Forms of The Momentum Equation by Eka Oktariyanto Nugroho Basic Equation 5 Eka O. N. 5.1. MAIN DIFFERENTIAL FORMS OF THE MOMENTUM EQUATION The momentum equation is obtained by equating the applied forces to the inertia force for a unit volume of the fluid. The physical meaning and the mathematical expressions of these forces have been developed in Chapters 4 and 5. The different forms of the momentum equation corresponding to a number of cases encountered in hydrodynamics are now presented. 5.1.1. Perfect Fluid: Equations of Euler The first major approximation is to assume that the fluid is perfect. In this case the friction forces are zero and the applied forces consist of gravity and pressure only. The momentum equation is obtained directly from the expressions developed in Chapters 4 and 5, in the three-axis system OX, O)', OZ, where OZ is assumed to be vertical (see Table 5-1). When the expressions du dt and p * are expanded (see Section 4-4.1), the momentum equation takes the form along the OX axis given by Equation 5-1. Table 5. 1 The momentum equation. Inertia forces per unit volume Pressure and gravity forces per unit of volume of fluid (see section 4-1.1) (see Section 5-3.4) du dt dv dt dw dt = p* x = p* y = p* z Written in vector notation, these become Recall p* p gz dV grad p* 0 dt Inertia Forces Applied Forces Convective inertia Pressure u u u u u v w x y z x t p Local inertia Gravity gz (5-1) Two similar equations may be written in the O Y and OZ directions. These are called the equations of Euler. Such a system of equations associated with the continuity relationship u v w 0 x y z forms the basis of the largest part of the hydrodynamics dealing with a perfect incompressible fluid. These equations are mathematically of the first order but are nonlinear (more specifically quadratic) because of the convective inertia terms. This quadratic term is the cause of most mathematical difficulties encountered in hvdrodvnamics. It has been explained in Chapter I that it is possible to study hydrodynamic problems either in Eulerian coordinates or in Lagrangian coordinates. It is recalled that the Lagrangian method consists of following particles along their paths instead of dealing with particles at a given point. This method is used, for example, in some studies of periodic gravity waves over a horizontal bottom. If X, Y, Z are the volume or body forces, i.e., gravity, the Lagrangian equation along the OX axis is written: Forms of The Momentum Equation Page - 28 Basic Equation 5 Eka O. N. 1 p 2 x x 2 y y 2 z z X 2 Y 2 Z 2 x0 t x0 t y0 t z0 p y0 and p z0 by permutation of x0 , y0 , z0 , which are the coordinates of a particle at time t t0 . These are called the equations of Lagrange. Two similar equations give the value of 5.1.2. Viscous Fluid and the Navier-Stokes Equations If the friction forces are introduced in the Eulerian equations, the Navier-Stokes equations are obtained (see Section 4.4.1), as shown in Equation 5-2. The Navier-Stokes equations are the basis of most problems in fluid mechanics dealing with liquid. They are second-order differential equations because of the friction terms. and nonlinear because of the convective inertia terms. These Navier-Stokes equations are written in a very concise manner with the aid of tensorial notation. Although a knowledge of tensorial calculus is not required, it is given here as a guide to further reading on the subject. Use is made of two subscripts, i and j , which indicate when an operation is to be systematically repeated and which component of a vector quantity (such as V) is being considered. When an index is repeated in a term, the considered quantity has to be summed over the possible components. For example, the continuity equation u v w 0, x y z is tensorial written: ui x j since the subscript i indicates that the quantity (here V) has to be summed over the three components OX,OY,OZ. The three previous Navier-Stokes equations may be writen simply as: ui t uj p gz ui 2ui x j xi x j x j Here, the subscript i is called "free index" and indicates the component being considered; the subscript j , called "dummy index," indicates repeated operations. Inertia Forces Local inertia Convective inertia Applied Forces Pressure Friction Gravity u u u p u u v w x y z x t u 2u 2u 2 2 2 y z x v 2v 2v 2v 2 2 2 y z x u v v v p v w x y z y 2 (5-2) t w p gz 2w 2w 2w w w w u v w 2 2 x y z z y 2 z x t These Navier-Stokes equations are often written in another way in order to emphasize the role of the rotational component of motion. It is sufficient in this case to use the expression of the inertia force demonstrated in Chapter 4, which yields (see Section 3.4.3) Equation 5-3. Forms of The Momentum Equation Page - 29 Basic Equation 5 Eka O. N. Applied Forces Inertia Forces Local inertia Pressure Gravity Convective inertia Friction p gz V u 2 w v 2u x 2 x t Caused by variation of kinetic energy 2 Caused by rotation v V 2 p gz 2 u w 2 v t y 2 y w V 2 p gz 2 v u 2 w t z 2 z Inertia Forces Local inertia Convective inertia (5-3) Applied Forces Pressure Gravity Friction V V 2 grad curlV V grad p gz V t 2 Caused by variation of kinetic energy 2 Caused by rotation (5-4) The three components of Equation 5-3 are more concisely written in the vector form of Equation 54, which may be transformed as V2 V grad p gz curlV V+2 V t 2 In the case of a steady V t 0 irrorational flow curl V 0 of a perfect fluid 0 , the above equation gives at once: V2 grad p gz 0 2 Since the derivative of the sum in parentheses is zero in all directions, one obtains V2 p gz constant 2 which is the well-known Bernoulli equation. 5.1.3. The General Form of the Momentum Equation It has been shown that the applied forces may be expressed independently of their physical nature with the help of the tensor of rank two: xx xy xz xy yy yz xz yz zz The main advantage of such a notation is that it is valid for any kind of fluid-perfect or real-and any kind of motion-laminar or turbulent. It will be shown that if in the momentum equation the real values u , v, w, and p are replaced by the average values u , v , w, and p in a turbulent flow, the surface forces and include additional components due to the turbulent fluctuations. Forms of The Momentum Equation Page - 30 Basic Equation 5 Eka O. N. Hence, the advantage of using the notations and exists in expressing general equations which are independent of the nature of the flow. Equating the inertia forces to the applied forces expressed in the manner shown in Chapter 5 yields Equation 6-5. In practice, if OZ is vertical upward, Inertia Forces X 0, Y 0, Z g z gz Applied Forces Volume forces Surface forces xx xy xz du X dt y z x xy yy yz dv Y dt y z x (5-5) xz yz zz dw Z dt y z x 5.1.4. Synthesis of the Most Usual Approximations Tables 5-2 and 5-3 recall the physical meaning of different terms and possible approximations accepted in the studies of flow motions, which may be investigated in the following. Complex disordered and random motions, even though also obeying the Navier-Stokes equation, cannot be analyzed on a purely Newtonian deterministic approach. The motion is averaged and the friction term 2 V is replaced by an empirical functional relationship proportional to V in the case of 2 flow trough porous medium, or to V in the case of fully turbulent motion. 5.1.5. An Example of an Exact Solution of Navier-Stokes Equations: Flow on a Sloped Plane It is to be expected that a general solution of the system of differential equations given by the continuity and momentum principle does not exist. However, some exact solutions can be obtained if the boundary conditions are simple. Examples where exact solutions may be obtained include flow between parallel plates (i.e., the Couette flow, the Poiseuille flow), flow due to a rotating disk, uniform unsteady flow over an infinite flat plate. The very simple example of a two-dimensional steady uniform flow on an inclined plane of infinite dimensions is given here as an example (Fig.5.1); the Navier-Stokes equation given in eq 5.1 may be simplified in the following manner: Since the motion is steady, u t 0 and v t 0 . Since the motion is two-dimensional, w 0 , and all derivatives with respect to z are zero. Since the motion is uniform and parallel to the axis OX, v and all its derivatives are zero. All derivatives with respect to x are also zero. The components of the gravitational force are X gsin and Y gcos . Since the flow is uniform, v 0 , and the continuity equation is reduced to u x 0 : Forms of The Momentum Equation Page - 31 Basic Equation 5 Eka O. N. Table 5. 2 Physical, mathematical characteristic and approximation of equations. V t V 2 +grad 2 Physical meaning Local inertia Mathematical characteristics Approximation First-order linear term = 0 In a steady flow Local inertia Steady motion or motion considered as a succession of steady motions Unsteady motion 2 curlV V grad p gz V Variation of Rotational term kinetic energy with space Convective inertia Nonlinear (quadratic) term Pressure force First-order linear term = 0 for irrotational motion; solution given by a harmonic function =0 =0 For slow motion Gravity force Friction force Applied forces Constant tem Second-order linear term =0 in an ideal fluid =0 in a gas (with exceptions) Table 5. 3 The momentum equation with some applications. Convective Friction Equations inertia Some applications Slow motion Hydrostatics Without friction grad p gz 0 With friction grad p gz 2 V=0 Irrotational motion Without friction V2 grad p gz 0 2 Rotational motion With friction V2 grad p gz 2 curlV V+ 2 V Slow motion Without friction With friction V grad p gz 0 t V grad p gz 2 V 0 t V2 V grad p gz 0 t 2 Steady uniform flow Flow in a porous medium Nonuniform (convergent ) Steady flow at a constant total energy. Calculation of pressure in a twodimensional flow net General case of steady motion ; laminar boundary layer theories Gravity wave (first-order theory); water hammer theory Gravity wave damping Irrotational motion Without friction Most nonlinear wave theories Rotational motion Without friction V2 grad p gz 2 V curlV V 0 t Gravity wave theory of Gerstner With friction General case Tidal wave in an estuary The Navier-Stokes equations are reduced to : 2u gsin 2 0 y p 0 gcos y The second equation yields p pa gycos Forms of The Momentum Equation Page - 32 Basic Equation 5 Eka O. N. pa is the atmospheric pressure. Hence the lines of equal pressure are parallel to the OX axis. The boundary conditions are u 0 for y d on the plane, and du dy 0 for y 0 at the where free surface. Taking into account these boundary conditions, the integration of 2u g sin 2 y gives successfully, u gsin y y gsin 2 2 = and u 2 d y which is the equation of a parabola. The discharge per unit of width is: gsin q udy 2 d 0 q 0 d 2 y 2 dy d gsin 3 d 3 The loss of energy per unit length may be given by the dissipation function , which in this case is u y 2 . Figure 5. 1 Laminar flow on an inclined plane. Hence the loss of energy per unit length is u gsin d 3 dy dy 0 0 y 3 d 2 d 2 This can also be obtained by determining the work done by friction forces Ff as follow; 2 d u u F du du 0 f 0 y 0 y dy d d Forms of The Momentum Equation Page - 33 Basic Equation 5 Eka O. N. 5.2. DERIVATION MOMENTUM EQUATION ACCORDING TO TAYLOR’S SERIES Conservation of Momentum for Fluids at a Point in Space and Time We consider a fluid with hypothetical continuum properties averaged above the molecular level. We assume that the fluid is incompressible. Apply Newton’s Second Law: F MA Vector equation with 3 independent components Acceleration has both time and spatially varying components. Forces (Applied Forces) include: o Gravitational forces Gravitational Force is a body force which originates from the Earth’s gravitational field and is proportional to the mass of the fluid. dM dV o Pressure Pressure Force is the surface force per unit area which acts normal to any surface (i.e. it always pushes against any surface). It exists whether there is net fluid motion or not. Pressure itself is a scalar and is direction independent. o Viscous stresses Viscous Forces are surface forces which result when gradients in motion exist. Essentially, molecules resist one layer of fluid moving past another. Must apply constitutive relationships in order to generate a sufficient number of equations (or alternatively eliminate unknowns). For Newtonian Fluids: Linear relationship between stress and velocity gradients Valid for water, air, gasoline and most fluids of interest Derivation of the Conservation of Momentum Equation at a Point in Space Apply a fixed CV (Eulerian analysis) w v u C z G H D z p F B E A y x p p dx x y x Figure 5. 2 Coordinate system for momentum equation. Forms of The Momentum Equation Page - 34 Basic Equation 5 Eka O. N. Gravitational force is aligned with the z direction and for the defined CV Fz g g dV Pressure force acts normal to each surface and is found by expressing the scalar value using Taylor series about a point and multiplying by the surface area of each face Net pressure force on faces ABCD and EFGH: p 2 p 2 Fx p pdydz p dx 2 dx ... dydz x x 2 p p Fx p dV 2 dxdV x x Net pressure force on faces AEHD and BFGC: p 2 p 2 Fy p pdxdz p dy 2 dy ... dxdz y y 2 p p Fy p dV 2 dydV y y Net pressure force on faces AEFB and DHGC: p 2 p 2 Fz p pdxdy p dz 2 dz ... dxdy z z p 2 p Fz p dV 2 dzdV z z Dynamic surface stresses are described by the stress tensor, as shown below Figure 5. 3 Dynamic surface stresses system for momentum equation. i = direction of plane j = direction of stress Forms of The Momentum Equation Page - 35 Basic Equation 5 Eka O. N. ij can describe the stress on any surface with arbitrary orientation. It can be shown that the stress tensor is symmetric; Dynamic stresses act only if the fluid at the molecularly averaged level experiences relative motion Sign convention for stresses: Stress is positive if it acts in the (positive/negative) coordinate direction whose outward normal is in the (positive/negative) direction. Net dynamic surface force in each direction is found by considering all surface stresses in each direction and multiplying by the surface area of each face. Surface stresses on opposing faces can be expressed in terms of each other by using Taylor series Net dynamic stress force in the x direction: 2 xx 2 Fx xx dydz xx xx dx dx ... dydz 2 x x 2 yx yx 2 yx dxdz yx dy dy ... dxdz 2 y y 2 zx 2 zx dxdy zx zx dz dz ... dxdy 2 z z Fx 2 xx 2 yx xx yx yx 2 zx dy dz dV ... dV 2 dx y y y 2 z 2 x x Net dynamic stress force in the y direction: Fy Fy xy 2 xy 2 xy dydz xy dx dx ... dydz x x 2 2 yy yy 2 yy dxdz yy dy dy ... dxdz 2 y y 2 zy zy 2 zy dxdy zy dz dz ... dxdy 2 z z xy yy yy y y x 2 xy 2 yy 2 zy dx dy dz dV ... dV 2 2 2 x y z Net dynamic stress force in the z direction: Fz Fz xz 2 xz 2 xz dydz xz dx dx ... dydz 2 x x 2 yz yz 2 yz dxdz yz dy dy ... dxdz y y 2 2 2 zz dxdy zz zz dz 2zz dz ... dxdy z z yz zz xz y y x 2 xz 2 yz 2 zz dV dx dy dz dV ... x 2 y 2 z 2 Forms of The Momentum Equation Page - 36 Basic Equation 5 Eka O. N. Now applying the conservation of momentum law 2 xx 2 yx 2 zx 2 p dV dxdV dx dy dz dV 2 2 2 x 2 x y z 2 2 2 2 xy yy zy xy yy zy Dv p p dV dV dx dy dz dV dV 2 dydV 2 2 2 Dt y y y y x y z x 2 2 2 xz yz zz yz 2 zz Dw p p dV dV g dV xz dV dzdV dx dy dz dV 2 2 2 Dt z y y z 2 x y z x dV yx zx Du p dV xx Dt x y y x Factoring out and letting the CV shrink to a point such that, dx0, dy0, dz0 and thus dV0, leads us to the Conservation of Momentum Equation at a point in space and time yx zx Du p xx Dt x x y y Dv p xy yy zy Dt y x y y yz zz Dw p g xz Dt z y y x Expanding the acceleration terms leads to: u u u u p u v w x y z x t yx zx xx y y x v v v v p u v w x y z y t xy yy zy y y x yz zz w w w w p u v w g xz x y z z y y t x Mass Local Acceleration Convective Acceleration + [ ] ´ Net Pressure+(Gravity)+Net Surface Force = To solve a fluid flow problem we currently have 11 unknown dependent variables: , u, v, w, p, xx , xy , xz , yy , yz , zz However, we only have 5 equations: D =0 Dt Conservation of Mass Continuity 3 momentum conservation equations u v w 0 x y z We are 6 equations short of being able to start solving our system. Constitutive relationships must now be applied to account for the physics removed by assuming a hypothetical continuum and averaging molecular motion. For a Newtonian incompressible isotropic fluid: Forms of The Momentum Equation Page - 37 Basic Equation 5 Eka O. N. ui u j x j xi ij u v xy yx y x v w yz zy z y w x zx zx x z where u x v 2 y w 2 z xx 2 yy zz = viscosity coefficient dependent on fluid type, temperature and pressure Linear relationship for stress to rate of strain No stress for flows with no relative motion (rigid body type motion) No stress for flows with only pure rotation (rigid body rotation) Substituting in for the stresses into the conservation of momentum statement and factoring out the continuity equation leads to the Navier Stokes equations. Conservation of Momentum - (Linear momentum) Constitutive relationships - (for Newtonian fluids - linear stress/rate of strain) Du u p 2 Dt x x u v w u X y y x z x z Du 1 p 2u 2u 2u 2v 2w 2 Dt x x 2 y 2 z 2 yx zx 2u 2u 2u 1 p u v w 2 2 2 X x x x y z y z x 0 u u u u p u v w x y z x t 2 u 2 u 2u 2 2 2 z x y v v v v p u v w x y z y t 2v 2v 2v 2 2 2 x y z 2w 2w 2w w w w w p u v w g 2 2 2 x y z z y z t x The Navier Stokes equations are valid for all incompressible isotropic Newtonian fluid flows. This includes Turbulent flows Open channel and pipe flows that are normally depth or cross sectionally averaged We can simplify the application of the Navier Stokes equations by assuming that density is almost constant except when it involves the gravity term. When making the Boussinesq approximation, the Navier Stokes equations are written as: Forms of The Momentum Equation Page - 38 Basic Equation 5 Eka O. N. u u u u 1 p u v w t x y z 0 x 2 u 2 u 2u 2 2 2 0 x y z v v v v 1 p u v w t x y z 0 y 2v 2v 2v 2 2 2 0 x y z w w w w 1 p 2w 2w 2w u v w g 2 2 2 t x y z 0 z 0 0 x y z The Boussinesq approximation essentially makes an approximation for the mass multiplying the acceleration terms. Density varies little in natural water bodies. However in the gravity term, gradients in density come into play and major circulation patterns can be driven by these terms. We can not neglect small variations in density in these terms In vector notation, the Navier Stokes equations with the Boussinesq approximation at a point are expressed as: DV 1 ˆ 2 p gk V Dt 0 0 0 where V uiˆ vjˆ wkˆ Forms of The Momentum Equation Page - 39