October 2010 When I first applied to SEE as a sophomore, I had no idea joining this organization was going to impact my college experience the way it did. I had to jump in head first to find out myself what SEE was all about, and that is why I am so excited that you have decided to apply to be a SEE Director. There is no way to fully describe what being a member of the SEE Executive Board is like. You learn the ins and outs of the professional world, but at the same time, plan amazing events, have tons of fun and make a lot of good friends. There are twenty-two Director positions, so if you are questioning whether SEE will have something for you look no further than the position descriptions below! While filling out this application please remember that your answers will have significant influence on our final decisions. The many qualified applicants who apply for these positions truly make the decision making process difficult for us. Please treat this application as any other professional job application. All the information requested should be included, and make sure you note the deadline. No length requirements are given, but it is possible to be passed over for a position because another candidate clearly put more time and thought into their application. If chosen as a SEE Director, you will serve a three-semester term from Spring 2011 through Spring 2012. Directors must attend weekly SEE Executive Board meetings on Thursdays at 5 pm, participate in “all hands on deck” events, hold five office hours a week, and attend a SEE retreat once a semester. SEE Directors must also maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA. As you know, SEE is an organization in the entertainment industry, so working nights and weekends should be expected. We have scheduled two Director Interest Meetings to assist you as you go through the application process. The meetings will be on October 18th and 19th in the SEE office at 7 p.m. If you have any questions about the application or would like to talk to a SEE Director about their experience with SEE, you should definitely attend one of the two meetings! If you have any questions about the application or the process in general, please contact me at SEEPresident@umd.edu. Thanks and good luck! Laura Brant SEE President 2010-2011 Application for New Directors For academic year 2011-2012 (Mandatory apprenticeship Spring 2011) Director applications are due on Friday, November 5, 2010 by 4:00 p.m. to the Student Entertainment Events Office, 0221 Stamp Student Union. Please remember to sign up for an interview time when you submit your application. If you have any questions, please email Laura Brant at SEEPresident@umd.edu. Personal Information Name: __________________________________________________ UID#: __________________________ (First) (Last) Local Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Email:___________________________________________ (umd.edu accounts only) Academic Information Major: _________________________________________________________________________________ Class Year: ___________________ Expected Graduation Date: 20 ___ ___ T-Shirt Size: ________ Cumulative GPA: _______________ (minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA is required) Availability How many times a day are you able to access your email? ________________________________________ How many hours a day can you be contacted by phone/text? ______________________________________ SEE Director Positions Number in order of preference the Director position(s) you would like to apply for. You may apply for multiple positions. Director descriptions are at the end of this application. Advertising Cinema Comedy Communication Systems (Webmaster) Concerts Co-Sponsorship Hospitality Lectures Marketing Membership Musical Arts Office Manager Performing Arts Public Relations Research Security Special Events ___ Technical Venue VP Finance Please consider me for ALL positions. Please consider me for ONLY the positions I am interested in. Statement of Understanding In general, being a SEE Director requires a commitment of approximately ten hours per week. Failure to fulfill the position responsibilities listed in this application may result in the organization taking progressive action to remedy the inability to meet expectations, including verbal warnings, written warnings, and probation, and at the extreme, dismissal. My signature below verifies that the information provided here is true and that I have read, understand, and intend to adhere to the Director responsibilities laid out in this application. Signature Date Involvement History: Please list any involvement in extra-curricular activities from the past 2 years (including employment and internships), dates, and titles for each as well as current time commitments. Please print and attach extra forms if necessary. Activity Title Dates # dedicated hours per week Anticipated Involvement: Please list any involvement in academic and extra-curricular activities (including employment and internships), dates, and titles that you may be involved with from Spring 2011 to the end of Spring 2012. Please attach extra forms if necessary. Activity Title Dates # dedicated hours per week On a separate sheet of paper, please answer questions 1 through 6 as well as those questions to the position(s) for which you are applying, if applicable. All answers MUST be typed. Application Questions 1. How would you describe what SEE is and what SEE does for the UMD campus community to a potential student? 2. Why do you want to be a Director in SEE? How do you hope to grow as part of the organization? 3. What qualities or experiences do you have that would be an asset to the position(s) that you are applying for and SEE as a whole? 4. What would you like to accomplish in the position(s) for which you are applying? Please answer for each position. *If you applying for a programming position (Cinema, Comedy, Concerts, Lectures, Musical Arts, Performing Arts, Special Events), please also describe your vision for what you would do in the position including potential events, possible co-sponsors, and other creative ideas you may have. 5. Tell us about an achievement or involvement with a campus or high school organization that you are proud of. 6. What else would you like us to know about you (i.e. strengths and weaknesses in relation to your potential position, fun facts, etc.)? Additional Position-Specific Questions (Answer only if applicable) Advertising Director Please list design software you are familiar with and your level of proficiency with each one. Please also attach 3 samples of your work to the application or email them to Damien Franze at dfranze@umd.edu. Communication Systems Director (Webmaster) Please submit the URL of a webpage you designed AND/OR please create a mock webpage for SEE. Co-Sponsorship Director Please list and explain two ways you will make SEE Review Board a well-known, approachable resource to student groups. Marketing Director Please list and explain 2 innovative marketing strategies/ideas you believe will help SEE. Membership Director Please list and explain two ways you will recruit and include the campus community in SEE. Public Relations Director Please submit a mock Press Release for one of the following fictitious campus events: Chelsea Handler comedy show, Michael Phelps lecture, or Lady Gaga concert. You may invent any event details (time, place, etc.) that will help you best complete the release. Examples may be found at www.see.umd.edu/pressreleases.php. Research Director Please list and explain two ways you will use the research position to help directors plan diverse events. VP of Finance Please list and explain two ways you will reach out to and engage cosponsors both on and off campus. Listed are the general position descriptions for the SEE Executive Board. Please note the position descriptions are subject to change. Advertising Director: The Advertising Director is responsible for creating all promotional print material for each event such as advertisements, flyers, and posters. The director not only designs the ads but also places the orders. The Advertising Director is also responsible for researching and developing new advertising formats. The Advertising Director sits on the promotions team and is required to attend weekly promotion meetings. Co-Sponsorship Director: The Co-Sponsorship Director is responsible for acting as a liaison between the SEE Review Board and the SEE Executive Board. The Co-Sponsorship Director chairs the SEE Review Board and organizes, facilitates, and runs the SEE Review Board meetings. In addition, the Co-Sponsorship Director actively seeks to develop relationships between SEE and other student groups at the university. Comedy Director: The Comedy Director is responsible for the coordination and programming of comedy events, including an annual homecoming comedy show. He or she will strive to program diverse comedy events for the campus community. He or she will provide comedy proposals to the SEE Executive Board. Additionally he or she will work in conjunction with the SEE production and promotions teams for each event. Comedy Director is also responsible for supervising any Program Committees assigned to him or her. Communication Systems Director: The Communication Systems Director is responsible for all technology used to communicate with SEE members and constituents. He or she is responsible for sending out emails to the SEE listserv to update the campus on SEE events. He or she is also accountable for the content of the SEE Web site including its accuracy, timeliness and usefulness. The Communication Systems Director is also in charge of the video camera and all things that pertain to its use and upkeep. The Communication Systems Director sits on the promotions team and is required to attend weekly promotion meetings. Concerts Director: The Concert Director is responsible for overall coordination, conceptualization, programming, and management of large-scale musical events reaching a wide range of musical tastes including the annual Art Attack concert. He or she will provide concert proposals to the SEE Executive Board. Additionally he or she will work in conjunction with the SEE production and promotions teams for each event. The Concert Director is also responsible for supervising any Program Committees assigned to him or her. Cinema Director: The Cinema Director is responsible for coordinating a diverse range of film showings and film related events including offerings in the Hoff Theater of the Stamp Student Union. This includes a movie every Sunday night for free. Also, he or she is responsible for the planning and execution of the annual Oscar party, an event that screens the Oscars live in the Union. The Cinema Director is also responsible for supervising any Programming Committees assigned to him or her. Hospitality: The Hospitality Director coordinates hospitality needs for all SEE events including event staff and performer needs. This means that he or she fulfills the requests of the artist as stipulated in the rider as well as feeds the directors and teams while they work. The Hospitality Director is also responsible for the overall atmosphere of the greenroom setting. Additionally, the Hospitality Director is a member of the SEE production team and must attend a weekly production meeting. This person must be extremely organized and detail oriented. Lectures Director: The Lectures Director is responsible for the coordination and programming of lectures and speakeroriented events on campus. He or she will provide lecture proposals to the SEE Executive Board. Additionally he or she will work in conjunction with the SEE production and promotions teams for each event. The Lectures Director is also responsible for supervising any Program Committees assigned to him or her. Office Managers: Duties include managing the daily transactions of SEE including all processing of University of Maryland paperwork and basic secretarial duties. Additionally, the office managers take minutes at the SEE Executive Board meetings every Thursday, at 5:00 p.m. Marketing Director: The Marketing Director is responsible for the development of marketing strategies for each SEE event. He or she is also responsible for deciding the distribution techniques for any SEE promotional materials. The Marketing Director is responsible for supervising the Marketing Team as well as being a member of the SEE promotions team and attending a weekly promotions meeting. Membership Director: The Membership Director is responsible for coordinating and recruiting new members to SEE. This includes coordinating monthly General Body meetings. The Membership Director helps members of the SEE Executive Board to effectively supervise the committees and teams for which they are responsible. The Membership Director will further be responsible for coordinating an end-of-the-year banquet. Musical Arts Director: The Musical Arts Director is responsible for the coordination of small scale musical events. The Musical Arts Director will provide diverse musical experiences primarily in the Stamp Student Union. He or she will provide concert proposals to the SEE Executive Board. Additionally he or she will work in conjunction with the SEE production and promotions teams for each event. The musical arts director will also be responsible for supervising any Program Committees assigned to him or her. Performing Arts Director: The Performing Arts Director is responsible for programming live performances that range from theatre to dance to poetry with an emphasis on events not covered under the concert, lecture, or comedy areas. He or she will also strive to provide a wide variety of enriching cultural opportunities in the Stamp Student Union. The Performing Arts Director is also responsible for supervising any Program Committees assigned to him or her. The Performing Arts Director is jointly responsible, along with the Special Events Director, for the organization, coordination, and management of Art Attack day events. Public Relations Director: The Public Relations Director is responsible for coordinating all written and verbal communication between SEE and the general public especially through news and media outlets. His or her responsibilities include writing press releases, updating an event hotline as well as any other information outlets. The Public Relations Director will be the sole SEE contact for mass media outlets. He or she is a member of the SEE promotions team and must attend a weekly promotions meeting. Research Director: The Research Director is responsible for all research conducted for SEE throughout the year. This includes but is not limited to, at his or her discretion, conducting the annual Art Attack research survey. He or she coordinates with other members of the SEE Executive Board to assure that meaningful and productive research is completed and used in decision making. In addition, the Research Director acts as a historian, which includes, but is not limited to, ensuring that a scrapbook of past events is up to date. The Research Director is responsible for supervising any committees assigned to him or her. Security Director: The Security Director coordinates security needs for all SEE events. The Security Director contracts police and police aides. In addition, the Security Director trains and coordinates the Security Team to provide security for various SEE programs. The Security Director is responsible for the safety of all SEE staff, performers, and audience members at all SEE events. Also, the Security director is a member of the SEE production team and must attend a weekly production meeting. This person must be extremely organized and detail oriented. Special Events Director: The Special Events Director is responsible for all non-musical and non-performing events. In addition, he or she will coordinate SEE contributions to Maryland Day, New Resident Orientation programming, and community building events in the Stamp Student Union, such as Mango Mondays, a free-giveaway event. The Special Events Director is also responsible for supervising any Program Committees assigned to him or her. The Special Events Director is jointly responsible, along with the Performing Arts Director, for the organization, coordination, and management of Art Attack day events. This person must be extremely organized and detail oriented. Technical Director: The Technical Director coordinates all technical and mechanical aspects of SEE events (lights, sounds, etc.) and manages the Technical Team. The Technical Director will organize and schedule crews for all events. In addition the Technical Director will communicate with the Stamp Student Union A/V Department and outside contractors. The Technical Director must follow University of Maryland policy to conduct a bidding process for selecting outside contractors. The Tech Director is a member of the SEE production team and must attend a weekly production meeting. This person must be extremely organized and detail oriented. Venue Director: The Venue Director is responsible for coordinating the venue needs of all SEE events including venue reservation and accommodations during the event. He or she is responsible to make sure all facilities required for the event are appropriately provided. The Venue Director will work with campus facilities, reservations, Department of Transportation Services, Hoff Ticket Office, University Concessions, and off-campus contractors to meet event needs. He or she also works in conjunction with the event programmer to figure out the layout of a room for each event. Additionally, he or she is a member of the SEE production team and must attend a weekly production meeting. This person must be extremely organized and detail oriented. Vice President of Finance: The VP of Finance is responsible for supervising all financial and budgeting activities relating to all branches of SEE. He or she works with the President and the Program Coordinator to develop financial policy proposals. He or she is responsible for developing corporate sponsorships and writing the contracts for events and sponsors that want to come on to campus. This person needs to be extremely organized and detail oriented.