
Anne Ruiz-Gazen
Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse and Gremaq, Université Toulouse I, France
Nathalie Villa
Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, Université Toulouse III, France
Abstract: The aim of this study is to compare two supervised classification methods on a
crucial meteorological problem. The data consist of satellite measurements of cloud systems
which are to be classified either in convective or non convective systems. Convective cloud
systems correspond to lightning and detecting such systems is of main importance for
thunderstorm monitoring and warning. Because the problem is highly unbalanced, we
consider specific performance criteria and different strategies. This case study can be used
in an advanced course of data mining in order to illustrate the use of logistic regression and
random forest on a real data set with unbalanced classes.
I. Description of the data set
Predicting storms is a high challenge for the French
meteorological group Météo France: often, storms are
sudden phenomena that can cause high damages and
lead to stop some human activities. In particular,
airports have to be closed during a storm and planes
have to be taken out of their way to land elsewhere:
this needs to be planed in order to avoid airports'
overbooking or security difficulties. To reach this goal,
Météo France uses satellites that keep a watch on the
clouds that stand on France; these clouds are named
“systems” and several measurements are known about
them: some are temperatures, others are morphological
measurements (volume, height, ...). Moreover, a “storm
network”, based on measurements made on earth, can
be used to identify, a posteriori, systems that have led
to storms. Then, a training database has been built: it
contains both satellite measurements and information
coming from the storm network for each considered
The working dataset was divided into two sets in a
natural way: the first set corresponds to cloud systems
observed between June and August 2004 while the
second set corresponds to systems observed during the
same months in 2005. So, the 11 803 observations
made in 2004 are used to build a training sample and
the 20 998 observations made in 2005 are used as a test
sample. All the cloud systems are described by 41
numerical variables built from satellite measurements
(see the Appendix for details) and by their nature
(convective or not). Moreover, the values of the
variables have been recorded at 3 distinct moments: all
the systems have been observed during at least 30
minutes and a satellite observation is made each 15
minutes. The convective systems variables have been
recorded 30 minutes and 15 minutes before the first
recorded lightning and at the first lightning moment. A
30 minutes period also leading to three different
moments has been randomly sampled by Météo France
in the trajectories of the non convective systems. A
preprocessing that will not be detailed further has been
applied to the data in order to clean them up from
highly correlated variables and from outliers.
The goal of this paper is to present two statistical
approaches in order to discriminate the convective
systems (clouds that lead to a storm) from the non
convective ones: a logistic regression is compared to a
random forest algorithm. The main point of this study
is that the data set is extremely unbalanced: convective
systems represent only 4% of the whole database;
therefore, the consequences of such unbalancing and
the strategies developed to overcome it are discussed.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section I
describes the database. Then, Section II presents the
methods and performance criteria that are suitable in
this problem. Section III gives some details about the R
programs that we used and Section IV presents the
results of the study and discusses them.
The reader can find the observations made in 2004 in
the file train.csv and the observations made in
2005 in the file test.csv. The first line of these files
contains the names of the variable and the last column
(“cv”) indicates the nature of the data: 1 is set for
“convective” and 0 for “non convective”. The same
data can also be found in the R file
For the rest of the paper, we will denote X the random
vector of the p  41 satellite measurements and
Y  0,1 the variable that has to be predicted from
X (i.e. if the system is convective or not).
As most of the observed systems are non convective,
the database is extremely unbalanced: in the training
set, 4.06% of the systems are convective and in the test
set, only 2.98% of the systems are convective. This
very few number of convective systems leads to the
problem of training a model from data having a very
few number of observations in the class of interest.
II. Methods
The models that will be developed further lead to
estimate the probability P(Y  1 X ) . The estimate of
this conditional probability will be denoted
by Pˆ (Y  1 X ) . Usually, given these estimates, an
observation is classified in class 1 if its estimated
probability satisfies
Pˆ (Y  1 X )  0.5 .
Unbalanced data set
When the estimation of P(Y  1 X ) has been deduced
from an unbalanced data set, the methodology
described above could lead to poor performance results
(see, for instance, Dupret and Koda (2001), Liu et al.
(2006)). Several simple strategies are commonly
proposed to overcome this difficulty.
The first approach consists in re-balancing the dataset.
Liu et al. (2006) explore several re-balancing schemes
both based on downsampling and on oversampling.
Their experiments seem to show that downsampling is
a better strategy. Thus, the training set has been rebalanced by keeping all the observations belonging to
the minority class (convective systems) and by
randomly sampling (without replacement) a given
(smaller than the original) number of observations from
the majority class (non convective systems). Moreover,
as suggested by Dupret and Koda (2001), the optimal
re-balancing strategy is not necessarily to downsample
the minority class at the same level as the majority
class. A previous mining of the dataset (see Section IV,
A) leads to choose a downsampling rate equal to:
# Convective / # Non Convective = 0.2.
The sampled database that was used for training the
The second approach to treat the problem of
unbalanced database is to deduce the final decision
from the choice of a threshold  . In equation (1), the
threshold is set to 0.5 but, as emphasized for example
in Lemmens and Croux (2006), this choice is generally
not optimal in the case of unbalanced datasets. Then,
the distribution of the estimates Pˆ (Y  1 X ) is studied
for all the observations of the training and test samples
and the evolution of the performance criterion as a
function of the threshold is drawn in order to propose
several solutions for the final decision function. This
final decision can be adapted to the goal to achieve,
making the balance between a good level of
recognition for the convective systems and a low level
of false alarms.
Description of the methods
We propose to investigate two classification methods
for the discrimination of convective systems: the
logistic regression and the more recent random forest
method. These two approaches have been chosen for
their complementary properties: logistic regression is a
well-known and simple model based on a generalized
linear model. On the contrary, random forest is a non
linear and non parametric model combining two recent
learning methods: the classification trees and the
bagging algorithm. Among all the recent advances in
statistical learning, classification trees have the
advantage of being very easy to understand, which is
an important feature for communication. Combined
with a bagging scheme, the generalization ability of
such a method has been proven to be very interesting.
In the following, we present more deeply the two
Logistic regression
“Logistic regression” is a classification parametric
model: a linear model is performed to estimate the
probability of an observation to belong to a particular
class. Using the notations introduced previously, the
probability P(Y  1 X ) by using the following linear
relation and the maximum likelihood estimation
ln( P(Y  1 | X) (1 - P(Y  1 | X)))   i 1  j X j (2)
with  and  j , j  1,..., p ,
estimated. A “step by step” iterative algorithm allows
to compare a model based on p ' of the p original
variables to any of its sub-model (with one less
variable) and to any of its top-model (with one more
variable): non significant variables are dropped from
the following model and relevant ones are added
leading to a final model containing a minimal set of
relevant variables. This algorithm is performed by the
function stepAIC from the R library “MASS” and leads
to a logistic regression R object denoted by
This object can be used for prediction by looking at$coefficients which gives the name of the
variables used in the final model and their
corresponding coefficient  . The Intercep is simply the
coefficient  of the model. Using the estimators and
computing the model equation for a new system gives a
predicted value S that can be transformed into a
probability to be convective by:
Pˆ  exp( S ) (1  exp( S )) .
Random Forest
“Random Forest” is a classification or regression tool
that has been developed recently (Breiman, 2001). It is
a combination of tree predictors such that each tree is
built independently from the others. The method is
easy to understand and has proven its efficiency as a
nonlinear tool. Let us describe it more precisely. A
classification tree is defined iteratively by a division
criterion (node) obtained from one of the variables, x j ,
which leads to the construction of two subsets in the
training sample: one subset contains the observations i
that satisfy the condition
xij  T
while the other
subset contains the observations i that satisfy
xij  T
( T is a real number which is defined by the
algorithm). The choices of the variable and of the
threshold T are automatically built by the algorithm in
order to minimize a heterogeneity criterion (the
purpose is to obtain two subsets that are the most
homogeneous as possible in term of their values of Y ).
The growth of the tree is stopped when all the subsets
obtained have homogeneous values of Y . But, despite
its intuitive form, a single classification tree is often
not a very accurate classification function. Thus,
Random Forests are an improvement of this
classification technique by aggregating several underefficient classification trees using a “bagging'”
procedure: at each step of the algorithm, several
observations and several variables are randomly chosen
and a classification tree is built from this new data set.
The final classification decision is obtained by a
majority vote law on all the classification trees (and we
can also deduce an estimation of the probability of each
class by calculating the proportion of each decision on
all the classification trees). When the number of trees is
large enough, the generalization ability of this
algorithm is good. This can be illustrated by the
representation of the “out of bag” error which tends to
stabilize to a low value: for each observation, the
predicted values of the trees that have not been built
using this observation, are calculated. These
predictions are said “out of bag” because they are
based on classifiers (trees) for which the considered
observation was not selected by the bagging scheme.
Then, by a majority vote law, a classification “out of
bag” is obtained and compared to the real class of the
Figure 1. “Out of bag” error for the training of
random forest on the sample train.sample.
Figure 1 illustrates the convergence of the random
forest algorithm: it depicts the evolution of the out-ofbag error as a function of the number of trees that was
used (for the sample data train.sample). We can
see that, up to about 300 trees, the error stabilizes
which indicates that the obtained random forest has
reached its optimal classification error.
Performance criteria
For a given threshold  (see section II A), the
performance of a learning method can be measured by
a confusion matrix which gives a cross-classification of
the predicted class (Pred) by the true class (True). In
this matrix, the number of hits is the number of
observed convective systems that are predicted as
convective, the number of false alarms is the number
of observed non convective systems that are predicted
as convective, the number of misses is the number of
observed convective systems that are predicted as non
convective and the number of correct rejections is the
number of observed non convective systems that are
predicted as non convective.
Usual performance criteria (see for instance, Hand,
1997) are the sensitivity (Se) which is the number of
hits over the number of convective systems and the
specificity (Sp) which is the number of correct
rejections over the number of non convective systems.
The well known ROC (receiver operating
characteristic) curve plots the sensitivity on the vertical
axis against (1 – specificity) on the horizontal axis for
a range of threshold values. But in this unbalanced
problem, such criteria and curves are not of interest. To
illustrate the problem, let us consider the following
small example which is not very different from our
data set (Table 1).
These performance measures can be calculated for any
threshold  so that curves can be plotted as will be
illustrated in section IV. Note that for a threshold near 0
and because the dataset is unbalanced, the number of
hits and the number of misses are expected to be low
compared with the number of false alarms and so the
FAR is expected to be near 1 and the TS near 0. When
the threshold increases, we expect a decrease of the
FAR while the TS will increase until a certain threshold
value. For high value of threshold, if the number of
misses increases, the TS will decrease with the
threshold, leading to a value near 0 when the threshold
is near 1. These different points will be illustrated in
section IV.
# hits
# false
# misses
# correct
Table 1
For this example, the sensitivity Se=100% and the
specificity Sp  95% are very high but these good
performances are not really satisfactory from the point
of view of Météo France. Actually, when looking at the
1000 detected convective systems, only 500 correspond
to true convective systems while the other 500
correspond to false alarms; this high rate of false
alarms is unacceptable practically as it can lead to close
airports for wrong reasons too often.
III. Programs
All the programs have been written using R software1.
Useful information about R programming can be found
in R Development Core Team (2005). The programs
are divided into several steps:
a pre-processing step where a sampled
database is built. This step is performed via
the function rebalance.R which allows 2
inputs, train, which is the data frame of the
original training database (file train.csv)
and trainr which is the ratio (# Convective
/ # Non Convective) to be found after the
sampling scheme. The output of this function
is a data frame taking into account the ratio
trainr by keeping all the convective
systems found in train and by
downsampling (without replacement) the non
convective systems of train. An example of
train_sample.csv for a sampling ratio
of 0.2.
a training step where the training sampled
databases are used to train a logistic
regression and a random forest.
More generally, because of the unbalanced problem,
the number of correct rejections is likely to be very
high and so, all the usual performance criteria that take
into account the number of correct rejections are likely
to give overoptimistic results. So, in this paper, the
focus will not be on the ROC curve but rather on the
following two performance scores:
the false alarm rate (FAR):
FAR= # false alarms /(# hits + # false alarms)
We want a FAR as close to 0 as possible. Note that
in the small example, FAR = 50% which is not a
good result.
the threat score (TS):
TS= # hits /(# hits + # false alarms + # misses)
We want a TS as close to 1 as possible. In the
small example, the value of TS=50% which is also
not very good.
The logistic regression is performed with a
step by step variables selection which leads to
find the most relevant variables for this model.
The function used is LogisReg.R and uses
the library “MASS” provided with R
programs. It needs 3 inputs: train.sample
is the sampled data frame, train is the
train.sample has been built and test is
the test data frame (June to August 2005). It
provides the trained model (
and also the probability estimates Pˆ (Y  1 X )
for the databases train.sample, train
and test, denoted respectively by,
prob.train.sample, prob.train and
1 Freely available at
The random forest is performed by the
function RF.R which uses the library
“randomForest”2. This function has the same
inputs and outputs as RegLogis.R but the
selected model is named forest.opt. It
also plots the out-of-bag error of the method
as a function of the number of trees trained:
this plot can help to control if the chosen
number of trees is large enough for obtaining
a stabilized error rate.
case where no sampling is made is compared to the
case where a sampling with rate 0.2 is pre-processed,
for the logistic regression. In RandomForest.R, the
probability estimates obtained for the re-sampled
training set train.sample by the use of
forest.opt are compared to the out-of-bag
probability estimates. These programs together with the
R functions described above are provided to the reader
with the data sets.
a post-processing step where the performance
parameters are calculated. The function
perform.R has 7 inputs: the probability
estimates calculated during the training step
and prob.test), the value of the variable of
interest (convective or not) for the three
databases and a given value for the threshold,
 , which is named T.opt. By the use of the
libraries “stats” and “ROCR”3, the function
calculates the confusion matrix for the 3
databases together with the TS and FAR
scores associated to the chosen threshold and
the Area Under the Curve (AUC) ROC.
Moreover, several graphics are built:
IV. Results and discussion
the estimated densities for the probability
estimates, both for the convective systems
and the non convective systems;
the histograms of the probability
estimates both for convective and non
convective systems for 3 sets of values
([0,0.2], [0.2,0.5] and [0.5,1]);
the graphics of TS and FAR as a function
of the threshold together with the
graphics of TS versus FAR where the
chosen threshold is emphasized as a dot;
the ROC curve.
The previous programs have been used on the training
and test databases. In this section, we present some of
the results obtained in the study. In particular, we focus
on the unbalanced problem and on the comparison
between logistic regression and random forest
according to different criteria.
Balancing the database
In this section, we consider the logistic regression
method and propose to compare the results for different
sampling rates in the non convective training database.
First, let us consider the original training database
containing all the recorded non convective systems
from June to August 2004. A stepwise logistic
regression is carried out on this training database as
detailed in the previous section (program RegLogis)
and predicted probabilities are calculated for the
training and for the test databases. As already
mentioned, once the predicted probabilities were
calculated, the classification decision depends on the
choice of a threshold  which is crucial.
A last function, TsFarComp.R creates
graphics that compare the respective TS and
FAR for two different models. The input
parameters of this function are: two series of
probability estimates (prob.test.1 and
prob.test.2), the respective values of the
variable of interest (conv.test1 and
conv.test2) and a chosen threshold
(T.opt). The outputs of this function are the
graphics of TS versus FAR for both series of
probability estimates where the chosen
threshold is emphasized as a dot.
RandomForest.R describe a complete procedure
where all these functions are used. In Logis.R the
Figure 2. Densities of the predicted probabilities of
the test set for logistic regression trained on train .
Figure 2 plots kernel density estimates of the predicted
probabilities for the non convective (plain line) and the
convective (dotted line) cloud systems for the test
database using the train set for training. The two
densities look very different with a clear mode for the
2 L. Breiman and A. Cutler, available at
3 T. Sing, O. Sander, N. Beerenwinkel and T.
Lengauer, available at
non convective systems near 0. This could appear as an
encouraging result. However, results are not very good
when looking at the FAR and TS.
Figure 4. FAR as a function of TS for the test set for
logistic regression trained with train (green) or
train.sample (red) with 500 discretization points.
Figure 3. FAR as a function of TS for logistic
regression for the training set (green) and the test set
(red) using the training set train.
Figure 3 plots the FAR as a function of TS for different
threshold values from 0 to 1 for the training database
(in green) and for the test database (in red). As
expected (see section II), for low values of the
threshold which correspond to high values of the FAR,
the FAR decreases when the TS increases. On the
contrary, for low values of the FAR (which are the
interesting ones), the FAR increases when TS
increases. As a consequence, the threshold associated
with the extreme point on the right of the figure is of
interest only if it corresponds to an admissible FAR. On
Figure 3, such a particular threshold is associated with
a FAR ≈ 20% and a TS ≈ 35% for the training database
(which is not too bad). But it leads to a FAR ≈ 40% and
a TS ≈ 30% for the test database. A FAR of 40% is
clearly too high according to Météo France objective
but, unfortunately, in order to obtain a FAR of 20%, we
should accept a lower TS (≈ 20%).
When looking at Figure 4, the TS/FAR curves look
very similar. When sampling, there is no loss in terms
of FAR and TS but there is no benefit either. In other
words, if a threshold 1  [0,1] is fixed when taking
into account all the non convective systems in the
training database,  1 corresponds to some FAR and
TS; it is always possible to find a threshold  2 leading
to the same FAR and TS for the test database when
training on the sampled database. So, the main
advantage of sampling is that because the training data
base is much smaller, the classification procedure is
much faster (especially the stepwise logistic
regression) for similar performance.
Let us now compare the previous results with the ones
obtained when considering a sample of the non
convective systems. Focus is on the test database only.
The sampling rate is taken such that the number of non
convective systems is equal to five times the number of
convective systems (sampling ratio = 0.2).
Figure 5. Densities of the probability estimates of the
test set for logistic regression trained on
train.sample .
Figure 5 gives the density of the predicted probabilities
for the non convective (plain line) and the convective
(dotted line) cloud systems for the test database using
the train.sample set for training. Comparing
Figures 2 and 5 is not informative because although
they are quite different, they correspond to very similar
performances in terms of the TS and the FAR.
convective and non convective systems (black and
green curves).
Note that further analysis shows that the sampling ratio
0.2 seems a good compromise when considering
computational speed and performance. Actually, the
performance in terms of the FAR and the TS is almost
identical when considering larger sampling rates while
the performance decreases a bit for more balanced
training databases. As illustrated by Figure 6 which
gives a comparison of FAR/TS curves for a sampling
ratio of 0.2 and 1, the performance criteria are a little
bit worse when the training database is completely
rebalanced. Also note that, for the random forest
algorithm, very similar results were obtained and thus
will not be detailed further.
Figure 7. Densities of the probability estimates for
both random forest and logistic regression on the
training set.
The probability estimates for the random forest method
are given for “out-of-bag” values (green) and for direct
estimation from the final model (black).
This phenomenon is better explained when looking at
the respective ROC curves obtained for random forest
from the probability estimates calculated from the
whole model and those calculated by the out-of-bag
scheme (Figure 8).
Figure 6. FAR as a function of TS for logistic
regression on train.sample (red) and on a
training sample with a trainr = 1 (re-balanced)
with 500 discretization points.
Random forest versus logistic regression
Here, as explained in the previous section, we focus on
the sampled database train.sample for which the
sampling ratio (0.2) appears to be a good choice for
both logistic regression and random forest. We now
intend to compare the two methodologies and explain
their advantages and drawbacks.
Let us first focus on the comparison of the densities of
the probability estimates obtained by both models.
Figures 7 and 9 illustrate this comparison for the
training (train.sample) and the test sets. The first
salient thing is the difference between direct
calculation of the probability estimates for the random
forest model and the out-of-bag calculation for the
training set: Figure 7 shows distinct densities, both for
Figure 8. ROC curves for Random Forest for the
training set built from the probability estimates
directly calculated by the use of the chosen model
(black) and from the out-of-bag probability estimates
This figure shows that the ROC curve built from the
direct calculation of the probability estimates (black) is
almost perfect whereas the one obtained from the “outof-bag” probability estimates is much worse. This
illustrates well that random forests overfit the training
set, giving an almost perfect prediction for its
observations. As a consequence, the probability
densities built directly from the training set (black in
Figure 7) have to be interpreted with care: although
they seem to look better than the logistic regression
ones, they could be misleading about the respective
performances of the two models.
Figure 10. FAR as a function of TS for the test set
(500 discretization points).
These conclusions give the idea that the two sets of
densities can be simply re-scaled one from the other
(approximately). Figure 11 explains in details what
happens: in this figure, the density of the probability
estimates for the logistic regression is estimated, as in
Figure 7, but the densities for the random forest
method have been re-scaled.
Figure 9. Densities of the probability estimates on the
test set for random forest and logistic regression.
Moreover, looking at Figure 9, logistic regression
seems to better discriminate the two families of
probability estimates (for convective systems and non
convective systems) than the random forest method for
the test set. But, this conclusion should also be taken
with care, due to possible scaling differences.
To provide a fairer comparison, the graph of FAR
versus TS is given in Figure 10 for both random forest
(black) and logistic regression (red). The first remark
from this graphic is that the performances of both
models are rather poor: for a FAR of 30%, which
seems to be a maximum for Météo France, the optimal
TS is about 25-30% only.
Focusing on the comparison between random forest
and logistic regression, things are not as easy as the
comparison of probability densities (Figure 9) could
leave to believe. Actually, the optimal model strongly
depends on the objectives: for a low FAR (between 1520%), the optimal model (that has the highest TS) is
logistic regression. But if higher FAR is allowed (2030%), then random forest should be used for
Figure 11. Rescaled probability densities for the test
set (details about its definition are given in the text).
More precisely, these probability estimates have been
transformed by the following function:
if x  0.5
 x
 ( x)   x
1 -  x (1  x) if x  0.5
where  x  2(1  0.6) x  0.6 and
 x  2(1  103 )(1  x)  103 .
Clearly, this simple transformation does not affect the
classification ability of the method (the ranking of the
probabilities is not modified) and shows that random
forest and logistic regression have very close ability to
discriminate the two populations of clouds. Moreover,
a single rank test (paired Kendall test) proves that the
ranking of the two methods are strongly similar, with a
p-value of this test is less than 1E-15.
V. Conclusion
Several conclusions can be driven from this study: the
first one is that unbalanced data lead to specific
problems. As was proven in this paper, results obtained
with this kind of data should be taken with care. Usual
misclassification errors may be irrelevant in this
situation: ROC curves can lead to overoptimistic
interpretations while comparison of predicted
probability densities can lead to misunderstanding. In
this study, where a low false alarm rate is one of the
main objectives, curves of FAR versus TS are
particularly interesting for interpretation and
Another interesting aspect of this study is the
surprisingly comparable results of the simple logistic
regression compared to the popular and more recently
developed random forest method. Hand (2006) already
argued that the most recent classification methods may
not improve the results over standard methods. He
points out the fact that, especially in the case of
mislabellings in the database, the gain made by recent
and sophisticated statistical methods can be marginal.
Both, the way the database has been built (by merging
satellites sources and storm network records) and the
poor performance results obtained with several
classification methods, tend to suspect mislabellings.
As the logistic regression is a faster method than the
random forest and because it leads to simple
interpretation of the explanatory variables, it can be of
interest for meteorologists.
Finally, to better analyse the performances of the
proposed methods, more information could be added to
the database. For instance, a storm proximity index
could indicate if false positive systems are closer to a
storm than true positive ones.
We would like to thank Thibault Laurent and Houcine
Zaghdoudi for cleaning the original database and
helping us in the practical aspects of this study. We are
also grateful to Yann Guillou and Frédéric Autones,
engineers at Météo France, Toulouse, for giving us the
opportunity to work on this project and for providing
the databases.
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environment for statistical computing. R Foundation
for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria.
Correspondence: (Anne Ruiz-Gazen) and (Nathalie Villa)
Appendix: variables definition
In this section, we describe the explanatory variables
that were collected by satellite in order to explain
storms. In the following, T will design the instant of the
storm (for convective systems) or the last sampled
instant (for non convective systems).  t will be the
difference of time between two consecutive records (15
Morphological variables
Qgp95BT.0.30 are 95% quantiles of the
gradients (degrees per kilometer) at the basis
of the cloud tower at T, T-  t and T-2  t.
Qgp95BT.0.15.30 are the change rates
Qgp95BT.0.15 and Qgp95BT.0.30
(calculated at the preprocessing stage, from
the original variable).
Gsp95ST.0.15.30 are the change rates
between the 95% quantile of the gradients
(degrees per kilometer) at the top of the cloud
tower between T and T-  t and between T-  t
and T-2  t (calculated, as a pre-processing,
from the original variables).
VtproT.0.0 is the volume of the cloud at T.
VtproT.0.0.15 and VtproT.0.15.30
are the change rates of the volumes of the
cloud between T and T-  t and between T-  t
T-2  t (calculated, as a preprocessing, from the original variables).
RdaBT.0.30 are the “aspect ratios” (ratio
between the largest axis and the smallest axis
of the ellipse that models the cloud) at T, T t and T-2  t.
RdaBT.0.0.15 and RdaBT.0.15.30 are
the change rates of the aspect ratio between T
and T-  t and between T-  t and T-2  t
(calculated, at the preprocessing stage, from
the original variables).
SBT.0.0 and SBT.0.30 are the surfaces of
the basis of the cloud tower at T and T-2  t.
SBT.0.0.15 and SBT.0.15.30 are the
change rates of the surfaces of the basis of the
cloud tower between T and T-  t and between
T-  t and T-2  t (calculated, at the
preprocessing stage, from the original
SST.0.0, SST.0.15 and SST.0.30 are
the surfaces of the top of the cloud tower at T,
T-  t and T-2  t.
SST.0.0.15 and SST.0.15.30 are the
change rates of the surfaces of the top of the
cloud tower between T and T-  t and between
T-  t and T-2  t (calculated, at the
preprocessing stage, from the original
Temperature variables
TsBT.0.0 is the threshold temperature at T
recorded at the basis of the cloud tower.
toTmoyBT.0.0 is the mean rate of variation
of the mean temperature between T and T-  t
at the basis of the cloud tower.
Tmin.0.30 is the minimal temperature at
T-2  t recorded at the top of the cloud tower.
toTmin.0.30 are the minimal temperatures
at T recorded at the top of the cloud tower
(toTmin.0.0) or the mean rate of variation
of the minimal temperature between T and T t (toTmin.0.15) or between T-  t and
T-2  t (toTmin.0.30) recorded at the top
of the tower of the cloud.
stTmoyTminBT.0.15 are the differences
between the mean temperature at the basis of
the cloud tower and the minimal temperature
at the top of the cloud tower at T
(stTmoyTminBT.0.0) or at
T-  t
stTmoyTminST.0.30 are the differences
between mean temperature and the minimal
temperature at the top of the cloud tower at T
T-  t
(stTmoyTminST.0.15) or at T-2  t
stTsTmoyBT.0.0, stTsTmoyBT.0.15
and stTsTmoyBT.0.30 are the differences
between the mean temperature and the
threshold temperature at the basis of the cloud
tower at T (stTsTmoyBT.0.0), at T-  t
T-2  t
stTsTmoyST.0.0, stTsTmoyST.0.15
and stTsTmoyST.0.30 are the differences
between the mean temperature at the top of
the cloud tower and the threshold temperature
at the basis of the cloud tower at T
T-  t
T-2  t
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