Exponential Decay Models


Exponential Decay Models

Models the amount of a radioactive substance remaining at time t

A radioactive substance has a half life of 1 month.

At time t = 0 there are 100 grams of this substance.

Write an equation for the exponential function that gives the amount as a function of time. Use base B = 0 .


Write an equation for the exponential function that gives the amount as a function of time

Use base e.

A(t) = 100 (0 .

5 t )

A(t) = 100 e kt e kt

= 0 .

5 t e k

=0 .

5 k = ln 0 .

5 = −0 .


A(t) = 100 e

−0 .

6931 t b = .5

After 1 month, 50% of the initial amount still remains.

The monthly decay rate is 1 – b = 1 − .5 = .5

The substance decays at the rate of 50% per month. k = −0.6931 is the continuous monthly decay rate

A radioactive substance has a half life of 2 weeks.

At time t = 0 there are 6 kg of this substance.

Write an equation for the exponential function that gives the amount as a function of time.

Use base B= 0 .


Write an equation for the exponential function that gives the amount as a function of time with an exponent of t.

Find the appropriate base b.

A(t) = 6 (0 .

5 t/2


A(t) = 6 (0 .



) b = .5

1/2 b = 0 .


A(t) = 6 (0 .

707) t t

Write an equation for the exponential function that gives the amount as a function of time

Use base e.

A(t) = 6 e kt e kt

= 0 .

5 t/2 e k

= 0 .


1/2 k = ln (0 .



) = .5 ln 0 .

5 k = − 0



A(t) = 6 e

−0 .

3466 t b = .5


= 0.707

After 1 week, 70.7% of the initial amount still remains

The weekly decay rate is 1 – b =

1 − 0.707 = .293

The substance decays at the rate of 29.3% per week . k = −0.3466 is the continuous weekly decay rate

A radioactive substance has a half life of 14 days.

At time t = 0 there are 6 kg of this substance.

Write an equation for the Write an equation for the exponential function that gives the amount as a function of time.

Use B = 0 .

5 exponential function that gives the amount as a function of time with an exponent of t.

Find the appropriate base b.

Write an equation for the exponential function that gives the amount as a function of time

Use base e.

A(t) = 6 (0 .

5 t/14 )

A(t) = 6 (0 .




t b =0 .


1/14 b = 0 .


A(t) = 6 (0 .

9517 ) t

A(t) = 6 (0 .

5) t/14 e kt

= 0 .

5 t/14 e k

= 0 .


1/14 k = ln 0 .



k = (1/14) ln 0 .

5 k = −0



A(t) = 6 e

−0 .

0495 t b = .5 1/14

= 0.9517

After 1day, 95.17% of the initial amount still remains

The daily decay rate is 1 − 0.9517 = .0483

The substance decays at the rate of 4.83% per day. k = −0.0495 is the continuous daily decay rate

Function modeling exponential decay equation in which an initial amount A o

decreases so that

B = fraction of original amount that remains

after specified number of time periods .

A(t) = A o B t/m b = B 1/m = fraction of original amount that remains after one time period annual if years can be hourly, daily, monthly depending on how time is defined in the problem r = 1 − b = 1 − B 1/m = decay rate per unit of time k = ln b = ln B 1/m = continuous decay rate per 1 unit of time b = e k = B


See also examples in the textbook in section 5.5

Example 5 pages 328 – 329 and Example 7 page 330
