally and over the entire system. FC SC (1 r )e FD S D (1 r ) 2 (v e )e FR 2S D k BT / t (1 r )e The maximum distance between two particles while interacting with each other is equal to the sum of the radii of interaction of the two particles. Here, r represents the ratio of the distance between the pair of particles divided by the maximum distance for an interaction. Thus, 1 r is the proportion of overlap (0 to 1). Any weight function that relates the distance between the two particles to the magnitude of the force can be used, but usually (as shown) a direct linear relationship is used. Typically, particles in the system are divided into groups of particle “types” with specific radius and mass. Relations between pairs of particle types are defined as constant values for SC and S D , which specify the interaction parameters. In theory, each particle could have a different radius or mass, which may not be constant, however this case is rare and computationally inefficient. The conservative force directly repels the particles from each other, and the strength of this force is a function of the amount they are overlapped. Here, e is a unit vector which represents one particle’s position in relation to the other. SC represents the maximum strength of the conservative force, and this value is usually constant and independent for each pair of particle types. The choice of SC for a pair of particles depends on the “hardness” of the particle, and is typically between 10 and 100. The dissipative force removes energy by decreasing the velocity of the two particles in relation to each other. Fast moving particles will be slowed by the dissipative force, which makes the system more controllable and predictable. For example, if two particles are interacting and moving towards or away from each other, the dissipative force will slow them down. If the particles are overlapped but currently moving parallel to each other, the dissipative force will have no effect. In this equation, v represents the difference in absolute velocity of the two particles, which is equivalent to their relative velocity. S D , the strength of the dissipative force, is usually between 1 and 10. A large value will produce a system which is very responsive to fluctuations in temperature and relaxes very quickly. The third and final force that is applied is the random force. Here, is a random variable with unit variance, kB is Boltzmann’s constant, T is the desired equilibrium temperature of the system in Kelvin, and t is the time-step of the simulation. This force will put energy back into the system to counteract the dissipative force. The strength of the random force is related to the strength of the dissipative force by the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, which ensures that this combination will bring the system to the desired equilibrium temperature over time. If each particle is given a random force based on a desired equilibrium temperature, then eventually the system should reach that temperature. If there were no random forces (T = 0) then the particles would lose energy during each interaction and the temperature of the system would approach zero. The dissipative and random interactions cause the energy of faster moving particles to be dissipated throughout the system. This scheme creates a highly controllable environment which is more tolerant to wild particles and coarse approximations. The effect can be compared to bouncing balls in a can; by filling the can with water and shaking it consistently, the balls’ movements are more stable and predictable. It is this concept that allows a small amount of spherical particles to model complex molecular structures with reasonable accuracy. This combination is also the reason why DPD allows for greater t values than classical MD; the energy dissipation effectively reduces the effect of integration error by handling jumpy particles predictably. There must be a sufficient particle density throughout the system so that enough short-range interactions occur to cause the temperature to be accurately controlled. If there is an abundance of free space, particles will move freely without experiencing dissipation. For this reason, DPD is used to model liquids, or solids immersed in liquids. Simulations include a certain density of water particles which fill the entire system and ensure that interactions are plentiful. Water particles are often a computational bottleneck, since many simulations involve observation of objects immersed in water – not the water itself. A reasonable solution to this weakness of DPD will be addressed further in this paper. It should also be noted that the desired temperature (a parameter of the system which is not a measured value) is used to weight the random force for every interaction, regardless of the current velocity of particles in that physical area. For this reason, thermodynamics are difficult to model properly in DPD. Accurate particle behavior should only be expected when it is assumed that the temperature is uniform for the entire system. However, it is perfectly acceptable to change the desired temperature at any time during a simulation. For example, it may make sense to start a simulation at a low temperature and wait for things to settle, and then heat the system and observe. Motion of Particles by Iteration Each particle in a DPD simulation has a distinct physical position, velocity, and acceleration at each time-step. Forces are accumulated by analyzing the instantaneous position and velocity in relation to other particles. The net force at that instant for each particle is divided by the mass of that particle to obtain its change in acceleration. Using an integration scheme of Newton’s equations of motion, and a small Δt time-step value, the acceleration is used to update the velocity and position of each particle for the next iteration. Any implementation of Newton’s equations will produce some error, since the acceleration of each particle is considered to be constant for each time-step. However, this error is minimized to an acceptable level by using a small Δt in conjunction with an efficient integration algorithm. The DPD technique itself is also highly tolerable to integration error due to the dissipative-random force combination described in the previous section. The most common integration scheme is the Velocity Verlet algorithm. This algorithm uses a half-step approach for modifying the velocity of the particle. The intention is that the velocity vector used for calculating interaction forces is calculated using half the forces from the previous time-step, and half from the current time-step. This technique has been shown to reduce integration error. The following iterative set of equations represent the Verlet algorithm in its general form: 1 r (t t ) r (t ) v (t )t a (t )t 2 2 t 1 v (t ) v (t ) a (t )t 2 2 1 t a (t t ) forces( r (t t ), v (t )) m 2 t 1 v (t t ) v (t ) a (t t )t 2 2 The advantage of this scheme is that only one position, velocity, and acceleration vector is required to be stored for each particle. The below pseudo-code is a direct implementation of the Velocity Verlet scheme using the vectors ‘r’, ‘v’, and ‘a,’ which represent the currently stored data describing a particular particle. r initial position v initial velocity a (1/m)forces(r, v) for each simulation step r r + vΔt + (1/2)aΔt2 v v + (1/2)aΔt a (1/m)forces(r, v) v v + (1/2)aΔt record r to disk This implementation assumes that only the particle positions will be recorded. The following simplification makes it difficult to record the velocity of a particle at the end of a time-step; however, these values can be interpolated from the position data separately. The first two lines of the iteration can be reversed by substitution, and since the velocity is not recorded, the two velocity-update statements can be combined to produce the following mathematically equivalent algorithm: r initial position v initial velocity a (1/m)forces(r, v) for each simulation step if (first step) v v + (1/2)aΔt else v v + aΔt r r + vΔt a (1/m)forces(r, v) record r to disk For only the first time-step, the velocity is updated using the half of the current acceleration value. In terms of physical behavior, this causes a single set of forces to have only half of the normal effect. In reality, this affects a long simulation by a negligible amount, since the nature of DPD is such that small abnormalities are absorbed by the temperature-controlling dissipative and random interactions. In practice, the first few thousand time-steps are used to allow the system to settle at the desired temperature, which helps ensure that the experiment occurs in the correct environment. Slightly adjusting the forces of the first time-step will have no bearing on the simulation results, so it can be omitted from the algorithm. Finally, the force calculations can be moved to the beginning of the procedure, producing the following final algorithm. This version is simpler, easier to implement, and more efficient. r initial position v initial velocity for each simulation step a (1/m)forces(r, v) v v + aΔt r r + vΔt record r to disk For any integration scheme, the choice of Δt is very important. A large value may cause particles to jump through other particles or become instable. A value too small will increase accuracy, but require more time to perform the simulation. There have been studies into the effect of using various values for Δt, however for most purposes a value of 0.01 or 0.005 is sufficient. Boundary Conditions The physical counterpart to a computer simulation exists within an infinite universe. However, computer simulations require a finite space for computation. A DPD simulation must define the outer boundaries of the system, or “world.” Usually, the three-dimensional world is a six-sided box with side lengths between 10 and 1000 units (where a particle radius of interaction is approximately 1 unit). Generally, all particles must remain within this defined volume with exceptions only in rare cases. The “walls” of the world are the boundaries which particles are constrained within. A particle which moves into contact with a wall may experience something in order to keep it from moving through the wall. In the simplest case, the walls are simply the six sides of the world. However, depending on the application, systems may be designed to additionally constrain particles within a tube, cylinder, sphere, or other complex structure. Boundary conditions refer to a specification of the influences particles are subjected to when they interact with a wall. There are many types of boundary conditions which vary in physical realism. A common attribute of each specification is that it is artificial, since particles supposedly analogous to real-life entities must be constrained within a finite system. Thus, a challenge exists to define boundary conditions which create an appropriate environment for simulation and observation. If a curved wall is used, or walls exist inside the simulation, care must be taken to ensure that boundary conditions are applied in an appropriate manner. The boundary conditions described here are designed to be applied to the flat outer walls of a rectangular world. Application of these techniques to other types of surfaces is possible, but is outside the scope of this paper. There are two main forms of boundary conditions: periodic and enclosed. With periodic boundary conditions, particles leaving one side of the simulation are instantly moved to the opposite side. With enclosed constraints, soft or hard physical walls exist to restrain particles from leaving the world. Depending on the application, a combination of these forms may be used within a simulation. Periodic boundary conditions are used to model an infinitely-sized system. When a particle moves outside of the world, it is instantly moved to the opposite side of the world. This instant reposition of the particle is referred to as “wrap-around.” This creates an infinite system by assuming that continuous instances of the system exist adjacent to each other. This keeps the number of particles in the simulation constant, but also allows particles to move outside of the observed volume. A periodic system is useful for any type of simulation which represents a continuum in motion. Implementing periodic boundary conditions can be difficult, because the interaction radius of a particle may extend through the simulation boundary and interact with a particle on the other side. If interactions for these particles are not considered, a dense system of small particles will tend to layer parallel to the boundaries. Wrap-around interactions also impose a minimum size on the system, so that particles cannot interact with themselves. When particles are connected by springs (discussed later), care must be taken to ensure that a spring-connected series cannot also interact with itself. As you can see in the diagram, there are only three particle centers within the simulation boundary, and they appear to be very far from each other. However, all of them are actually in physical contact with at least one other “virtual” particle. Consider a periodic system where a single very large sphere is pushed by a large force through millions of tiny particles. The wave created in front of the sphere will propagate through the boundary and interact with the sphere from behind. Also, the ripple effect of the flow will propagate outwards and interfere with the opposite side. This is because we have effectively created a continuum of adjacent systems where each contains an identical copy of not only the tiny flowing particles, but the large moving sphere as well. The undesirable effects of the wave are caused by the flow induced independently in adjacent systems. To reduce these effects, the system must either be made larger, or the boundary conditions modified to inhibit the periodic effects of the flowing particles. For example, one may specify that any particle near to the edge of the world will experience friction – a reduction in the velocity, but only in the direction parallel to the motion of the large particle. This type of constraint on the system is unrealistic, but it is specifications like these which must often be implemented to cope with the negative effects of a finite system. Enclosed boundary conditions reduce the particles’ freedom of movement to the extents of the world. There are many possible approaches to what may happen to a particle when it contacts a boundary, depending on the desired application. For any solution, however, individual particles must be restricted by external effects which violate conservation of momentum in the system. As long as the same boundary conditions exist on opposite sides of the world, momentum may be conserved over time, but not necessarily in a single time-step. In addition, total momentum in an enclosed system may often be irrelevant, since the walls prevent the system from accumulating momentum and moving as a whole. Hard wall boundary conditions specify that a particle bounces from the boundaries via a perfectly elastic collision. When a particle passes through the world boundary, it is placed immediately inside the world and its velocity component perpendicular to the wall is reversed. The problem with these conditions is that the sudden velocity modification causes particles near the wall to bounce into neighboring particles, which can create undesired effects such as rippling or shaking. This solution conserves energy, but reversing the velocity instantaneously is unrealistic. Particles should instead feel a force when they encounter a boundary, to reverse their direction over a number of time-steps. Using forces instead of instantaneously modifying the particle’s velocity is a much more reliable approach, and more closely follows the principles of DPD. To create soft-wall conditions, we build on the hard-wall specification by adding a layer of sufficient width inside the world boundary. Particles within this layer receive a force related to their penetration distance. Fastmoving particles that penetrate entirely to the boundary will bounce from the wall, but this happens rarely and it will not have a negative effect on the system. The force strength and layer thickness should be chosen so that with a high particle density, the particles push nearly all the way through the layer at equilibrium. This prevents the soft layers from constraining the particles too far from the boundaries. Linear repulsive soft-wall specifications cause large numbers of particles to unrealistically form numerous layers parallel to the wall. We have essentially created a boundary condition where the walls are of much lower temperature than the rest of the system, and tend to “freeze” the outside layers of particles. To correct this, we add dissipative and random forces to the wall to keep the temperature at the boundaries equal to the rest of the system. Particles entering the layer are slowed by the dissipative force, and the random force maintains temperature. These forces act only perpendicular to the wall. The equation for the interaction at the boundary presented here can be used to represent a soft surface at the edges of the world. We have found that in order to achieve constant density and temperature at the boundary, and prevent layers of particles from forming, is it appropriate to use d 1.5 instead of a simple linear relationship. Sw d 1.5 ; 0 d a F C S w D S w v 2 D k B T t 2 S w represents the relation between penetration distance of a particle ( d ) into the boundary and the repulsion. The boundary layer thickness (a) is a constant such as 1.5 units. The force applied to a particle contains two constants: C, which parameterizes the hardness of the surface, and D, which represents the dissipative/random strength (3.0, for example). v is the velocity of the particle perpendicular to the surface, t is the time-step of the simulation, K BT is the temperature of the simulation, and is a Gaussian random variable with unit variance and mean 0.5. The hardness of the surface can be chosen arbitrarily, but there is a specific value for C in a uniform system which achieves constant density throughout the boundary layer. In practice, this value can be determined by iteratively measuring the density of particles within the boundary layer. Short Range Attractions Short range attractions can be simply implemented by adding a linear attractive force to the basic particle interactions. When two particles collide, they are pulled together to an equilibrium distance less than the interaction cutoff distance due to the combination of repulsive and attractive forces. This effect simulates bonds being formed spontaneously, which may break if the particles are pulled apart. When used with a large number of particles, surface tension can be achieved. Implementing a global short range attraction between all interacting particles requires only slightly modifying the conservative force calculation. However, it may be necessary to define a limit to the number of possible connections that any single particle may have at one time. For example, using a limit of 2, long chains can form during a simulation, for which lengths can be measured as a function of particle density or time. Implementing this is more difficult, since all existing connections must be tracked for each particle to ensure that an existing connection is not broken in order to form a new connection with another particle. Long Range Attractions Almost all DPD simulations involve permanently connecting two or more particles by long range linear forces (springs). This technique is used to create chains of particles or other complicated structures which maintain their unity for the entire simulation. Implementation simply involves defining a list of pairs of particles which are to be connected by a spring, the spring constant (K), and the natural spring length (L). At every time-step, equal and opposite forces are applied to each particle of a spring-pair as a function of the distance (r) and the direction vector (e) between them: F K ( r L )e Usually springs are used to permanently create a chain by attaching particles in sequential series. Particles should be slightly overlapped, to prevent other objects in the simulation from traveling through the space between particles in the chain. When using short-length springs such as these, it is important to ensure that the particles are initially placed at the correct equilibrium distance from each other – when the conservative repulsive force equals the attractive spring force: K (r L) SC (1 r ) When simulated, temperature affects each particle of a chain individually, which causes the structure to shake. A chain tends to remain stable when higher spring constants are used. It is best to use an appropriate spring length with a high spring constant (between 200 and 400) to keep the bonds strong and the particles only slightly overlapped. Ultimately, however, structure design depends on the environment in which it will exist. Also, when K m 2t 2 , where m is the mass of each particle, the spring will be unstable. A free chain of particles may tend to wrap and twist around itself due to the environment’s temperature. What may be required is a method to keep the chain in a fairly smooth curve, or prevent significant bending of an internal group of particles. To do this, we apply forces to straighten each triplet of particles on the chain. Using weak localized angle constraint forces, a chain’s appearance will approach a straight line, but will usually appear curved and have a reasonable freedom of motion. A triplet of particles on which to apply angle constraints is defined by two pairs of springs that share a common particle. This common particle is the center of the triplet. The force applied to the center particle is the sum of the two relative position vectors from this particle to the other two. Half of this force is then applied to each of the other two particles, but in the opposite direction. This keeps the local net force and moment about the center of the triplet zero. When these forces are combined with adjacent triplets, the chain will straighten over time, but not translate or rotate as a result of this force. r1+r2 r1 (r1+r2)/2 r2 (r1+r2)/2 By modifying the straightening force equation to reach a minimum when r1+r2 is non-zero, an equilibrium angle that is nonzero can be achieved. The strength of the angle constraint forces must also be fairly low, or the chain can become unstable. Any particular particle in a chain will be included in three triplets. If the chain begins to take on a strong zigzag shape, the angle forces on each particle will quickly accumulate. If the spring constants and dissipative forces are too low, the triplets may oscillate and eventually destroy the chain. This effect can be prevented by using large spring constants or modifying the spring equation itself. For example, this model more accurately represents the behavior of chemical bonds, and allows stronger angle constraints to be used: F K ( r L) ( r L) 3 e Springs may be modified to only take effect when particles are within a certain cutoff distance, allowing medium-range breakable bonds to be formed between groups of particles. Using a dynamic list of springs, bonds may be spontaneously formed or destroyed without difficulty. For example, multiple polymers can form a gelatin-like structure by randomly creating and destroying connections between them according to range and probability parameters. Electrostatics DPD simulations occur within a dense medium of water, which is modeled as an uncharged set of particles. Water contains charged ions which affect the Coulomb interaction between two charged particles. These ions can be explicitly represented in a simulation; however the placement of these charges characterizes a continuum and can therefore be represented mathematically. Absorbing the effects of charged ions in water into the Coulomb interaction is called Debye screening. This screened interaction decreases rapidly and converges, which allows us to declare that all interactions at a longer range than a specified finite cutoff (the Debye screening length) can be absorbed into the error of the system, which provides a computationally reasonable model for electrostatics. Debye screening requires a parameter ( ) which represents the density of charged ions in the system. The interaction cutoff which provides acceptable accuracy is typically 3 / . A value of = 0.1 A-1 corresponds to a monovalent salt concentration of ~100 mM and in the discussion that follows, this number is taken to illustrate the argument. This permits a cutoff distance of 30 units. When periodic boundary conditions are used, a charged particle must be prevented from interacting with another particle more than once. Thus, the world extents should be at least four times the cutoff distance in each dimension (120 units in this case). The screened interaction potential is given by: u (k , r ) q1q2 e r 40 1 r Because u(k,r) is spherically symmetric, the corresponding force is radial and its magnitude is: F q q e r u 1 2 (1 r ) r 40 1 r 2 Computing this expression for a pair of particles involves evaluating an exponential, which is very computationally expensive. However, it can be approximated using a relatively simple Taylor polynomial since the cutoff range is finite. The Taylor polynomial presented here is accurate when the cutoff range is 3 / . 1 2 3 r 2 4 r 3 5 r 4 6 r 5 7 r 6 8 r 7 57 9 r 8 10 r 9 F q1q2 w ( 2 ) 2 3 8 30 144 840 5760 2800000 225000 r For very close particles (r 1) , the linear function F q1q2 w r is used instead to prevent instability due to very large forces. Efficient methods of organizing the particles are very important to limit unnecessary computation, since electrostatics may account for a large portion of the simulation time. The electrostatic force and the kBT value may be scaled by the same factor, which effectively increases the time scale and causes the simulation to approach equilibrium much more quickly. This relationship has been shown to preserve correct equilibrium arrangement with charged point particles, but it must be ensured that the high temperature does not adversely affect the simulation due to the size and local interactions of the particles. This technique can be used to partially counter the dissipative effects of water if motion is highly restricted. Hydrodynamic Flow The DPD technique generally produces valid results only when the observed objects in the system are completely surrounded by an incompressible fluid. To model water accurately in DPD, we must include three particles of unit radius and mass for every unit of volume in the system. These water particles must interact with each other via a conservative force of approximate strength 40, and a dissipative force of approximate strength 3. If these particles are initially placed randomly in the system, the fluid will fluctuate correctly after relaxing for 100-200 time-steps (∆t = 0.01). Water particles interact with all other particles in the system by only the dissipative and random forces. The dissipative strength S D is related to the viscosity of the fluid, and a value of 1 should correctly represent water. It may be necessary for water particles to flow controllably through the system. For example, one may define a dynamic surface that can erode over time, observe the behavior of polymers as water flows between them, or even observe the water itself as it flows through any type of complicated obstacle course. Since the DPD technique obeys the Navier-Stokes equations, it can be used to model any type of hydrodynamic flow, with or without moving boundary conditions. In order to force the water to flow, we need to create a mechanism for pumping the water. The simplest form of water pump is one which causes all the water particles to flow from one end of a rectangular system to the other. To create the pump, we define one or more “inlets” and “outlets” as thin three-dimensional volumes at opposite ends of a system. When water particles enter an outlet, they are instantly moved to an inlet. This creates a vacuum at each outlet and a high concentration of particles at each inlet. If there are an appropriate amount of water particles in the system so that the water is incompressible, this scheme will produce uniform flow. The velocity of the flow can be controlled by randomly choosing whether or not to move each particle from the outlet to the inlet according to a specific probability. This will cause the flow velocity to approach a constant value at equilibrium given some resistance within the pump. To increase flow velocity above this limit, particles may be assigned a force at the inlet in a particular direction. For practical uses, a pump should be designed so that the appropriate constant flow velocity is achieved at equilibrium. Water as a Continuum Water particles normally constitute over 90% of a simulation’s particles, and account for almost all of the computation time of any particular simulation. However, since water is incompressible, it represents a fluctuating lattice that can be predicted mathematically. DPD is a proven technique for representing a continuous liquid medium using locally-interacting particles. By analyzing these interactions, an equation for the continuum which these interactions reproduce can be evaluated and used instead. Presented in the following is an equation for modeling water as a continuum, derived from the DPD equations, which allows water particles to be omitted from any practical simulation where hydrodynamic flow is not the focus (a water pump is not used). Water particles are uniformly distributed throughout the entire system, but appear randomly positioned from the point of view of an immersed object particle. We know this because: a) there are no conservative forces preventing object particles and water particles from becoming very close, b) the high density of water particles (typically 3 per unit volume) creates a very continuous environment, c) the incompressibility of the water causes the density to be fairly constant throughout the system, and d) the temperature of the system causes water particles to move randomly. Therefore, the number of water particles interacting with any object at any particular time-step can be reasonably predicted. In order for a water particle of unit radius to interact with an object of radius r, its center must be within a sphere of radius r + 1. The number of interactions for each object is the average number of water particles within this sphere: the sphere’s volume multiplied by the water density ( 4 (r 1) 3 ). The object will experience dissipative forces from water that will always cause its velocity to become closer to that of the water particles in its vicinity. Typically, the water particles will slow down all objects with respect to the world, because the water particles are not experiencing collective motion in any specific direction. This is because no object will move enough water particles so that another nearby object can be significantly affected. To elaborate on this, consider the following: a) An individual (or small number of) object(s) moves very quickly through still water. Each water particle is held in place by the conservative interactions between themselves, which are approximately 10 times higher then the dissipative force that a moving object exerts on the water. The dissipative force is not nearly strong enough to allow the water particle to push through its neighbors and move along with the object. The water will always slow down the object well before the water itself moves a significant amount, especially since the water particle has no conservative interaction with the object at all. In terms of energy, the energy of the moving object is very quickly and efficiently distributed through all of the incompressible water, and each individual water particle feels nothing but a slight and short-lived bump – which will have almost no effect on other objects nearby. b) Many objects move together within the water. For simulations where water flow is either expected or a primary factor of the system, this continuum model should not be used. For any other type of simulation, large-scale movements of objects will not occur unexpectedly to the extent that the water begins to flow and consequently affect other objects significantly. Since water is incompressible and momentum must be conserved within the system, significant and persistent flow patterns occurring within the water require a tremendous amount of energy to create. Accumulating such energy through internal random fluctuations is statistically impossible. Also, any massive push by a large number of objects must be opposed in some other area of the system, which will then stop the water from flowing. Any significant amount of flow within the water must be paralleled by movement in another direction in order to conserve momentum, which requires so much energy that it will not occur in a simulation where the fluid is expected to be static. Velocities of the water in different areas of the simulation can be accurately modeled by iterating a velocity field using the finite-difference algorithm. However, for typical simulations, a velocity field has very little effect for the reasons explained above. For simulations where flow is integral to the system, using DPD particles is as effective and usually more computationally efficient. The dissipative force on an object from each water particle, according to the fundamental DPD equations, is given by: F (1 r ) 2 ((vo vw ) e )e represents the dissipative force strength, which is a constant related but not equal to the viscosity of the fluid. This value is 1 for water, but may be a parameter of the continuum for alternate types of fluids. v w represents the velocities of the water particles surrounding the object. This is zero for our continuum, but a non-zero vector may be used to create simple flowing water. If a velocity field is used, v w would be replaced with the velocity vector at the position of the object. This expression can be simplified in the following manner using the previous assumption that water particles are uniformly distributed throughout the interaction sphere of our objects. First we determine the following averages (in three dimensions), considering that 0 r 1 and 1 ei 1 for i x, y, z . (1 r ) 2 1 10 v 1 2 2 (e v )ei ex v x ei e y v y ei ez v z ei ei vi i , since ei 0 and ei 3 3 v i Fi 30 The random force which an object will experience from each water particle is given by: F 2 K bT / t (1 r )e The average random force on an object for each of its interactions in our continuum is represented by a single random variable: the linear combination of the random forces from each water particle. The mean of this variable is zero since the mean of each random force is also zero. The variance can be calculated in the following manner: V ( Fi ) 2 K bT k T 2 (1 r ) 2 ei B t 15t Fi K bT 15t We now have a formula for the continuum water model, expressed as a force to apply in each direction to each object particle in the simulation: 4 (r 1) 3 vi 4 (r 1) 3 k BT Fi 30 15t m It should ensured that 4 (r 1) 3 , where m is the mass of an object particle, or the system 30 4t may be unstable. This relationship sets a limiting upper bound on the value of ∆t, especially when large particles are used. Appendix A: Physical Units When building a model to represent the physics of the real world, a system of scaling units should be defined to help relate the simulation to reality. The following scheme is an appropriate starting point for modeling common biological and physical systems. Depending on the scale of system, some aspects of the real world may not apply to the model because their effects are negligible. Nanometers Millimeters Length: 10-9 m = 1 nm Mass: 10-24 kg Time: 3.16 x 10-7 s Energy: 10-20 J Force: 10-11 N Pressure: 107 Pa Temperature: 103 K k BT300 K 0.414 (room temperature) Charge: 1.602 x 10-19 C = e 1 0.285 40 1 Length: 10-3 m = 1 nm Mass: 10-6 kg Time: 10-2 s Energy: 10-8 J Force: 10-5 N Pressure: 101 Pa Gravity = 0.98 The mass density of water in both of these unit systems is 1, so water should be modeled using 3 particles per unit of simulation volume of radius 1 and mass 1/3.