CV / Publications - University of Delaware Dept. of Physics

Curriculum Vitae: John Q. Xiao
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19711
Tel: (302) 831-6547 (work), Fax: (302) 831-1637
Email:, URL:
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.
Ph.D in Physics, 1993, Department of Physics & Astronomy.
Advisor: Professor C. L. Chien.
Master of Arts, 1989, Department of Physics & Astronomy.
Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China.
Bachelor of Science, 1984, Department of Physics.
Research Areas:
(1) Spintronics: spin polarized transport properties in layered,
tunneling, and semiconductor structures; magnetic semiconductors
of high transition temperatures. (2) Metamaterials of designed
dielectric permittivity and permeability for microwave and optical
applications: left handed materials, artificial ferrites (high
frequency soft magnetic materials), magnetodielectrics, and
photonic band gap materials. (3) Magnetism in nanostructures
including layered films or nanoparticles, as well as in bulk
materials. (4) Applications based on magnetic materials.
Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of
Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Delaware.
Affiliated Professor, Center for Composite Materials, University
of Delaware.
Guest Professor, Institute of Materials Research, Tohoku
University, Sendai, Japan
Visiting Associate Professor, Laboratorio de Fisica de Sistemas
Pequeños y Nanotecnologia, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Cientificas (CSIC), Madrid 28006, Spain
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Delaware.
Post Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Physics and
Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins University.
Research Assistant: Department of Physics and Astronomy, The
Johns Hopkins University.
Pending, Self-regulating Optimized Ferromagnetic Susceptors for
Multi-Step Induction Heating, 10/303,908, 11/26/02..
Pending, Left Handed Materials Based on Magnetic Composites,
60/361,910, 2/28/2002.
Pending, High Frequency Soft Magnetic Materials with Laminated
Submicron Magnetic Layers and the Method to Make Them,
60/582,578, 6/24/2004.
Pending, Low Temperature Synthesis of Hexagonal ZnS
Nanocrystals and their Derivatives with Different Transition Metal
Dopants, 60/605944, 8/31/04.
Pending, “Magnetic Field Assisted Synthesis of Magnetic
Nanoparticles”, 60/606347, 9/1/04.
Ph.D Thesis with distinction, The Johns Hopkins University
Member of Phi Beta Kappa Society
American Physical Society
Publication Highlights:
1. Gang Xiao, M.Z. Cieplak, John Q. Xiao and C.L. Chien, "Magnetic Pair-Breaking
Effects -Moment Formation and Critical Doping Level in Superconducting
La1.85Sr0.15Cu1-xAxO4 Systems (A=Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, Ga, Al)," Phys. Rev. B 42,
(Rapid Communications), 8752 (1990). View PDF
2. Gang Xiao, John Q. Xiao, C.L. Chien and M.Z. Cieplak, "Asymmetrical Effects of
Copper-Site Holes Versus Oxygen-Site Holes in La-Sr-Cu-O," Phys. Rev. B 43,
(Rapid Communications), 1245 (1991). View PDF
3. John Q. Xiao, J. Samuel Jiang, and C.L. Chien, "Giant Magnetoresistance in
Nonmultilayer Magnetic Systems," Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 3479 (1992). View PDF
4. M.Z. Cieplak, S. Guha, H. Kojima, P. Lindenfeld, Gang Xiao, John Q. Xiao, and
C.L. Chien, "The Metal-Insulator-Transition in La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 withVarious
Substitutions for Cu," Phys. Rev. B 46, 5536 (1992). View PDF
5. John Q. Xiao, J. Samuel Jiang, and C.L. Chien, "Giant Magnetoresistance in
Granular Co-Ag Systems," Phys. Rev. B46, (Rapid Communications) 9266 (1992).
6. J. Samuel Jiang, John Q. Xiao, and C.L. Chien, "Magnetic Properties and Giant
Magnetoresistance of Granular Permalloy in Silver," Appl. Phys. Lett. 61 (19), 2362
7. Peng Xiong, Gang Xiao, J. Q. Wang, John Q. Xiao, J. Samuel Jiang, and C. L.
Chien, " Extraordinary Hall Effect and Giant Magnetoresistance in the Granular CoAg System," Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 3220 (1992). View PDF
8. L. Pirauex, M. Cassart, J. S. Jiang, John Q. Xiao, C. L. Chien, and A. Fert,
"Magnetothermal Transport Properties of Granular Co-Ag Solids," Phys. Rev. B48,
(Rapid Communications), 638 (1993). View PDF
9. John Q. Xiao, and C. L. Chien, "RF Reactive Sputtered Fe Nitrides Using
Ammonia Gas: Structure and Magnetic Properties," Appl. Phys, Lett. 64, 17 (1994).
View abstract in PDF
10. A. Garvin, M. H. Kelley, John Q. Xiao, C. L. Chien, and R. J. Celotta, "Domain
Structures in Magnetoresistive Granular Metals", Appl. Phys. Lett. 66, 1683 (1995).
View PDF
11. John Q. Xiao and C. L. Chien, "Proximity Effects of NbN/GdN
Superconductor/Ferromagnetic Insulator Multilayers", Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 1727
(1996). View PDF
12. K. Liu, X. W. Wu, K. Ahn, T. Sclchek, C. L. Chien, and John Q. Xiao, “Charge
ordering and Magnetoresistance in Nd1-xCaxMnO3 Due to Reduced Double
Exchange” Phys. Rev. B55, 11878-11878 (1997).
13. Y.D. Zhang, J.I. Budnick, W. A. Hines, C. L. Chien, and John Q. Xiao “Effect of
magnetic field on the superparamagnetic relaxation in granular Co-Ag samples” Appl.
Phys. Lett. 72, 2053-2055 (1998).
14. D. V. Dimitrov, S. F. Zhang, John Q. Xiao, G. C. Hadjipanayis, and C. Prados, “The
Effect of Exchange Interactions at Antiferromagnetic/Ferromagnetic Interfaces on
Exchange bias and Coercivity, Phys. Rev. B58, 12090 (1998).
15. R. H. Yu, S. Basu, and John Q. Xiao, “Pinning Effect of the Grain Boundaries on
Magnetic Domain Wall in FeCo-based Magnetic Alloys”, J. Appl. Phys. 85, 6655,
16. Y.F. Li, R. H. Yu, D. V. Dimitrov, and John Q. Xiao, “Memory Effect and
Temperature Behavior in Spin-Valves with and without Antiferromagnetic
Subsystems.” J. Appl. Phys. 86, 5692 (1999).
17. R. H. Yu, S. Basu, L. Ren, Y. Zhang, Azar Parvizi-Majidi, and John Q. Xiao, “High
Temperature Soft Magnetic Materials: FeCo Alloys and Composites” J. Appl. Phys.
87: 5840 (2000)
18. G. Landry, X.Xiang, Y. Dong, and John Q. Xiao, ” Interfacial Capacitance Effects in
Magnetic Tunneling Junctions”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, p501 (2001).
19. N. Garcia, E.V. Ponizowskaya, and John Q. Xiao, “Zero Permeability Materials:
Band Gaps at Visible”, Appl. Phys. Letts. 80, 1120 (2002). Selected by Virtual
Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, February 25, 2002.
20. T. Zhu, X.H. Xiang, G. Landry, D.V. Dimitrov, N. Garcia, and John Q. Xiao, “Bulk
versus Interface Contributions to TMR in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions”, Phys. Rev.
B66, 94423, (2002).
21. X. H. Xiang, T. Zhu, J Du, G. Landy and John Q. Xiao. "Effects of Density States on
Bias Dependence in Magnetic Tunnel Junction", Phys. Rev. B66, 174407 (2002).
22. Y.-W. Zhao, Tao Zhang and John Q. Xiao, “Explosion Compacted FeCo Particles
Coated with Ferrites: A Possible Route to Achieve Artificial Soft Ferrites”, J. Appl.
Phys. 93, 8014 (2003).
23. Y.-W. Zhao, X. X. Zhang, R. K. Zheng and John Q. Xiao, “A Simple Method to
Prepare Uniform Co Nanoparticles”, IEEE Trans. Magn. Vol. 39, 2764 (2003).
24. N. Garcia, Hao Zhu, E.V. Ponizowskaya, A. Pons, John Q. Xiao, “Wide Photonic
Band Gaps at the Visible in Metallic Nanowire Arrays Embedded in a Dielectric
Matrix”, Appl. Phys. Letts. 82, 3147 (2003), also selected for the Virtual Journal of
Nanoscale Science & Technology, May 19, 2003
25. T. Zhu and X.H. Xiang, and John Q. Xiao, "Bias dependence of tunneling
magnetoresistance on Ferromagnetic Electrode Thickness", Appl. Phys. Letts. 82,
2676 (2003).
26. X. Xiang, T. Zhu, G. Landry, J. Du, Yuwen Zhao, and John Q. Xiao, “Spin dependent
conductance minima in magnetic tunnel junctions”, Appl. Phys. Letts 83, 2826(2003).
Also selected for publication in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science &
Technology, October 13 (2003).
27. F. Shen, T. Zhu, X.H. Xiang, J.Q. Xiao, E. Voelkl, Z. Zhang” Observation of the
barrier structure in magnetic tunnel junctions using high-resolution electron
microscopy and electron holography”, Appl. Phys. Letts., 83, 5482-5484 (2003).
28. Ruixin Wu, Xiaokai Zhang, Z. F. Lin, S.T. Chui, and John Q. Xiao, “Possible
Existence of left-handed materials in metallic magnetic thin films”, J. Magn. Magn.
Mater. 271, 180 (2004)
29. Yuwen Zhao, Chaoying Ni, David Kruczynski, Xiaokai Zhang, and John Q. Xiao,
“Exchange-coupled soft magnetic FeNi-SiO2 Nanocomposites”, J. Phys. Chem. B
108, 3691-3693 (2004).
30. F.M. Zhang, X.C. Liu, J. Gao, X.S. Wu, Y.W. Du, H. Zhu, J.Q. Xiao, and P. Chen,
“Ferromagnetism over the room temperature in Mn-doped silicon”, Appl. Phys.
Letts., 85, 786 (2004).
31. Yuwen Zhao, Yong Zhang, Hao Zhu, George C. Hadjipanayis, and John Q. Xiao,
“Low-Temperature Synthesis of Hexagonal (Wurtzite) ZnS Nanocrystals”, J. Am.
Chem. Soc., 126(22), 6874, 2004.
32. Yuwen Zhao, Xiaokai Zhang, and John Q. Xiao, “Submicron Laminated Fe/SiO2 Soft
Magnetic Composites-an Effective Route to Achieve Materials for High Frequency
Applications”, Adv. Materials. 17, No.7, 915, April 4 (2005)
John Q. Xiao, A. Gavrin, Gang Xiao, J.R. Childress, W.A. Bryden,. C.L. Chien and
A.S. Edelstein, "Structural Studies and Magnetic Properties of Fe/Ag superlattices,"
J. Appl. Phys. 67, 5388 (1990).
Gang Xiao, M.Z. Cieplak, John Q. Xiao and C.L. Chien, "Magnetic Pair-Breaking
Effects -Moment Formation and Critical Doping Level in Superconducting
La1.85Sr0.15Cu1-xAxO4 Systems (A=Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, Ga, Al)," Phys. Rev. B 42,
(Rapid Communications), 8752 (1990).
John Q. Xiao and C.L. Chien, "Structural and Magnetic Properties of Fe/W
Superlattices," J. Appl. Phys. 70, 6415 (1991).
T.E. Schlesinger, R.C. Cammarata, A. Gavrin, John Q. Xiao, C.L. Chien, M.K.
Ferber and C. Hayzelden, "Enhanced Mechanical and Magnetic Properties of
Granular Metal Thin-Films," J. Appl. Phys. 60, 3275 (1991).
S. Guha, M.Z. Cieplak, Gang Xiao, John Q. Xiao, C.L. Chien, H. Kojimaand P.
Lindenfeld. "The Metal-Insulator-Transition in La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 with Various
Substitutions for Cu," Superconductor Science and Technology, 4, S67 (1991).
Gang Xiao, John Q. Xiao, C.L. Chien and M.Z. Cieplak, "Asymmetrical Effects of
Copper-Site Holes Versus Oxygen-Site Holes in La-Sr-Cu-O," Phys. Rev. B 43,
(Rapid Communications), 1245 (1991).
M.Z. Cieplak, S. Guha, H. Kojima, P. Lindenfeld, Gang Xiao, John Q. Xiao, and
C.L. Chien, "Superconductivity and the Metal-Insulator-Transition in
La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 ," Physica C 185, 1233 (1992).
John Q. Xiao, J. Samuel Jiang, and C.L. Chien, "Giant Magnetoresistance in
Nonmultilayer Magnetic Systems," Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 3479 (1992).
M.Z. Cieplak, S. Guha, H. Kojima, P. Lindenfeld, Gang Xiao, John Q. Xiao, and
C.L. Chien, "The Metal-Insulator-Transition in La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 withVarious
Substitutions for Cu," Phys. Rev. B 46, 5536 (1992).
John Q. Xiao, J. Samuel Jiang, and C.L. Chien, "Giant Magnetoresistance in
Granular Co-Ag Systems," Phys. Rev. B46, (Rapid Communications) 9266 (1992).
J. Samuel Jiang, John Q. Xiao, and C.L. Chien, "Magnetic Properties and Giant
Magnetoresistance of Granular Permalloy in Silver," Appl. Phys. Lett. 61 (19), 2362
J. Q. Xiao, J. S. Jiang and C. L. Chien, "Giant Magnetoresistance in Granular
Magnetic Systems", in Ferrites:Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on
Ferrites (ICF6), Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan, edited by Yamaguchi and M. Abe, (Japan
Society of Power and Powder Metallurgy), p.944 (1992).
G.M. Chow, T. Ambrose, John Q. Xiao, M.E. Twigg, S. Baral, A.M. Ervin,S.B.
Qadri, and C.R. Feng, "Chemical Precipitation and Properties of Nanocrystalline FeCu Alloy and Composite Powders", NanoStructured Materials, 1, 361, (1992).
Peng Xiong, Gang Xiao, J. Q. Wang, John Q. Xiao, J. Samuel Jiang, and C. L.
Chien, " Extraordinary Hall Effect and Giant Magnetoresistance in the Granular CoAg System," Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 3220 (1992).
John Q. Xiao, J. Samuel Jiang, and C. L. Chien, "Structure of CoxAg100-x and Its
Relation to GMR", (invited paper of MRS annual meeting in Boston, MA 1992),
Mat. Res. Soc. Proc. No.286 "Nanophase and Nanocomposite Materials", edited by
S. Komarneni, J. C. Parker and G. J. Thomas, p.197-207, (1993).
J. Samuel Jiang, John Q. Xiao, and C. L. Chien, "Ginat Magnetoresistance in
Granular Magnetic Systems," in Magnetism and Structure in Systems of Reduced
Dimension, NATO ASI Series B, edited by R. F. C. Farrow, B. Dieny, M. Donath, A.
Fert and D. B. Hermsmeier, NATO Advanced Study Institute in Science and
Technology, Series B, Vol. 309, , p.381-388 (Plenum Press, NY 1993).
C. L. Chien, John Q. Xiao, and J. Samuel Jiang, "Giant Magnetoresistance in
Granular Ferromagnetic Systems." (Invited paper at the 37th Conference on
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Houston Texas), J. Appl. Phys. 73, 5309
L. Pirauex, M. Cassart, J. S. Jiang, John Q. Xiao, C. L. Chien, and A. Fert,
"Magnetothermal Transport Properties of Granular Co-Ag Solids," Phys. Rev. B48,
(Rapid Communications), 638 (1993).
Marta Z. Cieplak, A. Sienkiewicz, F. Mila, S. Guha, Gang Xiao, John Q. Xiao, and
C.L. Chien, "Spin Dynamics in the La1.85Sr0.15Cu1-xFexO4 System Probed by
ESR", Phys. Rev. B48, 4019 (1993).
20. G. M. Chow, T. Ambrose, John Q. Xiao, F. Kaatz, and A. Ervin, "Nanostructured
Co-Cu Powders via a Chemical Route" NanoStructured Materials, 2, 131 (1993).
21. L. Pirauex, M. Cassart, V. Bayot, J. S. Jiang, John Q. Xiao , and C. L. Chien,
"Giant Magnetothermal Conductivity and Giant Magnetothermopower in Granular
Co-Ag Solids", (invited paper of INTERMAG Conference in Stockholm, Sweden,
1993), IEEE Trans. Mag. MAG-29, 2700 (1993).
22. John Q. Xiao, J. Samuel Jiang, and C. L. Chien, "Giant Magnetoresistive Properties
in Granular Transition Metals", (invited paper of INTERMAG Conference in
Stockholm, Sweden, 1993), IEEE Trans. Mag. MAG-29, 2688 (1993).
23. John Q. Xiao and C. L. Chien, “Structural And Magnetic-Properties Of RfSputtered Iron Nitrides Using NH3” J Appl. Phys. 75: 5800, (1994)
24. J.H. Kim, L. Xing, John Q. Xiao, C.L. Chien, and Z. Tesanovic, "Electrical
Conductivity in Magnetic Granular Solids," Solid State Communications, 89, 157
25. John Q. Xiao, and C. L. Chien, "RF Reactive Sputtered Fe Nitrides Using
Ammonia Gas: Structure and Magnetic Properties," Appl. Phys, Lett. 64, 17 (1994).
26. L. Piraux, M. Cassart, E. Grivei, M. Kinany-Alaoui, V. Bayot, J. Samuel Jiang,
John. Q. Xiao, and C. L. Chien, "Thermal and Thermoelectric Properties of
Granular Co-Ag Solid", J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 136, 221 (1994).
27. John Q. Xiao, K. Liu, L. F. Schelp, J. E. Schmidt, and C. L. Chien, "Effects of Ar
Ion Implantation and Annealing on Structural and Magnetic Properties of Co/Pd
Multilayers, J. Appl. Phys. 76, 6081 (1994).
28. A. Garvin, M. H. Kelley, John Q. Xiao, C. L. Chien, and R. J. Celotta, "Domain
Structures in Magnetoresistive Granular Metals", Appl. Phys. Lett. 66, 1683 (1995).
29. John Q. Xiao and C. L. Chien, "Proximity Effects of NbN/GdN
Superconductor/Ferromagnetic Insulator Multilayers", Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 1727
30. John Q. Xiao and C. L. Chien, "Perpendicular Anisotropy in Metallic Granular
Solids" J. Appl. Phys. 79, 5309 (1996).
31. A. Gavrin, M. H. Kelley, John Q. Xiao, and C. L. Chien, “Magnetic domain
percolation in granular Co-Ag, J. Appl. Phys. 79, 5306 (1996).
32. K. Liu, X. W. Wu, K. Ahn, T. Sclchek, C. L. Chien, and John Q. Xiao, “Charge
ordering and Magnetoresistance in Nd1-xCaxMnO3 Due to Reduced Double
Exchange” Phys. Rev. B54, (Rapid Communications), 3007, (1996).
33. John Q. Xiao, Andy Gavrin, and C. L. Chien, “Perpendicular Anisotropy and
Domain Structures in magnetic granular solids”, to appear in “Magnetic Hysteresis in
Novel Magnetic Magnetic Materials”, Edited by G. C. Hadjipanayis (Kluwer
academic publishers, Netherlands, 1996).
34. K. Liu, X. W. Wu, K. Ahn, T. Sclchek, C. L. Chien, and John Q. Xiao, “Charge
ordering and Magnetoresistance in Nd1-xCaxMnO3 Due to Reduced Double
Exchange” Phys. Rev. B55, 11878-11878 (1997)
35. C. L. Chien, S. Jiang, John Q. Xiao, D. Davidovic, and D. Reich, “Proximity and
Coupling Effects in Superconducting/magnetic Multilayers”, J. Appl. Phys. 81, 5358
36. John Q. Xiao and C. L. Chien, "Antiferromagnetic Exchange Through an
Amorphous Metallic Layer," J. Chin. Electr. Microsc. Soc. 16, 409 (1997).
37. R. L. Sommer, John Q. Xiao, and C. L. Chien, “Magnetic and magneto-transport
properties of metastable GdxNb1-x alloys” IEEE Trans. Magn 34, 1135, (1998)
38. Y.D. Zhang, J.I. Budnick, W. A. Hines, C. L. Chien, and John Q. Xiao “Effect of
magnetic field on the superparamagnetic relaxation in granular Co-Ag samples”
Appl. Phys. Lett. 72, 2053-2055 (1998).
39. D. V. Dimitrov, S. F. Zhang, John Q. Xiao, G. C. Hadjipanayis, and C. Prados, “The
Effect of Exchange Interactions at Antiferromagnetic/Ferromagnetic Interfaces on
Exchange bias and Coercivity, Phys. Rev. B58, 12090 (1998).
40. D. V. Dimitrov, C. Prdos, C. Y. Ni, G. C. Hadjipanayis, and John Q. Xiao,
“Magnetoresistance in NiCoO/PY/Cu/PY spin valves”J. Magn. Mag. Mat. 189, 25,
41. R. H. Yu, S. Basu, Y. Zhang, G. C. Hadjipanayis, B. E. Lorenz, C. D. Grahm, Jr.,
and John Q. Xiao, “Microstructural Effect of Magnetic Properties of FeCo-based
Soft Magnetic Materials”, Jap. J. Appl. Phys. (1998).
42. R. H. Yu, S. Basu, Y. Zhang Y, and John Q. Xiao, “Magnetic domains and
coercivity in FeCo soft magnetic alloy”. J. Appl. Phys. 85, 6034, (1999)
43. R. H. Yu, S. Basu, and John Q. Xiao, “Pinning Effect of the Grain Boundaries on
Magnetic Domain Wall in FeCo-based Magnetic Alloys”, J. Appl. Phys. 85, 6655,
44. Y.F. Li, R. H. Yu, D. V. Dimitrov, and John Q. Xiao, “Memory Effect and
Temperature Behavior in Spin-Valves with and without Antiferromagnetic
Subsystems.” J. Appl. Phys. 86, 5692 (1999).
45. R. H. Ru, G. Landry, S. Basu, and John Q. Xiao, “Magneto-impedance effect in soft
magnetic tubes,” J. Appl. Phys. 87: (9) 4807-4809 (2000).
46. Y.F. Li and John Q. Xiao, “Memory effect in standard spin valve structures” J.
Appl. Phys. 87: (9) 4951-4953 (2000)
47. R.H. Yu, L. Ren, S. Basu, K.M. Unruh, A. Parvizi-Majidi A, J. Q. Xiao, “High
Temperature Soft Magnetic Materials: FeCo Alloys and Composites”, J. Appl. Phys.
87, 5840, (2000).
48. R. H. Yu, S. Basu, L. Ren, Y. Zhang, Azar Parvizi-Majidi, and John Q. Xiao, “High
Temperature Soft Magnetic Materials: FeCo Alloys and Composites” J. Appl. Phys.
87: 5840 (2000)
49. Yu RH, Basu S, Ren L, Zhang Y, Parvizi-Majidi A, Unruh KM, Xiao JQ , “High
temperature soft magnetic materials: FeCo alloys and composites”, IEEE
TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 36: (5) 3388-3393 (2000)
50. D. V. Dimitrov, J. van Ek , Y. F. Li, John Q. Xiao, "Enhanced Magnetic Stability in
Spin Valves with Synthetic Antiferromagnet", J. Appl. Phys. 87: (9) 6427-6429
51. D.V. Dimitrov, J. van Ek , Y.F. Li YF, and John Q. Xiao, “Nucleation field in
synthetic antiferromagnet stabilized with uniaxial or unidirectional anisotropy”, J
MAGN MAGN MATER 218, 273, (2000).
52. R.H. Yu, S. Basu, L. Ren, Y. Zhang, Azar Parvizi-Majidi, and John Q. Xiao, “High
temperature soft magnetic materials: FeCo alloys and composites,” IEEE Trans.
Magn. 36 (5): 3388-3393 (2000)
53. X. Chen, Y. J. Wang, B.Q. Liang, Y. J. Zhao, and John Q. Xiao, “Perpendicular
anisotropy in the amorphous TbCo/Si multilayers” J. Appl. Phys. 87: (9) 6845-6847
54. G. Landry, X.Xiang, Y. Dong, and John Q. Xiao, ” Interfacial Capacitance Effects in
Magnetic Tunneling Junctions”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, p501 (2001).
55. L. Ren, R. H. Ru, S. Basu, John Q. Xiao, and A. Majatich, ”Mechanical Properties
Fe-Co Soft Magnets,” J. MATERIALS SCIENCE 36 (6), 1451-1457, (2001)
56. Eric D. Wetzel, Bruce Fink, Y.F. Li, and John Q. Xiao, “Advanced Magnetic
Materials for Curie Temperature-Controlled Bonding”, to appear Army Science
Conference, (2001)
57. G. landry, X. Xiang, J. Du, and John Q. Xiao, “ Interfacial capacitance effects in
magnetic tunneling junctions,” J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 226, 920-921, MAY 2001.
58. J. Du, X. Xiang, G. Landry, T. Zhu, H. Zhao, and John Q. Xiao, “Electron-electron
interaction effects in magnetic tunneling junctions”, Physica Status Solidi A189, 559,
59. N. Garcia, E.V. Ponizowskaya, and John Q. Xiao, “Zero Permeability Materials:
Band Gaps at Visible”, Appl. Phys. Letts. 80, 1120 (2002). Selected by Virtual
Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, February 25, 2002.
60. H.W. Zhao, W.N. Wang, Y.J. Wang, and W.S. Zhan, and John Q. Xiao,
“Investigation of exchange bias in FeMnC/FeMn bilayers”, J. Appl. Phys. 91, 6893,
61. T. Zhu, X.H. Xiang, G. Landry, D.V. Dimitrov, N. Garcia, and John Q. Xiao, “Bulk
versus Interface Contributions to TMR in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions”, Phys. Rev.
B66, 94423, (2002).
62. Y. F. Li, R.H. Yu, John Q. Xiao, and D.V. Dimitrove, "Exchange bias and MR
behavior in standard spin valves after novel thermal process", J. Appl. Phys.91, 7227,
63. L. Ritchie, X. Liu, S. Ingvarsson, G. Xiao, J. Du, and John Q. Xiao, “magnetic
exchange bias enhancement through seed layer variation in FeMn.NiFe layered
structures”, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 247, 187, (2002).
64. Du J, X.H. Xiang, Landry G, and John Q. Xiao. "Investigation of magnetic
tunneling junctions with wedge-shaped barrier", J Appl. Phys. 91, 8780, (2002).
65. X. H. Xiang, T. Zhu, J Du, G. Landy and John Q. Xiao. "Effects of Density States
on Bias Dependence in Magnetic Tunnel Junction", Phys. Rev. B66, 174407 (2002).
66. T. Zhu and X.H. Xiang, and John Q. Xiao, "Bias dependence of tunneling
magnetoresistance on Ferromagnetic Electrode Thickness", Appl. Phys. Letts. 82,
2676 (2003).
67. X. H. Xiang, T. Zhu, J. Du, and John Q. Xiao, “Conductance Anomaly and DOS
Effects in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions”, J. Appl. Phys. 93, 8053 (2003).
68. X. M. Cheng, X. K. Zhang, D. Z. Zhang, S. H. Lee, A. Duckham, T. P. Weihs, R. C.
Cammarata, John Q. Xiao, and C. L. Chien, “Magnetic Core Loss of Ultrahigh
Strength Nanocrystalline FeCo Alloys”, J. Appl. Phys. 93, 7121 (2003)
69. X.K Zhang, Y.F. Li, E.D. Wetzel, and John Q Xiao, “Theoretical and Experimental
Analysis of Magnetic Inductive Heating in Ferrite Materials”, J. Appl. Phys. 93,
7124 (2003).
70. N. Garcia, Hao Zhu, E.V. Ponizowskaya, A. Pons, John Q. Xiao, “Wide Photonic
Band Gaps at the Visible in Metallic Nanowire Arrays Embedded in a Dielectric
Matrix”, Appl. Phys. Letts. 82, 3147 (2003), also selected for the Virtual Journal of
Nanoscale Science & Technology, May 19, 2003.
71. Z.C. Yan, Y.H. Huang, Y. Zhang, H. Okumura, J.Q. Xiao, S. Stoyanov, V. Skumryev,
and G. C. Hadjipanayis, “Magnetic properties of gadolinium and terbium nanoparticles
produced via multilayer precursors”, Phys. Rev. B67, 054403 (2003).
72. J. Du, W. T. Sheng, L. Sun, B. You, M. Lu, A. Hu, Q.Y. Xu, Y.G. Wang, Z. Zhang,
and J. Q. Xiao, “inversed tunnel magnetoresistance in over-oxidized FeCo/AlOx/Co
junctions”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 199, 289 (2003).
73. T. Zhu, W. Zhan, F. Shen, Z. Zhang, X. Xiang, G. Landry, and John Q. Xiao, “Bulklike contribution to tunnel magnetoresistance in magnetic tunnel junctions”, Chinese
Physics, 12, 665-668, (2003).
74. Michelle M. Corte-Real, Jun Du, Karl M. Unruh, and John Q. Xiao, “Ferromagnetic
Resonance in Granular Soft Magnetic Films” IEEE Trans. Magn. Vol. 39, 3091
75. Y.-W. Zhao, Tao Zhang and John Q. Xiao, “Explosion Compacted FeCo Particles
Coated with Ferrites: A Possible Route to Achieve Artificial Soft Ferrites”, J. Appl.
Phys. 93, 8014 (2003).
76. Y.-W. Zhao, X. X. Zhang, R. K. Zheng and John Q. Xiao, “A Simple Method to
Prepare Uniform Co Nanoparticles”, IEEE Trans. Magn. Vol. 39, 2764 (2003).
77. X. Xiang, T. Zhu, G. Landry, J. Du, Yuwen Zhao, and John Q. Xiao, “Spin dependent
conductance minima in magnetic tunnel junctions”, Appl. Phys. Letts 83, 2826(2003).
Also selected for publication in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science &
Technology, October 13 (2003).
78. X.H. Xiang, T. Zhu, F. Sheng, Z. Zhang, and John Q. Xiao, “Recent developments in
magnetic tunnel junctions”, Review articles, IEEE Trans. Magn. Vol. 39, 2770
79. F. Shen, T. Zhu, X.H. Xiang, J.Q. Xiao, E. Voelkl, Z. Zhang” Observation of the
barrier structure in magnetic tunnel junctions using high-resolution electron
microscopy and electron holography”, Appl. Phys. Letts., 83, 5482-5484 (2003).
80. D. Jun, L.A. Sun, W.T. Sheng, B.A. You, L. Mu, H. An, M.M. Corte-Rea, and John Q.
Xiao, “In-plane ferromagnetic resonance in nano-composite Fe-R-O( R = Hf, Nd, Dy)
films” ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 53 (7): 2352-2356 JUL 2004.
81. J. Du, W. T. Sheng, L. Sun, B. You, M. Lu, A. Hu, X. X. Xiang, and John Q. Xiao,
“Transport property studies on magnetic tunnel junctions with wedge-shaped barrier”,
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 277, 90-95, 2004
82. Ruixin Wu, Xiaokai Zhang, Z. F. Lin, S.T. Chui, and John Q. Xiao, “Possible
Existence of left-handed materials in metallic magnetic thin films”, J. Magn. Magn.
Mater. 271, 180 (2004).
83. D. Jun, L.A. Sun, W.T. Sheng, B.A. You, L. Mu, H. An, M.M. Corte-Real, John Q.
Xiao, “In-plane ferromagnetic resonance in nano-composite Fe-R-O( R = Hf, Nd, Dy)
films”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 53 (7): 2352-2356 JUL 2004.
84. X.H. Xiang, T. Zhu, Z. P. Zhang, T. P. Beebe, John Q. Xiao, “ Bulk contribution to
magneto-resistance in Co-based magnetic tunnel junction”, J. Magn. Mag. Mat. 272,
1818 (2004).
85. Yuwen Zhao, Chaoying Ni, David Kruczynski, Xiaokai Zhang, and John Q. Xiao,
“Exchange-coupled soft magnetic FeNi-SiO2 Nanocomposites”, J. Phys. Chem. B
108, 3691-3693 (2004).
86. F. Shen, T. Zhu, X. Xiang, J.Q. Xiao, Z. Zhang, “An investigation of barrier/electrode
interfaces and their related influence on tunnelling magnetoresistance using electron
holography” J. Phys. D 37 (11): 1515-1519 (2004).
87. Fei-fei Li, Zheng-zhong Li, Ming-wen Xiao, Jun Du, Wang Xu, An Hu, and John Q.
Xiao, “Bias dependent tunneling in ferromagnetic junctions and inversion of TMR
from a quantum mechanical point of view”, J. Appl. Phys. 95 (11): 7243-7245, (2004)
88. F.M. Zhang, X.C. Liu, J. Gao, X.S. Wu, Y.W. Du, H. Zhu, J.Q. Xiao, and P. Chen,
“Investigation on the magnetic and electrical properties of crystalline Mn0.05Si0.95
films”, Appl. Phys. Letts., 85, 786 (2004).
89. W.T. Sheng, W.G. Wang, X.H. Xiang, F. Shen, F.F. Li, T Zhu, Z. Zhang, Z.Z. Li, J.
Du, A. Hu A, John Q. Xiao, “Probing tunnel barrier shape and its effects on inversed
tunneling magnetoresistance at high bias”, J. ELECTRONIC MATERIALS 33 (11),
1274-1279 (2004).
90. Yuwen Zhao, Yong Zhang, Hao Zhu, George C. Hadjipanayis, and John Q. Xiao,
“Low-Temperature Synthesis of Hexagonal (Wurtzite) ZnS Nanocrystals”, J. Am.
Chem. Soc., 126(22), 6874, 2004.
91. Yuwen Zhao, Xiaokai Zhang, and John Q. Xiao, “Submicron Laminated Fe/SiO2 Soft
Magnetic Composites-an Effective Route to Achieve Materials for High Frequency
Applications”, Adv. Materials. 17, No.7, 915, April 4 (2005)
92. Q.Y. Wen, H.W. Zhang, X.D. Jiang, X.L. Tang, Z.Y. Zhong, and J.Q. Xiao, “Effects
of layer deposition sequence on microstructure and magnetostatic coupling of spinvalves with amorphous CoNbZr layer”, Chinese Physics Letters, 22 (3), 690-693
MAR 2005.
93. Fan Chongfei, Pan Liqing, Zhu hao, Qiu Hongmei, Wang Fengping, Wu Ping, Qiu
Hong, Zhang Yue, J. Q. Xiao, “Structure and magnetic properties of Mn-doped CuO
solids”, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (Trans. Nonferrous Met.
Soc. China), 15(2)(2005) 349-352.
94. Liqing Pan, Hao Zhu, Chongfei Fan, Weigang Wang, Yue Zhang, and John Q. Xiao
“Mn-doped Cu2O thin films grown by rf magnetron sputtering”, J. Appl. Phys. 97,
318, 2005.
95. P. Chen, Ruixin Wu, T. Zhao, Y. Fang, and John Q. Xiao, “Complex permittivity and
permeability of magnetic granular composites at microwave frequencies”, Journal of
Physics D: Applied Physics, 38, 1, 2005.
96. Hao Zhu, Chaoying Ni, Fengming Zhang, Youwei Du, and John Q. Xiao,
“Fabrication and magnetic property of MnB alloy”, submitted to J. Appl. Phys.
97. T. Zhu, X. Xiang, F. Shen, Z. Zhang, and John Q. Xiao, “Tunneling
Magnetoresistance Dependence on Magnetic and Nonmagnetic Composite Electrodes
in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions” submitted to Appl. Phys. Letts.
98. Ruixin Wu, Xiaokai Zhang, S.T. Chui, and John Q. Xiao, “Wave polarization and
left-handed materials in metallic magnetic thin films”, Submitted to IEEE
99. H. N. Hu, H. Y. Chen, S. Y. Yu, J. L. Chen, G. H. Wu, F. B. Meng, J. P. Qu, Y. X. Li, H. Zhu,
John Q. Xiao, ” Textured Co nanowire arrays with controlled magnetization direction”
in print. J. Magn. Mat. Mat. (2005).
100.R.X. Wu, Xiaokai Zhang, and John Q. Xiao, “Wave polarization and left-handed materials
in metallic magnetic thin films”, Accepted by IEEE trans. Magn.
101.Z.H. Liu, H. Liu, X.X. Zhang, X.K. Zhang, John Q. Xiao, Z.Y. Zhu, X.F. Dai, G.D. Liu, J.L.
Chen and G.H. Wu, “Large negative magnetoresistance in quaternary Heusler alloy
Ni50Mn8Fe17Ga25 melt-spun ribbons”, Accepted by APL.
102.R.X. Wu and John Q. Xiao, “Designing periodic semiconductor-ferrite composite
materials with a negative index of refraction at microwave frequencies”, submitted to
Published Books
Chapter Five “Recording Head Materials” in “Handbook of Thin Film Process
Technology, IOP Publisher (1997).
Invited talks:
"Giant Magnetoresistance in Granular Magnetic Systems." Material Research Society
Fall Meeting, Boston, MA (Nov., 1992).
2. "Giant Magnetoresistive Properties in Granular Transition Metals" Intermag
Conference, Stockholm, Sweden (March, 1993).
3. "Giant Magnetoresistance, Giant Magnetothermal Conductivity and Giant
Magnetothermopower in Granular Metallic Solids", IBM Yorktown Research Center,
Yorktown Heights, NY (April 26, 1993).
4. “Magnetoresistance in Multilayer and Spin Valve Structures” Motorola Research
Center, Phoenix, AZ (Jan. 1995).
5. “Antiferromagnetic Exchange Coupling Through an Amorphous Metal” Physics on
Thin Film Conference, Hefei, China (June, 1996).
6. “Properties in Nanostructured Materials” Nanjing University, China (June, 1996).
7. “Spin-polarized transport in nanostructures” Department of Physics, Villanova
University (March, 1998)
8. “Exchange coupling between ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic layers”
Department of Physics, Pennsylvania State University (April, 1998).
9. “Exchange coupling between ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic layers”
Department of Physics, Brown University (April, 1998)
10. “Spintronics-Spin Engineering for Magnetoelectronics Devices”, Veeco Process
Equipment (Novemeber, 1998)
11. “Spin-Polarized Transport in Magnetic Nanostructure and Their Application in
Information recording”, IEEE Philadelphia Chapter, University of Pennsyvalnia
(April, 1999).
12. “Memory Effect and Temperature Behavior in Spin-Valves with and without
Antiferromagnetic Subsystems.” National Conference of Magnetism and Magnetic
Materials, Beijing (August, 1999)
13. “High Temperature Soft Magnetic Materials: FeCo Alloys and Composites” InterMag
Conference, Toronto (April, 2000)
14. “Spin Polarized Transport in Magnetic Tunneling Junctions”, Institute of Physics,
Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China, (June, 2000)
15. “Spin Polarized Transport in Magnetic Tunneling Junctions”, Colloquium,
Department of Physics, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, October 19,
16. “Electron-Electron Interaction in Magnetic Tunneling Junctions”, Workshop On
Tunneling And Ballistic Magnetoresitances And Domain Wall Structures, Laboratorio
de Fisica de Sistemas Pequeños y Nanotecnologia (CSIC), Madrid 28006, Spain,
November 16, 2000.
17. “Spin-polarized transport in magnetic tunneling junctions”, seminar, Institute for
Materials Research, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, October, 2001.
18. “Spin-polarized transport in magnetic tunneling junctions”, symposium on the
development of MRAM, Hsinchu, Taiwan, January, 16, (2002).
19. “Nanostructured Materials and Their Applications in Information Storage,
Microwave, and Optics”, Colloquium, National Institute of Advanced Industrial
Science and Technology, Sendai, Japan, January 25, 2002
20. “What is new with nanostructured materials” Colloquium, Institute for Materials
Research, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, February, 2002.
21. “Spin Polarized Transport in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions”, seminar, Department of
Physics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, May 30,
22. “Magnetic Nanostructures: Spintronics and Possible Left Handed Materiaters”,
Colloquium, Department of Physics, Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology, Hong Kong, May 30, 2002.
23. “Interface and Bulk Contributions to TMR in MTJ: Characteristic Length”, invited
talk at Eighth IUMRS International Conference on Electronic Materials, Xian, China,
June 12, 2002.
24. “Spin polarized transport in magnetic tunnel junctions” Colloquium, Department of
Physics, Suzhow University, Suzhow, Jiangsu, China, June 17, 2002.
25. “Spin polarized transport in magnetic tunnel junctions”, invited talk, 2002
Symposium for Chinese Scholars on Magnetoelectronics and Superconducting
Electrical Engineering, Beijing, China, August, 15, 2002
26. “Characteristic length scales in magnetic tunnel junction”, Colloquium, Department
of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, January 8, 2003.
27. “Recent developments in magnetic tunnel Junctions”, invited talk, International
Magnetic Conference (InterMag 2003), Boston, March, 2003
28. “Recent developments in magnet tunnel junctions”, seminar, Data Storage Systems
Center , Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon
University, April 17, 2003
29. “Composite materials with tunable permittivity and permeability” Duport Center
Research & Development, Wilmington, DE 19880, May 15, 2003.
30. “Nanostructured materials by design: from photonic band gap materials to left
handed materials”, Department of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China,
August 20, 2003.
31. “Nanostructured materials by design: from photonic band gap materials to left
handed materials”, Department of Physics, Suzhou University, Suzhou, China,
August 25, 2003.
32. “Metamaterials with Tailored Dielectric Permittivity and Magnetic Permeability for
Microwave and Optical Applications” IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown
Heights, NY, November, 14, 2003
33. “Metamaterials with Tailored Dielectric Permittivity and Magnetic Permeability for
Microwave and Optical Applications”, Department of Materials Science Department,
Qinghua University, Beijing, January, 6, 2004.
34. “Recent Development in magnetic tunnel junctions”, Institute of Semiconductor,
Academic of Science, Beijing, January, 7, 2004
35. “Probing the tunneling barrier shape and its effect on the bias dependence of TMR”,
Seminar, Department of Physics, University of Connecticut, April 29, 2004.
36. “Recent Development in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions”, invited talk in The Minerals,
Metals, & Materials Society (TMS) annual meeting, Charlette, NC, March, 2004
37. “Barrier shape and their effects on bias dependence in magnetic tunnel junctions”,
Spintronics workshop, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academic of Science, Beijing,
July, 2004.
38. “The effect of density of states in magnetic tunnel junctions. Spintronics workshop,
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academic of Science, Beijing, July, 2004.
39. “Spin Polarized Transport in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions: Effects due to DOS and
Barrier Shape”, Colloquium, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of
Delaware, 22, 2004.
40. “Spin Polarized Transport in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions: Effects due to DOS and
Barrier Shape”, condensed matter seminar, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, April1 1, 2005
41. “Spin Polarized Transport in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions: Effects due to DOS and
Barrier Shape”, Engineering Seminar, Department of Materials Science Department,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI, April 21, 2005
42. “The development of High Frequency Soft Magnetic Materials”, 24th Annual
Conference on Properties and Applications of Magnetic Materials, Illinois Institute of
Technology, Chicago, May 9, 2005.
43. “Miracles of magnet”, Duport Center Research & Development, Wilmington, DE
19880, May 26, 2005.