KINETICS OF THE GRAIN SIZE CHANGE IN POLYCRYSTALS AND HALL - PETCH EFFECT A. Ya. Temkin Department of Interdisciplinary Studies Faculty of Engineering Tel-Aviv University Ramat-Aviv Tel-Aviv 69978 Israel E-mail: April 29, 2001 1 ABSTRACT The kinetics of grain coalescence and disintegration, as well as the grain growth (and decrease in size) in polycrystals is developed. A system of kinetic equations for grains of different radii describing these processes is obtained. The average grain radius approximation is introduced and applied to the effect of the electric current and of ultra-short laser pulses upon sample properties, as well as to the ageing of metals. A possible microscopic mechanism for the creation and rupture of bonds between grains in a conducting polycrystal (e. g., metal) is considered and (in combination with the average grain radius approximation) is used for the treatment of the last two of these effects. The expression for time dependence of the average grain radius is obtained. Substituting this expression into Hall-Petch equation, one obtains the time dependence of the yield strength. In the case when this is the electric current that produces the coalescence and disintegration of grains, the approximated formulae for small and large values of the current allow, in combination with experimental data, the determination of the coefficients in the expression for the grain average radius. According to these formulae the grain average size decreases (therefore, according to the Hall-Petch equation, the yield strength rises) at small values of the current and increases (therefore, according to the Hall-Petch equation, the yield strength decreases) at large values of the current. The change of the grain average radius and metal properties by ultra-short laser pulses (of moderate or low intensity) is considered and the analytical solution obtained. The spontaneous change of the grain average radius without action of any external factor is considered. This process can be interpreted as the metal ageing. 2 1. INTRODUCTION In real polycrystal materials, elementary monocrystals are joined into clusters that are usually called grains. Grains are of different sizes and shapes. Neighbor grains often come into contact with each other. We suppose that there is a microscopic mechanism of bond creation between neighbor grains coming into contact, as well as the one of inter-grain bond rupture, but here do not specify their nature. In the framework of this model the existence itself of grains having different radii proves that such a mechanism exists. It may cause also the change of grain distribution with respect to their size and shapes by their coalescence and disintegration in a polycrystal under the influence of various external factors and even spontaneous, without any external factor action upon the sample. The last case can be identified with the material ageing. We shall use the following model. Consider a grain surrounded by grains. Denote by other e the average value of defined on the set of all grains in the sample. In our model we shall assume for simplicity that the number of surrounding grains is the same for all grains and is equal to e , thus neglecting the fluctuations of from grain to grain. Denote by p the probability in unit of time of one bond creation between two of neighbor contacting grains. Assume that the creation of each bond occurs independently of acts of other bonds' creation. We accept also that two of neighbor grains come into contact with each other are merged (coalesced) into one grain, iff the number of bonds created between them where 0 , 0 0 is an integral number. We model the grains as balls of the radius R, which, in general, differs between grains. The ball model is introduced to avoid considering the relative orientations of 3 neighboring grains and, as a consequence, anisotropy of their coalescence processes. The ball model represents a certain averaging of these processes with respect to all possible orientations. We shall see below that a certain "deviation" from this model is necessary to introduce the surface of contact between two neighboring grains. We model the grains created as a result of coalescence also as balls and denote the radius of such balls by Rc , , where is the number of primary balls merged into the considered one. This radius is determined from the equality 4 4 R3 Rc3, , 3 1 3 where (1) is the density of each grain, assumed to be the same for all grains. From Eqn. (1) we find Rc , 3 R3 (2) 1 If R R0 const , then Rc , 3 R0 (3) For example, for the coalescence of two equal grains we obtain Rc, 2 3 2R0 (4) In our model for the coalescence of primary grains it must be c . However, the analogous number for coalescence of grains obtained themselves as result of coalescence(s), must be determined. It might not satisfy this inequality. 4 According to another model of grain creation and change, monocrystallites in a grain are not connected by any kind of bonds, but, simply, remain together during noticeable time-interval because the trajectories of their movement are close with each other during this time-interval [1]. It refers us to the real gas theory of Mayer and Montroll [2]. According this theory, gas (many-particle system) consists of virtual (with very short time-of-life) clusters of different numbers of particles. In the case of liquids the time-of-life of such clusters becomes long enough so that liquids possess temporary order of their microstructures, and this order was observed experimentally. Thus, a polycrystal, e. g., a metal, is represented as a "liquid" of elementary monocrystallites forming Mayer-Montroll clusters that in this case are called grains. The viscosity of such "liquids" is much larger than that of genuine liquids, so the grain time-of-life is also essentially larger. According to this model the change of the grain size occurs as a consequence of the monocrystallite movement itself, but not of the grain coalescence and disintegration [1]. We shall include in kinetic equation the both mechanisms considered in this Section. 2. KINETIC EQUATION OF GRAIN SIZE CHANGE BY COALESCENCE, DISINTEGRATION AND GROWTH In a real metal only a certain percentage of all grains genuinely come into contact with their neighbor ones. The majority of them are separated from their neighbor grains by a certain narrow split, e. g., of a few of atomic radii. Such factors as the electric current, magnetic and electric fields may temporary, for a time-interval , draw them together, up to they come into contact. If 0 bonds created 5 between them during this time-interval , these two grains will be joined into one grain. Let us introduce a grain distribution function N(R,t)with respect to the grain radii. This distribution function depends on time t during the time when the current is on. N(R,t) is the number of grains (balls) of radius R in the unit of volume. Note that R is discrete variable. The number of grains of a given radius R decreases because their coalescence with neighbor grains of any radius that come in contact with grains of the radius R, and increases (if R R 0 ) because the coalescence of grains of radii smaller than R. In this case the following condition must be satisfied: R3 3 R , (5) which follows from Eqn. (5) Now the mass conservation law must be taken into account in the kinetic equation ( R0 const , N 0 const ): Rmax 3 3 R N R, t dR N 0 R0 (6) R0 Note that the use of the integral in Eqn. (6) is an acceptable approximation only under special conditions. The case when the process of the grain coalescence and disintegration can be approximately considered as a continuum process will be considered below. But, in general, condition (6) should be written as follows: R R0 R Rmax R 3 N R, t N 0 R03 , (7) where R is a discrete variable. 6 It must be demanded that condition (1), or, equivalently (2) be satisfied for each elementary act of grain coalescence. We shall replace in Eqn. (2) Rc , by R to make it compatible with notations convenient for kinetic equations. It is evident the condition (7) is automatically satisfied, if mass conservation is taken into account for each elementary act of the coalescence, and, therefore, (7) need not be used. In the case when the change of the grain size occurs because of grain growth and decrease [1], the matter can be accepted by the considered grain from its neighbors and can be transferred from the considered grain also to its neighbors. Then, in the framework of the model of balls, the mass conservation law leads to the following relations: R R i e1 Ri for the growth and decrease, correspondingly, 3 3 3 when the goal is to obtain a grain of radius R. Here R' and R''3I are the radii of the primary grain (which is to be transformed into the one of the radius R) and its neighbors, correspondingly. We shall use the approximation when this sum will be replaced by its average value S with respect to the whole ensemble: e i 1 Ri 3 S . Now we can write the kinetic equation determining the distribution function change in time under a certain influence, e. g, of electric current or ultra-short laser pulses, or because the state of the system is a nonequilibrium one. This system of equations expresses the balance of grains of a certain radius R (in a unit of volume) with respect to 4 following processes: 1) Grain of radius R coalescence with those having the same and other radii. 2) Grain of radius R disintegration into grains having radii smaller than R. 3) Grain of radius R creation by the coalescence of grains of radii smaller than R. 4) Grain of radius R creation by the disintegration of grains having radii larger than R. The grain growth and decrease produced by the 7 mechanism described in [1] cannot be represented, if R is considered as a discreet variable. By this reason these processes are not included in the first of following kinetic equations, but only in the second one where R is considered as a continuous variable. Thus, we can write: N R, t t Rmax Rmax W R, R N R, t N R , t R,3 R 3 R3 R R0 R 3 R 3 R 3 0 R R3 R3 0 W R, R , R N R , t N R , t R , R R 3 3 3 R R0 R R0 3 R 3 R03 3 R R0 3 R 3 R03 P R, R , R N R, t R , 3 R R0 3 R R0 1 R 3 R03 R 3 R03 P R, R , R N R, t [ R, R R0 R , R R 3 R 3 2 R , 3 2R 3 R 3 R 3 (8) R, R] with the initial condition N R,0 N 0 R , R0 , where (9) ik 1 when i k , ik 0 when i k , is the Kroneker symbol, t is the time, W is the probability (in unit of time) of a grain having the radius R merging with another grain having radius R', while W is the probability (in unit of time) that an act of coalescence of two grains having radii R" and R' , correspondingly, creates a grain having the radius R, P+ and P- are the disintegration probabilities (in unit of time). The probabilities W+ and W- include the probabilities of drawing of two neighbor grains into contact during the time-interval by, for example, electric 8 current. The Kroneker symbols in the right hand side of Eqn. (8) express the mass conservation in each elementary act of the grain coalescence (see above) and disintegration. Note that only elementary acts of the simultaneous two grains coalescence are included in the system of equations (8). This is an approximation that is valid when processes of the simultaneous coalescence of more than two grains can be neglected. Let us rewrite Eqns. (8) and (9) for the case when continuous variables can approximately replace discrete variables. The processes of grain growth and decrease [1] are included into the following kinetic equation. Then we obtain: N R, t t Rmax Rmax R0 3 R 3 R 3 W R, R N R, t N R , t R 3 R 3 R 3 dR dR R03 R 3 R03 W R, R , R N R , t N R , t R0 R0 3 R R R dR dR 3 3 3 R 3 R03 3 R 3 R03 3 3 R R0 R 3 R03 3 R 3 R03 3 R R R dR dR 3 P R, R , R N R, t R R0 R R0 P R, R , R N R , t R R0 N R , t { R 3 R 3 R 3 1 R R 2 R 3 dR w R, R N R , t R R R R0 Rmax R R 2 R R R 3 R3 S dR w R, R N R , t R 3 R 3 S AN R, t with the initial condition 9 (10) N R0 , t N 0 R R0 , where (11) x x is Dirac -function, w and w are the probabilities of grain of radius R creations by the growth from grains of radii R'<R and R'>R, correspondingly. Notice that in this case R is a continuous variable, W+ and W- are densities of probabilities (in unit of time), but not the probabilities themselves. The probability of bond creation between two neighbor grains contacting each other is p p , (12) if bond creations are statistically independent events. Then, taking into account that for coalescence the condition 0 must be satisfied and denoting wR,R' the probability in unit of time to draw two neighbor grains into contact (if they already came into contact, wR,R' =1), we find ln ln W w R , R R , R p 0 0 , ln p ln p (13) ln ln W R, R , R w R, R R, R p 0 0 , (14) ln p ln p where x x 1, when x x , and x x 0, when x x , R , R is the surface of the contact of two neighbor grains. Note that the ball model is used here with the purpose to characterize grain by only one parameter and to avoid the consideration of the dependence of grain coalescence on their reciprocal orientation. At the same time it must be kept in mind that real grains may be of any shape. Then it is possible that the contacting area contacting balls, for which R, R 0 in distinct from the case of two R, R 0 always. The second and third Heavyside's - functions in the right-hand sides of Eqns. (13) and (14) express that the time of 10 bond creation 1 p must be less than and that the maximum of bonds created during the time-interval would be still more than 0. 3. AVERAGE GRAIN RADIUS APPROXIMATION Let us consider now the same problem, using the approximation that we shall call the "average grain radius approximation". Probably this approximation can be obtained from Eqn. (8) or, if the grain grows is taken into account, from Eqn. (10) as the one for the zero-order moment of the distribution function. But here we shall obtain it independently of Eqn. (8) or Eqn. (10), but simply from the balance of the number of grains and the condition of their total mass conservation. The last condition will allow us to transform this balance equation into an equation for the average radius R t change in time. This condition can be written as follows: R 3 t N R , t R03 N 0 , (15) where N R , t is the total number of grains in a unit of volume, when their average radius is equal to R , R0 R 0 and N 0 N R0 ,0 . From Eqn. (15) one obtains N R , t R03 N 0 R 3 t N R t , (16) dN R t dR 3R03 N 0 R 4 t (17) and dN R t dt 3R03 N 0 R 4 dR t dt (18) Now one can write the above mentioned balance equation: dN R t dt dN R , t dR dR t dt ~ aN 2 R , t b N R , t , 11 (19) ~ where a is the average coefficient of grains coalescence, b b c f , b is the average coefficient of the grain disintegration, c and f are the ones of the grain noncoalescent growth and non-disintegrative size decrease, respectively. The initial condition is as follows: R 0 R0 (20) When R t is so large that each grain remains isolated from other ones during the noticeable time because N R t is small according Eqn. (16), c is not constant. In the limiting case, when contacts between grains necessary for the matter exchange, one can write, using Eqn. (16), c c R it must replace 3 t , where c const . Then in Eqn. (19) 1 3 1 ~ aR0 by aR03 c and b by b b f const . We do not 3 3 ~ consider here this case and limit ourselves with the case when b const . This means, we consider the concentration of grains still large enough so that each grain has neighbors all the time for the matter exchange. If the coalescence and disintegration of grains are absent, the average radius of the grain increases in time when c>f, which corresponds to results reported in [1]. Notice that R t 0, but can be R t R0 . If Rmin is the average radius of an elementary monocrystallite in the sample, then the condition R t Rmin must be satisfied. Using Eqns. (16)-(18), we bring Eqn. (19) to the equation dR t 1 3 1 1~ aR0 N 0 2 b R t dt 6 R t 6 (21) that can be rewritten as follows: 12 dyt a 3 1~ R0 N 0 b yt , dt 2 2 (22) where yt R 3 t (23) From Eqns. (22) and (23), and the initial condition (20) one finds a a 1~ R t R0 3 ~ N 0 1 ~ N 0 exp b t b b 2 Notice that lim R t R0 exp a 0 ~ b 6 (24) t and lim R t R0 3 1 a2 t . If b 0 ~ a 0 and b 0, then lim R t R0 3 a ~ N 0 . t b Substituting Eqn. (24) to Hall-Petch equation [3] s s 0 k 2 R t 1 2 , (25) where s is the yield strength and k const for a given material, one obtains the following dependence of the yield strength on time: st s 0 k 2 R0 4. 1 a a 1 ~ 2 N 1 N exp b t 0 0 ~ ~ b 2 b 1 6 (26) GRAIN COALLESCENCE AND DISINTEGRATION UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THE ELECTRIC CURRENT I Beginning from this place we consider only the processes of coalescence and disintegration of grains. 13 In this consideration we shall accept that p I and w I . This hypothesis must be checked by the comparison of obtained theoretical results with experimental data or by other ways. It is clear that R I , t depends on the electric current I because coefficients a and b depend on I (and only by this way). Accordingly, the coalescence demands the creation of an average number of bonds breaking 0 0 , while disintegration requires 1 bonds. Thus, one can suppose that a a 0 I 1 (27) and b b0 I 0 1 , (28) where a 0 const and b0 const depend on the material chemical and physical properties. From Eqns. (25) and (26) we obtain a a0 0 I b b0 (29) TWO LIMITS. a) At small values of current I it is expected that b>a according to Eqns. (25) and (26). Then the approximate solution should be R t R0 3 2 1 exp bt at R t Rmin b 6 (30) Substituting the Eqn.(30) to Eqn. (25), one obtains st s 0 2 2 3 kb 1 6 R0 1 2 1 exp bt 12 14 (31) This means, at small values of the electric current the average size of a grain decreases and, as a consequence, apparently, the yield strength and the hardness rise. b) At large values of current I it is expected b<a according to Eqns. (25) and (26). Then the approximate solution should be R t R0 3 1 a N 0t 2 (32) Substituting the Eqn. (32) to Eqn. (25), one obtains a st s 0 2 2 kR0 2 1 N 0 t 2 1 1 1 6 (33) This means, at large values of the electric current the average size of a grain increases and, as a consequence, apparently, the strength and the hardness decrease. Eqn. (30) can be rewritten as follows: R I , t R0 3 2 b0 I 0 1 13 at R I , t Rmin b exp 0 I 0 1t 6 (34) Eqn. (32) can be rewritten as follows: R I , t R0 3 1 a0 I N 0t 2 (35) Using Eqns. (34) and (35), one can obtain instead Eqns. (31) and (33) the explicit dependence of s I , t on the electric current. POSSIBLE EXPERIMENTS. 15 Small values of I. Measure experimentally R I 1 , t1 and R I 2 , t 2 . Thereupon one will calculate bI 1 and bI 2 . Indeed, one obtain from Eqn. (30) R I 1 , t1 2 1 exp bI 1 t1 2 R0 exp erim bI 1 3 (36) and the similar equation for I 2 and t 2 . The left-hand side of Eqn. (36) is determined by the experiment, and so Eqn. (36) is a transcendent equation for the calculation of bI 1 . The same way is to be used to calculate b I 2 . Then one obtains from Eqn. (30) bI 1 I 1 0 1 , b I 2 I 2 0 1 (37) where the value of the right-hand side is already known. One finds from Eqn. (37) 0 ln bI 1 bI 2 ln I 1 I 2 (38) Large values of I. Determine experimentally R I 3 , t 3 and R I 4 , t 4 . Thereupon one will calculate a I 3 and a I 4 . Indeed, one obtains from Eqn. (32) 2 R3 I 3 , t 3 aI 3 1 N 0 t 3 R0 exp erim 3 (39) and the same formula for I 4 and t 4 . Then we shall obtain aI 3 I 3 1 , aI 4 I 4 1 (40) whence aI 3 ln aI 4 I3 ln 1 I4 (41) Then 16 aI 3 0 ln aI 4 I 3 ln bI 1 bI 2 1 ln ln I 1 I 2 I4 (42) Now we can find a 0 and b0 from Eqns. (27) and (28), correspondingly, using a and b determined by Eqns. (39) and (36), as well as values of and 0 determined by Eqns. (41) and (42). Thus, we know all constants and can use them to calculate R I , t and s t using the Eqn. (24) and (26), correspondingly, for all values of I and t. 5. ON A POSSIBLE MECHANISM OF BOND CREATION AND RUPTURE. In this work we do not consider such pure macroscopic mechanisms as, for example, the diffusive penetration of atoms from one grain to its neighbor and vice versa, like it occurs at the contact surface of two metallic pieces. Only macroscopic movements in the polycrystal can separate grains joined by this mechanism. Such kinds of the coalescence and especially of the separation processes occur too slow to be responsible for effects studied in few-of-minutes-duration experiments. Besides of it, this way of the grains' binding may lead to the practically irreversible increase of the grain size up to the collapse of the whole grain system into only one big grain, just because the separation process is hampered and extremely slow. Usually, only part of the grain surface comes into contact with the one of its neighbor. The rest remains free, more precisely, almost free, because in contrast with the free surface of a monocrystal in vacuum, an interaction exists with the nearest part of the surface of the contacting neighbor grain. Thus, for a grain of a polycrystal the 17 physical conditions agree (though not exactly, but only approximately) with those considered by Tamm [4] and in the following works (see, for example, [5, 6, 7, 8]). Consequently, bound surface electronic states could be formed on free parts of the grain surface, similar to the bound electronic states formed according to the theory of Tamm on the free surface of a monocrystal. The principle point of the Tamm consideration [2] is the break of the periodicity, e. g., of the Kronig-Penny potential, as the cause of the rise a special kind of bound states. The contacting parts of surfaces of two neighbor grains despite they are not free surfaces, are also able to break the periodicity of the potential, which may cause the appearance of bound states of conductance electrons on the boundary between these two grains. This is a hypothesis that is to be checked by the corresponding Tamm-like theoretical consideration. This is not a purpose of the present work. We shell limit ourselves with the following qualitative consideration. Let be two Tamm surface electron states on the both of these surfaces, exactly face to face. Let the distance between them is being adiabatically decreased. If it does not lead to the repair of the periodicity at the distance zero, these two Tamm states can be merged into one bound state such that the electron wave function would belong to atoms of these two neighbor grains. In other words, such a state cannot be identified with one of these grains, but belongs to the both of them binding them, if this state is not empty. If a conductance electron is captured by this quantum "catch", it will realize a one-electron bond between these two neighbor grains coming into contact. When a hot electron knocks out the electron realizing this bond, it will be ruptured. Macroscopic motions of grains also may break such bonds, if the breaking stress surpass the binding energy of all bonds binding two considered grains. The mechanism considered here seems to be one of possible mechanisms of the grain size change by the electric current. We accept this 18 hypothesis to find out its consequences for the studied macroscopic kinetic processes. Possibly, it will allow one to check this hypothesis by the comparison of obtained theoretical results with experimental kinetic dependencies. According to the theory of Regge poles [9] a resonance electron scattering maximum is expected at such a positive value of the energy which is approximately symmetric (relative the zero on the energy axis) to an electron bound state having negative energy. This resonance maximum corresponds to a resonance state of the system. In contrast to bound state, it possesses the complex eigenvalue of the energy and so it decays in some time after its creation to one of a number of possible ways of this decay (resonance state final channels) "chosen" according its quantum probability. If there are electrons with energy in the vicinity of such a resonance, their resonance scattering can lead to important consequences that will be considered below. Indeed, among the final channels of the considered resonance state decay are those corresponding to the energy transfer to the lattice. They are accompanied with the scattered electron transition from the temporary resonance state having a positive real part of the energy complex eigenvalue to the bound state having a real negative energy eigenvalue. It may be a bound state mentioned above between two atoms belonging to two different grains coming into contact with each other. Then a oneelectron bond between these two grains will be created. But in this case it occurs as a result of the electron - boundary surface resonance scattering. However, another issue (with the corresponding channel of the resonance state decay) is possible when the energy transferred to the lattice breaks an existing bond between two grains. This means, the resonance scattering of conductance electrons may produce reciprocally inverse effects. The result of the competition between these processes on the 19 microscopic and macroscopic scale depends on the relative probabilities of the corresponding channels and kinetics of these processes. But it must be taken into account that in this competition on the kinetic scale participate also the processes of bond rupture mentioned above. In the equilibrium state conductance electron are distributed according to FermiDirac distribution [10]: dnE gVm 3 2 2 2 3 E dE e E / T 1 , (43) where the degeneracy g=2 for an electron, E is the electron energy, is the chemical potential, T is the absolute temperature in energy units (which means that Boltzmann's constant k is equal to 1), and V is the system volume. In distribution (43) there are always a certain part of electrons possessing the resonance energies. Therefore, even in equilibrium, they can produce changes of the polycrystal microstructure including those that are irreversible, which leads to slow, irreversible, adiabatic change of the metal with time, provoking the ageing of the material (see Sec. 8). Note that at high temperatures of free electron gas, the equilibrium distribution (43) may be approximated by the classic Maxwell distribution, and the kinetic Boltzmann equation for nonequilibrium distribution of electron also need not take quantum effects into account. The population of high-energy (hot) electrons can be increased by laser light irradiation (see, for example, [11], [12], [13], [14]), by an electric field or by other factors which disturb the equilibrium distribution. In these cases, the number of electrons having energy in the vicinity of the resonances mentioned above may 20 increase in comparison with the one in the equilibrium. Consequently, the numbers of created and broken bonds between grains increase. But their increase depends differently on, for example, laser light intensity. 6. ELECTRON RESONANCE INELASTIC COLLISIONS We consider here the simplest case when the cross-section of the electron resonance collision can be expressed by the one-resonance-level Breit-Wigner formula [15]: fi E g i 2 i f E E r 2 1 2 2 , (44) where i and f denote correspondingly the initial and final states, E is the electron energy, Er is the resonance energy, i and f are correspondingly the widths of the initial and final states, f is the total width, is the DeBroglie wavelength, f and gI is the statistical weight of the initial state. Then the number of i f transitions in the system per unit of time in a unit of volume (the reaction rate) is as follows: Y fi n c dEvnE fi E , (45) 0 where nc is the number density of scattering centers and v is the electron velocity. Substituting Eqn. (44) into Eqn. (45), one obtains: 21 n E Y fi n c g i i f dEv 2 0 E E r 2 1 (46) 2 2 Notice that v h ( 2 E m 2 ) . 3 2 Eqn. (46) can be rewritten as follows: Y fi nc i f Q , (47) where Q g i dE 0 n E 1 2E m 3 2 E E r 2 1 2 2 const (48) Note that more than one resonance maximum may contribute to resonance collision cross-section, but in the present work we shall limit ourselves to a one-resonance model. 7. GRAIN COALESCENCE AND DISINTEGRATION INDUCED BY FEMTO-SECOND LASER PULSES In this section we consider only those neighbor grains that come into contact, i. e., the distance between them is of the order of atom dimension. Femto-second laser pulses disturb the equilibrium distribution (43) of conductance electrons in metals (see, for example, [9, 10, 11, 12]) increasing the number density of hot electrons. Among hot electrons are those that have the energy within the resonance maximum. According Ref. [12], their number density varies approximately as J , where J is the laser pulse intensity. Eqn. (21) can be 2 rewritten for one laser pulse of duration as follows: 22 def R t , t R t R t a J 3 1 b J R0 N 0 2 R t 6 6 R t (49) Instead Eqns. (27) and (28) one can write: a J a 0 J 2 (50) b J b0 J 2 0 1 (51) and If is possible to accept approximately that a0 and b0 remain unaffected by the previous pulses' action, i. e., do not depend on the considered pulse number in the sequence of pulses, one can write the change of R after l identical pulses as follows: R t l l b J a J 3 R t R0 N 0 R 2 t l 1 R t l 1 6 l 1 6 (52) Putting Eqns. (50) and (51) into Eqn. (52), one obtains: R t l R t b a 60 J 2 R03 N 0 R 2 t l 1 60 J 2 0 1 R t l 1 l 1 l 1 3 (53) Eqns. (52) and (53) determine R t l as a result of step-by-step calculations for sequential values of l. The obtained expression of R t l can be put into Eqn. (25) to find the yield strength changed by the sequence of l laser pulses. 23 8. CHANGE THE AVERAGE GRAIN RADIUS IN ABSENCE OF EXTERNAL FACTORS It is possible that a sample of metal or another polycrystal is not in absolute thermodynamic equilibrium state, but in a conditional equilibrium corresponding to a maximum of entropy obtained under certain constraints. Then the sample structure may change in time. Consider this phenomenon supposing that it is a result of the free electron resonance scattering by boundary surfaces between neighbor grains that come into contact. In our case the kinetics developed above remains valid also in absence of any external influence, and Eqns. (24) and (26) describe the average grain radius and the yield strength dependence on time. Eqns. (47) and (48) allows one to determine the coefficients a and b: a a 0 i f b Q (54) and b b0 i f d Q 0 1 (55) From Eqns. (54) and (55) one finds also a a 0 0 1 0 1 f b i Q b b0 f d 0 1 (56) In Eqns. (54), (55) and (56) f b and f d are widths of final channels corresponding to a bond creation and decay, respectively, a0 and b0 are constants. If a 0 and b 0, then lim R t R0 3 a0 t 24 b0 0 1 3 Q 0 1 3 0 1 f 3b f d 3 . The coalescence and disintegration of grains lead to the metal ageing, if lim R t R0 . t 9. CONCLUSIONS The author began this research trying to find the mechanism(s) of the observed electric current influence on the mechanical properties of conducting polycrystal surfaces (see, for example, [16], [17], [18] and [19]). The well known connection (Eqn. (25)) between the average size of grains and the yield strength [3] has set the author thinking that, possibly, the electric current provokes the grains coalescence and disintegration in a conducting polycrystal. These processes change the distribution of grains with respect to their size and, as a consequence, the average grain radius is changed. It leads to the change of the yield strength and, apparently, hardness. In the case of the electric current action, its role, mainly, is to bring into temporary contact neighbor grains separated each from other by narrow split. In the review [1] the grain growth is considered, which is not due by the coalescence, but by the motion of elementary crystallites and their clusters. It corresponds to the model of polycrystal as a "liquid" of elementary monocrystallites. The grain sizes change provoked by this process is included in our consideration. In the present work the grain coalescence, disintegration and growth kinetics is considered as an isolated problem, a "problem in itself", but not as a part of the research concerning the effect of electric current upon mechanical properties of a conducting polycrystal surface. The main results are fit for their applications to different problems. They are valid independently of concrete microscopic mechanism responsible for grains coalescence and disintegration. At the same time we tried to find its possible mechanism and used it to determine kinetic coefficients. Possibly, the 25 capture of conductance electrons to quantum bound states on the boundary between two contacting neighbor grains can serve as such a mechanism when the electric current action is considered. However, in the case when there are enough hot electrons produced, for example, by the laser light, the resonance scattering of conductance electrons by the boundary surface between two neighbor grains, may lead to the creation or decay of a bond between these grains. The system of kinetic equations describing grain coalescence and disintegration was obtained for a certain model (Sec. 2). It was rewritten in the continuous approximation when the grain radius is considered as a continuous variable. In this case grain growth was included because it is essentially the process of the continuous change of the grain size. Note that, for short, we write on the grain growth, but mean the both processes, increase and decrease of the grain size, produced by the same mechanism [1]. Concrete results were obtained in the average grain radius approximation (Secs. 3, 4, 7 and 8). These results led to the conclusions that the average grain radius decreases (therefore, the yield strength and hardness increase) at small values of the electric current and increases (therefore, the yield strength and hardness decrease) at large values. These conclusions can be checked experimentally. The developed theory is applied to the effect of ultra-short laser pulses upon the ensemble of conductance electrons that leads to the grains coalescence and disintegration processes (Sec.7). It leads to the same change of surface properties as in the case of the electric current. This means, laser pulses of relatively small intensity can be used to process the conducting polycrystal (e. g., metal) surface. Grains can coalesce and disintegrate, but relatively slowly, even without any external factor influence (Sec. 8). The average grain radius always slowly changes (in 26 exception of one very special case) as a consequence of these processes. This is a kind of metal ageing. 27 Acknowledgment. The author is thankful to Samuel Goldsmith, Reuven (Ray) Boxman, Boris Alterkop and Nahum Parkansky for the important help and fruitful discussions. 28 9. 1. REFERENCES R. PENELLE, P. PAILLARD, T. BAUDIN, Journal de Physique IV 5, (1995) C3-51 2. J. E. MAYER & Maria GOEPPERT-MAYER, Statistical Mechanics (John Willey & Sons, New York, 1940 (1st Edition), Tenth Printing, March, 1963); E. W. MONTROLL, J. E. MAYER, J. Chem. Phys. 9 (1941) 626 3. E. O. HALL, Proc. Phys. Soc. London B64 (1951) 747; N. J. PETCH, J. Iron and Steel Institute 174 (1953)25; see also, for example, William D. CALLISTER, Jr., Material Science and Engineering. An Introduction (John Willey & Sons, Inc., New York, 1997) 4. I. E. 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