MSU Honors Distinguished Alumni and Spirit Recipient State University honored eight of its owngraduates during a Homecoming brunch Oct. 31 when the MSU Alumni Associationpresented its 2015 Distinguished Alumni Awards, the Arthur F. BeyerDistinguished Alumni Award, and the MSU Spirit Award. Dr.Gregory Zolnerowich was named the Arthur F. Beyer Distinguished Alumnus. The award is given in honorof the late, longtime MSU science professor. Zolnerowich is a 1976 graduate ofWichita Falls High School. He earned a Bachelor of Science in 1980 and a Masterof Science in 1983, both from MSU. He earned his Ph.D. from Texas A&M in1995. Zolnerowich is Professor of Entomology at Kansas State University. At K-State, Zolnerowich was named the College ofAgriculture’s David J. Mugler Outstanding Teacher in 2013, and he received thePresidential Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in 2012. As curatorof the K-State Museum of Entomological and Prairie Arthropod Research, he isresponsible for a collection of approximately 365,000 insect and arthropodspecimens. Zolnerowich has served on the board of directors for the Friends ofKonza Prairie, a group whose mission is to promote understanding andappreciation for the prairie ecosystem and grassland conservation andmanagement. ReeseInman received the Distinguished Alumni Award from the Gordon T. and Ellen West College ofEducation. Inman is a Wichita Falls native and a 1983 graduate of RiderHigh School. He earned a Bachelor ofScience in Education from MSU in 1989. Inman taught his entire career in the Wichita Falls IndependentSchool District, from his MSU graduation in 1989 until his retirement in Juneof 2015. For most of those years, Inman taught Texas history. He wasnominated for Teacher of the Year five times and received the West FoundationTeaching Excellence award three times. At Barwise Junior High School, he washistory department chair and sponsor of the Plastic Model Building Club.  EmilyM. Jones was named the LamarD. Fain College of Fine Arts Distinguished Alumna. She earned a Bachelor of Arts from MSU in 1998 with a major in theatreand a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Arkansas in 2010 with anemphasis in directing. Jones participated in the Shakespeare in London programwith King’s College London Study Abroad. She has taught at Lindenwood University in SaintCharles, Mo., since 2010, and Generated on 12/1/2015 12:00:20 PM, by iNews Publisher, is now Associate Professor and Chair of theDepartment of Theatre. She serves on the board of directors of ACT INC theatergroup in St. Louis, Mo. MelissaM. Reese is the Distinguished Alumna from the Robert D. and Carol Gunn College of HealthSciences and Human Services. She graduatedsumma cum laude from MSU in 2007 with a Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene.She graduated with honors from the University of Oklahoma with a Master ofPublic Health and in 2014 was named Outstanding Graduate Student in the OUCollege of Public Health, Health Promotion Science program. Reese is program manager for MobileSmiles Oklahoma,a nonprofit dental care program that travels the state delivering free dentalcare and education. She has received numerous U.S. Public Health Service Awardsfor her work with the medical ship the USNS Mercy, Habitat for Humanity andother charitable medical organizations. RayRichey was named theDillard College of Business Administration Distinguished Alumnus. Richey isa 1975 graduate of Rider High School where he was a member of the Rider a cappellachoir and was named UIL All-State Solo Percussionist. He graduated cum laudefrom MSU in 1977 with a Bachelor of Business Administration. Soon aftergraduation he began Ray Richey and Company Inc., a profitable oil and gasbusiness. In 2006, Richey founded the Texas Civil War Museumin Fort Worth to house his private collection of Civil War artifacts. Richeywas awarded the Daughters of the American Revolution’s Medal of Honor in 2014for his dedication to preserving American history. The Collegeof Science and Mathematics named Dr.Fred Stangl its Distinguished Alumnus. Stangl earned his Bachelor ofScience in 1979 and his Master of Science in 1981, both in biology from MSU. Heearned his Ph.D. from Texas Tech University in 1984. Stangl is a 1968 graduateof Burkburnett High School. Stangl was Professor of Biology at MSU from1984-2012 and is now Professor Emeritus of Biology. He has been a researchassociate at The Museum at Texas Tech since 1989. Stangl was named an honorarymember of the Texas Society of Mammalogists in 2013. In 1990, Stangl was named Hardin Professor of theYear, and in 1993 was named Student Government Professor the Year. He receivedthe MSU Faculty Award in 1993 and three times was named Mortar Board Professorof the Year. Stangl has received the Texas Academy of Science OutstandingService Award twice. He has served on advisory boards for River Bend NatureWorks, NORTEX Regional Generated on 12/1/2015 12:00:20 PM, by iNews Publisher, Planning Commission, and the mammal advisory board forTexas Parks & Wildlife. Dr.Dustin Tahmahkera was named Distinguished Alumnus fromthe Prothro-Yeager College of Humanitiesand Social Sciences. He earned his Bachelor of Arts in 1999 and Master ofArts in 2002, both from MSU. He earned his Ph.D. in American Culture Studiesfrom Bowling Green State University in 2007. Tahmahkera was Assistant Professor of CommunicationStudies at Southwestern University from 2009-2015 and is now AssistantProfessor of Mexican American and Latina/o Studies and affiliate faculty inNative American and Indigenous Studies at The University of Texas at Austin. LarrySlack received the MSUSpirit Award. He graduated in 1970 with a Bachelor of BusinessAdministration and has remained involved with his alma mater through the KiowaKooks, Mustangs Athletic Club, and the Alumni Association, serving as its presidentin 1981-82. Slack is a graduate of Holliday High School. He is now mayor ofBowie. In 2008, Slack’s love for Midwestern led him torefurbish the Spirit of ’22, MSU’s 1942 Dodge pumper fire truck that is a showpiece in parades and other area special events. Each year, MSU’s six colleges honor an alumna/uswhose accomplishments and careers have brought credit to the university.Honorees must be distinguished in their profession or life’s work. They must bea person of integrity and demonstrated ability who will inspire others by theirrecognition. They must reflect the importance of their education at MSU andshow pride and a continuing interest in their alma mater. In addition to the Distinguished Alumni honors, theArthur F. Beyer Distinguished Alumnus Award is presented to a recipient who hascontinually brought honor to MSU through his or her accomplishments. Itemphasizes lifetime achievement in a field. The Spirit Awardstands for Service, Pride, Initiative, Responsibility, Integrity, and Teamworkand is awarded to individuals or groups in recognition of their support ofMidwestern State University. Established in 1996, the first honorees were theMSU Kiowa Kooks who have contributed countless hours of service for the benefitof Midwestern and the Alumni Association. Generated on 12/1/2015 12:00:20 PM, by iNews Publisher, Generated on 12/1/2015 12:00:20 PM, by iNews Publisher,