1 PSYC 204 - Experimental Psychology Fall 2011 Lab Syllabus Section 903 TEACHING ASSISTANT INFORMATION Name: Steven Jarrett Office: Office hours: Bldg., St. Chem Monday 2-3pm or Rm. 206 By appt. Contact Info: E-mail: sjarrett@neo.tamu.edu Phone: 979-862-8410 COURSE DESCRIPTION AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES This laboratory course consists of a series of active learning activities and writing assignments that provide students with an introduction to common methods and procedures used in psychological research, experience in analyzing data collected in such research, and communicating results to the scientific community. The specific learning objectives in this lab are: 1) 2) 3) 4) To learn about classic research paradigms used in experimental psychology by active participation in computerized experiments using the PsychMate software package; To learn how to write effective reports of psychological research studies using APA format; To learn how to search the PSYCINFO computer database for psychological literature and read journal article reports of psychological research for citation in your research papers; To gain experience and expertise in interpreting empirical results from psychological research studies presented in tabular and graphic formats. GRADING POLICY The maximum total score for all required lab activities and written assignments is 265 points. These points are allocated as follows: LAB GRADING CRITERIA PsychMate Participation (5 modules) 50 points PSYCINFO article summary assignment 15 points Written Assignments (APA draft reports [6]) 100 points 1. Title and References (10 total points: 5 pts. first draft; 5 pts. revision ) 2. Abstract (10 total points: 5 pts. first draft; 5 pts. revision ) 3. Method (20 total points: 10 pts. first draft; 10 pts. revision ) 4. Introduction (20 total points: 10 pts. first draft; 10 pts. revision) 5. Results (20 total points: 10 pts. first draft; 10 pts. revision) 6. Discussion (20 total points: 10 pts. first draft; 10 pts. revision) Final Research Paper (APA format) 100 points Total 265 points LAB ATTENDANCE Attending lab is mandatory. You are allowed one unexcused absence (for any reason). Each subsequent unexcused absence will result in a deduction of 5 points from your overall grade. Material missed due to an unexcused absence will NOT be covered by your TA outside of lab. Absences will be considered excused if the student provides appropriate documentation in accordance with Texas A&M policy (see Section 7, Student Rules, http://student-rules.tamu.edu ). It is your responsibility to contact classmates (not the instructor) to obtain any materials presented or distributed in missed labs. It is recommended that you have the email addresses of a few classmates in case you miss a lab. 2 CLASS PARTICIPATION You are expected to take an active role in lab activities and class discussions. This component will include attentive participation in computer experiments in PsychMate and active participation in discussion of class results. WRITING ASSIGNMENTS There will be 6 written homework assignments (Title page and References, Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion) over the course of the semester and one PSYCINFO article summary. These assignments are structured to familiarize you with research methods and to provide instruction and practice in how to write up research in APA-style format. ALL WRITING ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE TYPEWRITTEN, except for the answers to questions from your PsychMate experiments (these assignments will be handed in to your TA at the end of lab sessions). The Introduction, Results and Discussion can be used as drafts for your final research paper. For each written homework assignment, you will have the opportunity to earn some of your points the first time you turn it in and then you will have the opportunity to earn the second half of your points upon making revisions based on feedback provided by your TA and turning in a revised version of your assignment. Please resubmit the marked up copy of the first draft with your second draft. FINAL PAPER One of the main written assignments of this lab course is your final APA-style research paper. Your final paper (8-10 pages, double-spaced) will be a synthesis of several draft writing assignments (e.g, Introduction, Results, Discussion), along with some new written material (e.g., Abstract, Method, Results). Your final paper will be based on one of the research modules done in the lab. You will be allowed to select which module you will write your final paper over. Be thinking about this as you go through the modules. The module you select for Assignment 4 – the Introduction – will likely be the assignment you write your final paper over. LATE POLICY Homework assignments will be collected during the lab session on the corresponding due date. Assignments can be turned in before the lab session. Late assignments will be penalized 1 point for every day late. This policy applies regardless of the presence or absence of the student during the lab session, so arrange with a fellow classmate to hand-in your assignment if you are unable to attend the lab on the due date for University-approved reasons. Final paper will be penalized 5 points for every day late. Your final paper is due on Tuesday, November 29 in lab. OTHER INFORMATION Written assignments should follow APA format as described in the APA Publication Manual, 6th edition (please see TA for further information on APA format requirements). All assignments should be completed individually. However, it is okay to get feedback on your written work from others, including class members. Effective communication of scientific work is not always easy and takes long practice to master. Make sure to ask questions of your lab TA as you work on your report drafts and final paper. Please Note: Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and may result in an F in the course! See Aggie Integrity and Plagiarism Statements below. 3 TENTATIVE LAB SCHEDULE Note: This is a tentative lab schedule and may be changed by your TA with advanced notice. Week/ Day: TOPIC/ ACTIVITIES Week 1 8/30 Week 2: 9/6 NO LAB ASSIGNMENTS DUE Review lab syllabus and policies Library use and PSYCINFO database search methods. PSYCINFO article summary assigned today. Reading research papers: Why? How? What’s good? Week 3: 9/13 Week 4: 9/20 Introduce PsychMate software package—Create login IDs and passwords, students join lab class online. Rotation Executive Control Measure: Personality Human Factors Read Getting Started Guide in PsychMate text (pp. G1-G14) and Chapters for the 4 modules we will do in class Reaction Time Procedures Module Number of Choices Stimulus Probabilities Read RT chapter (5.1). Submit PsychMate data and answers to module questions (10 points) Join lab class in PsychMate system. PSYCINFO article summary assignment due today. (15 points) Overview of APA Format Week 5: 9/27 Stroop Effect Module Single Trial APA Format: Title Page, References Week 6: 10/4 Automaticity & Stereotyping Module APA Format: Abstract Read Stroop chapter (1.5). Submit PsychMate data and answers to module questions (10 points) WA #1 assigned today. Read A&S chapter (3.5) Submit PsychMate data and answers to module questions (10 points) Writing Assignment #1 Due: Title & References pages for Stroop study. 4 WA #2 assigned today. Week 7: 10/11 Generation Effect Module APA Format: Method Section Week 8: 10/18 Prisoner’s Dilemma Module APA Format: Introduction Components of Intro section Writing an outline Writing the Intro section Writing workshop Read GE chapter (2.11). Submit PsychMate data and answers to module questions (10 points) Writing Assignment #2 Due: Abstract (120 words max.) for A&S study. WA #3 assigned today. Read PD chapter (3.1). Submit PsychMate data and answers to module questions (10 points) WA #4 assigned today. Writing Assignment #3 Due: Method section for GE study. Revised Writing Assignment #1 Due: Title & References pages for Stroop study. Week 9: 10/25 Week 10: 11/1 APA Format: Results Section WA #5 assigned today. Data Analysis Using SPSS. Writing Assignment #4 Due: Draft Intro section for final paper. APA Format: Discussion Section Revised Writing Assignment #2 Due: Abstract (120 words max.) for A&S study. WA #6 assigned today. Writing Assignment #5 Due: Results section for final paper. Revised Writing Assignment #3 Due: Method section for GE study. Week 11: 11/8 APA Format: Putting it all together. Revised Writing Assignment #4 Discuss components of required final Due: Draft Intro section for final paper. paper. Week 12: 11/15 Questions on final papers discussed. Writing Assignment #6 Due: Discussion section draft for final 5 paper. Revised Writing Assignment #5 Due: Results section for Prisoner’s Dilemma study. Week 13: 11/22 Week 14 11/29 NO LAB THANKSGIVING Review/discuss feedback on draft writing assignments Revised Writing Assignment #6 Due: Discussion section draft for final paper. Final Paper Due ADA Policy Statement: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal antidiscrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for a reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Department of Student Life, Services for Students with Disabilities, call 845-1637. Plagiarism: As commonly defined, plagiarism consists of passing off as one’s own ideas, words, writings, etc., which belong to another. In accordance with this definition, you are committing plagiarism if you copy the work of another person and turn it in as your own, even if you should have permission of that person. Plagiarism is one of the worst academic sins, for the plagiarist destroys the trust among colleagues without which research cannot be safely communicated. If you have any questions regarding plagiarism, please consult the latest version of the Texas A&M University Student Rules, under the section “Scholastic Dishonesty.” (http://student-rules.tamu.edu ) Academic Integrity Statement: “An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do.” The Aggie Honor System Office rules and procedures are available at: www.tamu.edu/aggiehonor/ .