FINAL SCIENTIFIC RAPORT Project title: DESCRIPTION OF FUNDAMENTAL FEATURES FOR SOME ATOMIC AND NUCLEAR PROCESSES acronym DFFSANP The main research directions associated to this project were: A) New properties of electron and atomic systems B) Analytical properties for orthogonal polynomials, numerical algorithm for calculating the roots. C) Double beta decay for deformed nuclei on collective excited states. D) Statistical aspects od nuclear multifragmentation Below we enumerate the essential objectives whithin each major research direction: A)New properties of electron and atomic systems a) Obtain analitical formulae for the angular distribution for elastic scattered photons by 2s bound electrons and the total cross section for the electron-pozitron pair production with the electron created in the bound 2s state taking into account multipole, retardation and relativistic kinematics effects. b) We have obtained some mathematical results and a software which lead to a deterministic algorithm for generating quasiperiodic packings of multi-shell clusters. Our method works for any finite group G and any multi-shell G-cluster, and our software allows us to generate in a few minutes hundreds of points of the model for rather complicated clusters. We intended to improve our algoritm and our software and to analyse existing experimental data. We shall obtain specialized versions for the models important from a physical point of view. Our model can be used in order to analyse periodic approximants by using rational approximants for certain irrational parameters.We intend to elaborate a method for determination of self-similarities of our models and to analyse the restrictions imposed by these self-similarities to physical properties. c) The RPA equations for a system of electrons moving in a deformed mean fielad and interacting among themselves through a direct dipole-dipole term as an exchange force. The resulting wave functions were used to calculated the excitation probability. B) Analytical properties for orthogonal polynomials, numerical algorithm to calculate the roots The project investigated the following topics which now belong to the core analytic theory of polynomials: i) Lower and upper bounds for the absolute values of the roots of complex and real polynomials ii)Asymptotic properties of the roots iii)Localization of the roots iv)New properties on the separation and asymptotic distributions of roots of orthogonal polynomials v)Factorization and irreducibility of some classes of orthogonal polynomials C) Double beta decay in deformed nuclei, on collective excited states. The decay rates for the situation when the mother nucleus is in ground state while the daughter is in a collective excited state. Both involved nuclei are deformed. The formalism employed is that of boson expansion. D) Statistical aspects of nuclear multifragmentation. i). Searching for the Nuclear Phase Diagram ii). Nuclear thermodynamics: impact of various parameters on the phase diagram iii). Is there any distinctive stage identifiable as freeze-out in the process of collision between two heavy ions? Stage I : Improving the Katz-Duneau-Elser model by including icosahedral quasicristals Stage II : Total cross section for a positron-electron production with the created electron in the subshell 2s. Stage III: Collective dipole excitations in deformed atomic clusters Stage IV. Results for some orthogonal polynomials roots. Statistical aspects for nuclear multifragmentation. Stage V: Quasicristals selfsimilarities versus their physicsl properties Stage VI..Relativistic elastic scattering of photons on a bound electron from the subshell 2s.Approximative estimation of the roots of some orthogonal polynomials. The results related to this project were published in a number of articles and presentations at international conferences. The most relevant papers are listed below: 1) A.A. Raduta and A. Faessler A coherent state description of the shape phase transition in even-even Gd isotopes J.Phys. G:Nucl. Part. Phys. 31(2005) 873-901 2) C. M. Raduta And A. A. Raduta New results for the fully renormalized pnQRPA formalism Nucl. Phys. A 756 153-175 (2005) 3) A. A. Raduta, A. Gheorghe And A. Faessler Remarks on the shape transition from spherical to deformed gamma unstable nuclei J.Phys. G 31 337-353 (2005) 4) A. A. Raduta, C.M. Raduta And Amand Faessler Positive and negative parity dipole bands in octupole deformed nuclei Phys. Lett. B 635 80-84 (2006) 5) A. A. Raduta, C. M. Raduta Double beta decay to the first 2^+ state within a boson expansion formalism with a projected spherical single particle basis Phus. Lett. B 6) A. A. Raduta, C. M. Raduta And A. Escuderos New results for the two neutrino double beta decay in deformed nuclei with angular momentum projected basis Phys. Rev. C 71 034317 (2005) 7) L. Zamick, A. Escuderos, S.J. Lee, A. L. Mekjan, E. Moya De Guerra, A. A. Raduta, P. Sarriguren Expression for the number of J=0 pairs in even-even Ti isotopes Phys. Rev. C 71 024307 (2005) 8) A. A. Raduta, A. D. Aaron And I. I. Ursu Semiclassical description of a sixth order quadrupole boson Hamiltonian Nucl. Phys. A 772 20-54 (2006) 9) M. I. Krivoruchenko, A. Faessler, A. A. Raduta And C. Fuchs Underlying gauge symmetries of systems with second class constraints Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 10) N. Cotfas Discrete quasiperiodic sets with predefined covering cluster Phil. Mag. 86 895-900 (2006) 11) Costescu A, Spanulescu S Retardation, multipole, and relativistic kinematics effects for x- and gamma-ray Compton scattering from Kshell electrons Phys. Rev. A 73 022702 (2006) 12) N. Cotfas On the linear epresentations of the symmetry groups of single-wall carbon nanotubes J. Phys. A 9755 –9765 (2006) 13) N. Cotfas An alternate mathematical model for single-wall carbon nanotubes J. Geom. Phys. 55 123 –134 (2005) 14) Raduta Ah, Colonna M, Baran V, M.Di Toro Statistical analysis of a dynamical multifragmentation path Phys. Rev. C 74 034604 (2006) 15) D. Stefanescu Inequalities on upper bounds for real polynomial Roots Casc 4194 284-294 (2006) 16) Skwira-Chalot I, Siwek-Wilczynska K, ..... Amorini, A, ...,V. Baran, .. et a Dynamics of binary Au+Au collisions as a test of energy dissipation mechanism Acta Physica Polonica B 38 1509-1514 (2007) 17)Skwira-Chalot I, Siwek-Wilczynska K, ..... Amorini, A, ...,V. Baran, .. et al., Ternary reactions in Au+Au collisions revised International Journal of Modern Physics E, 16 (2007) 511-515. 18) M. Papa, F. Amorini, ..V. Baran,et al., Dynamical multi-breakup in Sn+Ni system at 35MeV/n Phys. Rev. C 75 54616 (2007) 19) N. Cotfas Aperiodic packings of clusters obtained by projection Philosophical Magazine 87 2823- 2830 (2007) 20) Costescu A, Spanulescu S, Stoica C The second-order S-matrix element for the elastic scattering of photons by K-shell bound electrons: the nonrelativistic limit JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS 40 2995- 3014 (2007) 21) A. A. Raduta, C. M. Raduta Double beta decay to the first 2+ state within a boson expansion formalism with a projected spherical single particle basis Phys. Lett. B 647 265-270 (2007) 22) A. A. Raduta and F.D. Aaron A simple description of the states 0+ and 2+ in 168Er Jour. Phys. G. 34 2053-2061 (2007) 23) C. M. Raduta, A. A. Raduta Unified descriptionof the double beta decay to the first quadrupole phonon state in spherical and deformed nuclei Phys. Rev. C 76 44306 (2007) 24) D. Stefanescu Computation of dominant real roots of polynomials Journal Programming and Computer Software vol 34 (2) pages 69-74 (2008) 25) Martin B, Pierroutsakou D, Agodi C,…. V. Baran et al. Prompt dipole radiation in fusion reaction PHYSICS LETTERS B Volume: 664 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 47-51 ( 2008) 26) Di Toro M, Colonna M, Rizzo C and V. Baran The dynamical dipole radiation in dissipative collisions with exotic beams INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS E-NUCLEAR PHYSICS Vol. 17 (1) Pages: 110119 (2008) Concluding, all objectives of the project were fully realized and the scientific results certainly contributed to the increase of the visibility of Romanian fundamental research in international community.