Articles on behavior momentum not available online

Behavior Momentum literature not available online
Belfiore, Lee, Scheeler, Klein (2002) Implications of behavioral momentum and academic achievement
for students with behavior disorders: Theory, application and practice. Psychology in the Schools, 39 (2),
Brandon & Houlihan (1998) Applying behavioral theory to practice: an examination of the behavioral
momentum metaphor. Behavioral Interventions, 12(3), 113-131.
Cohen, S. L., Riley, D. S., & Weigle, P. A. (1993). Tests of behavioral momentum in simple and multiple
schedules with rats and pigeons. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 60, 255– 291.
Conger, R., & Killeen, P. (1974). Use of concurrent operants in small group research. Paciļ¬c Sociological
Review, 17, 399–416.
Dube & McIlvane (1996) Some implications of a stimulus control topography analysis for emergent
behavior and stimulus classes. Advances in Psychology, 117, 197-218.
Dube, McIlvane, Mazzitelli, McNamara (2003) Reinforcer Rate Effects and Behavioral Momentum in
Individuals With Developmental Disabilities, American Journal on Mental Retardation, 108(2), 134-143.
Epstein (1992) Role of behavior theory in behavioral medicine, Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 60(4), 493-498.
Harchik, A., & Putzier, V. (1990). The use of high probability requests to increase compliance with
instructions to take medication. Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps, 15, 40–
Igaki, T, Sakagami, T (2001) The relation between resistance to change and preference in pigeons with
concurrent chained schedules. Shinrigaku Kenkyu, 72 (2), 113-120.
Lee, Belfiore, Scheeler (2004) Behavioral momentum in academics: Using embedded high-P sequences
to increase academic productivity. Psychology in the Schools, 41(7), 789-801.
Lionello-Denolf, KM, Dube, WV (2011) Contextual influences on resistance to disruption in children with
intellectual disabilities. Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior 96 (3), 317-327.
Mace, Hock, Lalli, West, Belfiore, Pinter, Brown (1988) Behavioral momentum in the treatment of
noncompliance, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 21(2), 123-141.
Mauro, Mace (1996) Differences in the effect of Pavlovian contingencies upon behavioral momentum
using auditory versus visual stimuli. Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior, 65(2), 389-399.
Martens, Lochner & Kelly (1992) The effects of variable-interval reinforcement on academic
engagement: a demonstration of matching theory. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 25(1), 143-151.
McIlvane & Dube (2000) Behavioral momentum and multiple stimulus control topographies. Behavioral
and Brain Sciences, 23(1), 109.
Nevin, JA (1988) Behavioral momentum and the partial reinforcement effect, Psychological Bulletin,
103(1), 44-56.
Nevin, JA (1990) The momentum of human behavior in a natural setting. Journal of Experimental
Analysis of Behavior, 54(3), 163-172.
Nevin, JA (1992) An integrative model for the study of behavioral momentum. Journal of Experimental
Analysis of Behavior, 57(3), 301-316.
Nevin, JA (1992) Behavioral contrast and behavioral momentum. Journal of Experimental Psychology:
Animal Behavior, 18(2), 126-133.
Nevin, JA (1995) Behavioral economics and behavioral momentum. Journal of the Experimental Analysis
of Behavior, 64(3), 385-395.
Nevin, JA (1996) The momentum of compliance. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 29(4), 535-547.
Nevin, JA (2000) Behavioral momentum and the Law of Effect, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 23 (1), 7390.
Nevin, JA (2002) Measuring behavioral momentum, Behavioural Processes, 57(2-3), 187-198.
Nevin, JA (2012) Resistance to extinction and behavioral momentum. Behavior Processes, 90 (1), 89-97.
Nevin, JA, Grace, RC (2005) Resistance to extinction in the steady state and in transition. Journal of
Experimental Psychology of Animal Behavior Processes, 31 (2), 199-212.
Nevin, Mandell, Atak (1983) The analysis of behavioral momentum, Journal of Experimental Analysis of
Behavior, 39 (1), 49-59.
Nevin, JA, Randolph, Holland, S, McLean AP (2001) Variable-ratio versus variable-interval schedules:
response rate, resistance to change, and preference. Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 76
(1), 43-74.
Nevin, JA, Shahan, TA (2011) Behavioral momentum theory: equations and applications. Journal of
Applied Behavior Analysis, 44 (4), 877-895.
Plaud, JJ, Gaither, GA (1996) Human behavioral momentum: implication for applied behavior analysis
and therapy. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 27 (2), 139-148.
Plaud, JJ, Gaither, GA (1996) Behavioral momentum. Implications and development from reinforcement
theories. Behavior Modification, 20 (2), 183-201.
Plaud, Gaither & Lawrence (1997) Operant schedule transformations and human behavioral
momentum. Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry, 28(3), 169-179.
Plaud, JJ & Plaud, DM (1999) Human behavioral momentum in a sample of older adults. The Journal of
General Psychology, 126 (2), 165-175.
Plaud, Vogeltanz (1993) Behavior therapy and the experimental analysis of behavior: contributions of
the science of human behavior and radical behavioral philosophy. Journal of behavior therapy and
experimental psychiatry, 24(2), 119-127.
Podlesnick, CA, Jimenez-Gomez, C, Thrailkill, EA, Shahan, TA (2011) Temporal context, preference and
resistance to change. Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 96 (2), 191-213.
Podlesnik, CA, Shahan, TA (2009) Behavioral momentum and relapse of extinguished operant
responding. Learning Behavior, 37 (4), 357-364.
Podlesnick, CA, Shahan, TA (2010) Extinction, relapse and behavioral momentum. Behavioral Processes,
84 (1), 400- 411.
Quick, S & Shahan, T (2009) Behavioral momentum of cocaine self-administration: effects of frequency
of reinforcement on resistance to extinction. Behavioural Pharmacology, 20(4), 337-345.
Shahan & Burke (2004) Ethanol-maintained responding of rats is more resistant to change in a context
with added non-drug reinforcement. Behavioural Pharmacology, 15(4), 279-285.
Strand (2000) A modern behavioral perspective on child conduct disorder: Integrating behavioral
momentum and matching theory. Clinical Psychology Review, 20 (5), 593-615.