2.671 Measurement and Instrumentation Friday PM Professor Thomas Peacock 05/12/09 ENERGY TRANSFER IN VARIOUS TYPES OF SOCCER KICKS Joshua B. Gafford Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA, USA ABSTRACT In an effort to quantify the efficiency with which different types of kick transfer energy to a soccer ball, velocity profiles for a soccer ball during various types of kicks (instep, inside, and toe) were derived using highspeed imaging and an accelerometer. The efficiency of energy transfer from foot to ball was described in terms of a lumped constant meff. The values for this constant were found to be 0.298 ± 0.123 kg for the instep, 0.381 ± 0.199 kg for the inside, and 0.225 ± 0.077 kg for the toe. Ultimately, it was found that the instep and inside of the foot were most efficient at transferring energy, with the inside of the foot having the slight edge. As expected, the toe kick was least efficient, due in part to the smaller contact area, concentrated force, and amount of energy dissipated by way of ball deformation. INTRODUCTION The sport of soccer is a fast-paced, dynamic game in which players rely on a variety of strategies to gain the upper-hand on their opponent. One of these strategies, which may seem trivial to any practiced player of the game, but is extremely fundamental, is knowing which style of kick to employ in different situations. The inside of the foot is primarily used at close-range when accuracy and finesse are desired. Players use the instep of the foot for longer-range passes or shots, when accuracy is sacrificed for power and elevation if necessary. The toe is usually a last-resort, employed when players find themselves in a tight situation and need to “poke” the ball out of harm’s way. The three kick styles mentioned above are represented pictorially in Figure 1. Other circumstances might call for the use of the outside of the foot or the heel, but these extraneous situations are beyond the scope of this report. (a) (b) (c) Figure 1: Pictures of (a) inside of the foot kick, (b) instep kick, and (c) toe kick The way in which the foot contacts the ball in each situation corresponds to a different contact area, which ultimately affects the velocity of the ball during the kick, as well as the accuracy. During an inside-of-the-foot kick, contact area is optimized, leading to a more uniform distribution of force across the contact surface of the ball. Additionally, the concave arc described by the inside of the foot roughly conforms to the curvature of the ball, helping to focus contact forces on a line perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the foot for optimal accuracy. When a player kicks with his instep, the aim is to strike the ball with the “bony” region of the top of the foot in order to maximize power. However, the convex arc described by the instep results in a smaller contact area, which hinders accuracy. Finally, a toe-kick is an extreme case, in which contact area is minimal; if the kick is not applied at the exact geometric center of the ball, the ball will not follow a straight path. The reaction of the ball when exposed to the three kicks shown in Figure 1 is directly related to the way in which energy is transferred from the foot to the ball during the kick. Section 1 introduces the physics underlying a soccer kick, and outlines the principles of energy transfer. Section 2 explains the experimental setup that was used to gain insight into how energy is transferred to the ball depending on kick type. Because the instep of the foot is most widely used for shots and kicks that require more power, it may be expected that use of the instep of the foot will result in a greater 1 2.671 Go Forth and Measure amount of kinetic energy transfer to the ball. The purpose of this report is to quantify this expectation using experimental and theoretical data, and compare the energy transfer capabilities of the instep kick with the inside-foot and toe kick. These quantifications are presented in Section 3. I. UNDERLYING PHYSICS OF A KICK A soccer kick is effectively an imperfect elastic collision between the foot and the ball where energy is lost in several ways. The complexity of the collision prohibits it from being modeled as a collision between two free-moving bodies: this will be discussed more indepth later. A simplified physical model of a soccer ball being kicked is presented in Figure 2. Three forces act on the ball: the force of the kick F(t), a frictional force Ffriction, and a drag force Fdrag. y x Figure 2: Simplified Physical Model of a Kick It is assumed that all relevant velocities and forces only occur in the x-direction throughout the duration of impact. The second-order nonlinear differential equation corresponding to Figure 1 is presented in Equation (1): dvball (t ) (1) m C v (t ) 2 R 2 m g F (t ) ball dt D ball ball f where CD is the drag coefficient, ρ is the density of air, R is the radius of the ball, g is the gravitational constant (9.81m/s2), μf is the coefficient of friction between the ball and the surface, and F(t) is the applied force from the foot as a function of time. However, because the force is applied over a very short amount of time, it is effectively an impulse force. As a result we can simplify the model further in saying that neither drag nor friction has a significant impact on the motion of the ball throughout the duration of the kick, which results in Equation (2): mball dvball F (t ) dt (2) Now that the differential equation describing the motion of the ball is linear and first-order, we can separate variables and integrate twice to obtain the equation for change in kinetic energy of the ball, as shown in Equation (3): ball Ekinetic 1 mball (v 2f ,ball vi2,ball ) 2 (3) However, as we know from intuition, and as we will show in this report pictorially, the ball can undergo significant deformation during a kick, which ultimately results in energy loss. In a realistic case, the ball is not infinitely stiff and complies with the foot, and the force felt by the ball is a function of the relative stiffness constant of the ball, which is not easily computed. In addition, several other factors can affect the energy transfer efficiency of the kick, which are not easily quantifiable. These include but are not limited to the effective mass of the foot, frictional losses, material properties of the ball and cleat (more specifically the compliance of each to an applied force), and the quality of contact between the foot and the ball. Although we can’t really quantify how much energy is lost between the foot and the ball due to the foot not being a free body, it is possible to gain some insight into how the velocity of the foot pre-collision affects the energy change in each kicking case. In an effort to quantify the efficiency of energy transfer to the ball, for the purpose of this report it is assumed that the change in kinetic energy of the ball is a function of the pre-collision foot velocity, according to Equation (4): ball E kinetic f (vi , foot ) meff vi2, foot (4) where meff is a lumped correction coefficient (with units of mass) that takes into account all of the loss mechanisms discussed earlier. The purpose of this report is to quantify meff for each of the three kick types and discuss the discrepancies that will arise between each. II. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP A schematic of the experimental setup can be seen in Figure 3. A Vernier 25-g Accelerometer was rigidly attached to the ball and zeroed prior to each kick. For this experiment, it was assumed that the ball would primarily undergo 1-dimensional translation in the x-direction so that any other translations and rotational components picked up by the accelerometer would be negligible in comparison (this assumption was justified by inspection of high-speed video data). The accelerometer uploads its information to the Vernier LabPro, which is a data collection interface. The LabPro converts the sensor’s voltage output into the desired units of m/s2. Data was recorded at a rate of 1000 Hz, with an accuracy of ±2.45 2 2.671 Go Forth and Measure (a) Acceleration(m/s2) m/s2 and resolution of 0.1 m/s2. The accelerometer was calibrated during manufacturing, so there was no need for manual calibration during setup. Good Data (b) Acceleration (m/s2) Time [s] Poor Data Time [s] Figure 3: Picture of experimental setup Connected in parallel with the LabPro setup is a Fastec In-Line High-Speed Imaging camera. The camera captures the collision between the foot and the ball at a rate of 500 frames-per-second, giving it a resolution of 2 milliseconds. The camera collects information continuously and stores it in what is called a “revolving memory buffer,” and once an external trigger is applied, the data is recorded using FIMS software. Ultimately, a video recorded with the Fastec is uploaded into LoggerPro, where it can be scaled (to the diameter of the ball, measured to be 21.94 ± 0.077 cm, using 95% uncertainty) and analyzed frame-by-frame. Using built-in functions in LoggerPro, analysis can be done to obtain the displacement and velocity profiles underwent by the ball during a kick. An experienced soccer player (+15 years experience) was used as the subject of this experiment. Proper soccer apparel was worn by the subject. A Nike Brasil 2008 soccer ball weighing 409 ± 13 grams, and somewhat worn from previous use, was used. Figure 4: Representative accelerometer graphs comparing (a) good data within the range of the accelerometer and (b) poor data that exceeds the range of the accelerometer Data was recorded for low-acceleration kicks using the accelerometer and the high-speed camera simultaneously in parallel. The acceleration curve obtained by the accelerometer was integrated over the time of contact to obtain the velocity profile of the ball during the duration of the kick. In addition, the recorded video of the kick was analyzed frame-by-frame to obtain the velocity profile of the ball, and ultimately the overall change in kinetic energy. Two velocity profiles, one found from the high-speed camera, and the other found by integrating accelerometer data, were superimposed on the same graph to get an idea of the differences between the two. In addition, the changes in kinetic energy of the ball measured by each instrument were compared, and an error was established between the two. The purpose of the error calculation is to compare discrepancies between measured values with 95% confidence intervals. 2.2 2.1 LOW-ACCELERATION ENERGY TRANSFER Figures 4a and 4b graphically demonstrate the accelerometer upper-bound. The range of the accelerometer is ~±310 m/s2, which corresponds to a maximum ball velocity of around 4 m/s. HIGH-ACCELERATION ENERGY TRANSFER In order to estimate the energy change typical in higher-acceleration kicks (>310 m/s2), the use of the accelerometer was discontinued. This allowed for a more realistic setting for a typical soccer kick, as the ball was no longer “tethered” by the accelerometer cable. Additionally, damage to the accelerometer was no longer a concern, so kicks could be taken with a greater velocity to simulate gameplay conditions. 3 2.671 Go Forth and Measure 5 The three styles of kick were recorded with the highspeed camera, and analyzed via LoggerPro to find the pre-kick velocity of the foot and final velocity of the ball. All kicks were taken from a standing position (no approach). Graphs of foot velocity, ball velocity, and ball deformation as a function of contact time were constructed in MathCAD using recorded data in LoggerPro. Velocity [m/s] 4 3 2 1 0 III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 LOW-ACCELERATION ENERGY TRANSFER 0.01 0.02 Time [s] Data were recorded with both the Fastec camera and the accelerometer for the three kick styles. The velocity profile of the ball was found directly from video analysis, and theoretically by integrating accelerometer data to obtain the velocity profile over the time of contact. For the purpose of this report, ball velocity profiles from kicks taken with the instep will be represented in blue, the inside will be represented in red, and the toe will be represented in green. The results of the low-g tests are displayed in Figures 5a, 5b, and 5c. As can be seen from the graphs, the velocity profiles recorded from the highspeed camera (the actual velocity of the ball) are very comparable to the accelerometer results, and the two methods of measurement agree with each other. (c) Figure 5: Comparison of accelerometer data and high-speed video data at various kick speeds for (a) instep, (b) inside, (c) toe. Using Equation (3), the change in kinetic energy of the ball at three different speeds was calculated from data obtained from both the Fastec and the accelerometer for each kick type. Table 1 presents a comparison of the results obtained by each method, as well as the difference between the results. It is evident that the margin of error between the two methods is small in each case, and any discrepancy present falls within the 95% confidence interval of each result (the toe kick and the inside kick at slow speeds were the only scenarios where the margin of error was greater than the confidence interval). Table 1: Comparison of results for change in kinetic energy undergone by the ball, measured by both highspeed video and the accelerometer, at (a) slow velocity, (b) medium velocity, and (c) fast velocity. 3 Velocity [m/s] 0 (a) 2 Eball (Slow Velocity) 1 0 0 510 3 0.01 0.015 0.02 Time [s] (a) Instep Inside Toe Accel. Data [J] Camera Data [J] Difference [J] 0.53±0.17 0.45±0.02 0.47±0.17 0.53±0.05 0.65±0.06 0.77±0.07 0.01 0.20 0.30 3 Velocity [m/s] (b) Eball (Medium Velocity) 2 Accel. Data [J] Camera Data [J] Difference [J] 0.94±0.28 1.49±0.28 1.35±0.16 1.12±0.10 1.53±0.12 1.41±0.13 0.18 0.04 0.06 1 0 0 510 3 0.01 0.015 0.02 Instep Inside Toe Time [s] (b) 4 2.671 Go Forth and Measure Instep Inside Toe Accel. Data [J] Camera Data [J] Difference [J] 2.44±0.36 0.24±0.35 0.07±0.51 2.23±0.15 2.21±0.15 4.96±0.31 0.21 0.03 0.89 15 30 Deformed Diameter d HIGH-ACCELERATION ENERGY TRANSFER As mentioned earlier, use of the accelerometer was discontinued for kicks at higher velocities. High-speed video analysis of an instep kick resulted in the data presented in Figure 6. In the figures that follow, the same color scheme is used for ball velocity (blue for instep, red for inside and green for toe), but in addition each graph shows foot velocity in black and relative ball deformation in purple as a function of time. The velocity profile of both the ball and the foot during the collision were fit with 4th order polynomial functions, and the deformation of the ball was fit with a 2nd order polynomial. Because the contact surface of the ball is spherical and the surface of the foot can be modeled as flat, ball stiffness (which is a function of the internal pressure and material makeup of the ball) varies quadratically as a function of deformation, so we expect a parabolic response in ball deformation, with peak deformation at the highest applied force. As one would expect, and as Figure 6 somewhat reflects, ball deformation is highest when the two velocities equalize. After this point, the foot no longer directly influences the velocity of the ball; rather, the ball is undergoing “springback” and accelerates its way away from the surface of the foot1. 15 5 10 Ball Velocity Data Ball Velocity Fit Foot Velocity Data Foot Velocity Fit Deformation Data Deformation Fit 0 510 0 0 3 0.01 Time [s] Figure 7: Impact velocity profiles for the ball and foot during an inside kick, superimposed with ball deformation. Finally, Figure 8 shows the results of the toe-kick. As expected, ball deformation for the toe kick was the greatest, since the contact area is smaller and the force is more concentrated. Figure 8: Impact velocity profiles for the ball and foot during a toe kick, superimposed with ball deformation. 15 30 10 20 Velocity [m/s] 3.2 20 Velocity [m/s] 10 Deformation [mm] Eball (Fast Velocity) Figure 7 presents the results of the inside-of-the-foot kick. The magnitude of ball deformation is very comparable to that of the instep, which is expected since the contact areas are generally pretty similar. 30 5 Deformation [mm] (c) 10 20 Velocity [m/s] 10 5 Deformation [mm] Ball Velocity Data Ball Velocity Fit Foot Velocity Data Foot Velocity Fit Deformation Data Deformation Fit 10 Ball Velocity Data Ball Velocity Fit Foot Velocity Data Foot Velocity Fit Deformation Data Deformation Fit 0 0 3 510 0 0.01 Time [s] Figure 6: Impact velocity profiles for the ball and foot during an instep kick, superimposed with ball deformation. 0 0 510 0 3 0.01 0.015 Time [s] Figure 9 shows how ball deformation was estimated. The determination of ball deformation was highly qualitative, and any error associated with its estimation is difficult to quantify. Conservative uncertainty estimates were assumed during video analysis, and this error was propagated through any relevant calculations to determine the 95% confidence interval associated with deformation. 5 2.671 Go Forth and Measure Undeformed Diameter D Deformed Diameter d δ=D-d Figure 9: Determination of ball deformation δ Figures 6-8 are representative graphs. The experiment was performed four times at various speeds for each type of kick in order to obtain a greater pool of data with which to quantify energy transfer efficiency meff. This process is explained in Section 3.3. 3.3 DETERMINATION OF EFFICIENCY MEFF Using data obtained during the low velocity and high velocity experiments, as well as Equation (4), Figure 9 was constructed, which displays the change in kinetic energy of the ball as a function of the pre-collision foot velocity squared. According to Equation (4), the energy transfer efficiency coefficient meff is simply the slope of the fitted line for each type of kick. Because video analysis and its associated uncertainty both depend on several qualitative factors, all uncertainty estimates were conservative, lending to a rather large 95% confidence interval. It is shown in Figure 9 that the inside of the foot is most efficient at transferring energy to the ball. This is a particularly surprising result, as it was expected that the instep of the foot would result in greater energy transfer efficiency. If the inside of the foot yields greater energy transfer than the instep at a given pre-collision foot velocity, why don’t players use the inside more often for shots? Ask any soccer player and he or she will tell you that a kick made with the inside of the foot feels quite unnatural and restricted. When the foot is forced outward to expose the inside of the foot, rotation about the knee is severely inhibited; as a result, the maximum angular momentum that can be achieved is greatly hindered. Instep kicks are much more natural and fluid, allowing for a much greater range of motion. In addition, the plantar flexion of the foot during an instep kick allows for rotation about the knee and greater angular momentum can be achieved. As a result, greater foot velocities can be achieved for instepkicks rather than inside-kicks. A simple schematic of the dynamics of a leg during each of these scenarios is presented in Figure 10a and 10b. hip 60 Instep Data inside meff 0.38 0.20 kg Inside Data lthigh Toe Data 50 hip knee lthigh l shank Ball Kinetic Energy (J) Instep Linear Fit Inside Linear Fit Toe Linear Fit 40 l shank 30 instep meff 0.30 0.12 kg 20 Figure 10: Schematic of kicking dynamics for (a) the inside of the foot and (b) the instep of the foot toe meff 0.22 0.08 kg 10 0 0 50 100 150 Square of Pre-Collision Foot Velocity Figure 9: Graph showing the change in kinetic energy of the ball as a function of the pre-collision foot velocity squared. Uncertainties in meff for each kick were calculated in the following way: conservative “eyeball error” was estimated from video analysis and inserted into propagation of uncertainty for each data point, and linear relationship uncertainty was calculated for each linear fit. As is demonstrated in Figure 10, for the same angular velocity Ωhip about the hip joint, the velocity of the foot has the added component of angular velocity Ωknee about the knee in the case of the instep kick. In the simple case that the angular velocities Ωhip and Ωknee are equal, the knee is at the midpoint of the leg, and the kick is performed so that the thigh and the shank are parallel at the striking point, the linear velocity of the foot at the striking point is twice as much in the instep case than in the inside case, where Ωknee ~ 0 rad/s. Therefore, the added rotation about the knee allows for the instep kick to yield much greater pre-collision foot velocities, which 6 2.671 Go Forth and Measure is why the instep is more widely used for shots and kicks where power is desired. The toe kick was the least efficient in transferring energy to the ball. Although the same range of motion of the instep kick can be achieved with a toe kick, the smaller energy transfer efficiency can be explained by the significantly greater amount of deformation underwent by the ball. This claim is realized in Figure 11, which is a graph of the ball velocity immediately after impact as a function of the maximum deformation experienced by the ball. It can be seen that instep and inside kicks resulted in comparable ball velocities at a given deformation, whereas the toe kick resulted in a much less-efficient response at a given deformation. Data in Figure 11 helps to qualify the conclusion that the toe is the least-efficient kick for energy transfer and explains why meff for the toe is the smallest. More energy was dissipated by way of ball deformation, and as a result, less of the foot’s kinetic energy was transferred to the ball. 16 vball 764 227 s 1 max instep Instep Inside 14 vball 712 120 s 1 max inside Toe Instep Linear Fit 12 Ball Exit Velocity [m/s] energy of the ball using two different media revealed comparable results, lending validity to each method of measurement. The efficiency of energy transfer for each type of kick was described in terms of a lumped constant meff, which takes into account loss mechanisms and other factors that adversely affect the transfer of energy from the foot to the ball. The values for this constant were found to be 0.298 ± 0.123 kg for the instep, 0.381 ± 0.199 kg for the inside, and 0.225 ± 0.077 kg for the toe. Surprisingly, it was shown that the inside of the foot proved to be the most efficient kick for transferring kinetic energy to the ball, although biological limitations (such as the inability to bend the knee for greater angular momentum) inhibit the use of the inside of the foot when higher-velocity responses are necessitated. Plantar flexion characterized by the instep kick allows for greater angular velocity about both the hip and knee.2 As expected, the toe kick resulted in the least amount of energy transfer despite its dynamic similarity to an instep kick. It was shown that the ball deforms the most in a toe kick, which means that more of the foot’s kinetic energy was dissipated by way of ball deformation. Inside Linear Fit ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Toe Linear Fit 10 8 I would like to thank Professor Thomas Peacock for pointing me in the right direction and offering valuable insight for this investigation. Additionally, I would like to thank Dr. Barbara Hughey for offering advice in calculating the uncertainty of my measurements. vball 1 432 180 s max toe 6 4 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Maximum Ball Deformation [mm] Figure 11: Ball velocity immediately after impact vs. maximum deformation for each kick at various velocities The relative energies associated with each kick are on the order of tens of Joules, which is relatively small. To get an idea of an upper-bound for energy transfer to a soccer ball, the fastest soccer kick ever recorded, at around 132 mph (~59 m/s), corresponds to 711 J of energy transfer. With this in mind, the energy a soccer ball receives from a kick isn’t even on the same order of magnitude as, say, the energy a person receives from eating a single peanut (~3.8 kJ). IV. REFERENCES 1. Shinkai, Hironari et al. “Ball-Foot Interaction in Impact Phase of Instep Soccer Kick.” Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 10 (2007): 26-29 2. Kellis, E. and Kattis, A. “Biomechanical Characteristics and Determinants of an Instep Soccer Kick.” Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 6 (2007): 154-1 CONCLUSIONS An analysis of a soccer ball under the influence of a kick both revealed and confirmed insights into how different styles of kick transfer energy to the ball differently. An attempt at measuring the change in kinetic 7 2.671 Go Forth and Measure