Subadditive measures on N and the convergence of series with positive terms T. Šalát – T. Visnyai In this my talk we shall study the convergence of series with positive terms in connection with a submeasure on P N and full classes S P N . The starting – point of our consideration is the following observation of the work Estrada – Kanwal, [3] : let a k 1 series with positive terms. If for each A N with d A 0 we have a kA a k 1 k k k be a , then . This result is formulated in a stronger form in the work [6]. There it is shown, that in last result the function d can be replaced by the function u (uniform density). Consequently, if series with positive terms convergences for each n A where A is set of null uniform density then it convergences on N. In the proof of this assertion we use the fact that uniform density of a set A N is a compact submeasure. We also show that the upper Alexanders density is a compact submeasure and the class of all sets A N with h A 0 is a full class. We recall the concept of asymptotic, uniform and upper Alexanders densities, further the concept of submeasures and full classes. Let A N . Denote by Am 1, m n, m 0 , n N the number of elements of the set A m 1, m n . Then the numbers d A lim inf n A1, n A1, n and d A lim sup are n n n called the lower and upper asymptotic density of the set A N , respectively. If d A d A d A , then d A is said to be the asymptotic density of the set A N . Further we put n lim inf Am 1, m n, n lim sup Am 1, m n . It can be shown m that there exist u A lim n m n n , u A lim n n n (the lower and upper uniform density of the set A N , cf. [1] ). It can be easily seen that 1 u A d A d A u A . 1 We recall the concept of a submeasure on P N 2 N . A function m : P N 0, is said to be a compact submeasure on P N provided that m satisfies the following four conditions: A B m A mB i ii iii iv m A B m A mB , (cf. [5]). for each n N we have mn 0 for each 0 there exists a decomposition N A1 A2 ... As of N such that mA j for each j 1,2,...s . Theorem A. Paštéka 1990. Let m be a compact submeasure on P N and a k 1 If for each A N with m A 0 we have k a series with positive terms. ak , then kA a k 1 k . The upper asymptotic density d is a compact submeasure on P N . Therefore as a consequence of Theorem A we obtain the following result. Theorem B. Estrada – Kanwal 1986. Let a k 1 k be a series with positive terms. If for each A N with d A 0 we have a kA k , then a k 1 k . Main results The natural question arises whether the function d can be replaced in Theorem B. by the function u . The following theorem give positive answer to this question. Theorem 1. Let a k 1 k be a series with positive terms. If for each A N with u A 0 we have ak , then kA 2 a k 1 k . Proof. It can be easily cheeked that u is a compact submeasure. Especially if 0 then we choose an m N such that m 1 . Then N 0 1 ... m 1 is the desired decomposition of N in the definition of the compact submeasure. c In what follows we assume cn 0, n N and h A lim sup n 1 sn n ck A k and h A lim inf n k 1 and A is the characteristic function of A. 1 sn n 1 n . If A N , n c k where k k 1 we put s n c1 ... cn , n N A The h A denotes upper, the h A lower Alexanders density of the set A N . If h A h A h A , then h A is said to be the Alexanders density of the set A N . Taking c n 1, c n 1 , (n 1,2,...) the function h n will mean upper asymptotic density d , the upper logarithmic density , respectively. Theorem 2. Let c n 0 n 1,2,..., c n 1 n . Suppose that Var c c n c n 1 . n 1 Then h is a compact submeasure. Finally, we recall the concept of a full class. A class S P N is said to be a full class if the following conditions are satisfied: 1) N S 2) if A S and B A , then B S 3) if t n 1 t n 1 n n is a series with positive terms and t nA . 3 n for each set A S , then A trivial example of a full class is P N . Further the class d0 of all A N with d A 0 is a full class (see Theorem B.) an analogous statement holds for the class u0 of all A N with u A 0 (see Theorem 1.). Note that u0 d0 according to 1 . It can be shown that this inclusion is strict ( Example: put A n! 1, n! 2,..., n! n ). n 1 Theorem 3. If sequence cn 1 have a bounded variation, c n 0 n 1,2,..., c n 1 n , then class h0 A N , h A 0 is a full. Rerences. [1] Alexander,R. : Density and multiplicative structure of sets of integers. Acta Arithm. XII. (1967), 321 – 329. [2] Mačaj, M. – Mišík, L. – Šalát, T. – Tomanová, J.: On class of densities of sets of positive integers. AMUC LXXII. (2003), 213 – 221. [3] Estrada, R. – Kanwal, R.P.: Series that converge on sets of null density, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 97 (1986), 682 – 686. [4] Paštéka, M.: Convergence of series and submeasures of the set of positive integers, Math. Slov. 40 (1990), 273 – 278. [5] Sember, J.J.- Freedman, A. R.: On summing sequences of 0’s and 1’s, Rockey Mountain J. Math. 11 (1981), 419 – 425. [6] Šalát, T. – Visnyai, T.: Subadditive measures on N and the convergence of series with positive terms, Acta Mathematica 6 (2003), 43 – 52. 4