Application for Exchange Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement Deadline Date for Student Priority Placement: 12/15/10 Application Deadline Date: 02/12/11 Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement received by WSU ___________(date) Student’s Full Name CWID# SS# DOB An NSE Application for Exchange is not considered complete until a Parent/Guardian Acknowledge form is completed and returned to the NSE Program Office at WSU. Name of Institution Tuition Payment Plan Plan A=You pay in-state/resident tuition/fees to your host campus. Plan B=You pay your normal tuition/fees to your home campus A or B (Prefer – A or B) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A only A only A only A only A only B only B only B only B only B only FOR INDEPENDENT STUDENT In lieu of parent/guardian acknowledgement, I have attached proof of personal independence. Furthermore, I have read and understand the contents of this form (pages 1 - 3). Signature Date FOR PARENT/GUARDIAN OF DEPENDENT STUDENT I hereby acknowledge that my son/daughter has informed me of their Application for Exchange. Student applicants are required to read the NSE Directory of Exchange Opportunities containing eligibility requirements, policies and procedures. Parents are referred to the NSE web site at (link to Student Information for details). Student applicants are advised of meeting on campus at which time university officials provide students with advisement on preparation for exchange. It is the responsibility of the student to attend scheduled meetings and to follow through as advised by university officials. Furthermore, I hereby acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the contents of this form (pages 1 - 3). Legal Name of Parent/Guardian Signature Date RETURN THIS FORM TO: NSE Parent Guardian Acknowledgement 3 online Rev: 08/10 Westfield State University International Programs Office Attn: Cynthia Siegler, Director Parenzo 130 (Lobby) 577 Western Avenue Westfield, MA 01086-1630 413 572 8819 (phone) 413 572 8967 (fax) 1 of 3 Application for Exchange Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement Definition of Dependent vs. Independent Student - while many students think of themselves as INDEPENDENT because they have their own house or apartment, file their own taxes, or receive little or no support from parents, the United States Department of Education has a rigid set of criteria for defining an INDEPENDENT student. Regardless of how much support a student actually receives from a parent/guardian, s/he is still considered a DEPENDENT student unless: The student is twenty one years of age or older at the time of application; or The student is married; or The student has a child or other dependent who receives more than half their support from the student and who also lives with the student; or The student is enrolled as a graduate or professional student; or The student is a qualified veteran of the U.S. Military (not on active duty); or The student is an orphan or ward of the court or was a ward of the court until age 18. If none of the above INDEPENDENT student criteria are met, the student is considered DEPENDENT. An INDEPENDENT student must submit a personally signed Acknowledge form and proof of personal independence (as inferred above). National Student Exchange (NSE) is a Westfield State University sanctioned program designed to provide students with the opportunity to study at other U.S. colleges and universities in the NSE network, without having to pay the high cost of out-of-state tuition. NSE participation is a privilege, not a right. While the Westfield NSE coordinator will make the final determination regarding student eligibility, listed below are the minimal requirements for NSE participation. All of these requirements are applicable at the time of application and in effect during the term prior to exchange: full-time enrollment at Westfield State University, minimum home campus cumulative grade point average of 2.5 (4.0 scale), good academic standing as defined by Westfield State University, no incomplete grades from pervious terms, no current or pending probationary status due to academic dishonesty or misconduct, no current or pending probationary or disciplinary action for violation of codes of student conduct, no outstanding financial obligations to Westfield State University. Student must not be on probation, parole, or have any pending legal judgments. The student Application for Exchange and/or exchange placement is automatically revoked if/when a student’s eligibility is compromised. Application acceptance is subject to receipt of a completed Application for Exchange packet at the NSE Program Office @ WSU. A completed Application packet includes: 1-NSE Application for Exchange, 1Application Fee paid ($150.00 CASH); 1-Program of Study Statement, 2-References (1-Academic Advisor, 1Other), 1-Unofficial Student Transcript, 1-Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement, and 1-Personal Interview. NSE Parent Guardian Acknowledgement 3 online Rev: 08/10 2 of 3 Application for Exchange Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement Once an NSE placement offer is extended, a student must accept or decline the offer in writing. Upon acceptance, the placement is secured and the student is expected to engage in full-time study at the host campus for the full exchange term unless academic, financial or personal circumstances compel a student to cancel. A student who declines the initial NSE placement offer may or may not receive additional offers from other host campuses. Tuition and related fees are paid in one of two ways. 1) Under NSE Plan A, students pay in-state tuition/fees to the host school. 2) Under NSE Plan B, students pay tuition/fees to the home school as usual. Under Plan A & B, student room & board charges are paid to the service providers. Applicants for exchange seeking student financial aid, apply directly to the school that will receive their tuition payment. Plan A students apply to the host school. Plan B students apply to WSU and should contact Student Administrative Services, x8542 for information. To be eligible for financial aid, students must comply with all policies, procedures and eligibility requirements. Campuses that award federally funded aid require students to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). A completed FAFSA identifies the home school and all potential exchange schools and must be postmarked by 03/01/11. Financial aid award checks usually arrive at the home school in mid-October. If a refund is due, students receive a University check mailed to their permanent address. Refunds may be applied toward student expenses while on exchange. Be advised, however, that some host school bills may come due before student award checks arrive. Students are referred to the NSE web site for host school billing schedules and information on line at Students on exchange remain registered, degree-seeking students and, accordingly, they are subject both home and host school rules and regulations. As such, exchange privileges may be revoked by either school when academic or personal conduct leads to probationary status or student judicial action. Academic Course Registration - in order to be sure that courses taken at the host campus will count toward the student’s degree from WSU, the student is expected to complete a WSU Advising Agreement before registering for academic courses at the exchange campus. Completion of this Agreement is the student’s responsibility. WSU does not accept or assume this responsibility for the student. Host campus communication - after an exchange placement offer is formally accepted, NSE host campus coordinators provide information and instructions to each student who has accepted their exchange offer. Students are expected to read and comply with all instructions and deadlines as required by the host campus. Before contacting the NSE host campus coordinator, students are encouraged to direct their questions to Westfield’s NSE coordinator. If further information is necessary, WSU will provide the student an appropriate host campus referral. Liability - Westfield State University is not liable for accidents or injuries a student may sustain in transit to and from the host school or during a student’s exchange term. Students are advised to take all necessary steps to ensure that they have adequate health and accident insurance for their personal protection. Following each term of exchange, a student transcript containing all credit hours and grades earned on exchange will be sent by the host campus to the Westfield State University Registrar. NSE Parent Guardian Acknowledgement 3 online Rev: 08/10 3 of 3