Title of Unit Curriculum Area Developed By Exponents & Polynomials Algebra I Lauren McCloskey Grade Level Time Frame 7/8 2-3 weeks Identify Desired Results (Stage 1) Content Standards A-APR.1. Understand that polynomials form a system analogous to the integers, namely, they are closed under the operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication; add, subtract, and multiply polynomials. N-RN. 1.Explain how the definition of the meaning of rational exponents follows from extending the properties of integer exponents to those values, allowing for a notation for radicals in terms of rational exponents. 2.Rewrite expressions involving radicals and rational exponents using the properties of exponents. Understandings Essential Questions Overarching Understanding Overarching Students will understand the rules of exponents (zero and negative exponents and operations using exponents) and why they work the way they do. Students will understand how exponents can be valuable in representing situations mathematically. Students will be able to perform operations between polynomials (addition, subtraction, and multiplication) and understand that they must be common denominators. Students will recognize special products of binomials through patterns. Related Misconceptions Students often confuse the different rules of exponents when simplifying expressions. Students often combine “unlike terms” when dealing with polynomials. Students will struggle to FOIL two binomials together, forgetting all of the pieces. Students will struggle to fully simplify when dealing with exponents and polynomials. Students may struggle to recognize when a situation is exponential. Knowledge How can we use exponents to represent real world situations? How can we use patterns to determine rules in math? How can you communicate your mathematical thinking about patterns clearly? Topical How do the rules of exponents help us to combine exponential expressions with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division? How do we use our mathematical knowledge of multiplication when dealing with polynomials? How do you deal with combining polynomials with addition or subtraction? Objectives Skills Students will know… Students will be able to… Students Students Students Students Students product. Students will be able to simplify expressions with negative and zero exponents. Students will be able to perform operations between expressions with exponents. Students will be able to perform operations between polynomials (adding, subtracting, multiplying) will will will will will know know know know know what a negative and zero exponent means. what a polynomial is. the rules of simplifying polynomials. what a polynomial looks like. when multiplying two binomials together results in a special Assessment Evidence (Stage 2) Performance Task Description Goal Role Audience Situation Product/Performance Standards Assess students knowledge of exponent operations and polynomial operations. Chapter 7 Quiz & Test Koponen (mentor) and McCloskey (intern) One class period. In the usual classroom. Completed test. Listed above under Content Standards. Other Evidence Homework quizzes, exit slips, clicker responses, discussions, and group work Learning Plan (Stage 3) Day in Unit Lesson Topic 1 (7-3) Exponent Rules 2-3 Exponential Units 4 (7-1) Integer Lesson Learning Objective Description of how lesson contributes to unit-level objectives Assessment activities Students use patterns to determine the rules of exponents. Students work on their own to write out the repeated multiplication that creates an exponential expression to determine the rules of combining exponential expressions in multiplication, power to a power, and a group to a power. Students practice their volume, surface area, area, and perimeter skills and apply them with monomials expressions as the lengths, widths, and heights of shapes Measuring the room and finding p, a, sa, v. using monomial dimensions finding p, a. day 2 finding sa, v using monomial dimensions Students create an exponential function by looking at patterns Students will first see exponential expressions and start towards being able to simplify exponent expressions Students will share ideas about rules with their tables, check their answers to see if they understand and are able to apply (self-assessment) Students will use exponential units in measuring the classroom in a variety of ways and will see the repeated multiplication of exponents at work in the real world Students will demonstrate their knowledge on practice problems that teacher will see while monitoring Students will complete the water spill lab and will understand what an Students will demonstrate understanding during group work, Exponents Students use patterns to understand simplifying zero exponents and negative exponents 5 (7-4) Division of Exponents 6-8 Summing up Exponent Rules, Review & Quiz (7-5) Polynomials Students understand the division rules of exponent expressions and are able to apply these to simplify Students will write out exponents as repeated multiplication in order to see what exponential expression division looks like Students put all the rules together and simplify exponential expressions that include use of a variety of rules 9 10 (7-6) Adding and Subtracting Functions Students define polynomials and are able to identify them based on the number of terms and degree Students see adding and subtracting functions, review combining like terms exponential situation looks like in real life. Students will understand why zero and negative exponents simplify as they do and be able to apply this knowledge to simplify exponential expressions with zero and negative exponents Students will continue to work on understanding all the rules of exponential expressions and work on applying them when simplifying completion of lab, class discussion, and performance on the homework quiz the following day Students will be able to simplify any exponential expression with integer exponents and use the operations of exponents appropriately. Students will be able to complete problems on their mixed review worksheet and respond as appropriate to the models done in class Students will be able to recognize different types of polynomials so that they can understand them and work towards being able to perform operations on them. Students practice operations with polynomials, review combining like terms with addition and subtraction, look at adding together functions as well as expressions Students will correctly identify polynomials and define them on their homework assignment Students will demonstrate understanding on their lab, as well as in checking their homework in class the next day. Students will contribute to class discussion about adding together functions. Students will be able to combine like terms on their homework assignment. 11& 12 (7-7) Multiplying Students use Algebra Tiles to understand multiplying binomials together 13 (7-8) Special Products Students work through a lab to create rules for the special products of multiplying binomials 14&15 Review and Test Students are able to perform multiplication on polynomials (monomials and binomials) and combine this with the other operations they have looked at Students are able to recognize situations of special products and use their knowledge to multiply these special cases without FOILing Students will demonstrate understanding of why they are FOILing on the lab and be able to apply their knowledge on the homework Students will demonstrate understanding on the lab and in class discussion, as well as on their homework assignment