Project Title: 2321 Quantum Information Science

Project Title: 2321 Quantum Information Science III
Organization: AFRL/IFTC
Location: Rome, NY
Project Description:
Quantum information processing’s objective is to utilize revolutionary computing
capability based on harnessing the paradigm shift offered by quantum computing to solve
classically hard and computationally challenging problems. The field of quantum
information processing is very challenging. It incorporates many aspects from physics,
electrical engineering, computer engineering and mathematics. It potentially promises
the capability for rapid image processing, rapid optimization of logistics, protecting
information, secure distributed simulation, massively parallel computation, and much
more. The development of quantum computer is difficult to realize. Therefore quantum
computer simulators have been developed on classical touring machines to test new
quantum algorithms and processes. With so many calculations, large algorithms result in
long run times. These simulators may achieve shorter run times by exploiting the
benefits of the HPC environment.
GE Global Research has developed a quantum computer simulator, Quantum eXpress
(QX), which runs in the HPC environment. In the coming year, a verification of QX will
be performed by comparing QX results against experimental results from an ion trap
simulation. We propose a second verification by comparing QX results against
experimental results from another type quantum computer simulation. For example,
using published experimental results from one of the following physical implementations
for a quantum computer: nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR); harmonic oscillator; optical
cavity quantum electrodynamics; or optical photon. Deliverables would be a paper on the
comparison between QX results and the experimental results.
Background or Skills Required:
Computer programming
Mathematics (preferred)
Computer engineering (preferred)
Number of Academy Cadets/Midshipmen: 1
Number of Academy Faculty: 1
Requested Duration: 6 weeks
Security Clearance Required: N/A
Sponsor Name: Earl Bednar, Capt. USAF
Sponsor Phone Number: (315) 330-3254
Sponsor E-Mail Address: