DRAFT OF DELFT WORKSHOP PROGRAMME Tuesday 23 September, 2003 08.30-9.00 Registration 09.00-9.30 Opening Remarks: J.Pietrzak, E.DeLeersnijder, J.Schroeter Session: Finite Element/Finite Volume Models Chair: P. Myers 09.30-10.00 Invited Lecture M. Iskandarani or D. Haidvogel (?) B.J.Choi, M.Iskandarani, D.B.Haidovgel and J.Levin. A Spectral Finite Volume Method for the Shallow Water Equations 10.00-10.30 Invited Lecture V.Casulli and P.Zanolli, University of Trento High Resolution for Multidimensional Advection Diffusion Problems in Free-Surface Hydrodynamics 10.30-11.30 Coffee Break + Posters 11.30-12.00 Invited Lecture: A.Baptista and J.Zang, OGI School of Science & Engineering A recent FV/FD unstructured grid 3D baroclinic model and its application to a complex river-dominated estuary and plume. 12.00-12.30 Invited Lecture D.Greenberg, Bedford Institute of Oceanography Nearshore Finite-Element Circulation Modelling in the Bay of Fundy. 12.30-12.45 S.Sigurdsson, University of Iceland A New Finite element coastal ocean model. 12.45-14.00 Lunch 1 Session: Fully 3D Unstructured Chair: A.Baptista 14.00–14.30 Invited Speaker C.Pain, Imperial College London Fully 3D unstructured mesh ocean modeling 14.30-14.45 R.J. Labeur and J.Pietrzak, Delft University of Technology Non-hydrostatic internal wave generation in a new fully three-dimensional finite element model Session: Finite Element/Finite Volume Models Continued Chair: C.A. Blain 14.45-15.00 O.Petersen, Danish Hydraulic Institute, Modelling of coastal flows using unstructured meshes 15.00-15.15 J.Backhaus, University of Hamburg(?) Presentation of new VOM model? 15.15-15.30 D.Ham, J.Pietrzak and G.Stelling, Delft University of Technology A scalable unstructured finite volume model for the three-dimensional shallow water equations 15.30-16.00 Coffee Break 16.00-17.00 Discussion Finite Element/Finite Volume Chair E. DeLeersnijder and M.Iskandarani or D.Haidvogel (?) Reception 18.00-19.00 Town Hall 2 Wednesday 24 September, 2003 Session: Finite Element/Finite Volume Models Continued Chair: D.Haidvogel/M.Iskandarani 8.30-9.00 Invited lecture V.Legat, Université Catholique de Louvain, Finite Elements in Oceanography 9.00-9.30 Invited lecture S.Danilov, G.Kivman, J.Schroeter, Alfred Wegener Inst. Fine resolution version of FEOM for the North Atlantic. 9.30-9.45 G.Stelling and S.Kramer, Delft University of Technology On cut-cell techniques for river networks and coastal oceans 9.45-10.00 F.Lyard 10.00-10.30 Discussion: Stabilisation Chair: V.Legat and R.J.Labeur 10.30 – 11.00 Coffee Break Session: Advection Schemes Chair: V.Casulli 11.00-11.15 Discussion: Publication in Ocean Modelling Procedures/Deadlines EU joint project/other joint initiatives 11.15-11.30 E.Hanert and D.LeRoux, Université Catholique de Louvain. A comparison between an Eulerian and a semiLagrangian finite-element shallow-water ocean model. 11.30-11.45 P. Wilders, Delft University of Technology Monotonicity, using a differentiable limiter, for advection using flexible unstructured finite volume 3 11.45-12.00 N. Kliem, Danish Meteorological Institute. A transport corrected finite element advection scheme 12.00-12.15 P. Budgell, Institute of Marine Research, Bergen. Ocean modeling with unstructured triangular grids: Advection schemes. 12.15-13.15 Discussion Advection Schemes Chair: G.Stelling and S.Danilov Afternoon free Information on Delft/The Hague to be put on web-site; The Hague is accessible by public transport. Dinner 19.00-22.00 Restaurant to be arranged cost about 40 Euro per person (including wine) 4 Thursday 25 September, 2003 Session: Numerical Issues Chair: C.Pain 8.30-9.00 Invited D.LeRoux, Université Laval, Spurious modes in shallow-water finite-element ocean models. 9.00-9.30 Invited C.A.Blain, N.R.L, Stennis Space Center Comparing the Mass Conserving Properties of Continuous and Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Shallow Water Equation Models 9.30-9.45 S.Legrand, V.Legat and E.Deleersnijder. Mass conservation issues for unstructured ocean models. 9.45-10.00 M.Piggott, Imperial School of Science HR-adaptivity in ocean modeling 10.00-10.15 N. Rakowsky, Alfred-Wegener-Institute. Amatos: adaptive mesh generator for atmospheric and oceanic simulation. 10.15-10.30 S.Frickenhaus, Alfred-Wegener-Institute FoSSI: family of simplified solver interfaces for parallel sparse solvers in numerical atmosphere and ocean modeling. 10.30-11.00 Coffee Break Session: Data Assimilation Chair: J.Schroeter 11.00-11.15 F.Fangxin, Imperial College London, Data assimilation into a 2D adaptive mesh ocean model 11.15-11.30 P.Power, Imperial School of Science 5 Error norms for ocean modelling utilizing adjoint sensitivity techniques 11.30-11.45 D.Sidorenko, S.Danilov, G.Kivman and J.Schroeter, Alfred Wegener Institute Inverse Finite Element model for the large scale ocean circulation. 11.45-12.00 M.R.Della Rocca, A.Fortunato, University of Salerno. Satellite data assimilation in wave models for nearshore wave predictions. 12.00-13.00 Discussion: Grid generators, solvers, UGML data transfer Chair: D.Ham and S.Legrand 13.00-14.00 Lunch Session: Regional modeling: Chair: D.Greenberg 14.00-14.30 Invited speaker J.Westerink, University of Notre Dame. Hurricane storm surge simulation using a large domain finite element model in Southern Louisiana. 14.30-15.00 Invited Lecture M.Iskandarani or D.Haidvogel (?) A Spectral Finite Volume Method for the Shallow Water Equations 15.00-15.15 F.Naifar and P.Wilders, Delft University of Technology Application of a flexible unstructured finite volume implicit solver for 2DH modelling of Rhine pollution in the Dutch coastal area. 15.15-15.30 P.Myers, University of Alberta A Study of North Atlantic Transport Variability (1945-1996) Using a Simple Finite Element Model 6 15.30-16.00 Coffee break 16.00-16.15 P. Hall, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Examining mixing in lateral boundary layers using irregular grid models. 16.15-16.30 S. Harig and J.Schroeter, Alfred Wegener Inst. Modelling dense water overflow with a Finite Element Ocean Model (FEOM). 16.30-17.30 Discussion (with snacks/beverages) Physical processes Chair P. Hall Closing Remarks/Remaining general topics: Chair E.Deleersnijder/J.Pietrzak/J.Schroeter Posters A.Safray and G.Kivman, P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Some experiments with open-boundary conditions for a finite element ocean model. A.Kurapov and G.Kivman, Alfred Wegener Inst. Assimilating data into a finite element tidal model for the Barents Sea. J.Pietrzak, D.Ham and G.Stelling, Delft University of Technology A new unstructured grid finite volume coastal ocean model S.Kramer and G.Stelling, Delft University of Technology Modelling of river inundations using cut-cell grids and streamline based advection N. Kliem, F. Dupont and S.J. Prinsenberg. Bedford Institute of Oceanography Numerical simulations of the circulation in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. 7 Charles Hannah, David Greenberg, Shawn Oakey, Frederic Dupont and Jason Chaffey. . Bedford Institute of Oceanography WebTide and WebDrogue: Open source tidal predictions and trajectory modelling. Charles Hannah, Frederic Dupont and David Greenberg, Bedford Institute of Oceanography Modelling the Bay of Fundy. 8