ALGEBRAIC FRACTALS-FRACTAL VARIETIES by Florin Colceag The main technical part in understanding how various structures will form more complex structures in a fractal way but preserving in the same time the main patterns starts with elementary geometry. From simple to complex structures several properties will be transmitted and other properties will enrich the new structural stages. A feedback contains vertexes and vectors. Vertexes are structures that are formed in a symmetric way by two sets of generators, any two elements of the first set generating a new element of the second set. Vectors are transformations of the support space, for example authomorphisms of the projective space (See Cellular automata algebraic fractals). WE will see in this paper how several vectors involved in an algebraic fractal’s feedback cycle will enrich the information contained in knots. The first step in describing fractal varieties is to see how a transformation moves one structure into a different but isomorphic structure. Let’s take a triangular structure ABC. Any vertex will oppose to a side. For example vertex “A” will oppose the side “a”. Any two vertexes will generate a unique side any two sides will generate a unique vertex. For a tetrahedral structure, any three plans will generate a unique vertex; any three vertexes will generate a unique plan. In order to have this generation several conditions will be required: For the triangular generation, vertexes have to be not collinear, for the tetrahedral structure, vertexes have to be not coplanar. If on a triangular structure we apply an inversion we will obtain three circles with their radical axes. We will replace lines and points with circles and radical axes (lines, common cords with intersection points). Any two circles will determine a unique radical axe; any two radical axes with intersection points will determine a unique circle. Here also we have a condition regarding points on radical axes that have to be co cyclic. If staring from this new structure we change circles with conics we obtain a similar structure describing another transformation, the polar transformation that acted on the triangular structure pattern. Rotations will need two steps to generate triangular structures. The first step is the passage from triangle with points and lines to three concurrent lines and angles. Any two lines determine a unique angle and two angles will determine a unique line. By delimiting these lines we will obtain segments with a common point. A 60 degrees rotation will generate three equilateral triangles with a common point, and three pairs of equal segments. These equilateral triangles and these pairs of segments will replace points and lines. More spectacular will be the dictionary of transformations for tetrahedral structures. The easiest example will be a triangle with orthocentrum. Each of these four points will be orthocentrum for the triangle generated by the other four points. In general case we can take a triangle with a point that is not on any side or vertex of the triangle, and Ceva theorem in a projective space perspective given by the anarmonic rapport. This structure will correspond with a plan projection of the tetrahedral structure. Considering the triangle with orthocentrum and inversion transformation we will obtain three circles with equal radiuses and a common point. These circles will intersect each other in three different points. The circle passing through these three points has an equal radius with the other three circles. Inversion transformation will preserve the 1 history of the first triangular structure. If ABC is a triangle and H is the intersection of its altitudes (orthocentrum), that ABC, ABH, ACH, BCH circles have equal radiuses. The structure of circles and points will be isomorphic with the structure of points and lines of the tetrahedron. Any three points will generate a unique circle; any three circles will generate a unique point (See Figure 1). The same phenomena of preserving the previous structure after a transformation will be found by applying another transformation, the rotation with 60 degrees. The structure obtained by rotating a tetrahedral structure will be more complex, because of the complex relationship of rotations with the group of symmetries (See Figure 2) 2 In this figure the first referential given by HA, HB, HC rotated with 60 degrees will give HAA’, HBB’, and HCC’ three equilateral triangles. These triangles will be in a generating position with another three set of triangles LIH, HJP, and PKL. This second group will generate OPR. The first group will generate UST. Triangles HAA’, HBB’, HCC’, and UST are associated with three circles with a common point H that intersect each other in three new point U, S, and T. We see that the first two sets of triangles HAA’, HBB’, HCC’ and LIH, HJP, and PKL are in a triangular relationship, each two triangles from one set generating one triangle from the other set. The relationship is not completely symmetrical regarding the fourth triangle of any set, because tetrahedral structures projected in the plane, doesn’t correlate well with rotations that is a specific plane transformation. For the plane problem we can notice the same property, the new structure preserved the history of a previous transformation, the inversion. The two different and symmetrical structures involved in the problem are described in Figure 3 As we can notice in the Part A we start from two concurrent segments rotated with 60 degrees. And obtain an equilateral triangle with vertexes on new-formed segments (red segments). The first three segments can be randomly selected by angles and sizes. Part B will contain a different structure symmetrical with part A. This time we have a triangle covered on the exterior with three equilateral triangles. What we will obtain will be three concurrent lines intersecting each other in 60 degrees angles. Randomly selected will be the middle triangle, and consequently randomly obtained will be the sizes of the three concurrent lines. The figure is symmetrical in part A and B, concurrent lines transforming in sides of a triangle, and triangles with a common vertex transforming in triangles covering a central triangle. All triangles are equilateral excepting the middle triangle from part B. Imposing the condition that circles circumscribed to covering triangles will have equal radiuses this last triangle will become equilateral too. 3 Rotation transformation will include the transformation of part B specific for inversion into part A specific for 60 degree rotation, preserving the history of the previous chain of transformations, but loosing the first one from the triangle with orthocentrum into a structure formed by four circles. For 120 degrees rotations we can find a similar phenomena, this time using a different angle (See figure 4). We will also notice the existence of three segments with a common end that is rotated this time with 120 degrees (See Figure 4 part A) These tree triangles will generate a new set of triangles in the interior of three equilateral triangles, with a similar shape (see Figure 4 part B). We can notice in the part B the existence of three equilateral triangles covering a random triangle, a trace from a previous transformation, 60 degrees rotation. We can see also the structure of two sets of three triangles, each two triangles from the first set generating an unique triangle from the second set, following the pattern of generation already described in other examples. We can see also “the trace” of the first space. In fact each problem already described is part of the system of axioms that characterize one kind of space. If instead of lines and points we have triangles as characterized in 60 degrees rotation example, we have another kind of projective space with these elements. One transformation of this space transported the structure of generators into a new space that is generated by 60 degrees rotations as described in the last example. This transformation preserves “the trace of the previous space in the structure of generators 4 The list of examples is not complete. This list of examples describe a phenomena, doesn’t create a dictionary. The list can be extremely large if we will consider all kinds of transformations involved in the formation of algebraic fractals feedback cycles. . We will notice that feedback cycles will contain two kinds of sequences of transformations: symmetry- inversion-rotation-inversion-inversion-rotation, and symmetry-inversion rotation-symmetry inversion rotation. The unique exception is symmetry-symmetry-rotation-symmetry-inversion rotation corresponding to a feedback cycle characterizing a symmetry that can be associated with polar transformation. These feedback cycles have to be assessed separately in order to see which kinds of structures will transport in knots, how each structure will be defined regarding the previous structure, and what kind of invariants can we find for the entire feedback. For structures presented behind anarmonic rapport is such an invariant. All figures described before can be characterized using this invariant. By preserving the “history” of previous steps we will obtain an increasing phenomena leading to more complex structure to the last step of the feedback cycle. This last step will associate point and lines with new structures, possible connecting classes of points and lines organized using internal rules with the previous points and lines. These kinds of phenomena are common in algebraic geometry. The second step of description for fractal varieties will contain the dictionary of transformations of knots’ structures using all possibilities involved by feedback cycles created using the authomorphisms of the projective space. These structures will reveal a more complex structure of information that describes feedback cycles behavior in various spaces generated by two sets of elements able to generate each other. From the modeling perspective this increasing complexity will lead to a model of complexity for the real life. In order to arrive to a new structure in the algebraic fractal we need to compose various transformations characterizing one space with transformations characterizing the previous space. Each system of generators will 5 characterize a different space with similar configuration. Each space will have the same kind of transformations that can be characterized as inversions, rotations, and symmetries. Composing one transformation from one space with the next transformation from the space generated by the first transformation applied on the first space, and using a feedback characterized by the algebraic fractal, will lead us to a higher level of complexity. We will not return to the first transformation because algebraic fractals don’t respect group structure, developing as a variety. Composed transformations characterizing various spaces involved in this kind of feedback cycles containing spaces in knots and transformations in vectors, will give a very sophisticated formula of transformation containing in its internal structure all the history of the feedback cycle. These formulas can be associated with phenomena in physics. These physical phenomena will represent objects able to generate other physical objects (fields) in a similar pattern with the feedback cycle pattern. Even if technical details for the entire description of these phenomena are not yet described, this direction seems to lead to a correct and complex modeling possibility for complexity including life. Other researches and theoretical approaches will identify easier ways to deal with this complexity by finding and describing invariants of the entire structure. The fractal kind structure that will be obtained by using this procedure is more complex. Each space obtained by applying a transformation on a different space starting from its group of transformations will transport the entire set of axioms of the first space to the next space. Examples given here describe how generating axioms are transported, creating a new version of projective space with different objects. If the first space will have a specific metric, it will be also transported using the transformation creating commutative diagrams. The new space will have the same metric if it is originated from the group of authomorphisms generated by the metric of the first space. If we use other transformations from a different group, the metric will change creating a new set of spaces with a different metric or with various metrics. These spaces will be varieties and will describe families. The main mathematical object originated from the projective space will be a more complex algebraic fractal, a fractal varieties theory. All this complex structure will describe more complex objects, but will preserve several characteristics as invariants. Among these characteristics are: feedback cycles, projective kinds relationships among generators of the space, history preservation in the internal structure of these generators, and of specific transformations describing the way in which they had been obtained. All these characteristics are common for physics, chemistry, biology, and sociology description and modeling phenomena. 6