Lesson Plans Monday, April 15th Genece S. Porter Area of Instruction Lesson Gym/Breakfast/Restroom Fantastic Five/ Mental Math/Review Homework/ Teacher-Directed Math/Guided/ Independent Practice/Small Group/Closure/ Homework assigned 5-4.3 Classify shapes as congruent. 5-1.1 Analyze information to solve increasingly more sophisticated problems. 5-1.2 Construct arguments that lead to conclusions about general mathematical properties and relationships. TSW unpack and complete their respective day’s Fantastic Five. At 7:45, TCW go over the Fantastic Five. Early finishers will complete their Enrichment Folders. Congruent figures have corresponding sides and corresponding angles. Congruent figures have the same shape and size. (Page 322) Have students read the paragraph. Discuss the corresponding sides and angles in Examples A and B. What if triangle DEF were facing the opposite direction? What could you do that would help determine which sides and angles correspond to triangle ABC? (Trace triangle DEF, cut it out, and then turn it to face the same direction as triangle ABC.) Have students focus on Example B. Since all the angles in both quadrilaterals have the same measure, I should use corresponding sides to find the corresponding angles. How does knowing the corresponding sides help you to find the corresponding angles? (I can see that an angle is the vertex between two sides, so I can look for the corresponding sides in the other rectangle. The angle that is formed by the vertices of these sides is the corresponding angle.) (Page 323) Direct students’ attention to the wallet-size photo on the page. How could you verify that two walletsize photos are the same size? (Use a ruler to measure and compare the lengths of the sides.) How could you determine that two photos are congruent? (Identify the corresponding sides and angles, then measure the sides and angles. If the corresponding sides are congruent and the corresponding angles are congruent, then the photos are congruent.) Focus students’ attention on the Hands On Activity. How did you know how long the sides of each triangle should be? (I measured the lengths of each side in both triangles.) Guided/Independent Practice pgs. 322-325 5-1.4 Homework-Worksheet on Identifying congruent figures. Generate descriptions and mathematical statements about relationships between and among classes of objects. 5-1.6 Generalize connections between new mathematical ideas and related concepts and subjects that have been previously considered. Recess Activity Lunch Play and socialize unless it is raining, then TSW play Math Games and socialize in the classroom. Arts-TCW go to Activity, and the students will take turns going to the restroom TCW go to lunch, and the students will take turns going to the restroom Pack up/dismiss Lesson Plans Tuesday April 16th Lesson Area of Instruction Gym/Breakfast/Restroom Fantastic Five/ Mental Math/Review Homework/TeacherDirected Math/Guided/ Independent Practice/Small Group/Closure/ Homework assigned TSW unpack and complete their respective day’s Fantastic Five. At 7:45, TCW go over the Fantastic Five. Early finishers will complete their Enrichment Folders. A transformation changes the position of a figure. Materials: geoboards, red and blue rubber bands Engage and Explore 5-4.5 Predict the results of multiple transformations on a geometric shape when combinations of translations, reflections, and rotation are used. 5-1.1 Analyze information to solve increasingly more sophisticated problems. 5-1.3 Explain and justify answers based on mathematical properties, structures, and relationships. 5-1.4 Generate descriptions and mathematical statements about relationships between and among classes of objects. 5-1.6 Generalize connections between new mathematical ideas and related concepts Have pairs of students form a geometric shape using the left half of the geoboard with a red rubber band. Use a rubber band to separate the two halves of the geoboard. Ask: How can you show a reflection of your figure using blue rubber bands? Students should make the reflection using blue rubber bands. Explain How did you create a reflection of the figure you created? (I counted the number of pegs used on each side of my figures and made sure that each corresponding side of my reflected figure had the same number of pegs.) How would your figure in blue be different if it were a translation rather than a reflection? (While the left side of the red figures is the right side of the blue figure, the left side of the red figure would be the left side of the new figure.) Elaborate and Evaluate Have students represent transformations and rotations of their original figures using blue rubber bands. (Page 334) Have students read the introduction. Direst students to focus on the Examples. What do all transformations of the puzzle piece have in common? (The position of each original puzzle piece has changed, but the size and shape of the puzzle piece remains the same, so, the original puzzle piece is congruent toe the changes one.) Explain how the arrows, dashed line, and point can help you identify each transformation. (In a translation, the straight arrow shows that the figure moves along in a straight line. In a reflection, the dashed line shows the line that the figure flips over. In a rotation, the curves arrow shows that the figure turns around the point.) Suppose you have a two-color counter. The red side is facing up. In which transformations will the red side continue to face up? In which transformation will the and subjects that have been previously considered. 5-1.7 Use flexibility in mathematical representation. yellow side be face up? (The red side will stay face up in a translation and in a rotation. The yellow side will be face up in the reflection because the counter flips over a line.) (Page 334) Have the students focus on the Hands On Activity. When a figure is translated, how does the movement affect each point on the figure? (Each point moves the same distance in the same direction.) (Page 335) Have students focus on the Hands On Activity. Ask students to look at the figures in B. Explain how you would describe the counterclockwise rotation of the original figure. (It is a 270° counterclockwise rotation. Each quarter turn is 90°, and the figure made 3 quarter turns.) Ask students to look at the green and white figures. If only the green and white figures were shown, what transformations would you have predicted that each figure was moved? (For A, rotate 180°, reflect it over a horizontal line, then translate it to the right; for B, reflect it over the same horizontal lines then rotate counterclockwise 90°.) Guided/Independent Practice pgs. 334-337 Homework-Worksheet on Identifying, describing, and predicting multiple transformations. Recess Activity Lunch Pack up/dismiss Play and socialize unless it is raining, then TSW play Math Games and socialize in the classroom. Library-TCW go to Activity and the students will take turns going to the restroom TCW go to lunch and the students will take turns going to the restroom Dismiss Lesson Plans Wednesday April 17th Area of Instruction Lesson Gym/Breakfast/Restroom TSW unpack and complete their respective day’s Fantastic Five/ Mental Math/Review Homework/TeacherDirected Math/Guided/ Independent Practice/Small Group/Closure/ Homework assigned Fantastic Five. At 7:45, TCW go over the Fantastic Five. Early Finishers will complete their Enrichment Folders. By isolating transformations in a series and identifying them one-by-one, students can often describe a pattern that is difficult to recognize. Materials: grid paper, pencil, straightedge, tracing paper (Page 338) Hands on Activity-A geometric pattern 5-3.1 can be a series of repeating geometric figures that Represent numeric, create a design. Patterns can include a variety of algebraic, and different figures and different types of geometric patterns transformations. You can make one type of pattern in words, symbols, by using the following steps. algebraic (A) Trace the triangle. Draw a vertical line of expressions, and reflection along the right side of the figure. algebraic equations. (B) Reflect the figure over the vertical line. Sketch the new figure. 5-1.4 (C) Draw a new vertical line of reflection. Generate Reflect the figure again. Sketch the new descriptions and figure. mathematical (D) Repeat the pattern five more times. Sketch statements about each new figure. relationships What is the difference between a reflection and a between and among translation? Use the triangle in the pattern to classes of objects. explain. (In a reflection, the figure flips over a line of reflection to create a mirror image of the original 5-1.6 figure. In a translation, the figure moves to a new Generalize position along a straight line without changing connections orientation.) between new Reflect the triangle in Step B over its base. What mathematical ideas pattern could you create by repeatedly reflecting this and related concepts quadrilateral across a vertical line on the right-hand and subjects that side of the figure? (The pattern would be a have been sequence of squares, the top half of which is shown previously in Step D.) considered. Is it possible to use different transformations to create the same pattern? (Yes, For example, a 5-1.7 square can be rotated, reflected, and translated with Use flexibility in the same result.) mathematical If you continued the pattern, predict whether the 12th representations. and 13th triangles would be connected by a line or a vertex. (The triangles would be connected by a point; even number triangles are connected to the next triangle by a vertex.) Guided/Independent Practice pgs. 338-339 Homework-Worksheet on Using transformations to create and extend geometric patterns. Recess Play and socialize unless it is raining, then TSW play Math Games and socialize in the classroom. Arts-TCW go to Activity and the students will take turns going to the restroom TCW go to lunch and the students will take turns going to the restroom Activity Lunch Pack up/Dismiss Lesson Plans Thursday April 18th Lesson Area of Instruction Gym/Breakfast/Restroom Fantastic Five/Mental Math/Review Homework/TeacherDirected Math/Guided/ Independent Practice/Small Group/Closure/ Homework assigned TSW unpack and complete their respective day’s Fantastic Five. At 7:45, TCW go over the Fantastic Five. Early finishers will complete their Enrichment Folders. To find the rule for the pattern, consider characteristics such as shape and color separately. Look for repeating sequences; when you think you’ve found one, circle it, then compare it to the sequence that follows. 5-3.1 In finding the basic repeating unit in a Represent numeric, pattern, ask: At what point does the entire algebraic, and pattern start all over again? geometric patterns Point out that some patterns can be in words, symbols, generated in different ways. Both rotations algebraic and reflections of certain symmetric figures expressions, and can produce the same figure in the same algebraic equations. orientation. (Page 340) Have students read the Problem. 5-1.4 What changes do you see in the individual squares Generate of the rug pattern? (The colors of the triangles descriptions and mathematical statements about relationships between and among classes of objects. change position from one square to the next, rotating clockwise around the square in the center.) What creates the pattern in Examples A and B? (In Example A, a change in size creates a pattern as the number of dots in the squares increases. In 5-1.6 Example B, the change in shape creates a pattern Generalize as the number of sides of the figure increases.) connections How can you relate the geometric patterns in A between new and B to numeric patterns? (You can let the 1st mathematical ideas figure represent 1, the 2nd 2, and so on for the and related concepts input. For A, the output is the number of circles in and subjects that each figure (1, 4, 9, 16). For B, the output is the have been number of sides in each polygon (3, 4, 5, 6, 7). previously considered. Guided/Independent Practice Pgs. 340-341 5-1.7 Homework-Worksheet on Identifying and Use flexibility in describing geometric patterns. mathematical representations. Recess Play and socialize unless it is raining, then TSW play Math Games and socialize in the classroom. PE-TCW go to Activity and students will take turns going to the restroom TCW go to lunch and the students will take turns going to the restroom. Activity Lunch Pack up/dismiss Lesson Plans Friday April 19th Area of Instruction Fantastic Five/Mental Math/Review Homework/TeacherDirected Math/Guided/ Independent Practice/Small Group/Closure/ Homework Assigned Lesson Gym/Breakfast/Restroom TSW unpack and complete their respective day’s Fantastic Five. At 7:45, TCW go over the Fantastic Five. Early finishers will complete their Enrichment Folders. The number of lines of symmetry for a regular polygon is equal to its number of sides. The rotational symmetry of a figure may be specified by describing the angle of rotation, 5-4.6 or fraction of a turn, that the figure must be Analyze shapes to rotated before it looks exactly the same as determine line the original figure. symmetry and/or (Page 344) After reviewing the Activity, ask: rotational symmetry How could you use the same technique of writing your name and folding the paper to show a vertical 5-1.2 line of symmetry? (Fold the paper, and then write Construct your name to the left of the crease. Fold the paper arguments that lead along the vertical crease and make the reflection.) to conclusions about How many lines of symmetry are in an equilateral general triangle? (3) a square? (4) a regular hexagon? mathematical (6) properties and Formulate a general rule for finding the number of relationships. lines of symmetry in a regular polygon. (The number of lines of symmetry in a regular polygon 5-1.3 is the same as the number of sides.) Explain and justify List some capitalized letters that have line answers based on symmetry. (A, B, C, D, E, H, I, M, O, T, U, V, W, mathematical X, Y) properties, (Page 345) Direct students’ attention to the structures, and rotational symmetry Activity. Compare and relationships. contrast rotational symmetry and a rotation performed during a transformation. (In both cases, the figure is rotated around a point. In rotational symmetry, the figure is rotated around its center 5-1.6 point. A rotation performed during a Generalize transformation is rotated around a point that may connections be inside or outside of the figure.) between new Explain why a figure must be rotated less than mathematical ideas 360° to determine if it has rotational symmetry. and related concepts (All figures will be the same after being rotated and subjects that 360°.) have been Will all regular polygons have rotational previously symmetry? (Yes.) considered. After reviewing Example 2, ask: How could you determine the degree of rotational symmetry for 5-1.7 the pinwheel without using a protractor to measure Use flexibility in the degree of rotation? (Since there are 6 equal mathematical turns, divide the entire 360° rotation by 6 to find representation. that the figure is rotated 60° each turn.) Determine whether a regular pentagon has rotational symmetry. What if you want to find the angle measures of each turn? (You can rotate the figure to see that a regular pentagon has 72°, rotational symmetry.) Guided/Independent Practice pgs. 344-347 Homework-Worksheet on Identifying line symmetry and rotational symmetry. Recess Activity Lunch Pack up/Dismiss Play and socialize unless it is raining, then TSW play Math Games and socialize in the classroom. Library-TCW go to Activity and the students will take turns going to the restroom TCW go to lunch, and the students will take turns going to the restroom