1 Supplementary Information 2 S1: data descriptions 3 1. Biomass measurements 4 In all three studies sample trees were excavated on measurement days. Immediately after 5 excavation, leaves, stem, branches and roots were separated from each individual tree and 6 weighed on scales. The length, and maximum and minimum diameter of stem, branches and roots 7 were measured. Various samples in different size classes were selected and returned to the 8 laboratory to determinant the dry/fresh weight ratios of leaves, stems, branches and roots. In the 9 study by Zeng et al. (2000), the dry mass of different organs was calculated using the dry/fresh 10 weight ratios. In the studies by Fang (1999) and Yang et al. (2001), biomass was calculated by the 11 allometric equations developed by them. 12 2. Respiration measurements 13 Respiration measurements of sample leaves or sample segments of woody organs (for details see 14 below) were made in a customized chamber connected to an infrared CO2 analyzer under field 15 conditions and completed within a short period of time after the sample tree was dug out and 16 sectioned. Respiration rates of these sample tissues were calculated by the following equation: 17 r 18 where t is the measurement period (s), w is the fresh weight (g) of the sample, C 2 and 19 C1 are CO2 concentrations (ppm) inside the chamber at the end and begin of the measurement, 20 respectively, Vc and Vt are volumes (ml) of the chamber and the sample, respectively, and 21 is the mean temperature inside the chamber. 22 2.1. Leaf respiration measurements 23 Since leaf dark respiration has been demonstrated to vary with leaf crown position and leaf age, 24 leaf subsamples representing the whole crown were taken for leaf respiration measurements of 25 each sample tree. Briefly, in the study by Yang et al. (2001), leaf dark respiration was separately 26 determined on leaves from different crown positions and with differing leaf ages, using the 27 CD-510 portable photosynthetic system and cuvette operating in an open configuration. In studies 28 by Fang et al. (1999) and Zeng et al. (2000), at least three composite leaf samples were collected, 29 each composed of several thoroughly-mixed subsamples from different leaf crown positions. Dark 3.6 1 273 44 (C2 C1 )(Vc Vt ) t w 273 22.4 1 respiration of each composite sample was measured in a customized chamber using an infrared 2 CO2 analyzer. These data were used to calculate the average leaf dark respiration, which was 3 further used to estimate total leaf respiration per plant by multiplying it by total leaf fresh weight. 4 2.2 Woody organs respiration measurements 5 Stem was segmented at 1-m intervals, and the central diameter and fresh weight of each segment 6 measured. For the segment of < 1 m, the actual length was measured. The length, basal diameter 7 and fresh weight of each branch and root were measured; branches and roots were then classified 8 into different diameter classes, respectively. These diameters were used to establish the diameter 9 frequency distribution of stem, branch and root to estimate afterwards their respective total 10 respirations. For stem respiration measurement, a subsegment of ca. 20-cm length was cut from 11 the base of each stem segment. The fresh weight of each stem subsegment was weighed and its 12 accurate diameters at both cut ends were measured. Similarly, a branch or root segment was 13 collected from each diameter class of branches or roots for their respiration measurements; the 14 fresh weight as well as the diameter was measured. Woody segments more than 1 cm in diameter 15 were sealed with a thin layer of Vaseline at both cut ends to minimize CO2 emission due to wound 16 respiration. Dark respiration was determined in the customized chamber. These data were used to 17 fit the respiration versus diameter relations of woody organs and obtain their respective 18 coefficients required for the scaling up of the whole organ respiration. 19 Direct measurement of the total respirations of woody organs of a mature tree poses a challenge 20 due to its big size and the technical limitations. The early attempt to measure the total 21 aboveground wood respiration of a tree was reported by Möller et al. (1954), who did so by 22 sorting all shoot parts into diameter classes and multiplying the biomass in each class with the 23 average respiration rate for that class. Because mass-based respiration rates of woody organs (root, 24 stem and branch) are size dependent and decline with increasing diameter, in the follow-up 25 research work, Yoda et al. (1965) established a numerical relationship between the diameters of 26 woody organs and their respiration rates, and incorporated such relationship into the whole tree 27 respiration calculations to achieve a relatively more reliable estimate of wood respiration. The 28 method used in the three original publications (Fang 1999; Yang et al.2001; Zeng et al. 2000) to 29 scale up the sample segment respiration to the whole woody organ respiration was derived from 30 the one developed by Yoda et al. 1 Generally, estimates of total respirations of woody organs were obtained based on the 2 respiration-diameter relations and the frequency distributions of diameters (Yoda et al. 1965; see 3 also Kim et al. 2007). Details run as follows. Firstly, the respiration-diameter relations of specific 4 organs of a sample tree were established by fitting the following reciprocal or power equation to 5 the data from sample segments: 6 r ( x) 7 where r ( x ) is the respiration rate of a woody segment of a given size, x is its diameter, and 8 A and B are coefficients specific to woody organs. 9 As predicted by the pipe model theory (Shinozaki et al., 1964), when a woody organ (stem, branch 10 or root) is sectioned into different diameter classes, the frequency, f ( x ) , of a certain diameter 11 class of a woody organ (stem, branch or root) is expressed as a power function of the 12 corresponding diameter x , i.e. 13 1 Ax B f ( x) kx a (1) (2) 14 where k and a are coefficients specific to woody organs. Empirical data indicate that a 15 varies between 1.5 and 2.5 for both branches and roots, but approximately equals zero for stem in 16 that it can be roughly considered as a cone in shape. 17 The weight of a certain segment of a woody organ, dw( x ) , within a range in diameter from x 18 to x dx is given as follows: 19 dw( x) kk x 2a dx , 20 where k is a coefficient related to wood density. The total weight W of a woody organ is then 21 obtained by integrating Eq. (3) over the whole range of diameters from the minimum diameter, 22 xmin , to the maximum diameter, xmax , provided that wood density remain constant across the 23 whole woody organ: 24 x x kk 3a 3 a W max dw( x) kk max x 2a dx ( xmax xmin ) xmin xmin 3 a 25 Eq. (4) can be further transformed as follows: (3) (4) W (3 a ) 3 a 3 a xmax xmin 1 kk 2 On the other hand, the total respiration R of a woody organ is obtained by the integration of the 3 whole range from xmin to xmax : 4 x R max r ( x)dw( x) xmin 5 Inserting Eqs. (1) and (3) into Eq (6) gives: 6 x kk x 2 a R max dx xmin Ax B 7 Substituting Eq. (5) into Eq. (7) gives: 8 W (3 a) xmax x 2a R 3 a dx 3 a x xmax xmin min Ax B 9 Eq. (8) shows that the total respiration of a specific woody organ (stem, branch or root) can be 10 estimated using its fresh weight W , maximum diameter xmax and minimum diameter xmin 11 only if coefficients a , A , B are known. All these parameters can be calculated using available 12 data. 13 2.3 Temperature adjustments 14 The three data sets were obtained at temperatures near to each other. Data from Fang (1999) were 15 measured at temperature of about 18℃, those from Zeng et al. (2000) at 25℃, and those from 16 Yang et al. (2001) at 28℃. Here we used a published temperature model (Alkin & Tjoelker 2003) 17 to adjust all respiration rates at measurement temperatures to a common temperature of 24 ℃, as 18 did by Reich et al. (2006). (5) (6) (7) (8) 19 20 References: 21 Kim, M.H., Nakane, K., Lee, J.T., Bang, H.S. & Na, Y.E. 2007 Stem/branch maintenance 22 23 respiration of Japanese red pine stand. For. Ecol. Manage., 243, 283–290. Möller, C.M., Müller, D. & Nielsen, J. 1954 Respiration in stem and branches of beech. Det 1 Forstlige Forsoegsvaesen I Danmark 21, 273–301. 2 Shinozaki, K., Yoda, K., Hozumi, K. & Kira, T. 1964 A quantitative analysis of plant form. The 3 pipe model theory II. Further evidence of the theory and its application in forest ecology. 4 Jpn. Ecol. 14, 133–139. 5 Yoda, K., Shinazaki, K., Ogawa, H., Hozumi, K. & Kira, T. 1965 Estimation of the total amount 6 of respiration in woody organs of trees and forest communities. J. Biol. Osaka City Univ., 7 16, 15–26. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 S2: Tables 3 4 Table 1. The main geographical and climatic conditions of the three studies in China. Study Parameters Fang (1999) Zeng et al. (2000) Yang et al. (2001) Latitude 39°58' N 22°41′ N 27°23' N Longitude 115°26' E 112°54′ E 111°53' E Annual mean temperature (°C) 4.5 21.7 19.6 Annual mean precipitation (mm) 612 1700 1744 Table 2. Data of respiration and biomass used in the present paper. DBH height log RA log RT log MAf* log MA log MTf* log MT citation species (cm) (m) (24 ℃) (24 ℃) Fang Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. 6.1 6.5 3.912521 3.972828 4.181844 3.859659 4.274158 3.920065 Fang Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. 14.3 8.8 4.575309 4.614302 5.087781 4.64263 5.186956 4.728983 Fang Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. 14.2 9.8 4.663489 4.701116 5.056142 4.679757 5.156549 4.767426 Fang Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. 10.6 7.9 4.341014 4.37883 4.690196 4.364201 4.770115 4.440873 Fang Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. 16.6 8.2 4.528545 4.565354 5.082067 4.733048 5.187521 4.822614 Fang Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. 12.5 7.8 4.523884 4.562756 4.867467 4.488695 4.965202 4.569649 Fang Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. 8.6 7 4.215283 4.27103 4.549003 4.153871 4.632457 4.223527 Fang Betula platyphylla Suk. 9.4 8.5 4.054915 4.17689 4.549003 4.212376 4.646404 4.363028 Fang Betula platyphylla Suk. 14.2 11.2 4.438125 5.058805 4.666161 Fang Betula platyphylla Suk. 13.9 9.8 4.404709 4.469997 4.966611 4.593379 5.097951 4.749569 Fang Betula platyphylla Suk. 13.1 11.6 4.369302 4.415219 4.989005 4.614051 5.080626 4.770533 Fang Betula platyphylla Suk. 8.6 8.7 3.945019 4.008719 4.487138 4.148786 4.605305 4.29849 Fang Betula platyphylla Suk. 16.8 14.3 4.610242 4.663815 5.206826 4.906379 5.319938 5.066873 Fang Betula platyphylla Suk. 5.8 6.1 3.496431 3.603543 3.986772 3.679736 4.120574 3.822341 Fang Quercus liaotungensis Koidz. 23.8 11 4.987553 5.051783 5.517855 5.249017 5.654273 5.34885 Fang Quercus liaotungensis Koidz. 14.6 9.8 4.535241 4.632987 5.109579 4.751407 5.230704 4.886851 Fang Quercus liaotungensis Koidz. 9.9 7 4.085742 4.240096 4.549003 4.262208 4.737193 4.438511 Fang Quercus liaotungensis Koidz. 19.8 11.1 4.747394 4.855349 5.296665 5.083448 5.471585 5.194424 Fang Quercus liaotungensis Koidz. 12.4 8.9 4.414198 4.490236 4.895975 4.563658 5.009876 4.714132 Fang Quercus liaotungensis Koidz. 8 7.2 3.887571 4.275354 4.298853 4.090953 4.622214 4.282814 Fang Quercus liaotungensis Koidz. 16.4 10.3 4.713925 4.799721 5.222976 4.878138 5.325721 5.003917 Zeng et al. Acacia mangium Willd. 24.1 12.3 5.006955 5.054182 5.441901 5.245002 5.564022 5.361987 Zeng et al. Acacia mangium Willd. 21.9 13.3 4.805962 4.868661 5.404455 5.207756 5.524427 5.322625 Zeng et al. Acacia mangium Willd. 18.1 12.1 4.791201 4.849818 5.247755 5.05186 5.358940 5.158096 Zeng et al. Acacia mangium Willd. 14.2 12.5 4.508175 4.575959 5.099357 4.904177 5.202545 5.002588 Zeng et al. Acacia mangium Willd. 12.7 14 4.414457 4.478927 5.063427 4.868414 5.164731 4.964985 Zeng et al. Acacia mangium Willd. 12.4 12.8 4.410175 4.508705 5.018575 4.823766 5.117555 4.918071 Zeng et al. Acacia mangium Willd. 10.8 11.1 4.182282 4.279107 4.882244 4.688031 4.974364 4.775659 Zeng et al. Acacia mangium Willd. 6.4 6.7 4.095066 4.141215 4.381256 4.188949 4.450949 4.254893 Zeng et al. Acacia mangium Willd. 3.7 4.4 3.45359 3.510383 3.896238 3.705415 3.948441 3.754598 Yang et al. Pinus massoniana Lamb. 30.2 20 5.092232 5.156075 5.810367 5.454204 5.913125 5.545605 Yang et al. Pinus massoniana Lamb. 26 19 4.96663 5.033281 5.671543 5.313403 5.775683 5.406055 Yang et al. Pinus massoniana Lamb. 52 30 5.668912 5.714116 6.416524 6.053195 6.513404 6.139437 Yang et al. Pinus massoniana Lamb. 45 23 5.458397 5.50944 6.200495 5.830472 6.29942 5.918601 Yang et al. Pinus massoniana Lamb. 32 20.2 5.157934 5.218012 5.879325 5.504674 5.981366 5.59563 Yang et al. Pinus massoniana Lamb. 18 18.3 4.688686 4.765133 5.355834 5.003136 5.463146 5.098601 *: the subscript ‘f’ refers to fresh biomass.