

%N micsph

%D Calculate spherical microturbulent models

%P lgm

%: models


Calculates spherical microturbulent models for linear, asymmetric, and symmetric top molecules.

%A mol

Name of molecule. Known molecules are CO, CS, etc. No Default.

%A iso

Isotope of molecule if other than main isotopic species. Default is main isotopic species.

%A nlayer

Number of radial layers in spherical model, specification of input mode (either ' ' or 'file'), and input data file name (if mode='file').

The number of layers can be from 2 to MAXMOD (currently 20).

The input mode for model radii, densities, fractional abundances, and kinetic temperatures can be either power-law specification using the key words below or a file specifying each in the format (Radius Density Xmol Tkin):

2.9250e16 6.60E6 4.0e-10 98.4

3.7021e16 4.86e6 4.0e-10 45.5

If file input is selected, the keywords rad, den, xmol, and tkin are ignored.

Default: nlayer = 3.

%A rad

Two numbers representing the inner and outer radius of the model plus either log or lin indicating how your want the models distributed.

If only one number is entered, that value is used for the inner radius and the outer radius is nlayer time the inner radius.

Default: rad = 3.0e16, nlayer*3.0e16, lin

%A den

Two numbers representing the densities at the inner radius and the power law index for the relation: n = n(rinner)*(r/rinner)**a.

If only one number is entered, the index is assumed to be zero.

The densities at model radii between the inner and outer radii are interpolated assuming the power law dependence.

Default: den = 1.0e4,0.0

%A xmol

Two numbers representing the molecular fractional abundance at the inner radii and the power law inden for the relation: x = x(rinner)*(r/rinner)**a. If only one number is entered, the index is assumed to be zero. Fractional abundances for model radii between the inner and outer radii are interpolated assuming the power law dependence.

Default: xmol = 1.0e-9,0.0

%A tkin

Two numbers representing the gas temperature at the inner radii and the power law index for the relation: T = T(rinner)*(r/rinner)**a.

If only one number is entered, the index is assumed to be zero.

The temperature is interpolated as a power law between the inner and outer radii.

Default: tkin = 20.0,0.0

%A hole

Logical indicating whether the density should be set to zero inside the inner radius (true) or extrapolated inward with the same value as at the inner radius (false).

Default is false.

%A dvel

Doppler velocity line width (FWHM) in km/sec.

Default: dvel = 1.0

%A tbkg

Blackbody temperature for background radiation field in all transitions.

This is normally set to correspond to the cosmic background temperature.

Default: tbkg = 2.78.

%A conv

Fractional change criterion applied to populations to decide if the model has converged to a solution. This number is compared to the quantity [(NEW POP)-(OLD POP)]/(NEW POP) for each molecular level and each layer. If change is too large, another iteration is done. Allowed range of conv is from 0.1 to 0.0001.

Default: conv = 0.005

%A iter

Maximum number of iterations allowed. If the model does not converge in this number of iterations, the calculation is stopped and the results printed with a warning message about the non-convergence

Default: iter = 25

%A pops

Name of miriad file were level populations for each radii are to be written.

No default.

%A print

Parameter which control level of printed output.

0 = minimum output which is useful when running grids

1 = normal output level

2 = detailed output level - used for debugging and error checking

%A log

Name of log file were full printed output for human consumption is written.

Default is to write to screen.
