Universidad de Granada - Erasmus Mundus

Erasmus Mundus – Al Idrisi
A scholarship scheme for exchange and
cooperation between Europe and the Maghreb
Erasmus Mundus Action 2 – Strand 1
Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia
Guidelines for the organization of the grantees’ stay abroad
Preparing the grantees’ stay abroad
Invitation letter:
Every host university will provide their incoming grantees as soon as possible with an invitation
letter indicating the basic data of the scholarship such as the starting and ending dates of the stay
abroad, the mobility type, the amount of the scholarship, etc.. The grantees should be urged to
start the visa application procedure immediately and be advised regarding the correct visa type.
Information about the host university:
Every host university has to inform their incoming grantees about housing facilities, registration
procedures, language courses, etc.
Learning Agreement or Research/Working Plan:
For credit transfer Undergraduate and Master students: Credit transfer students at undergraduate
or master level have to agree on a Learning Agreement with their respective supervisors at the
home and host universities. The corresponding Learning Agreement template is available for
download on the Al Idrisi Intranet. A duly completed and signed Learning Agreement will
guarantee full academic recognition at the home university once the student has successfully
completed the study period abroad. All students are expected to enrol for a full study or
workload that corresponds to the duration of the stay abroad and to complete successfully at
least 3 ECTS (or equivalent) per month for the entire duration of their Erasmus Mundus – Al
Idrisi scholarship.
A copy of the signed Learning Agreement must be sent to the Al Idrisi Project Management
Unit (idrisi@ugr.es) four weeks after the starting date of the grantee’s academic activities at the
host university, the latest.
For degree seeking Master and Doctoral students: Degree seeking students must enrol in the
degree programme following the admission procedures established by the host university. They
have to undertake whatever is in their power to complete the degree programme successfully
during the maximum duration of the allocated scholarship.
For short stays at Doctorate, Post-doctoral and Staff level: Doctoral students, Post-doctoral
fellows and Staff have to agree on a detailed Study/Research/Work plan with their respective
supervisors at the home and the host university using the Study/Research/Work Plan template
available on the Al Idrisi Intranet. This guarantees that the work done at the host university, if
completed successfully, will be fully recognized at the home university.
A copy of the signed Study/Research/Work Plan must be sent to the Al Idrisi Project
Management Unit (idrisi@ugr.es) ten days after the starting date of grantee’s academic
activities at the host university, the latest.
Bank details:
European outgoing students will have to fill in the Bank Details Form with the data of a
European bank account and provide that information before the starting of the mobility to their
home university.
Maghrebian nationals will have to open a European bank account upon arrival at destination and
provide the scholarship managing university with the duly completed Bank Details Form.
Erasmus Mundus – Al Idrisi
A scholarship scheme for exchange and
cooperation between Europe and the Maghreb
Erasmus Mundus Action 2 – Strand 1
Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia
Important: Changes of the bank account or the contact email during the stay abroad are not
allowed. If such a change cannot be avoided due to force majeure, the grantee has to inform the
host university and the Al Idrisi Project Management Unit (idrisi@ugr.es) as soon as possible.
Duration of mobility
The maximum duration of the mobility flow is stated in the scholarship nomination letter. By no
means may the duration of the scholarship exceed the maximum stated in the nomination letter
or the duration of the academic program itself. In any case, the duration of the stay abroad must
be within the limits established in the Erasmus Mundus Programme Guide (see table below) and
the end date of the scholarship before the official end of the Erasmus Mundus – Al Idrisi project
(14 July 2015). No payments can be made after this deadline.
The partner universities will make sure that the payment of the subsistence allowance will
correspond to the total duration of the grantee’s stay abroad counted in full months. Remaining
days can be considered as a full month only if they correspond to a period of, at least, sixteen
calendar days.
Mobility Type
Target Group 1
from 1 academic
semester to 10
from 1 academic
semester to 10
Maghrebian Nationals
Target Group 1
from 1 academic
semester to 10
Target Group 2
Target Group 3
from 1 academic
semester to 34
from 1 academic semester to 24 months
from 6 to 36 months
from 6 to 36 months
from 6 to 10 months
from 6 to 10 months
from 1 to 3 months
from 1 to 3
Subsistence allowance
The monthly subsistence allowance depends entirely on the type of mobility and will be
transferred on a regular basis. These are:
1.000 € / month (Undergraduate)
1.000 € / month (Master)
1.500 € / month (Doctorates)
1.800 € / month (Post-doctorates)
2.500 € / month (Staff)
Erasmus Mundus – Al Idrisi
A scholarship scheme for exchange and
cooperation between Europe and the Maghreb
Erasmus Mundus Action 2 – Strand 1
Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia
The subsistence allowances will be transferred to the grantee by the scholarship managing
university. As higher costs incur upon arrival, the Al Idrisi Project Management Unit suggest to
transfer the first two instalments right after the grantee’s arrival at the host institution and upon
receipt of the document Confirmation of arrival and departure. In any case, the first instalment
must be sufficient to allow the proper installation of the grantee. During the stay abroad at the
host university the subsistence allowance should be transferred on a regular basis every month
or every two months the most.
Under no circumstances may funding foreseen as subsistence allowance be retained to cover
any other costs related to the visiting students or staff’s stay at the host university. The partners
should be aware of the taxation policies applied to individual scholarships in the different
participating countries and inform the scholarship holders accordingly. In any case, it is the
grantees’ responsibility to be aware of and obey these policies.
Travel & visa costs
Travel and visa related costs will be reimbursed by the scholarship managing university up to a
limit that depends on the distance travelled (see table below). On request and only in duly
justified cases, prepaid travel tickets will be provided by the scholarship managing university.
For this purpose, the grantees should get in touch with the Al Idrisi contact person at the
scholarship managing university.
Distance (km)
< 500
500 – 1.000
> 1.000 – 1.500
> 1.500 – 2.500
> 2.500 – 5.000
> 5.000 – 10.000
> 10.000
Maximum allowance (€)
The maximum amount for travel costs, including airfares and visa related costs, is based on the
direct/linear distance ("as the crow flies") determined according to the application available at
http://www.mapcrow.info . The distance will always be calculated between on one side the
hosting university premises and on the other side the home university’s location (for target
group 1), the location of origin (for target group 2) or the location of residence (for target group
3) of the grantee. As an example, the maximum allowance for distances between 500 km and
1000 km is 500 €. The travel costs are meant to cover at least one round trip at the beginning
and the end of the stay abroad. Only economy class tickets with standard luggage allowances
will be reimbursed.
The grantee should arrive and leave the host university on dates as close as possible to those
stated in the Invitation Letter provided by the host university, usually within a margin of up to
seven days. If the dates of the grantee’s stay abroad are, e.g., from 15 September to 15 February,
the grantee should not arrive at the host university before 9 September and have left by 22
IMPORTANT: The grantee has to hand in all original travel and visa documents (invoices,
tickets, boarding passes, etc.) to the scholarship managing university and sign a Request for
Erasmus Mundus – Al Idrisi
A scholarship scheme for exchange and
cooperation between Europe and the Maghreb
Erasmus Mundus Action 2 – Strand 1
Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia
reimbursement of travel and visa costs in order to get the travel costs reimbursed. Without
original travel documents, these costs cannot be reimbursed. All original documents have to be
kept by the scholarship managing university for at least five years after the end of the project.
The scholarship managing university will organize and pay for full insurance coverage
(accident, travel, health) and month for the full length of the duration of the scholarship
(vacation periods included). The insurance policy must comply at least with the minimum
requirements established by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
(EACEA) that are available for download under the following link:
The scholarship managing university should request the corresponding certificate from the
insurance company and send a copy thereof to the Al Idrisi Project Management Unit
The available amount for insurance coverage is a flat rate of 75 € per grantee and month that
will be transferred directly to the scholarship managing university.
Although it is the personal responsibility of the grantee to assure insurance coverage for any
period exceeding the official scholarship duration, the host universities are strongly advised to
make sure that the grantees are fully covered between the arrival and departure dates as stated in
the reimbursed travel tickets.
Grantees’ arrival at host university
1. Upon arrival, the grantee has to sign the Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi Scholarship Agreement
in triplicate. The host university will scan this document and send the corresponding file
immediately to the Al Idrisi Project Management Unit (idrisi@ugr.es). The original copies will
be kept by the grantee, the host university and the Al Idrisi Project Management Unit.
2. Maghrebian nationals will open a bank account upon arrival at destination and provide the
scholarship managing university with the duly completed Bank Details Form.
3. Confirmation upon arrival/departure. This document needs to be signed by the official Al
Idrisi contact person at the host university upon arrival and departure of the grantee and sent to
the Project Management Unit of Al Idrisi and the home university (if different from the
scholarship managing university). The name and contact information of the grantee’s academic
supervisor at the host university needs to be included in the Confirmation upon
arrival/departure form. Depending on the level of mobility, the supervisor at the host university
could be:
 Undergraduate and Master students:
Academic Programme Coordinator
 Doctoral students:
Thesis Supervisor
 Post-Doctoral fellows and Staff:
Head of department or academic unit
Participation costs and tuition fees
Participation costs refer to tuition and/or registration fees, additional library, student unions,
laboratory consumable costs, permit residence, language courses costs etc. on an equal basis to
that charged to local and international students.
Erasmus Mundus – Al Idrisi
A scholarship scheme for exchange and
cooperation between Europe and the Maghreb
Erasmus Mundus Action 2 – Strand 1
Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia
At the home university:
Credit transfer students will continue paying the tuition and/or registration fees at their home
At the host university:
No tuition fees and/or participation costs can be charged to the grantees. Notwithstanding, a
small fee might be applied to the incoming grantees in order to cover library, student trade
unions, laboratory consumable costs, etc. on an equal basis as the local students. If applicable,
these fees should be paid directly by the grantee.
If the actual mobility duration of Undergraduate, Master and Doctoral students exceeds 9
months and 30 days and the corresponding amount is foreseen in the budget approved by the
European Commission, the host universities are entitled to request a flat rate of 3.000 € per
academic year and student in order to cover participation costs.
Interruption and drop-outs
If the grantee is not involved in any academic activity at the host university for more than one
month, no subsistence allowance will be paid out for this period. This does not apply for regular
vacation periods at the host university. As soon as the academic activities continue, the payment
of the grant will be taken up again.
If the duration of the academic activities plus the vacation periods add up to more than the
maximum duration of the grant awarded, the duration of the covered vacation periods will be
reduced accordingly in order to allow the grantee to successfully complete all the academic
activities at the host institution.
If the grantee resigns from the scholarship or abandons the host university before the official
end of the mobility period, the payment of the scholarship will be stopped immediately. In this
case, the grantee might be requested to pay back the whole or a part of the grant already
received. In any case, the host university must inform about this situation sending the
corresponding Confirmation upon arrival/departure form to the home university and the Al
Idrisi Project Management Unit.
The scholarship can be put on hold if the grantee has to temporarily leave the host institutions
following duly justified and well documented reasons (i.e. illness, etc). In that case, the
scholarship payment must be interrupted until she/he has returned to the host institution and can
actively participate in the activities. If despite the temporary absence the scholarship holder can
catch up on the study/research activities without needing to extend the originally agreed
scholarship duration, the monthly allowances corresponding to the period of interruption could
be paid to the candidate if agreed among the partners and notified to the Agency.
If the interruption is due to academic reasons, as students (only at master, doctorate and post
doctorate level) have to study or carry out research or other activities for a short period at the
home country or at other countries which are not the ones of the institutions included in the
partnership, the monthly allowance is not paid for this period. In any case, mobility flows for
students and staff between the European or between third-country institutions involved in the
partnership are not eligible. The interruption can take place only after 6 consecutive months of
study at host institutions.
Erasmus Mundus – Al Idrisi
A scholarship scheme for exchange and
cooperation between Europe and the Maghreb
Erasmus Mundus Action 2 – Strand 1
Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia
Academic commitment of the grantees
For credit transfer students (Undergraduate, Master):
It is the grantee’s responsibility to hand in the Learning Agreement, including possible changes
made with respect to the originally proposed version, signed by him/herself and the
 academic coordinator at the home university
 official Erasmus Mundus – Al Idrisi contact person at the home university (only for
target group 1)
 academic coordinator at the host university
 official Erasmus Mundus – Al Idrisi contact person at the host university
four weeks after the starting date of academic activities at the host university, the latest. A copy
of this document must be submitted to the Al Idrisi Project Management Unit (idrisi@ugr.es).
All students are expected to enrol for a full study or workload that corresponds to the duration
of the stay abroad and to complete successfully at least 3 ECTS (or equivalent) per month for
the entire duration of their scholarship.
For short stays (Doctoral candidates, Post-doctoral fellows and Staff):
Doctoral, Post-doctorate and staff grantees are responsible for submitting the
Study/Research/Work Plan, including possible changes made to the originally proposed version,
signed by them and the
 academic coordinator/head of department or faculty at the home and host universities
 official Erasmus Mundus – Al Idrisi contact persons at the home and host universities
ten days after the starting date of their stay abroad, the latest. A copy must be submitted to the
Al Idrisi Project Management Unit (idrisi@ugr.es).
For degree seeking students (Master, Doctorate):
Degree seeking students must enrol in the degree programme following the admission
procedures established by the host university and undertake whatever is in their power to
complete the degree programme successfully during the maximum duration of the allocated
For all grantees:
The payment of the grant may be stopped and, in severe cases, a refund of the grant already paid
may be demanded if
 the scholarship has not been used for carrying out the Study/Research/Work Plan as
agreed upon with the host university.
 the performance of the grantee is very unsatisfactory with respect to the agreed
Study/Research/Work Plan
 the time frame of the scholarship established by the host university and the Al Idrisi
Project Management Unit is not respected by the grantee
Regular reports
Regular Progress Reports will have to be submitted if the mobility flow is longer than one
semester. In any case, a Final Report will have to be submitted at the end of the mobility period
at the host university.
Progress report (for mobility flows longer than one semester):
Erasmus Mundus – Al Idrisi
A scholarship scheme for exchange and
cooperation between Europe and the Maghreb
Erasmus Mundus Action 2 – Strand 1
Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia
Regular reports must be submitted by the grantee describing the work and studies performed at
the host university. The first progress report is due after one semester and the following reports
have to be submitted at the end of the first and, if applicable, the second year. Each report has to
be accompanied by a short standardized statement of the supervisor or the contact person
evaluating the grantee’s performance and, based on that, recommending the renewal or
termination of the scholarship. The reports will have to be sent to the Al Idrisi Project
Management Unit (idrisi@ugr.es). A template for the progress reports is available in the Al
Idrisi Intranet.
Final report (for all mobility flows):
At the end of the mobility period at the host university, the grantee has to prepare a detailed
final report which has to be submitted with the written consent of the supervisor and the official
Al Idrisi contact person at the host university to the Al Idrisi Project Management Unit
(idrisi@ugr.es). A template for the Final Report is available on the Al Idrisi Intranet.
Important: Only fully completed reports should be admitted. Sufficiently detailed and in depth
information must be provided for each section of the report. The grantees agree that the entire
report or parts of it may be published, e.g., in reports to the European Commission or on the
Erasmus Mundus – Al Idrisi webpage.
Grantees’ departure
The grantee has to submit the following documents to the Al Idrisi contact person at the host
university and the scholarship managing university (if different from the host university) at the
end of mobility:
1. Final Report
2. Confirmation of arrival and departure signed by the official Al Idrisi contact person at the
host university
3. Confirmation of Payment / Confirmation of Participation signed by the grantee
4. Original travel documents (invoices, tickets, boarding passes, etc.)
5. for credit transfer: Updated and signed Learning Agreement if changes occurred since 4
weeks after the start of mobility, and the corresponding transcript of records
6. for short stays: Updated and signed Study/Research/Work Plan if changes occurred since the
start of mobility
7. for degree students: all transcripts of records and all documents detailing the academic
achievements including a copy of the degree awarded
Last instalment (not applicable for staff)
The last instalment of the scholarship may be retained and transferred only when the scholarship
managing university has received all necessary documents which the grantee must submit no
later than one month after the end of the stay abroad.
These documents are:
1. Final report
2. Confirmation of Arrival and Departure signed by the grantee and the official Al Idrisi contact
person at the host university
3. Confirmation of Payment / Confirmation of Participation signed by the grantee
4. Original travel documents (invoices, tickets, boarding passes, etc.)
5. Updated Learning Agreement or Study/Research/Work Plan (if applicable)
Erasmus Mundus – Al Idrisi
A scholarship scheme for exchange and
cooperation between Europe and the Maghreb
Erasmus Mundus Action 2 – Strand 1
Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia
6. Scanned versions of the transcripts of records or equivalent proof of successful participation
(e.g. proof of research activities)
Important: No payments can be made after the official end of the Erasmus Mundus – Al Idrisi
project (14 July 2015).