ACADEMIA Laurea degree in Geology (cum laude), Università di Roma “La Sapienza” (1995) PhD in Earth Sciences, Università di Roma “La Sapienza” (1999) Contract Professor for Diploma Universitario, Università di Camerino (1999-2000) Marie Curie Individual Postdoctoral fellowship, University of Munich LMU (2002-2004) Researcher, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - INGV (2002-presente) SERVICES Scientist-in-charge, Analog Modeling Lab @INGV-Roma1 Scientist-in-charge, Linea di Attività V3 @INGV-Roma1 Guest Editor, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Guest Editor, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Associate Editor, Bulletin of Volcanology Co-Supervisor of several MSc and PhD students PUBLICATION METRIX (ISI WEB OF SCIENCE) 55 publications, 1068 citations, 19.42 average citations for publication, 19 h-index 20 pubblicazioni più rilevanti 1. Taddeucci, J; Edmonds, M; Houghton, B; James, MR; Vergniolle, S 2015 Hawaiian and Strombolian Eruptions In: Sigurdsson, H, Houghton, B, Rymer, H, Stix, J, McNutt, S (Eds), The Encyclopedia of Volcanoes, pp 485– 503 2. Taddeucci, J; Alatorre-Ibarguengoitia, MA; Palladino, DM; Scarlato, P; Camaldo, C (2015) High-speed imaging of Strombolian eruptions: Gas-pyroclast dynamics in initial volcanic jets Geophys Res Lett 42 6253–6260 doi :101002/2015GL064874 3. Del Bello, E; Taddeucci, J; Scarlato, P; Giacalone, E; Cesaroni, C 2015 Experimental investigation of the aggregationdisaggregation of colliding volcanic ash particles in turbulent, low-humidity suspensions Geophys Res Lett 42 1068-1075 doi:101002/2014GL062292 4. Gaudin, D; Taddeucci, J; Scarlato, P; Moroni, M; Freda, C; Gaeta, M; Palladino, DM 2014 Pyroclast Tracking Velocimetry illuminates bomb ejection and explosion dynamics at Stromboli (Italy) and Yasur (Vanuatu) volcanoes J Geophys Res 119 53845397 doi:101002/2014JB011096 5. Taddeucci, J; Sesterhenn, J; Scarlato, P; Stampka, K; Del Bello, E; Fernandez, JJP; Gaudin, D 2014 High-speed imaging, acoustic features, and aeroacoustic computations of jet noise from Strombolian (and Vulcanian) explosions Geophys Res Lett 41 3096-3102 doi:101002/2014GL059925 6. Taddeucci, J; Palladino, DM; Sottili, G; Bernini, D; Andronico, D; Cristaldi, A 2013 Linked frequency and intensity of persistent volcanic activity at Stromboli (Italy) Geophys Res Lett 40 3384-3388 doi:101002/grl50652 __________________________ Jacopo Taddeucci Pagina 1 di 2 7. Taddeucci, J; Valentine, GA; Sonder, I; White, JDL; Ross, P-S; Scarlato, P 2013 The effect of pre-existing craters on the initial development of explosive volcanic eruptions: An experimental investigation Geophys Res Lett 40 507-510 doi:101002/grl50176 8. Taddeucci, J; Alatorre-Ibarguengoitia, MA; Moroni, M; Tornetta, L; Capponi, A; Scarlato, P; Dingwell, DB; De Rita, D 2012 Physical parameterization of Strombolian eruptions via experimentally-validated modeling of high-speed observations Geophys Res Lett 39 l16306 doi:101029/2012GL052772 9. Taddeucci, J; Scarlato, P; Capponi, A; Del Bello, E; Cimarelli, C; Palladino, DM; Kueppers, U 2012 High-speed imaging of Strombolian explosions: The ejection velocity of pyroclasts Geophys Res Lett 39 L02301 doi:101029/2011GL050404 10. Taddeucci, J; Scarlato, P; Montanaro, C; Cimarelli, C; Del Bello, E; Freda, C; Andronico, D; Gudmundsson, MT; Dingwell, DB 2011 Aggregation-dominated ash settling from the Eyjafjallajokull volcanic cloud illuminated by field and laboratory high-speed imaging GEOLOGY 39 891-894 doi:101130/G320161 11. Nielsen, S; Taddeucci, J; Vinciguerra, S 2010 Experimental observation of stick-slip instability fronts Geophys J Int 180 697-702 doi:101111/j1365-246X200904444x 12. Taddeucci, J; Sottili, G; Palladino, DM; Ventura, G; Scarlato, P 2010 A note on maar eruption energetics: current models and their application Bull Volcanol 72 75-83 doi:101007/s00445-009-0298-2 13. Sagnotti, L; Taddeucci, J; Winkler, A; Cavallo, A 2009 Compositional, morphological, and hysteresis characterization of magnetic airborne particulate matter in Rome, Italy Geochem Geophy Geosy 10 Q08Z06 doi:101029/2009GC002563 14. Taddeucci, J; Spieler, O; Ichihara, M; Dingwell, DB; Scarlato, P 2006 Flow and fracturing of viscoelastic media under diffusiondriven bubble growth: An analogue experiment for eruptive volcanic conduits Earth Planet Sci Lett 243 771-785 doi:101016/jepsi200601011 15. Taddeucci, J; Pompilio, M; Scarlato, P 2004 Conduit processes during the July-August 2001 explosive activity of Mt Etna (Italy): inferences from glass chemistry and crystal size distribution of ash particles J Volcanol Geotherm Res 137 33-54 doi:101016/jjvolgeores200405011 16. Marra, F; Taddeucci, J; Freda, C; Marzocchi, W; Scarlato, P 2004 Recurrence of volcanic activity along the Roman Comagmatic Province (Tyrrhenian margin of Italy) and its tectonic significance Tectonics 23 TC4013 doi:101029/2003TC001600 17. Taddeucci, J; Spieler, O; Kennedy, B; Pompilio, M; Dingwell, DB; Scarlato, P 2004 Experimental and analytical modeling of basaltic ash explosions at Mount Etna, Italy, 2001 J J Geophys Res 109 B08203 doi:101029/2003JB002952 18. Taddeucci, J; Palladino, DM 2002 Particle size-density relationships in pyroclastic deposits: inferences for emplacement processes Bull Volcanol 64 273-284 doi:101007/s00445-002-0205-6 19. Taddeucci, J; Pompilio, M; Scarlato, P 2002 Monitoring the explosive activity of the July-August 2001 eruption of Mt Etna (Italy) by ash characterization Geophys Res Lett 29 1230 doi:101029/2001GL014372 20. Taddeucci, J; Wohletz, KH 2001 Temporal evolution of the Minoan eruption (Santorini, Greece), as recorded by its Plinian fall deposit and interlayered ash flow beds J Volcanol Geotherm Res 109 299-317 doi:101016/S0377-0273(01)00197-4 __________________________ Jacopo Taddeucci Pagina 2 di 2