Lab4 Report Instructions

Lab4 Report Instructions
The lab report should be segmented in 5 parts:
o Limiting circuit
o Half-wave rectifier
o Full-wave rectifier
o Ripple voltage circuit (voltage regulated power supply circuit)
o Limiting circuit with AC and DC
1)Limiting circuit:
o from preparation:
 find resistor value by approximation of circuit in figure 4-1
(V1=5V, Vf = 0.7V, Id=5mA), find diode voltage.
 find current and voltage in diode by running PSpice bias analysis.
 plot VI characteristic of diode by running DC sweep, and plot on
the same graph load line (trace load line equation), find current and
voltage of diode.
 plot transfer characteristic of circuit by running DC sweep,
describe (graph or sketch) the output waveform of +-5V triangle
 run transient analysis for circuit where V1 is +-5V triangle wave,
plot output.
 run transient analysis with Vsin (ampl=1mV, freq=1KHz) in series
with V1 (Id=IDC+iAC), plot output, build a piece-wise linear model
(Id=I0exp(V/nVT), n=1, VT=25mV).
 repeat the above transient analysis with Vsin (ampl=6mV,
freq=1KHz), plot output.
o from procedure:
 plot the VI characteristic for the diode obtained using
 show diode's current and voltage obtained from experimental
measurements in lab for circuit in figure 4-1.
2)Half-wave rectifier:
o from preparation:
 find diode current value by approximation of circuit in figure 4-2
(use V1=5V, Vf = 0.7V, R1=3.3K), find diode voltage.
 find current and voltage in diode by running PSpice bias analysis.
 plot VI characteristic of diode by running DC sweep, and plot on
the same graph load line (trace load line equation), find current and
voltage of diode.
plot transfer characteristic of circuit by running DC sweep,
describe (graph or sketch) the output waveform of +-5V triangle
 run transient analysis for circuit where V1 is +-5V triangle wave,
plot output.
from procedure:
 plot the VI characteristic for the diode obtained using
 show diode's current and voltage obtained from experimental
measurements in lab for circuit in figure 4-2.
 show output AC (rms & pp) and DC voltage values obtained from
experimental measurements in lab for circuit in figure 4-2 using
sine wave source (10V, 60Hz).
3)Full-wave rectifier:
o from preparation:
 plot transfer characteristic of circuit in figure 4-3 by running DC
sweep, describe (graph or sketch) the output waveform of 10V pp
sine wave input.
 run transient analysis for circuit in figure 4-3, plot output.
o from procedure:
 plot the transfer characteristic for circuit in figure 4-3 using
 show output AC (rms & pp) and DC voltage values obtained from
experimental measurements in lab for circuit in figure 4-3 using
sine wave source (10V, 60Hz).
 show output pp voltage for same circuit after adding 1F capacitor
in parallel with 1K resistor and 10 resistor in series with any
diode, repeat with 10F and 100F.
 plot output waveform in 10resistor for 1F, 10F and 100F
o from analysis:
 what percentage of time are diodes conducting as seen in the
wavefront in zener diode, for all cases (1F, 10F and
 use PSpice to find output voltage for different capacitor values
including those in the procedure section, plot voltage vs. capacitor,
check if measured values agree with the plot.
4)Ripple voltage circuit (voltage regulated power supply circuit):
o from preparation:
 run transient analysis for circuit in figure 4-4 without load (only
capacitor, no resistor and zener diode), plot output.
 run transient analysis of circuit with load (capacitor plus resistor
and zener diode), find resistor value to obtain 10% less DC output
voltage, plot output.
from procedure:
 show the zener AC (rms & pp) and DC voltage values obtained
from experimental measurements in lab for circuit in figure 4-4,
use resistor box at 220K in parallel with zener diode.
 show resistor box reduced value to achieve 10% decrease in
output value.
5)Limiting Circuit with AC and DC:
o from procedure:
 show output AC (rms & pp) and DC current values obtained from
experimental measurements in lab for circuit in figure 4-5 for all
three cases: (0V, 0.5V, 0.7V DC).
o from analysis:
 analyze circuit in figure 4-5 using piecewise linear model to find
pp voltage, compare results with lab measurements.
written by Rayan Alassaad.