NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Physics Particles from Space Advice for Practitioners Nathan Benson [REVISED ADVANCED HIGHER] The Scottish Qualifications Authority regularly reviews the arrangements for National Qualifications. Users of all NQ support materials, whether published by Education Scotland or others, are reminded that it is their responsibility to check that the support materials correspond to the requirements of the current arrangements. Acknowledgement The author gratefully acknowledges Prof Martin A. Hendry FRSE, University of Glasgow, for his constructive comments and contributions. The publisher gratefully acknowledges permission to use the following sources: Figures 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 12 courtesy of NASA; Figure 10 courtesy of SSERC. © Crown copyright 2012. You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit or e-mail: Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Any enquiries regarding this document/publication should be sent to us at This document is also available from our website at 2 PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 Introduction Contents Introduction 4 Section 1: Cosmic rays Possible introduction to learners Origin and composition Interaction with the Earth’s atmosphere 6 6 7 9 Section 2: The solar wind and magnetosphere Structure of the Sun Interaction with the Earth’s magnetic field Charged particles in a magnetic field 11 11 19 22 Appendix 1: Key stages in the early development of cosmic ray theories 27 Appendix 2: Using the Teltron dual-beam tube to demonstrate helical motion in a magnetic field 29 Glossary 33 Recommended reading 34 Bibliography 36 Useful websites 37 PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 3 INTRODUCTION Introduction These notes have been written primarily to support practitioners with the introduction of the properties of stars and stellar evolution topics as specified in the Quanta and Waves unit of the new Advanced Higher Physics course. The sections in this document correspond to the headings in the Content column of the SQA Arrangements document. The sub-headings correspond to the first sentence or key words in the relevant paragraph in the Notes or Contexts columns. As this is an area in which many practitioners may not have extensive experience, this document provides a background from which to present the topics in an informed way and confident manner. Consequently , information is given beyond the bare requirements of the Arrangements document. Fuller information can be obtained from the recommended texts and bibliography. With the widespread use of the internet, it is important to anticipate alternative terminology and units of measurement that learners may come across. Anecdotes and interesting facts are included to add curiosity and intrigue. These can be used as appropriate to enrich lessons. The very nature of this subject matter means practical work is somewhat limited, but where possible suggestions have been included for quick illustrations of principles and sometimes further investigations. Some teaching points are included, especially in areas of possible common misconception. Suggested reading as well as the normal bibliography is included. Stellar physics is a constantly changing subject, but the Arrangements contain some of the most up-to-date topics ever included in an Advanced Higher Physics course. 4 PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 INTRODUCTION These notes are not prescriptive, neither do they imply that every suggested activity should be undertaken or every anecdote used. Hopefully practitioners will find them a useful resource in gaining a background in the topics and providing avenues for further inquiry if and when required. PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 5 COSMIC RAYS Section 1: Cosmic rays Possible introduction to learners In the early 1900s, radiation was detected using an electroscope. However, radiation was still detected in the absence of known sources. This was background radiation. Austrian physicist Victor Hess made measurements of radiation at high altitudes from a balloon, to try and get away from possible sources on Earth. He was surprised to find the measurements actually increased with altitude. At an altitude of 5000 m the intensity of radiation was found to be five times that at ground level. Hess named this phenomenon cosmic radiation (later to be known as cosmic rays). It was thought this radiation was coming from the Sun, but Hess obtained the same results after repeating his experiments during a nearly complete solar eclipse (12 April 1912), thus ruling out the Sun as the (main) source of radiation. In 1936 Hess was awarded the Noble Prize fro Physics for the discovery of cosmic rays. For his Nobel lecture see: slecture.html Demonstrate, and/or discuss the operation of the Taylor or Wilson cloud chamber. Interesting fact Charles T R Wilson is the only Scot ever to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics. He was awarded it in 1927 for the invention of the cloud chamber. For a recent (2004) paper on ‘C T R Wilson and the discovery of cosmic rays’ see . 6 PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 COSMIC RAYS Robert Millikan coined the phrase ‘cosmic rays’, believing them to be electromagnetic in nature. By measuring the intensity of cosmic rays at different latitudes (they were found to be more intense in Panama than in California), Compton showed that they were being deflected by the Earth’s magnetic field and so must consist of electrically charged particles, ie electrons or protons rather than ‘corpuscles of light’ (ie photons in the form of gamma radiation). See Time Magazine, 13 February 1933:,9171,745165,00.html Demonstrate the deflection of some types of radiation by a magnetic field using a combined alpha, beta and gamma source and a strong magnet. Origin and composition The term cosmic rays is not precisely defined, but a generally accepted description is ‘high energy particles arriving at the Earth which have originated elsewhere’. Composition Cosmic rays come in a whole variety of types, but the most commo n are protons, followed by helium nuclei. There is also a range of other nuclei as well as individual electrons and gamma radiation (see Table 1). Table 1 Composition of cosmic rays Nature Protons Alpha particles Carbon, nitrogen and oxygen nuclei Electrons Gamma radiation Approximate percentage of all cosmic rays 89 9 1 less than 1 less than 0.1 The energies of cosmic rays cover an enormous range, with the most energetic having energies much greater than those capable of being produced in current particle accelerators. The highest energies produced in particle accelerators are of the order of 1 teraelectronvolt (10 12 eV). PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 7 COSMIC RAYS Cosmic rays have been observed with energies ranging from 10 9 to 10 20 eV. Those with energies above 10 18 eV are referred to as ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). Interesting facts A cosmic ray with energy exceeding 10 20 eV was recorded in 1962. The ‘Oh-my-God’ (OMG) particle with energy of 3 × 10 20 eV was recorded in Utah in 1991. Converting to joules (J), 3 × 10 20 eV = 3 × 10 20 × 1.6 × 10 –19 J = 48 J, ie ~50 J. That is enough energy to throw a throw a 25-kg mass (eg a bag of cement) 2 m vertically upwards. It is also approximately equal to the kinetic energy of a tennis ball returned at about 100 mph by, say, Andy Murray. Order of magnitude open-ended question opportunity here: mass = 60 g = 0.06 kg, speed = 45 m s –1 , kinetic energy = 0.5 × 0.06 × 45 × 45 = 60 J The OMG particle was probably a proton and as such had about 40 million times the energy of the most energetic protons ever produced in an Earthbased particle accelerator! See: Such UHECRs are thought to originate from fairly l ocal (in cosmological terms) distances, ie within a few hundred million light years. This is because were they to originate from further away it would be hard to understand how they get all the way here at all, since the chances are they would have interacted with Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) photons along the way, producing pions – cf. next section on atmospheric interactions. (This also provides a good link with the revised Higher Physics Arrangements on the Big Bang.) Origin The lowest energy cosmic rays come from the Sun and the intermediate energy ones are presumed to be created within our g alaxy, often in connection with supernovae. The main astrophysics (rather than particle physics) to come from the study of cosmic rays concerns supernovae since they are believed to be the main source of cosmic rays. However, the origin of the highest energy cosmic rays is still uncertain. Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are thought to be the most likely origin for UHECRs. A group of cosmologists (including Martin Hendry from the 8 PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 COSMIC RAYS University of Glasgow) are working on the statistical analysis of apparent associations between the incoming direction of the highest energy cosmic rays and active galaxies. Interaction with the Earth’s atmosphere When cosmic rays reach the Earth, they interact with the Earth’s atmosphere, producing a chain of reactions resulting in the production of a large number of particles known as a cosmic air shower (Figure 1). Air showers were first discovered by the French scientist Pierre Auger in 1938. Analysing these showers allows the initial composition and energies of the original (primary) cosmic rays to be deduced. When cosmic rays from space (primary cosmic rays) strike particles in the atmosphere they produce secondary particles, which go on to produce more collisions and particles, resulting in a shower of particles that is detected at ground level. The primary cosmic rays can usually only be detected directly in space, for example by detectors on satellites, although very high energy cosmic rays, which occur on rare occasions, can penetrate directly to ground level. Primary cosmic ray p n e+ e– e+ e– p, proton; e–, electron; e+ positron; neutrino; pions; muons; gamma Figure 1 Air shower. PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 9 COSMIC RAYS Detection Consequently there are two forms of detector : those that detect the air showers at ground level and those located above the atmosphere that detect primary cosmic rays. Cherenkov radiation Air shower particles can travel at relativistic speeds. Although relativity requires that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum, particles may exceed the speed of light in a particular medium, for example water. Such particles then emit a beam of Cherenkov radiation – the radiation that causes the characteristic blue colour in nuclear reactors. (This is a bit like the optical equivalent of a sonic boom.) See . Atmospheric fluorescence When charged particles pass close to atoms in the atmosphere, they may temporarily excite electrons to higher energy levels. The photons emitted when the electrons return to their previous energy levels can then be detected. The Pierre Auger observatory in Argentina was set up to study high-energy cosmic rays. It began operating in 2003 and at that time was the largest physics experiment in the world. It is spread over several thousand square miles and uses two basic types of detectors: 1600 water tanks to detect the Cherenkov effect four detectors of atmospheric fluorescence. See the main Auger observatory home page: For information about the detector see: and for an animation of an air shower see: The next proposed ‘big thing’ in ground -based cosmic ray detection is the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), which should be operational within the next decade. See: 10 PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SOLAR WIND AND MAGNETOSPHERE Section 2: The solar wind and magnetosphere Structure of the Sun The interior of the Sun consists of three main regions: 1. 2. 3. the core, within which nuclear fusion takes place the radiative zone, through which energy is transported by photons the convective zone, where energy is transported by convection. The extended and complex solar atmosphere be gins at the top of the convective zone, with the photosphere. The photosphere is the visible surface of the Sun and appears smooth and featureless, marked by occasional relatively dark spots, called sunspots. Moving outwards, next is the chromosphere. Sharp spicules and prominences emerge from the top of the chromosphere. The corona (from the Greek for crown) extends from the top of the chromosphere. The corona is not visible from Earth during the day because of the glare of scattered light from the brill iant photosphere, but its outermost parts are visible during, for example, a total solar eclipse. The depth of each layer relative to the radius of the Sun ( R s ) is shown in Figure 5. The photosphere is about 330 km deep (0.0005R s ) and the chromosphere is about 2000 km (0.003R s ) deep. Coronagraphs are special telescopes that block out the light from the photosphere to allow the corona to be studied. These are generally used from mountain tops (where the air is thin) and from satellites. They have been able to detect the corona out beyond 20R s , which is more than 10% of the way to Earth. The corona is permeated by magnetic fields. In particular there are visible loops along which glowing ionised gaseous material can be seen to travel. They have the shape of magnetic field lines and begin and end on the photosphere. PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 11 SOLAR WIND AND MAGNETOSPHERE Figure 2 Coronal hole. Information about magnetic fields in the corona has come from the study of emitted X-rays, obtained from satellites and space stations. The corona is the source of most of the Sun’s X-rays because of its high temperature, which means it radiates strongly at X-ray wavelengths. The corona’s X-ray emission is not even, however, with bright patches and dark patches . The dark areas hardly emit any X-rays at all and are called coronal holes. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) is a project of international collaboration between the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to study the Sun from its deep core to the outer corona and the solar wind. The SOHO website ( ) has excellent teaching resources and the 4-minute video ‘Sun overview’ would make an excellent introduction to this topic. (Click on the Classroom tab followed by Students & teachers, Activities). On 25 October 2006 a Delta II rocket was launched from Cape Canaveral carrying two nearly identical spacecraft. Each satellite was one half of a mission entitled Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) and they were destined to do something never done before – see the whole of the Sun simultaneously. With this new pair of viewpoints, scientists will be able to see the structure and evolution of solar storms as they blast from the Sun and move out through space. 12 PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SOLAR WIND AND MAGNETOSPHERE The STEREO mission has excellent educational resources – see The solar wind There is a continual flow of charged particles emanating from the Sun because of the high temperature of the corona. This gives some particles sufficient kinetic energy to escape from the Sun’s gravity. This flow is called the solar wind and is plasma composed of approximately equal numbers of protons and electrons (ionised hydrogen). It can be thought of as an extension of the corona itself and as such reflects its composition. The solar wind also contains about 8% alpha particles (helium nuclei) and trace amounts of heavy ions and nuclei (C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S and Fe) . The solar wind travels at speeds of between 300 and 800 kms –1 , with gusts recorded as high as 1000 km –1 (2.2 million miles per hour). Comets Although it was known that solar eruptions ejected material that could reach the Earth, no-one suspected that the Sun was continually losing material regardless of its apparent activity. It had been known for a long time that comet tails always pointed away from the Sun, although the reason was unknown. Ludwig Biermann (of the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Göttingen) made a close study of the comet Whipple-Fetke, which appeared in 1942. It had been noted that comet tails did not point directly away from the Sun. Biermann realised this could be explained if the comet was m oving in flow of gas streaming away from the Sun. The comet’s tail was acting like a wind-sock, In the early 1950s Biermann concluded that even when the Sun was quiet, with no eruptions or sunspots, there was still a continuous flow of gas from it. Interesting facts In 1959, the Russian space probe Luna 1 made the first direct observation and measurement of the solar wind. The probe carried different sets of scientific devices for studying interplanetary space, including a magnetometer, Geiger counter, scintillation counter and micrometeorite detector. It was the first manmade object to reach escape velocity (good link with the gravity topic). It was supposed to hit the Moon but a failure of the launch vehicle's control system caused it to miss by about 6000 km. The probe released a cloud of sodium gas, which allowed astronomers to track it visually using the glowing orange trail. PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 13 SOLAR WIND AND MAGNETOSPHERE It finally went into orbit around the Sun between the orbits of Earth and Mars. Coronal holes The magnetic field lines from coronal holes don’t loop back onto the surface of the corona. Instead they project out into space like broken rubber bands, allowing charged particles to spiral along them and escape from the Sun. There is a marked increase in the solar wind when a coronal hole faces the Earth. A pdf document (just over one page) for learners on the solar wind and the Genesis project is available from NASA here: le/SSWPrOptPDFs/4Who HasMass/SolarWind-ST-PO.pdf Brief details of the solar wind composition (SWC) experiment carried out by Apollo 11 are given here (see Figures 3 and 4): rt1/swc.htm Figure 3 Apollo 11 SWC. 14 PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 Figure 4 SWC foil experiment. SOLAR WIND AND MAGNETOSPHERE Solar flares Solar flares are explosive releases of energy that radiate energy ov er virtually the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from gamma rays to long wavelength radio waves. They also emit high-energy particles called solar cosmic rays. These are composed of protons, electrons and atomic nuclei that have been accelerated to high energies in the flares. Protons (hydrogen nuclei) are the most abundant particles followed by alpha particles ( helium nuclei). The electrons lose much of their energy in exciting radio bursts in the corona. These generally occur near sunspots, which leads to the suggestion they are magnetic phenomena. It is thought that magnetic field lines become so distorted and twisted that they suddenly snap like rubber bands. This releases a huge amount of energy, which can heat nearby plasma to 100 million kelvin in a few minutes or hours. This generates X -rays and can accelerate some charged particles in the vicinity to almost the speed of light . Interesting facts An unusually bright flare can temporarily increase the Sun’s brightness by 1%. Solar flares were first observed on the Sun by English astronomer Richard Carrington in 1859. It happened at 11:18 AM on the cloudless morning of Thursday, September 1st, 1859. Just as usual on every sunny day, the 33-year-old solar astronomer was busy in his private observatory, projecting an image of the sun onto a screen and sketching what he saw. On that particular morning, he traced the outlines of an enormous group of sunspots. Suddenly, before his eyes, two brilliant beads of white light appeared over the sunspots; they were so bright he could barely stand to look at the screen. Carrington cried out, but by the time a witness arrived minutes later, the first solar flare anyone had ever seen was fading away. (Courtesy NASA: PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 15 SOLAR WIND AND MAGNETOSPHERE Corona Convective zone 0.3Rs Radiative zone 0.5Rs Core 0.2Rs Chromosphere Photosphere Solar wind Figure 5 Structure of the Sun. The energies of solar cosmic ray particles range from milli -electronvolts (10 –3 eV) to tens of giga-electronvolts (10 10 eV). The highest energy particles arrive at the Earth within half an hour of the flare maximum, followed by the peak number of particles 1 hour later. Particles streaming from the Sun after solar flares or other major solar events can disrupt communications and power deliver y on Earth. Interesting facts A major solar flare in 1989: caused the US Air Force to temporarily lose communication with over 2000 satellites induced currents in underground circuits of the Quebec hydroelectric system, causing it to be shut down for more than 8 hours. 16 PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SOLAR WIND AND MAGNETOSPHERE For the biggest solar flare on record, see: The solar cycle All solar activities show a cyclic variation with a period of about 11 years. Sunspots The Sun can be viewed using a telescope or binoculars (with one side blocked off) and projecting the image onto white card or paper (see Figure 6). Learners should be warned about the dangers of viewing the Sun directly, with or without the use of an optical instrument. Figure 6 Using a telescope to view the Sun. What is seen is light emitted by the gases of the photosphere. Dark spots are visible on this and are called sunspots. By observing over a number of days they will be seen to move (due to the rotation of the Sun) and also change in size, growing or shrinking. The sunspots look dark because they are cooler than the surrounding photosphere. A large group of sunspots is called an active region and may contain up to 100 sunspots. PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 17 SOLAR WIND AND MAGNETOSPHERE The earliest recording of the observation of sunspots is by the Chinese astronomer Gan De in 364 BC. Observations using telescopes were first made in the early 17th century by Galileo, by Thomas Harriot (English) in 1610 and independently by the German theologian David Fabricius along with his eldest son Johannes in 1611. See for details of the eye injuries sustained by early solar observers. The general pattern of the movement of sunspots (individual sunspots may appear and disappear – short-lived ones only lasting a few hours whereas others may last for several months) shows that the Sun is rotating with an average period of about 27 days with its axis of rotation tilted slightly to the plane of the Earth’s orbit. Unlike the Earth, the Sun does not have a single rotation period. The period is 25 days at the Sun’s equator and lengthens to 36 days near the poles. Sections at different latitudes rotate at different rates and so this is called differential rotation. The three main features of the solar cycle are: 1. 2. 3. the number of sunspots the mean latitude of sunspots the magnetic polarity pattern of sunspot groups. The number of sunspots increases and decrease s with an 11-year cycle, the mean solar latitude at which the sunspots appear progresses towards the solar equator as the cycle advances and the magnetic polarity patter n of sunspot groups reverses around the end of each 11-year cycle (making the full cycle in effect 22 years). The magnetosphere The magnetosphere is the part of the Earth’s atmosphere dominated by the Earth’s magnetic field. This region also contains a diffuse plasma of protons and electrons. The magnetic field resembles that of a bar magnet, tipped at about 11° to the Earth’s rotational axis. However , the magnetic field is believed to be generated by electric currents in conducting material inside the Earth, like a giant dynamo. Geological evidence shows that the direction of the Earth’s magnetic field has reversed on several occasions, the most recent being about 30,000 years ago. This lends evidence for the ‘dynamo’ model as the reversal can be explained in terms of changes in the flow of conducting fluids inside the Earth. 18 PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SOLAR WIND AND MAGNETOSPHERE Interaction with the Earth’s magnetic field The solar wind interacts with the magnetosphere and distorts its pattern from the simple model outlined above. The Earth’s magnetic field also protects it from the solar wind, deflecting it a bit like a rock deflecting the flow of water in a river. The boundary where the solar wind is first deflected is called the bow shock. The cavity dominated by the Earth’s magnetic field is the magnetosphere (see Figures 7 and 8). Figure 7 The magnetosphere as visualised in 1962. PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 19 SOLAR WIND AND MAGNETOSPHERE Figure 8 Current perception of the Earth’s magnetosphere . For more information and diagrams of the magnetospheres of some planets visit . High-energy particles from the solar wind that leak into the magnetosphere and become trapped form the Van Allen belts of radiation. These are toroidal in shape and concentric with the Earth’s magnetic axis. There are two such belts: the inner and the outer. The inner Van Allen belt lies between one and two Earth radii from its axis, (R E < inner belt < 2R E ) then there is a distinct gap followed by the outer belt lying between three and four Earth radii (3R E < outer belt < 4R E ). The inner belt traps protons with energies of between 10 and 50 MeV and electrons with energies greater than 30 MeV. The outer belt contains fewer energetic protons and electrons. The charged particles trapped in the belts spiral along magnetic field lines and oscillate back and forth between the northern and southern mirror points with periods between 0.1 and 3 seconds (see Figure 9). 20 PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SOLAR WIND AND MAGNETOSPHERE Mirror point Particle helical trajectory Van Allen belt section Earth Magnetic field line Mirror point Figure 9 Van Allen belt. Particles in the inner belt may interact with the thin upper atmosphere to produce the aurorae. These result from the excitation of different atoms in the atmosphere, each of which produces light with a characteristic colour due to the different energy associated with that atomic transition . Carbon dating The most common isotope used for radiometric dating is carbon -14, which decays to nitrogen-14 with a half-life of 5730 years. When primary cosmic rays collide with gas molecules in the atmosphere, they may knock out nucleons (protons or neutrons). A resulting high energy neutron may then collide with a nitrogen-14 nucleus. By the process of charge exchange one of the nitrogen’s protons turns into a neutron while the incoming neutron changes into a proton, thus producing a carbon -14 nucleus. n+ 14 N→ 14 C+p Plants (and the animals that eat them) take in atmospheric carbon through carbon dioxide. When the plant (or animal) dies, this uptake ceases and the fraction of radioactive carbon-14 within the plant starts to decrease as the carbon-14 decays, emitting a beta particle and an electron anti -neutrino. 14 C→ 14 N + e– + νe PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 21 SOLAR WIND AND MAGNETOSPHERE Cosmic ray exposure age The length of time that has passed since a meteorite broke off its parent meteor can be estimated using its cosmic ray exposure age. Cosmic rays can only penetrate to a depth of about 1 m into a meteor or meteorite and consequently none of the products of cosmic ray induced nuclear reactions can build up. Other planets All planets that have magnetic fields have a similar pattern of bow shocks, magnetospheres and radiation belts due to the interaction of the solar wind with the planet’s intrinsic magnetic field. The magnetic fields of Earth, Jupiter and Saturn are closely aligned with their rotational axes and centred near the centre of the planets. Ho wever, the magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune are tilted relative to their rotation axes and centred far away from the respective planet’s centre. Charged particles in a magnetic field The force acting on a charge q, moving with velocity v through a magnetic field B is given by: F = qvB where F, v and B are all mutually at right angles to each other. Circular motion As F is always at right angles to v, the particle will move with uniform motion in a circle, where F is the central force (assuming any other forces are negligible), so: Equating the magnetic force to the central force we get: 22 PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SOLAR WIND AND MAGNETOSPHERE so This can be illustrated and verified using the axial gun of a Teltron Dual Beam tube and Helmholtz coils. Teltron tubes are manufactured by 3B Scientific ( -Dual-Beam-Tube-SU18570,p_83_675_1313.html). The instruction document in pdf format can be downloaded from the 3B website. The English version of the instructions starts on page 7. See example experiment 5.1 on page 8. The velocity of the electron can be obtained using: qV = ½mv 2 where q and m are the charge and mass of an electron, respectively, and V is the anode potential. B can be obtained from the current and Helmholtz coil data (section 5.1.1 in the instruction document) . The radius or diameter of the circular motion can be measured by placing a calibrated grid behind the tube and compared to the value obtained above. Helical motion Note: Make a clear distinction between helical – constant radius, and spiral – increasing radius. If the charged particle crosses the magnetic field lines at an angle, then its velocity can be resolved into two orthogonal components: one perpendicular to the field and the other parallel to it. The perpendicular component provides the central force, which produces uniform circular motion as shown above. The component parallel to the magnetic field does not cause the charge to experience a magnetic force so it continues to move with constant velocity in that direction, resulting in a helical path. This can be illustrated using the dual-beam tube, with a Helmhotz coil positioned at the front of the tube so it produces an axial magnetic field (Figure 10). The electron beam from the axial gun is now undeflected. PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 23 SOLAR WIND AND MAGNETOSPHERE However, when a deflector plate voltage is applied so the electron beam has a velocity component perpendicular to the axial magne tic field, it now travels in a helical path (Figure 11). For detailed instructions see Appendix 2. Figure 10 Helmholz coil at front of dual beam tube. Figure 11 Helical motion of electron beam. 24 PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SOLAR WIND AND MAGNETOSPHERE Aurorae The aurora (aurora borealis in the Northern hemisphere – the northern lights; aurora australis in the southern hemisphere – southern lights) are caused by solar wind particles which penetrate the Earth’s upper atmosphere , usually within 20° of the north or south poles (Figure 13). Between 80 and 300 km above the Earth’s surface (aeroplanes fly at around 10 km altitude) these particles strike nitrogen molecules and oxygen atoms, causing them to become excited and subsequently emit light in the same way as happens in electric discharge lamps. The most common colours, red and green, come from atomic oxygen, and the violets (seen at lower altitudes) come from molecular nitrogen. Figure 12 Aurora borealis. Interesting facts The earliest depiction of an aurora may be a Cro -Magnan cave painting (c. 30,000 BC). The earliest written record of aurora is in China (2600 BC). For email alerts that give early warning of potential auroral displays in the UK see PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 25 SOLAR WIND AND MAGNETOSPHERE See this link for a nice video of the aurora from the International Space Station: -aurora.html 26 PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 APPENDIX I Appendix 1: Key stages in the early development of cosmic ray theories Courtesy of NASA. See and for full information. Year Event 1911 Charles Wilson invented a cloud chamber, which was used to detect alpha and beta particles and electrons . 1912 Cosmic ray research began in 1912 when Victor Hess, of the Vienna University, and two assistants flew in a balloon to an altitude of about 16,000 feet. They discovered evidence of a very penetrating radiation (cosmic rays) coming from outside our atmosphere. In 1936, Hess was awarded the Nobel Prize for this discovery. 1925 Robert Millikan introduced the term ‘cosmic rays’. 1929 Using a newly invented cloud chamber, Dimitry Skobelzyn observed the first ghostly tracks left by cosmic rays . 1929 Walter Bothe and Werner Kolhorster verified that the Skobelzyn ’s cloud chamber tracks are curved, showing that cosmic rays are charged particles. 1932 Dr Robert A. Millikan of Caltech, winner of the 1923 Nobel Prize for Physics, completed a series of tests on the intensity of cosmic rays at various altitudes in a Condor bomber from March Field, California. 1925 Explorer II, a 113,000 cubic foot rubberized helium balloon ascended to the official record of 22,066 m while collecting atmospheric, cosmic ray and other data. 1937 Seth Neddermeyer and Carl Anderson discovered the muon (shortened version of mu meson) in cosmic rays. 1938 Pierre Auger discovered ‘extensive air showers’, which are showers of secondary subatomic particles caused by the collision of high energy cosmic rays with air molecules . PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 27 APPENDIX 1 1949 Enrico Fermi proposed that cosmic ray protons are accelerated by bouncing off moving magnetic clouds in space, as in the shock waves around a supernova. 1951 Ludwig Biermann found evidence for the solar wind during his study of comet tails. 1954 First measurements of high-energy cosmic rays via sampling of extended air showers done at the Harvard College Observatory. 1958 James Van Allen discovered belts of radiation around the Earth . 1959 Luna 1 – USSR Lunar Flyby, the first lunar flyby. Luna 1 first measured the solar wind. 28 PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 APPENDIX II Appendix 2: Using the Teltron dual-beam tube to demonstrate helical motion in a magnetic field (Courtesy SSERC: The dual-beam tube – using the axial gun to produce a helical electron path The dual-beam tube is a partly evacuated electron tube filled with helium at low pressure and equipped with both axial and perpendicular electron guns. The tube can be used to determine the specific charge of the electron (e/m) using either of the two guns. The tube can also be us ed to demonstrate the helical path of an electron beam when passing through a magnetic field. For this demonstration only the axial electron gun is used. The anode is set at 60 V and applied to this axial gun. This provides the forward velocity to the electron beam. The electron beam traverses horizontally through the tube (Figure 14). Axial electron beam Deflector plate Axial gun Perpendicular gun Figure 13 Dual beam tube PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 29 APPENDIX II A single Helmholtz coil is placed into the groove in the holder so that it encircles the front end of the tube (Figure 15). When a current is passed through the Helmholtz coil, the electron beam is subjected to a magnetic field (B) axially. Since this magnetic field and the forward velocity of the electrons are in the same direction, the beam is not deflected at this stage. Figure 14 However, when a voltage is applied to a small deflector plate built inside the tube, a component of the deflection will be in the direction of travel and there will also be a component perpendicular to it (Figure 16). Deflector plate Perpendicular velocity, vp Horizontal velocity, va Axial gun B Figure 15 Beam velocities This application of both the anode voltage and t he deflector plate voltage causes the electrons to emerge from the axial gun with two components of velocity (one horizontal and one perpendicular). Since the perpendicular component is at right angles to the magnetic field, the electron beam now travels in a helix (Figure 17). Coil Deflector plate Helical electron path B Axial gun Figure 16 Helical path inside tube The perpendicular component, v p , being at right angles to the magnetic field B, will cause the electrons to experience a centripetal force and so they will tend to travel in a circular path. The combination of this circular motion and 30 PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 APPENDIX II the forward axial velocity, v a , makes the electron beam travel in its helical path. The beam no longer goes round the axis of the field but returns to a different position along the axis after every loop (Figure 18). Axi s va = forward axial component of velocity vp = perpendicular component of velocity velocity of velocity vp va B Electrons looping out of the paper Figure 17 Helical path – explanation If the direction of the magnetic field B is reversed , by reversing the direction of the current in the coil, the helical path rotates around the other side o f the axis of travel (Figure 19). In Figure 18 the electrons would then change to be looping into the paper. B1 B R Figure 18 View of electron beam end-on, moving towards observer (in this case the deflector plate has provided the electrons with an upward velocity component ). PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 31 APPENDIX II Reversing the current in the coil reverses the direction of the magnetic field and causes the helical path to rotate around the other side of the axis (Figure 19). Figure 19 Effect of reversing the direction of the magnetic field; helical path viewed from above. Increasing the anode voltage increases the forward axial velocit y of the electron beam. If the voltage applied to the deflector plate remains unchanged, then the helical path will have the same radius but become more stretched out (Figure 20). Figure 20 The effect of increasing the anode voltage; helical path viewed from side. If the forward axial velocity remains constant but the perpendicular component of velocity is increased (by increasing the plate voltage) then the radius of the loops of the helix increases (Figure 21). Figure 21 The effect of increasing the deflector plate voltage; helical path viewed from above. 32 PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 GLOSSARY Glossary Air shower The spray of fundamental particles produced when primary cosmic rays interact with particles in the atmosphere. Bow shock The boundary between the undisturbed solar wind and the region being deflected around a planet. Cherenkov (Cerenkov) radiation Light produced by charged particles when they pass through a substance faster than the speed of light in that substance. Chromosphere The part of the Sun’s atmosphere just above the photosphere. Corona The outermost region of the Sun’s atmosphere consisting of thin ionised gasses at a temperature of about 10 million kelvin. Magnetosphere The region around a body in which its own magnetic field is dominant over any external fields. Solar flare A violent release of energy, including electromagnetic radiation and sub-atomic particles, from the surface of the Sun. Solar wind The continual outward flow of charged particles (mainly protons and electrons) from the Sun. Sunspot A small area on the photosphere that appears dark becuse it is cooler than its surroundings. Supernova (supernovae) A supernova is new star which appears due to the violent explosion of a star increasing its brightness by up to one billion times. Supernovae may only last about a year before fading. Van Allen belts Two toroidal zones, concentric with the Earth’s axis , in which charged particles (protons and electrons) are trapped. PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 33 RECOMMENDED READING Recommended reading Fix J D, Astronomy: Journey to the Cosmic Frontier This book is highly recommended. The most up-to-date edition is the 6th edition, published in 2011. It is pitched at a suitable level with good clear explanations and illustrations. There are also additional online resources available to support the book. See also . Of particular interest for this unit is Chapter 17 The Sun. Seeds, M A, Foundations of Astronomy This is another highly recommended book. In addition to the conventional layout of chapter summaries etc it has some novel ideas in its layout, including: 1. 2. 3. 4. occasional double-page poster-like spreads, eg On magnetic solar phenomena windows on science, eg Avoiding hasty judgements: scientific faith parameters of science, eg Temperature and heat review: critical enquiry panels, eg ‘How deeply into the Sun can we see?’ Part 2: The Stars is the most relevant section and includes: Chapter 6-5 Space Astronomy Chapter 8 The Sun – our star Bennett J, Donahue M, Schneider N, Voit M, The Cosmic Perspective An introduction to astronomy for non -science undergraduates. Very clear and useful summaries at the end of each chapter. This book also has the following novel features: 1. common misconceptions panels, eg The sun is not on fire 2. mathematical insight sections where equations and numerical calculations are dealt with, eg Mass–energy conversion in the Sun 34 PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 RECOMMENDED READING The most relevant part is Part V Stellar Alchemy, which includes Chapter 15 Our star. Nicolson I, Unfolding Our Universe Good, clear colour diagrams throughout the book explain the concepts well to a ‘physics’ audience. Inset boxes give additional information, often including equations and calculations. Good glossary inc luded. Unlike other books in this list, this one is targeted at the general reader rather than undergraduates, although unlike many astronomy books aimed at a general readership it does use panels to deal with equations and mathematical aspects. It also has good clear diagrams and graphs. Unfortunately there only appears to be the original edition published in 1999. The most relevant chapter is Chapter 8 The Sun: Our neighbourhood star. PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 35 BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliography BBC Sky at Night magazine, November 2011 ( Bennett J, Donahue M, Schneider N, Voit M, The Cosmic Perspective, 3rd edition, Addison-Wesley, 2004, ISBN 0-8053-8762-5. Fix J D, Astronomy: Journey to the Cosmic Frontier, 2nd edition, McGrawHill, 1999, ISBN 0-07-289854-2. Kippenhahn R, Discovering the Secrets of the Sun, Wiley, 1994, ISBN0-471941-630. Nicolson I, Unfolding Our Universe, Cambridge University Press, 1999, ISBN 0-521-59270-4. Seeds M A, Foundations of Astronomy, 7th edition, Thomson, 2003, ISBN 053439204-0. Shaviv G, The Life of Stars, Springer, 2009, ISBN 978-3-642-02088-9. 36 PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 USEFUL WEBSITES Useful websites NASA’s Imagine the Universe educational pages The one on cosmic rays is quite elementary, with links to a simple quiz and cool fact(s). Stanford Linear Accelerator virtual visitor site There is an excellent section on high energy cosmic rays, suitable for learners. There is also a brief section ‘Introduction to cosmic rays.’ Space Weather Research Explorer This is part of the Exploratorium (the museum of science, art and human perception in San Francisco), with information, animations and live data and images on the following: coronal holes solar flares coronal mass ejections solar wind magnetosphere auroras space weather and you. Fix J D, Astronomy: Journey to the Cosmic Frontier This website offers additional resources to support the 4th edition of th is book, including: multiple choice quizzes animations flashcards glossary. PARTICLES FROM SPACE (AH PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 37