` To prove 2=1 Let a b a 2 ab Multiply across by a a 2 b 2 ab b 2 Subtract the same thing from both sides (a-b)(a+b)=b(a-b) Factorize. a+b=b Divide across by the same quantity. Now let a b 1 So 1+1=1 2=1. Obviously there is something wrong. I have done some operation that is completely Incorrect. Can anyone spot it? A short history of numbers Ancient man started with natural numbers1,2,3,etc -the positive integers and these arose from idea of counting items such as people ,animals etc. The next numbers that arose 1 17 25 19 7 101 naturally were the positive rationals or positive fractions eg , , , , .These 2 34 50 22 8 19 arose from commerce from measuring quantities i.e. amount of land a farmer had and measuring out foodstuffs. The next numbers were the negative integers and negative 201 567 and rationals e.g. 12,76, that arose from the idea of dept. Then we had one 97 43 of the great discoveries in mathematics namely 0(zero) by the indians in India about 500 BC. The idea that you could represent nothing by a symbol 0 that obeyed the laws of arthimetic like other symbols for numbers say 3,5 and 8 was a great achievemen if you think that you would not be able to do much mathematics without 0. ( The first representation of zero by 0 first appeared in a temple in central India). Now all these numbers can be represented pictorially on a straight line as follows ________________________________________________________________________ -10 -3 -5/2 -2 -1 -1/2 0 1/2 1 2 5/2 3 4 21/5 7 However there was a great crises in mathematics when the ancient Greeks discovered irrational numbers about 250 BC. The ancient Greeks were great mathematicians. The outstanding contribution of Greek mathematics was the introduction, for the first time, of deductive reasoning and the concept of proof in mathematics. Euclid’s geometry was the supreme example of that and it was a major influence in mathematics for 2000 years. No other civilization including the Indian civilization, achieved this in their mathematics. The concept of proof, nowadays an essential part of mathematics, is what makes the theorems and results of mathematics true for all time. Remember a rational number is a ratio of two integers m where m and n are integers n 41 9 12 , ,12 . 71 7 1 Note integers are considered rational numbers as they ca be put over 1. e.g. Now Pythagoras proved by one of the great proofs in mathematics, namely the proof by contradiction, that 2 was an irrational number that is, could not be expressed as a m rational number, that is 2 where m and n are integers (which were the only n numbers you could do calculations with).Now this led to a crisis in mathematics and because of this the Greeks did not trust numbers and consequently preferred to do their mathematics using geometry instead of numbers. This some people felt that it held back the development of mathematics by 500 years. Not only was 2 irrational but there was an infinite number of irrational numbers i.e. all numbers that were not perfect squares i.e. 1 1 1 3 , 5 , 7 , and their reciprocals , , , .This is a serious from a computing 2 3 5 point of view because who can we calculate irrational numbers?. This was answered by mathematicians who showed that although we could not calculate irrational numbers exactly we could approximate them as closely as we wished ,which is sufficient for practical purposes The major contribution of Indian mathematics was their number system, which is used throughout the world to-day. The Indian mathematicians were the first to introduce the symbol for zero, namely 0 in their decimal place value number system. This enabled them(unlike their Greek counterparts) to represent very large and very small numbers with a very small number of symbols i.e using just the ten symbols 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Not only that, but the Indian mathematician Brahmagupta [589-668 AD] for the first time introduced negative numbers and gave definite rules for manipulating negative , positive numbers and 0 arithmetically. Indeed he regarded numbers in a very modern way, thinking of them as abstract symbols that obeyed certain rules. This was a major development in the history of mathematics as it led to greater ease in computation and rapid progress in mathematics compared with other number systems such as the Roman number system which it replaced in Europe only in the 14 th century (brought into Europe by the Muslims who saved a lot of the Greek mathematics for posterity). Now the rational numbers and the irrational numbers together make up was known as the real number system. The real numbers satisfy the usual arithmetical operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and can be ordered and represented on a straight line called the real line thus ________________________________________________________________________ -10 -3 -5/2 -2 -1 -1/2 0 1/2 1 2 2 3 4 7 There is a one-to-one correspondence between points on the line and real numbers. For every real number there is a point on the line and for every point on the line there is a real number. Now in mathematics since certain sets of numbers are co important they are given special symbols to represent them N 1,2,3,--the set of all natural numbers. Z 3,2,1,0,1,2,3,--the set of all integers R 4, ,3,2, 2 ,1,0,1, 2 ,3,4.56, --the set of all real numbers. The decimal system The system enables us to represent all numbers both large and small by only ten digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Definition A decimal is an expression of the form a0 .a1a 2 a3 , where a 0 is a non-negative integer and a n is a digit for each n N (for n belonging to N) e.g. -25.87654. If only a finite number of digits a1 , a2 ,, are non-zero, then the decimal is a terminating or finite decimal, and we usually omit the tail of zeros. Terminating decimals are used to represent rational numbers as follows a a a a0 .a1a2 a3 an (a0 1 22 nn 10 10 10 2 3 4 5 7 9 e.g.-56.234579= 56 2 3 4 5 6 . 10 10 10 10 10 10 However if we apply long division to other rationales, then the process of long division never terminates, and we obtain a non-terminating or infinite decimal. 1 19 For example gives 0.33333 and gives 0.86363 3 22 The infinite decimals which we obtain by applying the long division process have a common property. All of them are recurring decimals that is they have e repeating block of decimals so they can be written in shorthand as follows; 1 0. 3 or 0.3 0.3333 3 0.142857142857 0. 1 4 2 8 5 7 or 0.1 42857 The reason why we get a decimal recurring when we apply the long division process to a p fraction is that there are only q possible remainders at each stage of the division, so q one of these remainders must eventually repeat. . When this happens, the block of digits obtained after the first occurrence of this remainder will be repeated infinitely often. as shown below. .86363 22 19.00000 176 ___ 140 132 _____ 80 66 ___ 140 132 ____ 80 66 ___ 140 If the remainder 0 occurs, then the resulting decimal is finite that is ,it ends in recurring 0s.Infinite recurring decimals which arise from the long division of fractions are used to represent the corresponding ration numbers. 1 This representation is not quite so straightforward as for finite decimals( 0.25 ).For 4 example the statement 1 3 3 3 0. 3 2 3 is justified by using the concept of a convergent series. 3 10 10 10 3 1 [1 ( ) n ] 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 10 GP 2 3 n 10 ( 0. 3 1 3 10 10 2 10 3 10 10 10 10 1 10 3 1 1 1 1 [1 ( ) n ] then as n ( ) n 0 so [1 0] .) 9 10 10 3 3 The decimal representation of rational numbers has the advantage it enables us to decide immediately which of two distinct positive rationals is the greater.(We could do 7 19 7 11 19 4 77 76 1 7 19 so ) We only examine their decimal 8 22 88 88 88 8 22 7 19 0.86363 Then 0.875>0.86363. representations 0.875 and 8 22 Irrational numbers in their decimal representation. All irrational numbers are represented by non-recurring decimals and it is this that distinguishes them from the rational numbers. Thus 2 1.41421356 and 3.14159265 They will always have an infinite number of decimal points and so cannot be even stored on a computer exactly since it would take an infinite number of storage places Together, the rational numbers (recurring decimals) and the irrational numbers(nonrecurring decimals) form the set of real numbers, denoted by R .Now the reals (both rational and irrational numbers obey the same rules of arithmetic as given below Decimals which end in recurring 9s sometimes arise as alternative representations for terminating decimals. For example 1 0. 9 0.9999 and 1.35 1.34 9 1.3499999 This may seem strange , but it is important to realize this representation is a matter of definition. We wish to allow the decimal 0.999 to represent a number x so x must be less than or equal to 1 and greater than each of the numbers 0.9,0.99,0.999,0.9999, . The only rational with these properties is 1. Laws of Arithmetic in R Addition Multiplication A1 If a, b R, then a bR M1 If a, b R, ab R closure A2 If a R, then a0 0a a M2 If a R, then a 1 1 a a identity A3 If a R , then there is a M3 If a R 0, then there is a number 1 a 1 R such that inverses a a a 1 a 1 a 1 . number a R such that a a a a 0 A4 If a, b, c R ,then (a+b )+c= a+(b+c) M4 If a, b, c R , then associativity (a b) c a (b c) A5 If a, b R , then ab ba M5 If a, b R , then ab b a D. If a, b, c R ,then a (b c) a b a c commutativity distributivity Note1 R 0means all the real numbers except zero. Note 2 Why is (1) (1) 1? Answer because of the distributive law. Now If a, b, c R ,then a (b c) a b a c This holds for all real numbers including the integers. In particular if a=-1,b=1 and c=-1 then by the distributive law 1 (1 (1)) (( 1) 1) (( 1) (1)) (1) (( 1) (1)) . 0 Add one to each side and we get 1 1 (1) (( 1) (1)) 1 0 (( 1) (1)) Hence (1) (1) 1 must be true for the distributive law to hold and this is why (1) (1) 1 . Note 3 It can be proved that real numbers satisfy the laws of arithmetic that is he terminating and recurring decimals(the rationals )and the non-recurring decimals (the irrationals both satisfy the laws of arithmetic that is 2 makes sense(even though they both need an infinite number of decimals to represent them. Exercise Order 17 / 20 and 45/53 by (i) taking a common denominator and (ii) by finding their decimal representation. Summary In summary you should remember that the real number system consists of rational 301 numbers e.g. (which are the only numbers we compute with) and irrational 199 numbers e.g. 2 which cannot be computed exactly since they require an infinite number of decimal points. However mathematicians proved that you could approximate an irrational number to any degree of accuracy that you wished and so from a practical point could be compute with them just like rational numbers. Thus the fears of the Ancient Greeks of using irrational numbers were unfounded. When the real numbers are expressed in decimals the difference between rational and irrational numbers are clearly shown as follows Rational numbers will either be finite that is a finite number of decimal points 17 19 0.86363636363 e,g, 2.125 or have a recurring number of decimal points e.g. 8 22 Irrational numbers will always have an infinite number of decimal places with no recurring pattern and so cannot be stored exactly on a computer. e.g. 2 1.41421356 infinite no. of decimals with no pattern and 3.14159265 infinite no. of decimals with no pattern. The advantage of expressing real numbers in decimal form is that you can see immediately which of two numbers is the greater.