COT6600 Quantum Computation

COT 6602 Quantum Information Theory and Quantum
Error Correcting Codes
Credit: 3 units
Offered: Spring semester
Instructors: Dan Marinescu and Pawel Wocjan
Class outline
Overview of Linear Algebra
Entropy and Information
o The Intuitive Concept of Information
o The Shannon and Von Neumann Entropy
o Properties of Entropy and Entropy Inequalities
o Distinguishing Quantum States and the Accessible Information
o Distance Measures for Quantum Information
o Entanglement as a Physical Resource
Measurements of Quantum Systems
o Born’s Rule
o Measurement Operators
o von Neumann-type Projective Measurements
o Positive Operator Valued Measurements
o Newmark’s Theorem
o Pure and Mixed States
o Bipartite Systems; Schmidt Decomposition; Measurements of Bipartite
o Purification of Mixed States
o Measurements of Quantum Circuits
o Bell’s and CHSH Inequalities
o Quantum Teleportation
o Superdense Coding
Noiseless Quantum Shannon Theory
o Classical and Quantum Data Compression
o Quantum-Classical Trade-Off Coding
o Remote State Preparation
o Generalized Remote State Preparation
Noisy Quantum Shannon Theory
o Shannon's Noisy Channel Coding Theorem
o Classical Information Transmission over Noisy Quantum Channels
o Entanglement Assisted Quantum Communication (The Mother Protocol)
 Quantum Information Transmission over Noisy Quantum Channels
 Entanglement Assisted Classical Information Transmission over Noisy
Quantum Channels
o Entanglement Distillation Assisted by Quantum Communication (The Father
 Entanglement Distillation Assisted by Classical Communication
 Noisy Teleportation
 Noisy Superdense Coding
o The Fully Quantum Slepian-Wolf Theorem (FQSW)
 State Merging and the Operation Meaning of Conditional Entropy
 Distributed Quantum Source Compression
Introduction to Classical Error Correction
o Block codes
o Hamming distance
o Linear Codes
o Bounds (Hamming, Singleton, Gilbert-Varsharmov, Plotkin, BCH)
Quantum Error Correction
o A Necessary Condition for the Existence of a Quantum Code
o Quantum Hamming Bound
o Repetitive Codes for a Single Bit-Flip/Phase-Flip Errors
o Shor, Steane, and Calderbank-Shor-Steane (CSS), Codes
o Stabilizer Codes
o Perfect Quantum Codes
Quantum Fault-Tolerance
o Threshold Theorem
D. C. Marinescu and G. M. Marinescu, “Approaching Quantum Information Theory
and Error Correction,”
M. A. Nielsen and I. L. Chuang, “Quantum Computation and Quantum Information,”
Cambridge, 2000
J.S.Bell, “Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics: Collected Papers on
Quantum Philosophy,” Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1987.
T.M. Cover and J.A. Thomas, “Elements of Information Theory,” Wiley Series in
Telecommunications, Wiley, New York, 1991.
S.A.Vanstone and P.C. van Oorschot, “An Introduction to Error Correcting Codes
with Applications,” Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, 1989.
Many research articles can be accessed through the quant-ph archive maintained by Los Alamos National Laboratory.
H. Barnum, M. A. Nielsen, and B. Schumacher, “Information Transmission Through
a Noisy Quantum Channel,” Physical Review A, 57(6):4153--4175, 1998.
C.H. Bennett, G. Brassard, C. Crepeau, R. Jozsa, A. Peres, and W. K. Wootters.
“Teleporting an Unknown State via Dual Classical and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen
Channels,” Physical Review Letters, 70(13): 1895 - 1899, 1993.
C.H. Bennett and P.W. Shor, “Quantum Information Theory,” IEEE Trans. on
Information Theory, 44(6):2724 - 2742, 1998.
A.R. Calderbank and P.W. Shor, “Good Quantum Error-Correcting Codes Exist,”
Physical Review A, 54(42): 1098 - 1105, 1996.
A.K.Ekert and R.Jozsa, “Quantum Algorithms: Entanglement Enhanced Information
Processing,” Proceedings of the Royal Society London A, 356(1743): 1769 - 1782,
1998. Also: Preprint, v1, November 2000.
D.Gottesman, “Stabilizer Codes and Quantum Error Correction”, Ph.D. Thesis,
California Institute of Technology}, Preprint, v1, May
D. Gottesman, “An Introduction to Quantum Error Correction,” Proceedings
Symposium in Applied Mathematics, Preprint, v1,
April 2000.
P. Hausladen, R. Jozsa, B. Schumacher, M. Westmorland, and W. K. Wooters,
“Classical Information Capacity of a Quantum Channel,” Phys. Rev. A. 54(1):1869-1876, 1996.
S. Holevo, “The Capacity of Quantum Channel with General Signal States,” IEEE
Trans. on Inform. Theory, 44:269--273, 1998, also Preprint,
R. Jozsa and B. Schumacher, “A new Proof of the Quantum Noiseless Coding
Theorem,” Journal of Modern Optics, 41(12):2343-2349, 1994.
R. Jozsa, “Entanglement and Quantum Computation,” Geometric Issues in the
Foundations of Science. S. Hugget, L. Mason, K.P. Tod, S.T. Tsou, and N. M. J.
Woodhouse, Editors. Oxford University Press, 1997. Also: Preprint, v1, 1997.
R. Jozsa, “Illustrating the Concept of Quantum Information,” Preprint v1, 2003.
M. Keyl, “Fundamentals of Quantum Information,” Reprint, 2002.
E.Knill, R.Laflame, and W.H.Zurek, “Resilient Quantum Computation: Error Models
and Thresholds,” Proceedings of the Royal Society London A , 454: 365 - 384, 1998.
R.Laflame, C. Miquel, J.-P. Paz, and W.H.Zurek, “Perfect Quantum-Error Correcting
Code,” Physical Review Letters, 77: 198 - 201, 1996, Preprint,, 1996.
S. Lloyd, “Capacity of a Noisy Communication Channel,” Physical Review A, 56:
1613--1622, 1997.
W. Schumacher, “Quantum Coding,” Physical Review A, 51(4): 2738 - 2747, 1995.
W. Schumacker, M. D. Westmorland and W. K. Wooters, “Limitations on the
Amount of Accessible Information in a Quantum Channel,” Phys. Rev. Lett, 76:3452-3455, 1996.
B. W. Schumacher and M. D. Westmorland, “Sending Quantum Information via
Noisy Quantum Channels,” Phys. Rev. A, 56(1):131--138, 1997.
C.E. Shannon, “A Mathematical Theory of Communication,” Bell Sys. Tech. Journal,
27:379--423 and 23--656, 1948.
P.W.Shor, “Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation,” 37th Annual Symposium on
Foundations of Computer Science, 56 - 65, IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, 1996.
P.W.Shor, “Capacities of Quantum Channels and How to Find Them,” Preprint, v1, April 2003.
A.M.Steane, “Multiple Particle Interference and Quantum Error Correction,” Preprint, v3, May 1996.
A.M. Steane, “Error Correcting Codes in Quantum Theory,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 77:793-797, 1997.
B. M. Terhal, “Is Entanglement Monogamous?” IBM Journal of Research and
Development, 48(1): 71--78, 2004. Also Preprint, v1,
July 2003.
V.Vedral, “The Role of Entropy in Quantum Information Theory,” Preprint, v1,
J. Watrous, “Lecture Notes: Theory of Quantum Information,” University of
Waterloo,, 2007.
Grading policy:
Homework 35%
Final exam 40%