BAYERISCHE JULIUS-MAXIMILIANS-UNIVERSITÄT WÜRZBURG Name of applicant: Major field of study: Physics Courses attended as an undergraduate student The numbers listed below represent the temporal extent in hours per week. Subject Lec. Ex. Introduction to Physics I (Mechanics, Heat) Introduction to Physics II (Electrodynamics, electromagnetic waves) Introduction to Physics III (Optics, Particles, Atoms) Introduction to Physics IV (Solid State Physics) 5 2 5 2 4 2 2 1 Prof. Dr. Umbach/ Prof. Dr. Reinert PD Dr. Kumpf Theoretical Physics I (Classical Mechanics) Theoretical Physics II (Electrodynamics) Theoretical Physics III (Quantum Mechanics I) 4 2 Prof. Dr. Kinzel 4 2 Prof. Dr. Honerkamp 4 2 Prof. Dr. Honerkamp Mathematics for Physicists I Mathematics for Physicists II Mathematics for Physicists III Mathematics for Physicists IV 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 Dr. Greiner Dr. Greiner Prof. Dr. Oppermann Prof. Dr. Oppermann Name of applicant: Sem. Lab. Name of academic teacher Prof. Dr. Brixner/ Prof. Dr. Dyakonov Prof. Dr. Spielmann Courses attended as an undergraduate student Subject Lec. Ex. Sem. Lab. 1 Name of academic teacher Evaluation of Measurement Physics Lab I a Physics Lab I b Physics Lab I c Physics Lab II a Physics Lab II b Physics Lab II c 1 Experimental Chemistry I (Inorganic Chemistry) Experimental Chemistry II (Organic Chemistry) Chemistry Lab 4 Prof. Dr. Tacke 4 Prof. Dr. Christl 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 10 Prof. Dr. Ossau Prof. Dr. Ossau Prof. Dr. Ossau ..........Prof. Dr. Ossau Prof. Dr. Ossau Prof. Dr. Ossau Prof. Dr. Ossau Prof. Dr. Tacke/ Dr. Wolfsberger or: Introduction to Computer Sciences 4 1 Software Development 4 1 Prof. Dr. Wolff von Gudenberg Prof. Dr. Wolff von GudenbergName of applicant: Courses attended as a graduate student Subject Lec. Ex. Experimental Physics I* (Physics of Atoms and Molecules) Experimental Physics II** (Molecular and Mesoscopic Physics) 3 1 3 1 Theoretical Physics IV* (Thermodynamics and Statistics) Theoretical Physics V** (Quantum Mechanics II) 4 2 4 2 Applied Physics I* (Computational Physics) Applied Physics II** (Electronics) 4 2 2 2 Sem. Lab. Name of academic teacher Prof. Dr. Claessen Prof. Dr. Porod Prof. Dr. Hinrichsen Seminar on Energy* 4 Prof. Dr. Fricke Seminar on Graduate Lab* 2 Prof. Spielmann Graduate Lab: Atoms and Solid State Physics** Graduate Lab: Project** Introduction to Bioinformatics* 6 6 2 Bioinformatical Lab** Prof. Dr. Batke/ Prof. Dr. Matzdorf Prof. Dr. Ossau Prof. Dr. Dandekar 4 Prof. Dr. Dandekar *: Courses are attended currently **: Courses will be taken during summer term 2009 German universities do not issue transcripts. The student follows a given basic curriculum with several alternatives. In the natural sciences there are several lecture courses which are offered together with exercise sessions. These exercise sessions include homework, oral participation in class and a final exam. For these classes a certificate („Schein“ or „Bescheinigung“) is issued to the student for successful completion of the course. Grades are only given in formal (oral) examinations. The first series of examinations is called the „Vordiplom“. The student can take the Vordiplom after a minimum of four semesters of study in his major field. About 80% of our students do so; others follow after 5 or 6 semesters.