AB12 - California State University, Fresno

CWS/CMS Data Entry for Youth in
Extended Foster Care – AB12
Central CA Training Academy
Terry Luna, CWS/CMS Training Project Coordinator
Central CA Training Academy
July 2012
AB 12 Extended Foster Care
Special Project Codes
 NMD Participation
 NMD Placements
Page 3/4
New Service Component for NMD’s
 Supportive Transition
Page 5
Case Planning for NMD’s
90-Day Transition Plan
TILP/Transition Plan Tracking
Page 6-8
Page 9-12
 Remain in same placement
 SILP Placement
 THP-Plus-FC
Reentry into Extended Foster Care
 Reopening closed case w/suspension reason
 Opening a New Placement Episode
 388(e) Petition to Reenter
Page 13-15
Placement & Episode Closure
Page 15
Termination of Jurisdiction & Closing a Case
Page 16
Transition Jurisdiction–WIC 450
 Create a New Case
Page 17-18
Special Populations of NMDs
Page 19
Foster Care and Extended Foster Care Aid Codes
Page 20-21
Central CA Training Academy
July 2012
Special Project Codes for Identifying NMD Participation Conditions:
ACL 12-05 dated 01/13/12
S-NMD Completing HS or Equiv
Use to identify a NMD completing high school or a high school equivalent program.
S-NMD College/Vocational Ed
Use to identify a NMD who is enrolled in a post secondary or vocational education
S-NMD Removing Emp Barriers
Use to identify a NMD who is participating in a program or activity designed to
remove barriers to employment.
S-NMD Employed Min 80 Hrs/Mo
Use to identify a NMD who is employed for a minimum 80 hours per month.
S-NMD Medical Disability
Use to identify a NMD who has a medical or psychiatric condition that leaves the
NMD incapable of participating in any of the other four participation conditions.
For detailed definitions of these 5 participation conditions:
see ACL 11-61 dated 11/4/11 – Attachment A
GREEN Section: Case Notebook – Special Project Page
Choose the appropriate code(s) for the
NMD, then record the date the activity
began. When the activity ends or when
they are no longer receiving services
associated with extended foster care,
record the stop date.
Central CA Training Academy
July 2012
Special Project Codes for Identifying NMD Placements:
ACL 12-05 dated 01/13/12
Note: Not all NMD’s will fall into these 2 categories of placement.
This placement code should be used to describe an approved Supervised
Independent Living Placement (SILP) for NMDs. This code should be used in
combination with Court specified Home Placement Home type.
This placement code should be used to identify a Transitional Housing Program-PlusFoster Care (THP-Plus-FC) for NMD. This code should be used in combination with
Foster Family Agency Certified Home Placement Home type with checkbox
Transitional Housing Placement Program Facility.
RED Section: Placement Home Notebook – Special Projects Page
Choose the appropriate code(s) for the
placement situation the NMD is in, then
record the date the placement began.
When the placement ends or when they
are no longer receiving services
associated with extended foster care,
record the stop date.
Central CA Training Academy
July 2012
Social workers, at the time of updating the 6 month TILP, should
review participation condition Special Project Codes and update as
Service Component for Non-Minor Dependents
New Service Component Added: “Supportive Transition” to identify
those NMD’s that are receiving extended foster care services.
 The effective date for this value for youth attaining age 18 in
2012 and following, should be the 18th birthday of the youth.
 For those youth who were already 18 and in care on January 1,
2012, and otherwise qualified for Extended Foster Care – the
effective date should be January 1, 2012.
 In the case of a reentry, it should be the date the youth signed
the SOC 163 – Voluntary Reentry Agreement (VRA) for EFC.
GREEN Section: Case Notebook
On the Service Component page of a youth’s
case, a new selection has been added:
Supportive Transition
This new service component is not available to select if the youth is
less than 17 years, 5 months in age.
Central CA Training Academy
July 2012
Case Plan for Non Minor Dependents:
Case Plan
The Transitional Independent Living “Case Plan” is the NMD’s case
plan that is updated every 6 months. It is a continuation of the same
case plan that existed before the NMD turned age 18, but there is no
longer a focus on reunification, termination of parental rights for
adoption or the establishment of guardianship of a minor.
New Case Plan Goal Added for NMD’s:
“Permanent Connections for Independence”
This new Case Plan Goal is not available to select if the client is less
than 17 years, 5 months in age.
For more program information relating to Case Planning for NMD’s,
refer to ACL 11-69 10/13/2011.
Central CA Training Academy
July 2012
TILP – Transitional Independent Living Plan
Case Document Notebook
Requirements for TILP’s remain the same, including the six month updates and
requirement for living skills assessment as described in MPP section 31236(a)(6). The TILP is used to describe the services that the NMD is receiving to
support their active engagement in one of the five participation criteria. The TILP
describes the services that the NMD is to receive to support their overall case
plan goals/ therefore, at least one goal on the TILP must be directly related to
maintaining participation criteria eligibility.
The Transitional Independent Living Plan document (version 07/08) can be
created using the Case Document Notebook in the GREEN section.
Use the + sign to create a new document – leave the radio button set at State of
English and a Spanish version are available to create.
90-Day Transition Plan
For foster youth who have reached age 18 and decline to participate in EFC, the
90 plan must be completed within 90 days of the exit from foster care.
If foster youth remain in EFC, the 90-day plan will be completed, at a later date,
prior to exiting EFC.
Note: The 90-day Transition Plan is only required for dependents. It is not
necessary to complete the 90-day plan for NRLG’s who receive extended
payment benefits.
The 90-Day Transition Plan document can be created using the Case Document
Notebook in the GREEN section.
Use the + sign to create a new document – leave the radio button set at State of
90-Day Transition Plan for NMD’s – This plan is to be completed within the 90 day
period prior to exiting EFC. This would be either within the 90-day period prior to
the NMD achieving the maximum age of foster care or, if the NMD has an earlier
planned exit, within the 90-day period prior to a planned exit. If the NMD makes
an unplanned exit from EFC, the 90-day Transition plan is still required.
If not completed and documented in the Transition Plan Notebook, you will not be
able to close case.
Central CA Training Academy
July 2012
Transition Plan tracking page:
This page can be used to track both the TILP and the 90-Day Transition Plan
documents. This notebook is child specific, so you must be in the child’s case to
access the page. You cannot access siblings’ information from the open child’s
The plus + in the
corner will be
enabled only if
the case focus
child is 12 years
and older.
The screen can
be used to track
any and all
TILP’s and the
90-day Transition
TILP Svcs Deferred Reasons
90-Day Exception Reasons
Reason Not Signed
Case Suspended
Declined Services
Mental Disability
Physical Disability
Refused to Participate
Unable to Locate
Unable to Participate
Developmental Disability
Mental Disability
Physical Disability
Whereabouts Unknown
Caregiver Reason Not Signed
No Caregiver
Not Present
This page can be accessed after the case has been closed to continue
documentation of TILP’s. User must have ‘closed case/referral’ privilege in order
to do so and can only access their county’s closed cases.
Central CA Training Academy
July 2012
NMD electing to remain in the same placement for Extended Foster
Care: (Licensed or certified foster homes and approved relative homes)
On the ID page of the current placement, the “Legal Authority for
Placement” field must be updated.
NMD values:
WIC 300 – Dependency Jurisdiction (new or
WIC 450 – Transition Jurisdiction
WIC 602 – Continued Delinquency Jurisdiction
Effective date:
Shall be the 18th birthday of the youth, or January 1, 2012 if they were already 18
and in care and otherwise qualified for EFC.
If the NMD was a W&IC 602, and was made a W&IC 450 prior to the youth turning
18, the effective date shall be the date of the court order modifying the jurisdiction
to W&IC 450 jurisdiction.
Continuing a Group Home placement for NMD’s may only be considered if the
placement allows the NMD to finish high school. After graduation or age 19,
whichever is first, placement if prohibited unless the NMD meets participation
condition number 5 – medical condition (ACL 11-69), and group home placement
is a short-term transition period to a less restrictive and more family-like
setting…..see ACL 11-77 for more details.
Central CA Training Academy
July 2012
SILP Placement
The SILP is a new and flexible placement type for foster care that was created for
NMD’s participating in Extended Foster Care. Counties have significant discretion
for what can constitute a SILP placement.
SILP placements can include:
 Apartments (alone or with roommates)
 Single Room Occupancies (may have shared bathrooms and/or kitchens)
 Renting a room (including from a former caregiver)
 Dorms/University housing
Once the SILP placement has been assessed and approved, the entry into
CWS/CMS can be made.
Placement Home must be created first – as a Court Specified Home.
County should establish naming convention guidelines for naming the homes, ie.,
“John Smith SILP”
Work in the Youth’s Case:
Create New Placement Home:
Choose: Court Specified Home as the
Complete this page with as much
information as you have. Enter the
ADDRESS on this page.
Be sure to enter the number of beds
needed in the Adj. Cap. box on the ID
page of the placement home.
Use this link for Zip + 4 for the
Placement Home address.
Use the plus (+) to add substitute care
provider information. Since the NMD is
an adult, they should be listed on this
Complete these pages with as much
information as you have regarding other
people living with the NMD. Complete
all YELLOW and GREEN fields.
Enter payee information here, this could
be the NMD, or another party named at
the request of the NMD, such as a
Once the Placement Home has been created and saved to the
database, the placement can be made for the NMD.
Central CA Training Academy
July 2012
Search for the Placement Home you just created, then:
Review the Client Notebook to be sure an Active
State ID number has been recorded.
If there is not an Active State ID number,
follow your county’s procedure for obtaining
and entering number.
Create New Placement
Select the NMD, and highlight the SILP
placement home you just created, click
Complete the page with as much
information as possible.
Legal Authorization for Placement:
NMD WIC 300, 450 or 602 (choose the
appropriate WIC code)
Effective date: Youth’s 18th birthday, or
1/1/2012 if youth was already in care.
Care Provider Relationship is YELLOW –
doesn’t really apply to youth, but you
must enter something.
SILP’s will receive the basic foster care
rate, and applicable county clothing
allowance. Use these pages to record
the payments. SCI payments are not
available for SILP placement, however,
parenting NMDs can receive the infant
supplement while residing in the SILP.
Create Placement Documents
SOC158A – Foster Child’s Data
Record can be created here.
Under the CDSS section:
SOC157A – Approval and SILP
Placement Agreement and
SOC157B – SILP Inspection
checklist can be generated.
Central CA Training Academy
July 2012
This new foster care housing program is specifically for NMD’s who are in an EFC
placement under the jurisdiction of the court and who are not ready for a highly
independent type living situation. It will offer similar housing models and
supportive services that are available in the current THP Plus Program.
THP-Plus-FC will provide housing for NMD’s and offer more frequent and
intensive services than other placement options.
Counties can use existing CWS/CMS data entry procedures in entering these
placement homes as FFA-Certified Homes – with the THP Plus provider as the
agency that certified the home.
SOC 152 _Placement Agency – THP-Plus-FC Provider Agreement is located in
RED section – under Placement Document section: Choose CDSS section.
Central CA Training Academy
July 2012
Re-Entry into Extended Foster Care
Requirements for Re-Entering Youth:
On and after 1/1/2012, in order to be eligible to re-enter FC and receive EFC benefits, a
former NMD must meet the eligibility criteria below:
 Age
o Beginning in 2012, under age 19
o Beginning in 2013, under age 20
o If approved by the legislature, under age 21 beginning in 2014
 Under a foster care placement order on their 18th birthday
 Agree to meet education and/or employment participation conditions
 Authority for placement (complete the VRA – SOC 163) followed by resumption of
juvenile court jurisdiction
 Placement in an eligible facility
Transitional Independent Living Case Plan and Transitional Independent Living Plan are
developed within 60 days from the resumption of jurisdiction.
Former Case must be re-opened with a Suspension reason. Note: don’t use
‘reopen’ functionality cross agency – CWS should only reopen a CWS case,
Probation should only reopen a Probation case.
(this step can only be done by a County Administrator or Supervisor of the worker who
had the case). Be sure to pull all Assignment history on the Assignment Page.
New Suspension Reasons Added:
3 new suspension reasons have
been added:
 NMD Reentry as 300
 NMD Reentry as 450
 NonMinor NRLG Reentry
These values cannot be selected
if client is under 18 yrs old.
Record the New Service
Component: Supportive Transition
Use these when reopening a closed case – to suspend the case during the time the NMD
was not in extended foster care. Start Date of the suspension is the date of the previous
case closure, End Date is date youth signs the SOC 163 requesting re-entry.
Central CA Training Academy
July 2012
A voluntary re-entry following dismissal of dependency is considered to be a New
Placement Episode. Create the New Placement as you would for any youth.
Here are the differences for NMD’s.
In the Placement Notebook, the Child Removal Page must be completed.
Removed From field does not
really apply to NMD’s re-entering
– choose ‘Unable to Identify’
since this field is mandatory.
Checking No
to Temp.
Custody will
disable the
Removed By
‘Voluntary Reentry’ has been added to
the list of Reasons for Removal . Use
this for youth re-entering the foster care
system after dependency had been
dismissed previously.
Choose appropriate Legal Authority:
NMD-WIC 300 / 450 / 602. The date should be
the date the NMD signed the Voluntary Reentry
Care Provider Relationship is YELLOW – none
fit: good choice might be – non relative non
Central CA Training Academy
July 2012
388(e) Petition to Re-Enter Foster Care
If a non-minor youth contacts the county with
jurisdiction to reinstate benefits through
Extended Foster Care, a 388(e) petition will be
filed to petition the court for resumption of
jurisdiction over the non-minor.
This new hearing type – 388(e) Reentry has
been added to CWS/CMS to facilitate this
The JV466 & JV468 petition forms can be found
in Green – Create New Case Document – under
CDSS, or in Pink -on the ID page of the hearing
– JV Doc’s : select CDSS section.
Placement/Placement Episode for Case Closure
Prior to closing a case for a NMD that is exiting care, the placement and
placement episode must be closed. You may be closing a case for a NMD that is
eligible for reentry, or for one that is not eligible due to age.
For NMD that is eligible to reenter, use:
 Child Refused Services
For NMD ineligible to reenter due to age, use:
 Other, and describe.
Placement Episode can be ended using:
 Age of Majority or
 Emancipation
Central CA Training Academy
July 2012
Terminating Jurisdiction and Closing Case
391 Termination of Jurisdiction:
As Non-minor dependents are legal adults, they can elect to exit Extended Foster
Care at any time, but must do so by requesting to have their dependency
terminated through the WIC 391 court hearing process. The 391 Termination of
Jurisdiction hearing may be held at any time a NMD over the age of 18 elects to
exit foster care or when the SW/PO recommends termination of the dependency
or transition jurisdiction because the NMD is not participating in TILP activities or
no longer living in an approved or licensed foster care facility.
In the Hearing Notebook, a new hearing type
of “391 Termination of Jurisdiction” has been
If youth exits foster care after age 18 and prior to reaching maximum age limit,
they have the option to re-enter foster care at a later date.
3 new case closure reasons have
been added:
 NMD Eligible for Reentry
 NRLG Eligible for Reentry
 Age Limit Exit
These values cannot be selected
if client is under 18 yrs old.
Use “Age Limit Exit” if the NMD is
exiting EFC for the last time due
to having reached age 20 (or 21 in
2014 if age limit is extended).
Case closure date is date of the
391 Termination of Jurisdiction
court order.
Central CA Training Academy
July 2012
Transition Jurisdiction – 450
Transition jurisdiction is a new status that allows older probation wards who have
met the rehabilitative goals set forth in their case plan and who meet certain
criteria to remain in foster care. Transition jurisdiction is for wards that are older
than 17 years, five months. Termination of the court’s delinquency jurisdiction
would normally happen after wards complete their formal probation. For eligible
wards, the court may continue juvenile court jurisdiction for purposes of
participation in EFC.
If the Probation CWS/CMS case has been closed, and EFC will be supervised by
the Child Welfare agency, a new case will need to be opened for documentation
purposes. If the Probation CWS/CMS case has been closed, and EFC will be
supervised by Probation – reopen Probation case – see page 13.
CREATING A New CASE Without a REFERRAL (Probation case
closed and EFC to be supervised by Child Welfare)
Search the CWS/CMS database for the child, parents, etc., to see if any of the clients exist
already in our database. If they exist already, you can attach them to tie history together.
Use the ‘Create New Case’ command to begin
the child’s case.
If you found a Match in your SEARCH: Select the child
that you want to create the case for.
If you did not find a match in your search, the select
dialogue box will be blank. Use the NEW button to
This box will appear, in order to continue, you must check YES.
Central CA Training Academy
July 2012
You will now be in a blank Client notebook if you
checked NEW. This notebook should be
completed with information about the Focus
Child – the NMD you are creating the case for.
If you found your client in the database, you
need to review the pages of the Client notebook
for accuracy.
Complete these pages with as much information
as you have.
Record your county’s state id number the the ID
Num page based on your county’s procedure.
Create or Attach additional clients as
On the ID page, complete the case name – this
is the name of the focus child - NMD, Last name,
then first name.
Enter the Start Date of the case – use the court
order date.
Intervention Reason must be selected. No good
fit here: maybe use Family Services.
Complete the ‘Status’ of the case – Court.
Select Supportive Transition on the Service
Component page.
Assign Primary assignment to worker.
Once the case has been created, record the appropriate placement
Central CA Training Academy
July 2012
Special Populations of NMD’s
Former foster youth in non-dependent NRLGs established in juvenile court are
eligible for extended state-only AFDC-FC payment benefits if they meet eligibility
requirements and at least one of the EFC participation criteria. The SOC 162 –
Mutual Agreement must be completed because there is no court order for
placement and care authority in these cases. The form is in CWS/CMS – under
the CDSS section.
Guardianships originally created in Probate Court are not eligible. A new value of
‘Probate NRLG’ has been added to the Legal Authority for Placement drop down
to distinguish between the two types. Counties are encouraged to review their
NRLG caseloads and update the value for Probate guardianships.
For those NMDs whose dependency cases are governed by the ICWA who also
meet the definition of an Indian Child, can decide whether or not they wish the
provisions of the ICWA to continue to apply to them after turning age 18. They
can elect to no longer be considered an Indian child.
Parenting NMD’s
For these NMDs who remain in EFC, the infant supplement is still available in all
placements, including the SILP and THP+FC placements. They have the option
to remain in or be placed in a whole family foster home. For more information see
ACL 06-04, and ACL 08-24.
NMD’s receiving SSI
Those NMDs receiving SSI are eligible to participate in EFC even if they receive
the SSI payment instead of AFDC-FC or a combination of both. See page 6 of
ACL 11-69 for more details.
Central CA Training Academy
July 2012
Foster Care and EFC Aid Codes:
The new EFC Over 18 Aid Codes have not been added to CWS/CMS. After
generating a SOC158A – the aid code must be updated to reflect appropriate
code. The codes are not yet available for selection on the youth’s ID Num Page
of the Client Notebook.
EFC Aid Code Description
Under Current Description
18 Aid
Aid to Families with Dependent
Children-Foster Care (AFDCFC) State: Covers children on
whose behalf financial
assistance is provided for state
only foster care placement.
EFC AFDC-FC Non-Federal:
Covers non-minor dependents,
age 18 but under age 21, under
AB 12 on whose behalf financial
assistance is provided for state
only foster care placement.
AFDC-FC Federal: Covers
children on whose behalf
financial assistance is provided
for federal foster care
Adoption Assistance Program
(AAP) Federal: A cash grant
program to facilitate the
adoption of hard-to-place
children under age 18 and those
up to age 21 based on a
disability who would require
permanent foster care
placement without such
Kinship Guardianship
Assistance Payment
(Kin-GAP) Program Federal:
Serves former and current foster
youth by moving them from
foster care placements to more
permanent placement options
through the establishment of a
relative guardianship.
EFC AFDC-FC Federal: Covers
non-minor dependents, age 18
but under age 21, under AB 12
on whose behalf financial
assistance is provided for federal
foster care placement.
EFC AAP Federal: A cash grant
program to facilitate the ongoing
adoptive placement of hard-toplace non-minors, whose initial
AAP payment occurred on or
after age 16 and are over age 18
but under age 21, and
participating in one of five
conditions who would require
permanent foster care
placement without such
Kin-GAP Federal (Over 18):
Serves former and current foster
care non-minors over age 18 but
under age 21, by moving them
from foster care placements to
more permanent placement
options through the
establishment of a relative
guardianship that occurred on or
after age 16 and the youth is
participating in one of five
Central CA Training Academy
July 2012
Kin-GAP Cash Assistance:
Covers non-Title IV-E
Assistance for Needy Families
Maintenance of Effort countable
in the state program for children
in relative guardian placement
receiving cash assistance.
Covers non-minors age 18 but
under age 21, eligible for
extended Kin-GAP assistance
based on a disability.
Central CA Training Academy
July 2012
State California Work
Opportunity and Responsibility
to Kids (CalWORKs) NMD:
Provides full scope, no share of
cost Medi-Cal benefits and state
assistance payment to nonminor dependents over 18 but
under age 21 years of age; living
with an approved CalWORKs
relative who is not eligible for
Kin-GAP or foster care.
Kin-GAP Non-Federal (Over 18):
Covers non-minors age 18 but
under age 21, eligible for
extended Kin-GAP based on the
establishment of the
guardianship that occurred on or
after age 16 and youth is
participating in one of five