SIMULATION OF VIBROACOUSTIC PROBLEM USING COUPLED FE / FE FORMULATION AND MODAL ANALYSIS ALIA Ahlem Laboratoire de Mécanique de Lille Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille 1, Boulevard Paul Langevin, Cité Scientifique 59655 Lille, France ABSTRACT Vibroacoustic consists of the interaction between elastic and acoustic waves. This interaction causes the acoustic pressure to exert a force to the structure and the structural motion produces an effective fluid load. Hence, studying vibroacoustic problems requires that both elastic structure and fluid to be modeled. In this paper, a simple vibroacoustic problem is modeled by a coupled FE/FE modal analysis method in which a lumped mass representation is considered. The numerical results are represented for an elastic plate backed cavity. In this method, the coupling system is projected on some structural modes in vacuum and some rigid cavity modes. The obtained system is put in a diagonal form by solving left and right eigenvalues problem. Some results are presented to illustrate the effect of the modal analysis and the lumped mass formulation. Some numerical results were compared to analytical solutions. I. INTRODUCTION Actually, the design of comfortable products such as vehicles, aircraft, machinery… draws attention to engineers because noise constitutes one of the important indicators of their quality. It is desirable to reduce and control products noise at the design process in order to minimize the costs. Hence, using noise prediction methods is very attractive in the design process since they provide accurate information about structural–acoustic performance. Analytical techniques can be only used for solving a very simple class of vibroacoustic problems under very restrictive hypothesis. For real and more complex systems, numerical methods are often indispensable. This class of method is based on the computer hardware and software environments. Today, the growing advance of the modeling of noise and vibration has been furthered by the recent development of fast computers. The actual powerful machines allow solving more and more complex problems without spend excessive time. In the other hand, the development of the visualization tools of the software environment helps the interpretation of results and makes easier to create and solve models. Many numerical methods have been developed to simulate the vibroacoustic problems. Each one can be used according to the domain of interest. FE formulation has been commonly used for predicting the vibroacoustic behavior of complex systems. Since the spatial FE increment is dimensioned to the wavelength, typically six nodes per wavelength, this limits its application for only low frequency range. In addition, when the problem size gets bigger, FE discretized coupled problem becomes very large. In this situation, to being computationally efficient, modal coupling analysis constitutes a very convenient alternative [1]. Sometimes, modal techniques are not sufficient for dynamic analysis of complex structures. In fact, consistent mass matrix formulation, which has non zero-off diagonal terms, involves large number of DOF and consequently requires higher computational effort. Using diagonal lumped mass formulations reduces the computational time and simplifies the program coding [2]. To be accurate, the mass representation must preserve the total mass in the element. The BEM is a numerical method based on a Boundary Integral Equations (BIE) form of the governing equations of the field in a given domain to solve the boundary value problems. The name of Boundary Element Method (BEM) appeared in the late 70’s in an attempt to make analogy with the FEM. FEM has provided solutions for a wide range of engineering problems. To this day, it remains the dominant method of computational engineering analysis. However, in recent years the BEM is used in many technological fields, particularly, in many problems of radiation and diffusion in acoustics. It is employed in automobile industry to reduce the engines noise, in audio industry to optimize the loudspeakers, microphones…etc. However, its practical application, limited for some range of domains, is relatively recent, not as well known as FEM which came first, and therefore, received the most research attention. Comparing to the FEM, the important advantage of the BEM is the discretization. While in FEM the complete domain has to be discretized, the BEM discretization is restricted to the boundary [3]. Therefore for a given problem, BEM generates a smaller full matrix than FEM, which its system is characteristically sparse. Consequently, to solve matrices of the same size, FEM requires less time and memory than BEM. Although BEM model has fewer elements than the FEM one, it doesn’t mean that FEM results in a higher computational efficiency. The BEM, which satisfies implicitly the Somerfeld radiation condition, addressed the difficulty of the modeling of the open boundary problems by the FEM in which absorbing boundary conditions must be used. In fact, FEM is conventionally limited to interior problems whereas BEM is considered as the best method for the analysis of unbounded problems since they are treated in the same way as interior problems without any additional effort. Another feature of this method is its employment for certain class of Partial Differential Equations (PDE) (here the Helmholtz equation) having fundamental solutions, for instance, the Green’s functions “G” in acoustics which are analytically the free space solutions under the action of a point source [3]. However, this feature is regarded by many as a drawback in the BEM because treatment of complex problems requires the knowledge, a priori, of suitable fundamental solutions. Besides, singularities in the BIE arise from the use of the singular fundamental solutions [3]. Both FE and BE acoustics formulations can be successfully coupled to FE structure formulation in order to model a vibroacoustic problem in the frequency domain. The purpose of the present paper is to model the vibroacoustic behavior of an acoustic cavity with one flexible wall boundary using FEM. Both modal analysis and lumped mass representation are applied. It is shown that such techniques lead to satisfactory results as long as the used frequency is relatively low. In the same manner, we can write the governing elastic wave motion: (3) ij s 2ui f i ( s ) x j where is the stress, s is the structure density, ui is the displacement in the ith direction and fi is the mechanical load. We consider that the surface (f) is rigid, so: (4) p At the interface fluid–structure (sf), the continuity of the normal displacement and the stress gives: p f 2u .n ( sf ) n ij n j pni ( sf ) 2 M f p F f N DN d , K c N N d , M N N d , M N N d , B N nN d , s T Ks s s f T 2 f f f f s s s f f (7) f f T s sf where D is a symmetric matrix containing the structural elastic coefficients, N designs the shape function and “n” is the normal direction at the wet surface. Or in a condensed form as: (8) u 2 (K - M ) =F p Structure (s) (sf) (f) III. MODAL ANALYSIS [1] (f) Figure(1): Fluid-structure problem For the time harmonic acoustical pressure P p eit f where Ks is the structural stiffness matrix Ms is the structural mass matrix ( Kf /fc2 ) is the cavity kinetic energy matrix ( Mf /fc2 ) is the fluid compressibility matrix B is the coupling matrix f T Fluid K 2 2 T f c B s T The problem we wish to solve is dealing with the interaction of an elastic structure (s) with an ideal fluid (f) [Figure (1)]. (5) The application of the FEM method to the variationnal formulation yields to the following system: Ks 2M s u Fs B (6) s II. PROBLEM STATEMENT 0 ( s ) n (1) in a compressible and non-viscid fluid, the wave equation reduces to the following Helmholtz equation: (2) p k 2 p 0 ( f ) where p is the pressure amplitude, k=/c is the wave number, c is the sound velocity in the fluid and is the circular frequency of the pressure oscillations. Solving system (6) directly is always hard in term of computational costs because of the great number of DOF and due to the non symmetric character of this system. As motioned above, modal analysis reduces significantly the discretized problem size. In the other hand, it makes possible to diagonalize each block independently. To do this, we solve independently the following generalized eigenvalues problems corresponding , respectively, to the structure in vacuum and to the fluid with stiff boundaries: K s X s s M s X s K f X f f M f X f (9) where s and f are, respectively, the structural and the fluid eigenvalues. Assuming s and f the matrices consisting of the eigenvectors in the structural and the fluid domains respectively, such as: u s 0 s p 0 f f sT M s s I s , sT K s s Ds Mechanical load (a) x y z (10) Tf M f f I f , Tf K f f D f Simply supported elastic plate where Ds and Df are diagonal matrices containing, respectively, the structural and the fluid eigenvalues and s, f represent, respectively, the modal structural displacement and the modal fluid pressure. Hence, the coupling system can be rewritten as follows: Ds 2 I s 2 2 T T c f B s sT B f s sT Fs f D f 2 I f f f F f Rigid wall x (11) The resolution of the last algebraic linear system [equation (11)] for each frequency allows obtaining the modal unknowns s, f and consequently u and p can be deduced from equation (10). Although the system dimension is reduced it stills non symmetric. Therefore, it requires expensive algorithms. Another alternative proposed by Sandberg [1] consists of putting the system matrices in a diagonal form by solving left and right eigenvalues problem. In fact, if we assume that L and R matrices consisting, respectively, of the left and right eigenvectors corresponding to all modes up to 1.5fmax where fmax is the highest frequency of interest, then (12) LKR designs a diagonal matrix containing the eigenvalues of the following coupled problem: (13) KR MR By putting (14) LMR I the initial system becomes u (15) 2 Plate 1 LF (16) So , the solution is obtained by simple matrices multiplication. The most important advantage of this method is that the resonance frequencies and the mode shapes of the coupled system can be deduced, what gives the vibroacoustic behavior of this system in its totality. IV. FEM In this paper, a flexible simply supported plate backed cavity is considered. The plate is subjected to a uniformly distributed harmonic pressure load [Figure(2.a)]. Node 3 (w,x,y) z,w Node 1 (w,x,y) Node 2 (w,x,y) (b) (d.2) (d.3) Cavity (d.4) (c) Figure (2): Cavity–plate interaction a) Coupling problem b) Plate mesh c) Cavity mesh d) DKQ plate element and brick fluid element ns y and consequently, the unknowns are given by: (d.1) x Node 4 (w,x,y) I L p LF u 2 R I p y IV.1. Thin plate The plate is divided into quadrilateral elements [Figure(2.b)]. In this paper, the used Discrete Kirchhoff Quadrilateral (DKQ) plate element [Figure(2.d.1)] is based on thin plate Kirchhoff theory in which the shear deformation is neglected. At each node of this 4 nodded– element correspond three DOF: the normal displacement “w“ and its derivatives corresponding to two rotations x w / y , y w / x at the nodes. The Kirchhoff assumptions must be satisfied along the boundaries of the element. The stiffness matrix of the DKQ element is defined as [4]: (17) K se Bs T D Bs dSe Se where (18) x x Bs y y x y y x with x and y are rotations expressed in an incomplete cubic polynomial form and 0 (19) 1 3 Et 1 12 1 2 0 0 1 / 2 0 When the element is rectangular, using a non complete fourth order polynomial expression allows to define the displacement function as [5]: (20) N PC 1 where C is a 1212 matrix depending on the nodal coordinates and P is given by: P 1 x y x 2 xy y 2 x 3 x 2 y xy 2 y 3 x 3 y xy 3 (21) U u1 w NU x1 y1 u 2 x2 y2 u 3 x3 y3 B N f T N f T case : fig d .2 N s d sf (24) case : fig d .3 N s d sf V. NUMERICAL RESULTS in which E, and t represent, respectively, the Young modulus, the Poisson ratio and the plate thickness. with B u 4 x4 y4 (22) Thus, the consistent mass matrix for a rectangular plate element of a constant thickness “t” becomes: (23) T M se s t C 1 PT PC 1dS e e S Generally, this matrix is populated. For many problems, the lumped mass, which is formed by lumping of mass at the element nodes, is more economical. However, it results in a potential loss of accuracy compared to the consistent mass matrix. Although this, it still be used widely since it results in admissible physical results. There are many methods employed for the construction of the lumped mass matrices. In the typical lumped mass called equal lumped mass [2], only the transnational mass is lumped to the nodes. The mass of an element is preserved by dividing the total mass amongst the diagonal entries of the mass matrix and setting all other entries to zero [6]. This matrix is singular since it has got some pivots equal to zero. Thus, it may not be inverted. In row-sum technique, the lumped mass matrix is constructed by adding the off-diagonal entries in each row to the diagonal entry [5]. A more sophisticated lumped mass is of HZR (Hilton, Rock & Zienkiewicz) diagonalization method [6]. The essential idea is to compute only the diagonal terms of the consistent mass matrix and to lump it by scaling the diagonal entries to preserve the total transnational mass of the element. IV.2. Cavity and cavity-plate interface The element stiffness and mass matrix are computed for 8-node brick isoparametric acoustic element [Figure (2.d.4)]. The fluid domain mesh is shown on figure (2.c). The accuracy of the response analysis is significantly affected by errors in natural frequencies and mode shapes, which are dependent on the quality of both the mass and the stiffness matrices. For this reason, the accuracy of the lumped mass formulation is investigated by computing the natural frequencies of a plate ( 0.2 0.2 ) made of brass with the following properties: Young modulus E=103 GPa, s =8500 kg/m3 and Poisson ratio =0.34. In this paper, the mass is lumped as done in LS-DYNA in which linear interpolations are used [ 7]. The translational masses are computed from the consistent mass matrix by row summing whereas the rotational masses are obtained by scaling the translational mass at the node by the factor V where the V is the element volume. 8t Figure (3) shows that FE results with consistent or lumped mass are in good agreement with analytical natural frequencies [ 8] as long as low frequencies are considered ( 50 modes). Usually, only few structural and acoustic modes are involved in the analysis. For the frequency band of interest, keeping 50 modes for the structure and the fluid seems sufficient. 6000 Analytical Consistent mass Lumped mass 5000 Frequency (Hz) D The element coupling matrix "B" [eq. 7] between 8-node isoparametric acoustic element and a 4-node quadrilateral plate element is calculated as following: 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Mode number Figure(3): Natural frequencies of the structure The natural frequencies of the rigid cavity are shown in figure (4). As in the structure, FEM leads to good results below the 50th mode. 5000 Figure (6.a) and (6.b) represent, respectively, the quadratic displacement of the plate in vacuum and structurecavity coupled system. We notice the weak effect of the cavity on the first plate mode ( a weak shift towards the low frequencies) and the appearance of a new resonance at 854 Hz. Frequency (Hz) Analytical FEM 2500 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Mode number 50 Figure(4): Natural frequencies of the fluid Displacement (dB) Consider a rigid cavity ( 0.2 0.2 0.2 ) with one simply supported flexible plate which is the same as used above. The cavity contains air of density f =1.21 kg/m3 and sound velocity c=343m/s. The plate is subjected to a uniformly distributed harmonic pressure load ( 1psi) . Figure(5.a) represents the numerical pressure at the point situated at (0.1,0.1,0.2). For the frequency band [10,1000] Hz, the three methods lead to practically the same results except for high frequencies. These results are compared to the analytical results [Figure(5.b)] given by Lee et al [9], a good agreement is observed. 0 -50 -100 -150 200 400 600 800 1000 Frequency ( Hz ) 50 40 0 Displacement (dB) 20 20 Pressure ( dB ) 0 -20 -40 Direct FEM Modal FEM with consistent mass Modal FEM with lumped mass -60 -80 1000 Frequency ( Hz) -20 -60 -80 -100 10 -50 -100 -150 -40 -200 Direct FEM Modal FEM with consistent mass Modal FEM with lumped mass 100 200 400 600 800 1000 Frequency (HZ) 1000 -40 Frequency ( Hz ) -60 -80 Displacement (dB) Pressure (dB) 0 -100 -120 -140 -160 -180 -200 200 400 600 800 Freqeuncy ( HZ) Figure (5): Pressure at the point situated at (0.1,0.1,0.2) a) numerically obtained b) given by Lee et al Figure(6): Plate quadratic displacement of the structure a) in vacuum b) in the plate-cavity(air) system c) in the plate-cavity(water) system 1000 The 5th first modes of the plate in the coupled system are shown in figure (6.b). Because of the weak coupling between the plate and the cavity this later does not affect greatly the plate response. If the cavity contains water ( c=1500 m/s, =1000 kg/m3), the coupling becomes strong and consequently the frequency response is totally changed. [ Figure(6.c)].This can be clearly seen in the plate response when it is coupled to a cavity containing water [ Figure(6.c)]. This is because water is a heavy fluid compared to air. V. CONCLUSION A simple vibroacoustic problem is modeled using FE modal analysis and lumped mass formulation. It is shown that this method results in less computational effort. However, the modal analysis would be less efficient if more higher frequency range is to be considered because of the modal truncation in the two subsystems. In order to handle the vibroacoustic behavior for such frequencies, modal corrections need to be used [ 10]. In the FEM, a good representation of the mass is very essential to achieve accurate results. When frequency gets higher, the inertia contribution in FEM becomes important which amplifies any errors made in the lumped mass matrix. REFERENCES [1] Sandberg G., 1995, “ A new strategy for solving fluid–structure problems”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 38, 357-370. [2] Iyer N. R., Palani G. S., Rao T. V. S. R. A., 2003,“ Influence of mass representation schemes on vibration characteristics of structures”, IE (I) Journal AS, 84,19-26. [3] Wu T.W., 2000, “ Boundary element acoustics : Fundamentals and computer codes. Advances in boundary elements “, Witpress, Southampton, Boston [4] Batoz J.L., Ben Tahar M., 1982, “ Evaluation of a new quadrilateral thin plate bending element”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 18, 16551677. [5] Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor R.L., 1989, “ The Finite Element Method “, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, London. 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