
Learning Activities with Conditions, Level B
This example contains the following parts:
1. Narrative user case description
2. UML activity diagram
3. XML Document instance
1. Narrative use case description
Learning Activity Example With Conditions
Provided by
This example is adapted from Hummel et al (2004). EML and LD. IJLT, (1)1, 111-126.
Pedagogy/type of learning
Knowledge dissemination (for IMS Learning Design)
This learning design containing one role, three learning activities and a resource provided in
an environment. The learner can optionally choose to receive extra information to help
him/her to complete the activity. The additional information is revealed in the article provided
as a study resource. The provision of extra help is triggered by the user setting their
preference as a “beginner” in the “Optional Extra Help” activity.
Learning objectives
This unit of learning gives a simple example of the power of conditions provided in Learning
Design Level B.
A single role, “learner” is defined
Different types of learning content used
The example uses HTML files to provide instructions on the learning are included for the
purpose of this demonstration.
Different types of learning services/facilities/tools used
Different types of collaborative activities
Learning activity workflow (how actors/content/services interact)
The learner is provided with three learning activities which are completed sequentially. In the
first learning activity, the user can optionally specify their level of knowledge. This information
is then used in to reveal or hide extra information within the learning object provided in
environment of the second learning activity. The second learning activity asks the student to
read the information provided, and answer two questions related to learning design. The third
activity provides answers.
Other needs/special requirements
2. UML Activity Diagram
3. XML Document Instance
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!--Edited with XMLSPY Home Edition Version 2005 by Owen ONeill, Open University of the Netherlands-->
<manifest xmlns="http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imscp_v1p1"
xmlns:imsld="http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imsld_v1p0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchemainstance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imscp_v1p1
http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imscp_v1p1p3.xsd http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imsld_v1p0
http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/IMS_LD_Level_B.xsd" identifier="learningactivity-example">
<schema>IMS Metadata</schema>
<imsld:learning-design identifier="Course-learningactivity" level="B"
<imsld:title>Learning Activity Example With Conditions</imsld:title>
<imsld:learner identifier="Learner">
<imsld:title>Learner role</imsld:title>
<imsld:locpers-property identifier="P-availability-examples">
<imsld:datatype datatype="boolean"/>
<imsld:learning-activity identifier="Preparation">
<imsld:title>Optional Extra Help</imsld:title>
<imsld:item identifierref="R-Preparation"
<imsld:property-ref ref="P-availabilityexamples" />
<imsld:learning-activity identifier="Assignment-1">
<imsld:title>Assignment - Answer these
<imsld:environment-ref ref="E-study-resources" />
<imsld:item identifierref="R-Assignment-1"
<imsld:learning-activity identifier="Assignment-2">
<imsld:title>Answer solution to the questions</imsld:title>
<imsld:item identifierref="R-Assignment-2"
<imsld:activity-structure identifier="AS-learningactivity" structuretype="selection" number-to-select="2">
<imsld:title>Learning Activities</imsld:title>
<imsld:learning-activity-ref ref="Preparation"/>
<imsld:learning-activity-ref ref="Assignment-1"/>
<imsld:learning-activity-ref ref="Assignment-2"/>
<imsld:environment identifier="E-study-resources">
<imsld:title>Study resources</imsld:title>
<imsld:learning-object identifier="LO-article">
<imsld:item identifierref="R-article" identifier="Iarticle"/>
<imsld:title>learning LD activity</imsld:title>
<imsld:title>Learning about Learning Design</imsld:title>
<imsld:title>Role part learner</imsld:title>
<imsld:role-ref ref="Learner"/>
<imsld:activity-structure-ref ref="ASlearningactivity"/>
<imsld:property-ref ref="P-availability-examples"/>
<imsld:class class="P-availability-examples" />
<imsld:class class="P-availability-examples" />
<resource identifier="R-article" type="imsldcontent" href="article.xml">
<file href="article.xml"/>
<resource identifier="R-Preparation" type="webcontent" href="preparation.html">
<file href="preparation.html"/>
<resource identifier="R-Assignment-1" type="webcontent" href="assignment1.html">
<file href="assignment1.html"/>
<resource identifier="R-Assignment-2" type="webcontent" href="assignment2.html">
<file href="assignment2.html"/>