FBCO Guidelines for Youth Ministries Scholarships First Baptist Church, O’Fallon, offers several camps and trips throughout the year that provide: In-depth Bible Study and worship opportunities Encouragement and fellowship with peers Opportunities to minister to others We would like everyone who would like to participate in the activities we offer be able to do so. We will make every effort to help with all applications within our budget guidelines. All applications for scholarship will be kept confidential. The church youth staff will have final decision in awarding scholarships. GENERAL GUIDELINES: Scholarships should be requested only if a legitimate financial need exists. Our Youth Ministry Staff works very hard to plan many activities that cost nothing or very little so that need for scholarships isn’t a constant situation. Scholarship forms are available from the youth leaders or from the Church office. Scholarships are for the applicant only. If you have more than one child participating in an event, each child must have a separate application. You must submit a separate application for each event/trip that you are requesting financial help. One application does not cover the whole youth ministry year as situations change. Applications for scholarships over $100 are due one month BEFORE the event/trip. Applications for smaller amounts due 2 weeks before the event. Please place it in the youth ministry payment box in the youth loft or return to the church office. Scholarships awarded will not be 100% of the cost of the trip/activity. The deposit will be the minimum required to receive a scholarship. Depending on our budget, there will be a maximum amount any one student can receive over the course of the youth ministry year. This amount will be determined by dividing the available funds with the number of youth participating in the youth program/event, or may be decided by the church youth staff. If a student is awarded a scholarship, he/she will be expected to volunteer at church as a way to “work off” the scholarship. This work needs to be arranged & approved through the youth ministry staff. SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE FOR THESE PLANNED ACTIVITIES IN 2013-2014: Summer Camp - $180/pp Mexico Mission Trip - $450/pp Local Mission Week - $40/pp High School Back To School Float Trip - $50/pp Middle School Grade Crossover Weekend - $20/pp High School Cross Conference - $100/pp Believe Conference - $50/pp Disciple Now Weekend - $30/pp If you have any questions/concerns regarding these guidelines, please contact the church office and speak with Dyanne Harvengt, Accounts Receivable Specialist or with your scholarship committee. YOUTH MINISTRY SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FOR __________________________ DATE OF TRIP OR EVENT: _____________ Trip or Event This application is due one month prior to the departure date. Please place this application in the payment box in the youth loft. PART ONE: To be filled out by the parent/guardian: Name of Student: _________________________________ Date:_____________ Mailing Address __________________________________________________________ City ________________________ Age: ______________ State _____________________ Date of Birth ______________ zip ________ School Grade: _________________ Name of School attending: ________________________________ Member of FBC O’Fallon? Yes____ No ______ If no, where? ___________________ Parent/guardian phone number _______________________ cell _____________________ e-mail _____________________________________________ Please specify amounts available for this trip: a. Total cost of trip/event $___________ b. Amount invested by applicant $___________ c. Amount invested by relatives $___________ d. Other sources $___________ Total $___________ e. Amount of assistance needed $___________ If accepted for a scholarship, my child is willing to volunteer at church at a credit rate of $10/hr per hour. Briefly describe circumstances for need of scholarship (job layoff, health issues, etc.) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ We attest that the above information is true and accurate and that a legitimate financial need exists. __________________________________________________ Parent/guardian date (continue on back) PART TWO: To be filled out by the Student: This section should be filled out by the student. They need to write one or two sentences explaining why they want to go to this event or on this trip and what they are willing to do to help in exchange for a scholarship. (doing service projects around the church, participating in fund raisers to help fund their trip, etc. ) ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Signed: _________________________________________ Date: ______________________ For Office use only Approved ____________ Denied ______________ Date ___________________ Amount _____________________ Reason for denial _______________________________________ ________________________________________ Scholarship Committee Member signature ________________________________________ Student notified Accounting Coordinator notified . (date) _________________ (date) _________________