FACIAL APPEARANCE MODEL Ing. Miroslav Kasár supervisor: prof. Ing. Ján Mihalík, PhD. Laboratory of Digital Image Processing and Videocommunication Dept. of Electronics and Multimedia Communications, FEI TU Košice Park Komenského 13, 041 20 Košice, Slovak Republic. Tel: +421-55-6024309, E-mail: Miroslav.Kasar@tuke.sk ABSTRACT This paper deals with construction of the face appearance model (FAM) from training set of face images. Because the training images can be obtained from different sources, they have to be normalized before applying principal component analysis (PCA). Significant task by construction FAM has a wireframe model Candide-3. 1 INSTRUCTION Appearance model is combination of shape model and model of normalized textures [1]. For construction FAM are required face images with adapted model Candide-3. The adapted models have been normalized (geometrically, energically) and then PCA is apllied to normalized textures. In section 2 the wireframe model Candide-3 and its parameterization are described. Geometrical normalization of the human face is described in section 3 and in section 4 FAM is presented. 2 CANDIDE-3 AND ITS PARAMETERIZATION Candide-3 is 3D wireframe model (Fig. 1), which is improved version of Candide-0. Candide-0 was created by Mikael Rydfalk at Linkőping University in 1987. This work was motivated by first attempts to perform image compression through animation, later called model-based, object-based or semantic coding [2]. Improvement was realised by Jőrgen Ahlberg from Linkőping Univerzity in 2001 [3]. Candide-3 contains 113 vertices and 184 triangles (polygons). The geometry of the wireframe model is parameterized according to x x S A (1) where the resulting vector x contains the (x, y, z) coordinates of vertices of the model. Vector x is standard shape of the model, and the columns of S and A matrices are the Shape and Animation Units respectively, and thus and contain the shape and animation parameters. To perform the global motion six more parameters for rotation, scaling and translation is needed to append. Thus, (1) is replaced with x sR x S A t (2) where R = R(Θx, Θy, Θz) is rotation matrix, s is the scale, and t = t(tx, ty) is the 2D translation vector. The geometry of model is thus parameterized by the parameter vector p Θx , Θ y , Θz , s , t x , t y , , T (3) The texture g is mapped on the surface of wireframe model and it is represented as a standardshaped image, being a linear combination of a set of Texture Units consisting of geometrically normalized eigenfaces. This is formulated as g g Pg b g (4) where g is the mean texture, the columns of Pg are the TUs and bg is the vector of texture paratemers. 3 a) b) Fig. 1: 3D model Candide-3 a) front view, b) profile. GEOMETRICAL NORMALIZATION OF HUMAN FACE Geometrical normalization of human face uses to obtain its normalized texture, removes texture variations caused with global and local motion and geometrical differences between individuals. Geometrical normalization is a non-linear transformation, which warps source image of human face with adapted wireframe model Candide-3 to the standard shape of the model Candide-3 with given scale (Fig. 2). Fig. 2: (from left) Adapted model, standard shape. 4 DESIGN OF FACIAL APPEARANCE MODEL BY PCA Before applying PCA to the relevant section of normalized textures is necessary to minimize the effect of global lighting variation. Therefore geometrically normalized textures are centred (the sum of elements is zero) and energically normalized (the variance of elements is unity). By applying PCA [4] to these normalized data a linear FAM (4) is obtained. Fig. 5 displays 10 normalized textures from training set and 10 eigenfaces corresponding to the largest eigenvalues. Texture mapping on the standard geometry shape is realised by following algorithm: 1. For each pixel coordinate (x, y) in the destination image compute the barycentric coordinates (a, b, c) regarding to the first triangle in the destination mesh. 2. Compute the source coordinates (x’, y’) from the barycentric coordinates applied to the corresponding triangle in the soure mesh. 3. Interpolate the source image by the destination image. This approach is repeated for all triangles of given model. Results of texture mapping are illustrated in Fig. 3. Note that the faces are more similar to each other after the normalization process than before. Fig. 3: (from left) Adapted model, standard shape with texture, normalized texture. After obtaining normalized texture is important to select its relevant section, which contains the most important parts of human face (eyes, lip, nose…). Fig. 4 displays normalized textures (top) and its relevant sections (bottom). Fig. 5: (top) Normalized faces, (bottom) eigenfaces. 5 CONCLUSION Using the FAM is possible to represent human faces, which are not present in the training set. Presented FAM is very important element of active face appearance model (AFAM), which is used for tracking the motion of face in head-and-shoulders videosequences and other analysis/synthesis tasks. The work was supported by the Grant Agency of Ministry of Education and Slovak Academy of Science under Grant No. 1/0384/03. REFERENCES [1] Cootes,T.F.-Taylor,C.J.: Statistical Models of Appearance for Computer Vision. Imaging Science and Biomedical Engineering, University of Manchester, 2004. [2] Mihalík,J.: Image Coding in Videocommunication. Mercury-Smekal, ISBN 80-89061-47-8, Košice, 2001. (In Slovak) [3] Ahlberg,J.: Candide-3 – an Updated Parameterized Face. Report No.LiTH-ISY-R-2326, Dept. of EE, Linköping University, 2001. Fig. 4: (top) Normalized textures, (bottom) relevant sections of normalized textures. [4] Kasár,M.: Principal Component Analysis of Images. Zborník IV. Doktorandskej Konferencie a ŠVOS, FEI TU Košice, 2004, p.57-58.