Lecture 3 Handout Example Proof 1 Prove that the set of all powers of 2 (beginning with 2) is a subset of the set of all even numbers Given: Two sets A and B, A { a | a 2 j , where j Z } B {b | b 2 k , where k Z } Statement Let x be an arbitrary element of A. We can write x 2 j Rewrite as x 2 2 j 1 Again rewrite as x 2 m, where m Z xB Since x is an arbitrary element, all elements of A must be B AB Justification Given Factoring Substitution. 2 is an integer, 2 raised to an integer power is an integer Definition of membership in B Definition of inclusion Definition of subset Example Proof 2 Prove that for any two sets A and B that A B A B Statement Let x be an arbitrary element of A B x A and x B Since x A , x A B Since x is an arbitrary element, all elements of A B must be A B AB AB Justification Given Definition of intersection Definition of union Definition of inclusion Definition of subset